
1263 lines
43 KiB

using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using KeraLua;
using NLua.Event;
using NLua.Method;
using NLua.Exceptions;
using NLua.Extensions;
#if __IOS__ || __TVOS__ || __WATCHOS__
using ObjCRuntime;
using LuaState = KeraLua.Lua;
using LuaNativeFunction = KeraLua.LuaFunction;
namespace NLua
public class Lua : IDisposable
#region lua debug functions
/// <summary>
/// Event that is raised when an exception occures during a hook call.
/// </summary>
public event EventHandler<HookExceptionEventArgs> HookException;
/// <summary>
/// Event when lua hook callback is called
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Is only raised if SetDebugHook is called before.
/// </remarks>
public event EventHandler<DebugHookEventArgs> DebugHook;
/// <summary>
/// lua hook calback delegate
/// </summary>
private LuaHookFunction _hookCallback;
#region Globals auto-complete
private readonly List<string> _globals = new List<string>();
private bool _globalsSorted;
private LuaState _luaState;
/// <summary>
/// True while a script is being executed
/// </summary>
public bool IsExecuting => _executing;
public LuaState State => _luaState;
private ObjectTranslator _translator;
/// <summary>
/// Used to ensure multiple .net threads all get serialized by this single lock for access to the lua stack/objects
/// </summary>
//private object luaLock = new object();
private bool _StatePassed;
private bool _executing;
// The commented code bellow is the initLua, the code assigned here is minified for size/performance reasons.
private const string InitLuanet = @"local a={}local rawget=rawget;local b=luanet.import_type;local c=luanet.load_assembly;luanet.error,luanet.type=error,type;function a:__index(d)local e=rawget(self,'.fqn')e=(e and e..'.'or'')..d;local f=rawget(luanet,d)or b(e)if f==nil then pcall(c,e)f={['.fqn']=e}setmetatable(f,a)end;rawset(self,d,f)return f end;function a:__call(...)error('No such type: '..rawget(self,'.fqn'),2)end;luanet['.fqn']=false;setmetatable(luanet,a)luanet.load_assembly('mscorlib')";
//@"local metatable = {}
// local rawget = rawget
// local import_type = luanet.import_type
// local load_assembly = luanet.load_assembly
// luanet.error, luanet.type = error, type
// -- Lookup a .NET identifier component.
// function metatable:__index(key) -- key is e.g. 'Form'
// -- Get the fully-qualified name, e.g. 'System.Windows.Forms.Form'
// local fqn = rawget(self,'.fqn')
// fqn = ((fqn and fqn .. '.') or '') .. key
// -- Try to find either a luanet function or a CLR type
// local obj = rawget(luanet,key) or import_type(fqn)
// -- If key is neither a luanet function or a CLR type, then it is simply
// -- an identifier component.
// if obj == nil then
// -- It might be an assembly, so we load it too.
// pcall(load_assembly,fqn)
// obj = { ['.fqn'] = fqn }
// setmetatable(obj, metatable)
// end
// -- Cache this lookup
// rawset(self, key, obj)
// return obj
// end
// -- A non-type has been called; e.g. foo = System.Foo()
// function metatable:__call(...)
// error('No such type: ' .. rawget(self,'.fqn'), 2)
// end
// -- This is the root of the .NET namespace
// luanet['.fqn'] = false
// setmetatable(luanet, metatable)
// -- Preload the mscorlib assembly
// luanet.load_assembly('mscorlib')";
private const string ClrPackage = @"if not luanet then require'luanet'end;local a,b=luanet.import_type,luanet.load_assembly;local c={__index=function(d,e)local f=rawget(d,e)if f==nil then f=a(d.packageName.."".""..e)if f==nil then f=a(e)end;d[e]=f end;return f end}function luanet.namespace(g)if type(g)=='table'then local h={}for i=1,#g do h[i]=luanet.namespace(g[i])end;return unpack(h)end;local j={packageName=g}setmetatable(j,c)return j end;local k,l;local function m()l={}k={__index=function(n,e)for i,d in ipairs(l)do local f=d[e]if f then _G[e]=f;return f end end end}setmetatable(_G,k)end;function CLRPackage(o,p)p=p or o;local q=pcall(b,o)return luanet.namespace(p)end;function import(o,p)if not k then m()end;if not p then local i=o:find('%.dll$')if i then p=o:sub(1,i-1)else p=o end end;local j=CLRPackage(o,p)table.insert(l,j)return j end;function luanet.make_array(r,s)local t=r[#s]for i,u in ipairs(s)do t:SetValue(u,i-1)end;return t end;function luanet.each(v)local w=v:GetEnumerator()return function()if w:MoveNext()then return w.Current end end end";
//--- This lua module provides auto importing of .net classes into a named package.
