
356 lines
12 KiB

using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using NLua.Exceptions;
using NLua.Extensions;
using LuaState = KeraLua.Lua;
using LuaNativeFunction = KeraLua.LuaFunction;
namespace NLua.Method
* Argument extraction with type-conversion function
delegate object ExtractValue(LuaState luaState, int stackPos);
* Wrapper class for methods/constructors accessed from Lua.
class LuaMethodWrapper
internal LuaNativeFunction InvokeFunction;
readonly ObjectTranslator _translator;
readonly MethodBase _method;
readonly ExtractValue _extractTarget;
readonly object _target;
readonly bool _isStatic;
readonly string _methodName;
readonly MethodInfo[] _members;
private MethodCache _lastCalledMethod;
* Constructs the wrapper for a known MethodBase instance
public LuaMethodWrapper(ObjectTranslator translator, object target, ProxyType targetType, MethodBase method)
InvokeFunction = Call;
_translator = translator;
_target = target;
_extractTarget = translator.typeChecker.GetExtractor(targetType);
_lastCalledMethod = new MethodCache();
_method = method;
_methodName = method.Name;
_isStatic = method.IsStatic;
* Constructs the wrapper for a known method name
public LuaMethodWrapper(ObjectTranslator translator, ProxyType targetType, string methodName, BindingFlags bindingType)
InvokeFunction = Call;
_translator = translator;
_methodName = methodName;
_extractTarget = translator.typeChecker.GetExtractor(targetType);
_lastCalledMethod = new MethodCache();
_isStatic = (bindingType & BindingFlags.Static) == BindingFlags.Static;
MethodInfo [] methods = GetMethodsRecursively(targetType.UnderlyingSystemType,
bindingType | BindingFlags.Public);
_members = ReorderMethods(methods);
private static MethodInfo[] ReorderMethods(MethodInfo[] m)
int len = m.Length;
if (len < 2)
return m;
return m.
GroupBy(c => c.GetParameters().Length).
SelectMany(g => g.OrderByDescending(ci => ci.ToString())).
MethodInfo[] GetMethodsRecursively(Type type, string methodName, BindingFlags bindingType)
if (type == typeof(object))
return type.GetMethods(methodName, bindingType);
var methods = type.GetMethods(methodName, bindingType);
var baseMethods = GetMethodsRecursively(type.BaseType, methodName, bindingType);
return methods.Concat(baseMethods).ToArray();
/// <summary>
/// Convert C# exceptions into Lua errors
/// </summary>
/// <returns>num of things on stack</returns>
/// <param name="e">null for no pending exception</param>
int SetPendingException(Exception e)
return _translator.interpreter.SetPendingException(e);
void FillMethodArguments(LuaState luaState, int numStackToSkip)
object[] args = _lastCalledMethod.args;
for (int i = 0; i < _lastCalledMethod.argTypes.Length; i++)
MethodArgs type = _lastCalledMethod.argTypes[i];
int index = i + 1 + numStackToSkip;
if (_lastCalledMethod.argTypes[i].IsParamsArray)
int count = _lastCalledMethod.argTypes.Length - i;
Array paramArray = _translator.TableToArray(luaState, type.ExtractValue, type.ParameterType, index, count);
args[_lastCalledMethod.argTypes[i].Index] = paramArray;
args[type.Index] = type.ExtractValue(luaState, index);
if (_lastCalledMethod.args[_lastCalledMethod.argTypes[i].Index] == null &&
!luaState.IsNil(i + 1 + numStackToSkip))
throw new LuaException(string.Format("Argument number {0} is invalid", (i + 1)));
int PushReturnValue(LuaState luaState)
int nReturnValues = 0;
// Pushes out and ref return values
for (int index = 0; index < _lastCalledMethod.outList.Length; index++)
_translator.Push(luaState, _lastCalledMethod.args[_lastCalledMethod.outList[index]]);
// If not return void,we need add 1,
// or we will lost the function's return value
// when call dotnet function like "int foo(arg1,out arg2,out arg3)" in Lua code
if (!_lastCalledMethod.IsReturnVoid && nReturnValues > 0)
return nReturnValues < 1 ? 1 : nReturnValues;
int CallInvoke(LuaState luaState, MethodBase method, object targetObject)
if (!luaState.CheckStack(_lastCalledMethod.outList.Length + 6))
throw new LuaException("Lua stack overflow");
object result;
if (method.IsConstructor)
result = ((ConstructorInfo)method).Invoke(_lastCalledMethod.args);
result = method.Invoke(targetObject, _lastCalledMethod.args);
_translator.Push(luaState, result);
catch (TargetInvocationException e)
// Failure of method invocation
if (_translator.interpreter.UseTraceback)
e.GetBaseException().Data["Traceback"] = _translator.interpreter.GetDebugTraceback();
return SetPendingException(e.GetBaseException());
catch (Exception e)
return SetPendingException(e);
return PushReturnValue(luaState);
bool IsMethodCached(LuaState luaState, int numArgsPassed, int skipParams)
if (_lastCalledMethod.cachedMethod == null)
return false;
if (numArgsPassed != _lastCalledMethod.argTypes.Length)
return false;
// If there is no method overloads, is ok to use the cached method
if (_members.Length == 1)
return true;
return _translator.MatchParameters(luaState, _lastCalledMethod.cachedMethod, _lastCalledMethod, skipParams);
int CallMethodFromName(LuaState luaState)
object targetObject = null;
if (!_isStatic)
targetObject = _extractTarget(luaState, 1);
int numStackToSkip =
? 0
: 1; // If this is an instance invoe we will have an extra arg on the stack for the targetObject
int numArgsPassed = luaState.GetTop() - numStackToSkip;
// Cached?
