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1229 lines
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=head1 NAME
XML::TreePP -- Pure Perl implementation for parsing/writing xml files
parse xml file into hash tree
use XML::TreePP;
my $tpp = XML::TreePP->new();
my $tree = $tpp->parsefile( "index.rdf" );
print "Title: ", $tree->{"rdf:RDF"}->{item}->[0]->{title}, "\n";
print "URL: ", $tree->{"rdf:RDF"}->{item}->[0]->{link}, "\n";
write xml as string from hash tree
use XML::TreePP;
my $tpp = XML::TreePP->new();
my $tree = { rss => { channel => { item => [ {
title => "The Perl Directory",
link => "http://www.perl.org/",
}, {
title => "The Comprehensive Perl Archive Network",
link => "http://cpan.perl.org/",
} ] } } };
my $xml = $tpp->write( $tree );
print $xml;
get remote xml file with HTTP-GET and parse it into hash tree
use XML::TreePP;
my $tpp = XML::TreePP->new();
my $tree = $tpp->parsehttp( GET => "http://use.perl.org/index.rss" );
print "Title: ", $tree->{"rdf:RDF"}->{channel}->{title}, "\n";
print "URL: ", $tree->{"rdf:RDF"}->{channel}->{link}, "\n";
get remote xml file with HTTP-POST and parse it into hash tree
use XML::TreePP;
my $tpp = XML::TreePP->new( force_array => [qw( item )] );
my $cgiurl = "http://search.hatena.ne.jp/keyword";
my $keyword = "ajax";
my $cgiquery = "mode=rss2&word=".$keyword;
my $tree = $tpp->parsehttp( POST => $cgiurl, $cgiquery );
print "Link: ", $tree->{rss}->{channel}->{item}->[0]->{link}, "\n";
print "Desc: ", $tree->{rss}->{channel}->{item}->[0]->{description}, "\n";
XML::TreePP module parses XML file and expands it for a hash tree.
And also generate XML file from a hash tree.
This is a pure Perl implementation.
You can also download XML from remote web server
like XMLHttpRequest object at JavaScript language.
=head2 Parse XML file
Sample XML source:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<family name="Kawasaki">
Sample program to read a xml file and dump it:
use XML::TreePP;
use Data::Dumper;
my $tpp = XML::TreePP->new();
my $tree = $tpp->parsefile( "family.xml" );
my $text = Dumper( $tree );
print $text;
Result dumped:
$VAR1 = {
'family' => {
'-name' => 'Kawasaki',
'father' => 'Yasuhisa',
'mother' => 'Chizuko',
'children' => {
'girl' => 'Shiori'
'boy' => [
print $tree->{family}->{father}; # the father's given name.
The prefix '-' is added on every attribute's name.
print $tree->{family}->{"-name"}; # the family name of the family
The array is used because the family has two boys.
print $tree->{family}->{children}->{boy}->[1]; # The second boy's name
print $tree->{family}->{children}->{girl}; # The girl's name
=head2 Text node and attributes:
If a element has both of a text node and attributes
or both of a text node and other child nodes,
value of a text node is moved to C<#text> like child nodes.
use XML::TreePP;
use Data::Dumper;
my $tpp = XML::TreePP->new();
my $source = '<span class="author">Kawasaki Yusuke</span>';
my $tree = $tpp->parse( $source );
my $text = Dumper( $tree );
print $text;
The result dumped is following:
$VAR1 = {
'span' => {
'-class' => 'author',
'#text' => 'Kawasaki Yusuke'
The special node name of C<#text> is used because this elements
has attribute(s) in addition to the text node.
See also L</text_node_key> option.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 new
This constructor method returns a new XML::TreePP object with C<%options>.
$tpp = XML::TreePP->new( %options );
=head2 set
This method sets a option value for C<option_name>.
If C<$option_value> is not defined, its option is deleted.
$tpp->set( option_name => $option_value );
See OPTIONS section below for details.
=head2 get
This method returns a current option value for C<option_name>.
$tpp->get( 'option_name' );
=head2 parse
This method reads XML source and returns a hash tree converted.
The first argument is a scalar or a reference to a scalar.
$tree = $tpp->parse( $source );
=head2 parsefile
This method reads a XML file and returns a hash tree converted.
The first argument is a filename.
