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// autogenerated by generate_default_lsl.rb
integer touch_count = 0;
default {
touch_start(integer total_number) {
float angle45 = PI/4.0; // 45 degrees
float angle30 = PI/6.0; // 30 degrees
float sqrt2 = llSqrt(2.0);
if((llFabs(-1.5) != 1.5) || (llFabs(10.4) != 10.4)) {
llShout(0, "Houston, we have a big problem! llFabs() does not work! Need it for other tests!");
llSetText("This is a text by llSetText", <1,0,0>, 1);
llWhisper(0, "llWhispering a few random numbers between 0 and 100: " + llFrand(100) + "," + llFrand(100) + "," + llFrand(100) + "," + llFrand(100));
llShout(0, "llShouting the unix time: " + llGetUnixTime() + ", and region corner: " + llGetRegionCorner());
llShout(1, "Shouting a random number between 0 and 100 on the channel#1: " + llFrand(100));
if (llAbs(-1) != 1) {
llSay(0, "Assert failed: llAbs(-1) != 1");
if (llAbs(10) != 10) {
llSay(0, "Assert failed: llAbs(10) != 10");
if (llFabs((llCos(angle45) - sqrt2/2.0) - 0) > 0.000001) {
llSay(0, "Assert failed: (llCos(angle45) - sqrt2/2.0) differs from 0 by more than 0.000001");
llSay(0, " --> The actual result: " + (llCos(angle45) - sqrt2/2.0));
if (llFabs((llSin(angle30) - 0.5) - 0) > 0.000001) {
llSay(0, "Assert failed: (llSin(angle30) - 0.5) differs from 0 by more than 0.000001");
llSay(0, " --> The actual result: " + (llSin(angle30) - 0.5));
if (llFabs((llAtan2(1, 1)*4 - PI) - 0) > 0.000001) {
llSay(0, "Assert failed: (llAtan2(1, 1)*4 - PI) differs from 0 by more than 0.000001");
llSay(0, " --> The actual result: " + (llAtan2(1, 1)*4 - PI));
if (llFabs((llTan(PI)) - 0) > 0.000001) {
llSay(0, "Assert failed: (llTan(PI)) differs from 0 by more than 0.000001");
llSay(0, " --> The actual result: " + (llTan(PI)));
if (llFloor(2.4) != 2) {
llSay(0, "Assert failed: llFloor(2.4) != 2");
if (llCeil(2.4) != 3) {
llSay(0, "Assert failed: llCeil(2.4) != 3");
if (llRound(2.4) != 2) {
llSay(0, "Assert failed: llRound(2.4) != 2");
if (llFloor(2.5) != 2) {
llSay(0, "Assert failed: llFloor(2.5) != 2");
if (llCeil(2.5) != 3) {
llSay(0, "Assert failed: llCeil(2.5) != 3");
if (llRound(2.5) != 3) {
llSay(0, "Assert failed: llRound(2.5) != 3");
if (llFloor(2.51) != 2) {
llSay(0, "Assert failed: llFloor(2.51) != 2");
if (llCeil(2.51) != 3) {
llSay(0, "Assert failed: llCeil(2.51) != 3");
if (llRound(2.51) != 3) {
llSay(0, "Assert failed: llRound(2.51) != 3");
if (llFloor(3.49) != 3) {
llSay(0, "Assert failed: llFloor(3.49) != 3");
if (llCeil(3.49) != 4) {
llSay(0, "Assert failed: llCeil(3.49) != 4");
if (llRound(3.49) != 3) {
llSay(0, "Assert failed: llRound(3.49) != 3");
if (llFloor(3.5000001) != 3) {
llSay(0, "Assert failed: llFloor(3.5000001) != 3");
if (llCeil(3.5000001) != 4) {
llSay(0, "Assert failed: llCeil(3.5000001) != 4");
if (llRound(3.5000001) != 4) {
llSay(0, "Assert failed: llRound(3.5000001) != 4");
if (llFloor(3.51) != 3) {
llSay(0, "Assert failed: llFloor(3.51) != 3");
if (llCeil(3.51) != 4) {
llSay(0, "Assert failed: llCeil(3.51) != 4");
if (llRound(3.51) != 4) {
llSay(0, "Assert failed: llRound(3.51) != 4");
if ((llFabs(0-llPow(2, 16))) != 65536) {
llSay(0, "Assert failed: (llFabs(0-llPow(2, 16))) != 65536");
if (llMD5String("Hello, Avatar!",0) != "112abd47ceaae1c05a826828650434a6") {
llSay(0, "Assert failed: llMD5String('Hello, Avatar!',0) != '112abd47ceaae1c05a826828650434a6'");
if (llModPow(2, 16, 37) != 9) {
llSay(0, "Assert failed: llModPow(2, 16, 37) != 9");
llSay(0, "Object was touched. Touch count: " + touch_count);