if (IsMethodCached(luaState, numArgsPassed, numStackToSkip))
MethodBase method = _lastCalledMethod.cachedMethod;
if (!luaState.CheckStack(_lastCalledMethod.outList.Length + 6))
throw new LuaException("Lua stack overflow");
FillMethodArguments(luaState, numStackToSkip);
return CallInvoke(luaState, method, targetObject);
// If we are running an instance variable, we can now pop the targetObject from the stack
if (!_isStatic)
if (targetObject == null)
string.Format("instance method '{0}' requires a non null target object", _methodName));
return 1;
luaState.Remove(1); // Pops the receiver
bool hasMatch = false;
string candidateName = null;
foreach (var member in _members)
if (member.ReflectedType == null)
candidateName = member.ReflectedType.Name + "." + member.Name;
bool isMethod = _translator.MatchParameters(luaState, member, _lastCalledMethod, 0);
if (isMethod)
hasMatch = true;
if (!hasMatch)
string msg = (candidateName == null)
? "Invalid arguments to method call"
: ("Invalid arguments to method: " + candidateName);
_translator.ThrowError(luaState, msg);
return 1;
if (_lastCalledMethod.cachedMethod.ContainsGenericParameters)
return CallInvokeOnGenericMethod(luaState, (MethodInfo)_lastCalledMethod.cachedMethod, targetObject);
return CallInvoke(luaState, _lastCalledMethod.cachedMethod, targetObject);
int CallInvokeOnGenericMethod(LuaState luaState, MethodInfo methodToCall, object targetObject)
//need to make a concrete type of the generic method definition
var typeArgs = new List<Type>();
ParameterInfo [] parameters = methodToCall.GetParameters();
for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++)
ParameterInfo parameter = parameters[i];
if (!parameter.ParameterType.IsGenericParameter)
MethodInfo concreteMethod = methodToCall.MakeGenericMethod(typeArgs.ToArray());
_translator.Push(luaState, concreteMethod.Invoke(targetObject, _lastCalledMethod.args));
return PushReturnValue(luaState);
* Calls the method. Receives the arguments from the Lua stack
* and returns values in it.
int Call(IntPtr state)
var luaState = LuaState.FromIntPtr(state);
MethodBase methodToCall = _method;
object targetObject = _target;
if (!luaState.CheckStack(5))
throw new LuaException("Lua stack overflow");
// Method from name
if (methodToCall == null)
return CallMethodFromName(luaState);
// Method from MethodBase instance
if (!methodToCall.ContainsGenericParameters)
if (!methodToCall.IsStatic && !methodToCall.IsConstructor && targetObject == null)
targetObject = _extractTarget(luaState, 1);
luaState.Remove(1); // Pops the receiver
if (!_translator.MatchParameters(luaState, methodToCall, _lastCalledMethod, 0))
_translator.ThrowError(luaState, "Invalid arguments to method call");
return 1;
if (!methodToCall.IsGenericMethodDefinition)
"Unable to invoke method on generic class as the current method is an open generic method");
return 1;
_translator.MatchParameters(luaState, methodToCall, _lastCalledMethod, 0);
return CallInvokeOnGenericMethod(luaState, (MethodInfo) methodToCall, targetObject);
if (_isStatic)
targetObject = null;
return CallInvoke(luaState, _lastCalledMethod.cachedMethod, targetObject);