//--- Makes for super easy use of LuaInterface glue
//--- example:
//--- Threading = CLRPackage(""System"", ""System.Threading"")
//--- Threading.Thread.Sleep(100)
//--- Extensions:
//--- import() is a version of CLRPackage() which puts the package into a list which is used by a global __index lookup,
//--- and thus works rather like C#'s using statement. It also recognizes the case where one is importing a local
//--- assembly, which must end with an explicit .dll extension.
//--- Alternatively, luanet.namespace can be used for convenience without polluting the global namespace:
//--- local sys,sysi = luanet.namespace {'System','System.IO'}
//-- sys.Console.WriteLine(""we are at {0}"",sysi.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory())
//-- LuaInterface hosted with stock Lua interpreter will need to explicitly require this...
//if not luanet then require 'luanet' end
//local import_type, load_assembly = luanet.import_type, luanet.load_assembly
//local mt = {
// --- Lookup a previously unfound class and add it to our table
// __index = function(package, classname)
// local class = rawget(package, classname)
// if class == nil then
// class = import_type(package.packageName .. ""."" .. classname)
// if class == nil then class = import_type(classname) end
// package[classname] = class -- keep what we found around, so it will be shared
// end
// return class
// end
//function luanet.namespace(ns)
// if type(ns) == 'table' then
// local res = {}
// for i = 1,#ns do
// res[i] = luanet.namespace(ns[i])
// end
// return unpack(res)
// end
// -- FIXME - table.packageName could instead be a private index (see Lua 13.4.4)
// local t = { packageName = ns }
// setmetatable(t,mt)
// return t
//local globalMT, packages
//local function set_global_mt()
// packages = {}
// globalMT = {
// __index = function(T,classname)
// for i,package in ipairs(packages) do
// local class = package[classname]
// if class then
// _G[classname] = class
// return class
// end
// end
// end
// }
// setmetatable(_G, globalMT)
//--- Create a new Package class
//function CLRPackage(assemblyName, packageName)
// -- a sensible default...
// packageName = packageName or assemblyName
// local ok = pcall(load_assembly,assemblyName) -- Make sure our assembly is loaded
// return luanet.namespace(packageName)
//function import (assemblyName, packageName)
// if not globalMT then
// set_global_mt()
// end
// if not packageName then
// local i = assemblyName:find('%.dll$')
// if i then packageName = assemblyName:sub(1,i-1)
// else packageName = assemblyName end
// end
// local t = CLRPackage(assemblyName,packageName)
// table.insert(packages,t)
// return t
//function luanet.make_array (tp,tbl)
// local arr = tp[#tbl]
// for i,v in ipairs(tbl) do
// arr:SetValue(v,i-1)
// end
// return arr
//function luanet.each(o)
// local e = o:GetEnumerator()
// return function()
// if e:MoveNext() then
// return e.Current
// end
// end
public bool UseTraceback { get; set; } = false;
/// <summary>
/// The maximum number of recursive steps to take when adding global reference variables. Defaults to 2.
/// </summary>
public int MaximumRecursion { get; set; } = 2;
#region Globals auto-complete
/// <summary>
/// An alphabetically sorted list of all globals (objects, methods, etc.) externally added to this Lua instance
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>Members of globals are also listed. The formatting is optimized for text input auto-completion.</remarks>
public IEnumerable<string> Globals {
// Only sort list when necessary
if (!_globalsSorted)
_globalsSorted = true;
return _globals;
public Lua()
_luaState = new LuaState();
// We need to keep this in a managed reference so the delegate doesn't get garbage collected
* CAUTION: NLua.Lua instances can't share the same lua state!
