08/07/2011 - Initial pre alpha release Basic Flocking algos implemented Border avoidance not so good No configuration capabilities 09/07/2011 Fixed Boid rotation, boid now orients with direction of travel added command handlers for both console and inworld chat channel added commands for setting size of flock, prim to use for boid added commands to start and stop the boids flocking 13/07/2011 added more documentation 10/07/2014 forked from https://github.com/jonc/osboids 17/07/2014 refactored the code added some more config items to set the region border size (no go zone) and the max height added support to the module for varregions 24/12/2014 renamed the module to OpenSimBirds, changed all references to [Bb]oids to [Bb]irds in code change the configuration to use own ini file and to setup per region configurations changed Util class to BirdsUtil to avoid clash with OpenSim.Util Um.... I think I missed some change log here... many things were changed. Use the git log?? 16/10/2015 added a setting to determine whether the module is active on startup. This defaults to true, meaning that even if there is no config at all the module still loads and waits for commands from the console or in-world.