;; Set the Birds settings per named region [Test Region 1] BirdsEnabled = True ;set to false to disable the module in this region BirdsFlockSize = 100 ;the number of birds to flock BirdsMaxSpeed = 3 ;how far each bird can travel per update BirdsMaxForce = 0.25 ;the maximum acceleration allowed to the current velocity of the bird BirdsNeighbourDistance = 25 ;max distance for other birds to be considered in the same flock as us BirdsDesiredSeparation = 20 ;how far away from other birds we would like to stay BirdsTolerance = 5 ;how close to the edges of things can we get without being worried BirdsBorderSize = 5 ;how close to the edge of a region can we get? BirdsMaxHeight = 256 ;how high are we allowed to flock BirdsPrim = seagull01 ;By default the module will create a flock of plain wooden spheres, ;however this can be overridden to the name of an existing prim that ;needs to already exist in the scene - i.e. be rezzed in the region.