public Lua(LuaState luaState)
if (luaState.ToBoolean(-1))
throw new LuaException("There is already a NLua.Lua instance associated with this Lua state");
_luaState = luaState;
_StatePassed = true;
void Init()
if (_StatePassed == false)
_translator = new ObjectTranslator(this, _luaState);
ObjectTranslatorPool.Instance.Add(_luaState, _translator);
public void Close()
if (_StatePassed || _luaState == null)
_luaState = null;
#if __IOS__ || __TVOS__ || __WATCHOS__
static int PanicCallback(IntPtr state)
var luaState = LuaState.FromIntPtr(state);
string reason = string.Format("Unprotected error in call to Lua API ({0})", luaState.ToString(-1, false));
throw new LuaException(reason);
/// <summary>
/// Assuming we have a Lua error string sitting on the stack, throw a C# exception out to the user's app
/// </summary>
/// <exception cref = "LuaScriptException">Thrown if the script caused an exception</exception>
private void ThrowExceptionFromError(int oldTop)
object err = _translator.GetObject(_luaState, -1);
// A pre-wrapped exception - just rethrow it (stack trace of InnerException will be preserved)
var luaEx = err as LuaScriptException;
if (luaEx != null)
throw luaEx;
// A non-wrapped Lua error (best interpreted as a string) - wrap it and throw it
if (err == null)
err = "Unknown Lua Error";
throw new LuaScriptException(err.ToString(), string.Empty);
/// <summary>
/// Push a debug.traceback reference onto the stack, for a pcall function to use as error handler. (Remember to increment any top-of-stack markers!)
/// </summary>
private static int PushDebugTraceback(LuaState luaState, int argCount)
luaState.GetField(-1, "traceback");
int errIndex = -argCount - 2;
return errIndex;
/// <summary>
/// <para>Return a debug.traceback() call result (a multi-line string, containing a full stack trace, including C calls.</para>
/// <para>Note: it won't return anything unless the interpreter is in the middle of execution - that is, it only makes sense to call it from a method called from Lua, or during a coroutine yield.</para>
/// </summary>
public string GetDebugTraceback()
int oldTop = _luaState.GetTop();
_luaState.GetGlobal("debug"); // stack: debug
_luaState.GetField(-1, "traceback"); // stack: debug,traceback
_luaState.Remove(-2); // stack: traceback
_luaState.PCall(0, -1, 0);
return _translator.PopValues(_luaState, oldTop)[0] as string;
/// <summary>
/// Convert C# exceptions into Lua errors
/// </summary>
/// <returns>num of things on stack</returns>
/// <param name = "e">null for no pending exception</param>
internal int SetPendingException(Exception e)
var caughtExcept = e;
if (caughtExcept == null)
return 0;
_translator.ThrowError(_luaState, caughtExcept);
return 1;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name = "chunk"></param>
/// <param name = "name"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public LuaFunction LoadString(string chunk, string name)
int oldTop = _luaState.GetTop();
_executing = true;
if (_luaState.LoadString(chunk, name) != LuaStatus.OK)
_executing = false;
var result = _translator.GetFunction(_luaState, -1);
_translator.PopValues(_luaState, oldTop);
return result;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name = "chunk"></param>
/// <param name = "name"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public LuaFunction LoadString(byte[] chunk, string name)
int oldTop = _luaState.GetTop();
_executing = true;
if (_luaState.LoadBuffer(chunk, name) != LuaStatus.OK)
_executing = false;
var result = _translator.GetFunction(_luaState, -1);
_translator.PopValues(_luaState, oldTop);
return result;
/// <summary>
/// Load a File on, and return a LuaFunction to execute the file loaded (useful to see if the syntax of a file is ok)
/// </summary>
/// <param name = "fileName"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public LuaFunction LoadFile(string fileName)
int oldTop = _luaState.GetTop();
if (_luaState.LoadFile(fileName) != LuaStatus.OK)
var result = _translator.GetFunction(_luaState, -1);
_translator.PopValues(_luaState, oldTop);
return result;
/// <summary>
/// Executes a Lua chunk and returns all the chunk's return values in an array.
/// </summary>
/// <param name = "chunk">Chunk to execute</param>
/// <param name = "chunkName">Name to associate with the chunk. Defaults to "chunk".</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public object[] DoString(byte[] chunk, string chunkName = "chunk")
int oldTop = _luaState.GetTop();
_executing = true;
if (_luaState.LoadBuffer(chunk, chunkName) != LuaStatus.OK)
int errorFunctionIndex = 0;
if (UseTraceback)
errorFunctionIndex = PushDebugTraceback(_luaState, 0);
if (_luaState.PCall(0, -1, errorFunctionIndex) != LuaStatus.OK)
return _translator.PopValues(_luaState, oldTop);
_executing = false;
/// <summary>
/// Executes a Lua chunk and returns all the chunk's return values in an array.
/// </summary>
/// <param name = "chunk">Chunk to execute</param>
/// <param name = "chunkName">Name to associate with the chunk. Defaults to "chunk".</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public object[] DoString(string chunk, string chunkName = "chunk")
int oldTop = _luaState.GetTop();
_executing = true;
if (_luaState.LoadString(chunk, chunkName) != LuaStatus.OK)
int errorFunctionIndex = 0;
if (UseTraceback)
errorFunctionIndex = PushDebugTraceback(_luaState, 0);
if (_luaState.PCall(0, -1, errorFunctionIndex) != LuaStatus.OK)
return _translator.PopValues(_luaState, oldTop);
_executing = false;
* Executes a Lua file and returns all the chunk's return
* values in an array
public object[] DoFile(string fileName)
int oldTop = _luaState.GetTop();
if (_luaState.LoadFile(fileName) != LuaStatus.OK)
_executing = true;
int errorFunctionIndex = 0;
if (UseTraceback)
errorFunctionIndex = PushDebugTraceback(_luaState, 0);
if (_luaState.PCall(0, -1, errorFunctionIndex) != LuaStatus.OK)
return _translator.PopValues(_luaState, oldTop);
_executing = false;
public object GetObjectFromPath(string fullPath)
int oldTop = _luaState.GetTop();
string[] path = FullPathToArray(fullPath);
object returnValue = _translator.GetObject(_luaState, -1);
if (path.Length > 1)
var dispose = returnValue as LuaBase;
string[] remainingPath = new string[path.Length - 1];
Array.Copy(path, 1, remainingPath, 0, path.Length - 1);
returnValue = GetObject(remainingPath);
return returnValue;
public void SetObjectToPath(string fullPath, object value)
int oldTop = _luaState.GetTop();
string[] path = FullPathToArray(fullPath);
if (path.Length == 1)
_translator.Push(_luaState, value);
string[] remainingPath = new string[path.Length - 1];
Array.Copy(path, 1, remainingPath, 0, path.Length - 1);
SetObject(remainingPath, value);
// Globals auto-complete
if (value == null)
// Remove now obsolete entries
// Add new entries
if (!_globals.Contains(fullPath))
RegisterGlobal(fullPath, value.GetType(), 0);
* Indexer for global variables from the LuaInterpreter
* Supports navigation of tables by using . operator
public object this[string fullPath] {
// Silently convert Lua integer to double for backward compatibility with index[] operator
object obj = GetObjectFromPath(fullPath);
if (obj is long l)
return (double)l;
return obj;
SetObjectToPath(fullPath, value);
#region Globals auto-complete
/// <summary>
/// Adds an entry to <see cref = "_globals"/> (recursivley handles 2 levels of members)
/// </summary>
/// <param name = "path">The index accessor path ot the entry</param>
/// <param name = "type">The type of the entry</param>
/// <param name = "recursionCounter">How deep have we gone with recursion?</param>
private void RegisterGlobal(string path, Type type, int recursionCounter)
// If the type is a global method, list it directly
if (type == typeof(LuaFunction))
// Format for easy method invocation
_globals.Add(path + "(");
// If the type is a class or an interface and recursion hasn't been running too long, list the members
else if ((type.IsClass || type.IsInterface) && type != typeof(string) && recursionCounter < MaximumRecursion)
#region Methods
foreach (var method in type.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance))
string name = method.Name;
if (
// Check that the LuaHideAttribute and LuaGlobalAttribute were not applied
(!method.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(LuaHideAttribute), false).Any()) &&
(!method.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(LuaGlobalAttribute), false).Any()) &&
// Exclude some generic .NET methods that wouldn't be very usefull in Lua
name != "GetType" && name != "GetHashCode" && name != "Equals" &&
name != "ToString" && name != "Clone" && name != "Dispose" &&
name != "GetEnumerator" && name != "CopyTo" &&
!name.StartsWith("get_", StringComparison.Ordinal) &&
!name.StartsWith("set_", StringComparison.Ordinal) &&
!name.StartsWith("add_", StringComparison.Ordinal) &&
!name.StartsWith("remove_", StringComparison.Ordinal))
// Format for easy method invocation
string command = path + ":" + name + "(";
if (method.GetParameters().Length == 0)
command += ")";
#region Fields
foreach (var field in type.GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance))
if (
// Check that the LuaHideAttribute and LuaGlobalAttribute were not applied
(!field.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(LuaHideAttribute), false).Any()) &&
(!field.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(LuaGlobalAttribute), false).Any()))
// Go into recursion for members
RegisterGlobal(path + "." + field.Name, field.FieldType, recursionCounter + 1);
#region Properties
foreach (var property in type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance))
if (
// Check that the LuaHideAttribute and LuaGlobalAttribute were not applied
(!property.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(LuaHideAttribute), false).Any()) &&
(!property.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(LuaGlobalAttribute), false).Any())
// Exclude some generic .NET properties that wouldn't be very useful in Lua
&& property.Name != "Item")
// Go into recursion for members
RegisterGlobal(path + "." + property.Name, property.PropertyType, recursionCounter + 1);
_globals.Add(path); // Otherwise simply add the element to the list
// List will need to be sorted on next access
_globalsSorted = false;
* Navigates a table in the top of the stack, returning
* the value of the specified field
object GetObject(string[] remainingPath)
object returnValue = null;
for (int i = 0; i < remainingPath.Length; i++)
returnValue = _translator.GetObject(_luaState, -1);
if (returnValue == null)
return returnValue;
* Gets a numeric global variable
public double GetNumber(string fullPath)
// Silently convert Lua integer to double for backward compatibility with GetNumber method
object obj = GetObjectFromPath(fullPath);
if (obj is long l)
return l;
return (double)obj;
public int GetInteger(string fullPath)
return (int)(long)GetObjectFromPath(fullPath);
public long GetLong(string fullPath)
return (long)GetObjectFromPath(fullPath);
* Gets a string global variable
public string GetString(string fullPath)
object obj = GetObjectFromPath(fullPath);
return obj.ToString();
* Gets a table global variable
public LuaTable GetTable(string fullPath)
return (LuaTable)GetObjectFromPath(fullPath);
* Gets a table global variable as an object implementing
* the interfaceType interface
public object GetTable(Type interfaceType, string fullPath)
return CodeGeneration.Instance.GetClassInstance(interfaceType, GetTable(fullPath));
* Gets a function global variable
public LuaFunction GetFunction(string fullPath)
object obj = GetObjectFromPath(fullPath);
var luaFunction = obj as LuaFunction;
if (luaFunction != null)
return luaFunction;
luaFunction = new LuaFunction((LuaNativeFunction) obj, this);
return luaFunction;
* Register a delegate type to be used to convert Lua functions to C# delegates (useful for iOS where there is no dynamic code generation)
* type delegateType
public void RegisterLuaDelegateType(Type delegateType, Type luaDelegateType)
CodeGeneration.Instance.RegisterLuaDelegateType(delegateType, luaDelegateType);
public void RegisterLuaClassType(Type klass, Type luaClass)
CodeGeneration.Instance.RegisterLuaClassType(klass, luaClass);
// ReSharper disable once InconsistentNaming
public void LoadCLRPackage()
* Gets a function global variable as a delegate of
* type delegateType
public Delegate GetFunction(Type delegateType, string fullPath)
return CodeGeneration.Instance.GetDelegate(delegateType, GetFunction(fullPath));
* Calls the object as a function with the provided arguments,
* returning the function's returned values inside an array
internal object[] CallFunction(object function, object[] args)
return CallFunction(function, args, null);
* Calls the object as a function with the provided arguments and
* casting returned values to the types in returnTypes before returning
* them in an array
internal object[] CallFunction(object function, object[] args, Type[] returnTypes)
int nArgs = 0;
int oldTop = _luaState.GetTop();
if (!_luaState.CheckStack(args.Length + 6))
throw new LuaException("Lua stack overflow");
_translator.Push(_luaState, function);
if (args.Length > 0)
nArgs = args.Length;
for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
_translator.Push(_luaState, args[i]);
_executing = true;
int errfunction = 0;
if (UseTraceback)
errfunction = PushDebugTraceback(_luaState, nArgs);
LuaStatus error = _luaState.PCall(nArgs, -1, errfunction);
if (error != LuaStatus.OK)
_executing = false;
if (returnTypes != null)
return _translator.PopValues(_luaState, oldTop, returnTypes);
return _translator.PopValues(_luaState, oldTop);
* Navigates a table to set the value of one of its fields
void SetObject(string[] remainingPath, object val)
for (int i = 0; i < remainingPath.Length - 1; i++)
_luaState.PushString(remainingPath[remainingPath.Length - 1]);
_translator.Push(_luaState, val);
string[] FullPathToArray(string fullPath)
return fullPath.SplitWithEscape('.', '\\').ToArray();
* Creates a new table as a global variable or as a field
* inside an existing table
public void NewTable(string fullPath)
string[] path = FullPathToArray(fullPath);
int oldTop = _luaState.GetTop();
if (path.Length == 1)
for (int i = 1; i < path.Length - 1; i++)
_luaState.PushString(path[path.Length - 1]);
_luaState.SetTop( oldTop);
public Dictionary<object, object> GetTableDict(LuaTable table)
if (table == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(table));
var dict = new Dictionary<object, object>();
int oldTop = _luaState.GetTop();
_translator.Push(_luaState, table);
while (_luaState.Next(-2))
dict[_translator.GetObject(_luaState, -2)] = _translator.GetObject(_luaState, -1);
return dict;
* Lets go of a previously allocated reference to a table, function
* or userdata
#region lua debug functions
/// <summary>
/// Activates the debug hook
/// </summary>
/// <param name = "mask">Mask</param>
/// <param name = "count">Count</param>
/// <returns>see lua docs. -1 if hook is already set</returns>
public int SetDebugHook(LuaHookMask mask, int count)
if (_hookCallback == null)
_hookCallback = DebugHookCallback;
_luaState.SetHook(_hookCallback, mask, count);
return -1;
/// <summary>
/// Removes the debug hook
/// </summary>
/// <returns>see lua docs</returns>
public void RemoveDebugHook()
_hookCallback = null;
_luaState.SetHook(null, LuaHookMask.Disabled, 0);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the hook mask.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>hook mask</returns>
public LuaHookMask GetHookMask()
return _luaState.HookMask;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the hook count
/// </summary>
/// <returns>see lua docs</returns>
public int GetHookCount()
return _luaState.HookCount;
/// <summary>
/// Gets local (see lua docs)
/// </summary>
/// <param name = "luaDebug">lua debug structure</param>
/// <param name = "n">see lua docs</param>
/// <returns>see lua docs</returns>
public string GetLocal(LuaDebug luaDebug, int n)
return _luaState.GetLocal(luaDebug, n);
/// <summary>
/// Sets local (see lua docs)
/// </summary>
/// <param name = "luaDebug">lua debug structure</param>
/// <param name = "n">see lua docs</param>
/// <returns>see lua docs</returns>
public string SetLocal(LuaDebug luaDebug, int n)
return _luaState.SetLocal(luaDebug, n);
public int GetStack(int level, ref LuaDebug ar)
return _luaState.GetStack(level, ref ar);
public bool GetInfo(string what, ref LuaDebug ar)
return _luaState.GetInfo(what, ref ar);
/// <summary>
/// Gets up value (see lua docs)
/// </summary>
/// <param name = "funcindex">see lua docs</param>
/// <param name = "n">see lua docs</param>
/// <returns>see lua docs</returns>
public string GetUpValue(int funcindex, int n)
return _luaState.GetUpValue(funcindex, n);
/// <summary>
/// Sets up value (see lua docs)
/// </summary>
/// <param name = "funcindex">see lua docs</param>
/// <param name = "n">see lua docs</param>
/// <returns>see lua docs</returns>
public string SetUpValue(int funcindex, int n)
return _luaState.SetUpValue(funcindex, n);
/// <summary>
/// Delegate that is called on lua hook callback
/// </summary>
/// <param name = "luaState">lua state</param>
/// <param name = "luaDebug">Pointer to LuaDebug (lua_debug) structure</param>
#if __IOS__ || __TVOS__ || __WATCHOS__
static void DebugHookCallback(IntPtr luaState, IntPtr luaDebug)
var state = LuaState.FromIntPtr(luaState);
state.GetStack(0, luaDebug);
if (!state.GetInfo("Snlu", luaDebug))
var debug = LuaDebug.FromIntPtr(luaDebug);
ObjectTranslator translator = ObjectTranslatorPool.Instance.Find(state);
Lua lua = translator.Interpreter;
private void DebugHookCallbackInternal(LuaDebug luaDebug)
var temp = DebugHook;
if (temp != null)
temp(this, new DebugHookEventArgs(luaDebug));
catch (Exception ex)
OnHookException(new HookExceptionEventArgs(ex));
private void OnHookException(HookExceptionEventArgs e)
var temp = HookException;
if (temp != null)
temp(this, e);
/// <summary>
/// Pops a value from the lua stack.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Returns the top value from the lua stack.</returns>
public object Pop()
int top = _luaState.GetTop();
return _translator.PopValues(_luaState, top - 1)[0];
/// <summary>
/// Pushes a value onto the lua stack.
/// </summary>
/// <param name = "value">Value to push.</param>
public void Push(object value)
_translator.Push(_luaState, value);
internal void DisposeInternal(int reference, bool finalized)
if (finalized && _translator != null)
if (_luaState != null && !finalized)
* Gets a field of the table corresponding to the provided reference
* using rawget (do not use metatables)
internal object RawGetObject(int reference, string field)
int oldTop = _luaState.GetTop();
object obj = _translator.GetObject(_luaState, -1);
return obj;
* Gets a field of the table or userdata corresponding to the provided reference
internal object GetObject(int reference, string field)
int oldTop = _luaState.GetTop();
object returnValue = GetObject(FullPathToArray(field));
return returnValue;
* Gets a numeric field of the table or userdata corresponding the the provided reference
internal object GetObject(int reference, object field)
int oldTop = _luaState.GetTop();
_translator.Push(_luaState, field);
object returnValue = _translator.GetObject(_luaState, -1);
return returnValue;
* Sets a field of the table or userdata corresponding the the provided reference
* to the provided value
internal void SetObject(int reference, string field, object val)
int oldTop = _luaState.GetTop();
SetObject(FullPathToArray(field), val);
* Sets a numeric field of the table or userdata corresponding the the provided reference
* to the provided value
internal void SetObject(int reference, object field, object val)
int oldTop = _luaState.GetTop();
_translator.Push(_luaState, field);
_translator.Push(_luaState, val);
public LuaFunction RegisterFunction(string path, MethodBase function)
return RegisterFunction(path, null, function);
* Registers an object's method as a Lua function (global or table field)
* The method may have any signature
public LuaFunction RegisterFunction(string path, object target, MethodBase function)
// We leave nothing on the stack when we are done
int oldTop = _luaState.GetTop();
var wrapper = new LuaMethodWrapper(_translator, target, new ProxyType(function.DeclaringType), function);
_translator.Push(_luaState, new LuaNativeFunction(wrapper.InvokeFunction));
object value = _translator.GetObject(_luaState, -1);
SetObjectToPath(path, value);
LuaFunction f = GetFunction(path);
return f;
* Compares the two values referenced by ref1 and ref2 for equality
internal bool CompareRef(int ref1, int ref2)
int top = _luaState.GetTop();
bool equal = _luaState.AreEqual(-1, -2);
return equal;
// ReSharper disable once InconsistentNaming
internal void PushCSFunction(LuaNativeFunction function)
_translator.PushFunction(_luaState, function);
#region IDisposable Members
public virtual void Dispose()
if (_translator != null)
if (_translator.Tag != IntPtr.Zero)
_translator = null;