$tree = $tpp->parsefile( $file );
=head2 parsehttp
This method receives a XML file from a remote server via HTTP and
returns a hash tree converted.
$tree = $tpp->parsehttp( $method, $url, $body, $head );
C<$method> is a method of HTTP connection: GET/POST/PUT/DELETE
C<$url> is an URI of a XML file.
C<$body> is a request body when you use POST method.
C<$head> is a request headers as a hash ref.
L<LWP::UserAgent> module or L<HTTP::Lite> module is required to fetch a file.
( $tree, $xml, $code ) = $tpp->parsehttp( $method, $url, $body, $head );
In array context, This method returns also raw XML source received
and HTTP response's status code.
=head2 write
This method parses a hash tree and returns a XML source generated.
$source = $tpp->write( $tree, $encode );
C<$tree> is a reference to a hash tree.
=head2 writefile
This method parses a hash tree and writes a XML source into a file.
$tpp->writefile( $file, $tree, $encode );
C<$file> is a filename to create.
C<$tree> is a reference to a hash tree.
This module accepts option parameters following:
=head2 force_array
This option allows you to specify a list of element names which
should always be forced into an array representation.
$tpp->set( force_array => [ 'rdf:li', 'item', '-xmlns' ] );
The default value is null, it means that context of the elements
will determine to make array or to keep it scalar or hash.
Note that the special wildcard name C<'*'> means all elements.
=head2 force_hash
This option allows you to specify a list of element names which
should always be forced into an hash representation.
$tpp->set( force_hash => [ 'item', 'image' ] );
The default value is null, it means that context of the elements
will determine to make hash or to keep it scalar as a text node.
See also L</text_node_key> option below.
Note that the special wildcard name C<'*'> means all elements.
=head2 cdata_scalar_ref
This option allows you to convert a cdata section into a reference
for scalar on parsing XML source.
$tpp->set( cdata_scalar_ref => 1 );
The default value is false, it means that each cdata section is converted into a scalar.
=head2 user_agent
This option allows you to specify a HTTP_USER_AGENT string which
is used by parsehttp() method.
$tpp->set( user_agent => 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; ...)' );
The default string is C<'XML-TreePP/#.##'>, where C<'#.##'> is
substituted with the version number of this library.
=head2 http_lite
This option forces pasrsehttp() method to use a L<HTTP::Lite> instance.
my $http = HTTP::Lite->new();
$tpp->set( http_lite => $http );
=head2 lwp_useragent
This option forces pasrsehttp() method to use a L<LWP::UserAgent> instance.
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
$ua->timeout( 60 );
$tpp->set( lwp_useragent => $ua );
You may use this with L<LWP::UserAgent::WithCache>.
=head2 base_class
This blesses class name for each element's hashref.
Each class is named straight as a child class of it parent class.
$tpp->set( base_class => 'MyElement' );
my $xml = '<root><parent><child key="val">text</child></parent></root>';
my $tree = $tpp->parse( $xml );
print ref $tree->{root}->{parent}->{child}, "\n";
A hash for <child> element above is blessed to C<MyElement::root::parent::child>
class. You may use this with L<Class::Accessor>.
=head2 elem_class
This blesses class name for each element's hashref.
Each class is named horizontally under the direct child of C<MyElement>.
$tpp->set( base_class => 'MyElement' );
my $xml = '<root><parent><child key="val">text</child></parent></root>';
my $tree = $tpp->parse( $xml );
print ref $tree->{root}->{parent}->{child}, "\n";
A hash for <child> element above is blessed to C<MyElement::child> class.
=head2 first_out
This option allows you to specify a list of element/attribute
names which should always appears at first on output XML code.
$tpp->set( first_out => [ 'link', 'title', '-type' ] );
The default value is null, it means alphabetical order is used.
=head2 last_out
This option allows you to specify a list of element/attribute
names which should always appears at last on output XML code.
$tpp->set( last_out => [ 'items', 'item', 'entry' ] );
=head2 indent
This makes the output more human readable by indenting appropriately.
$tpp->set( indent => 2 );
This doesn't strictly follow the XML Document Spec but does looks nice.
=head2 xml_decl
This module generates an XML declaration on writing an XML code per default.
This option forces to change or leave it.
$tpp->set( xml_decl => '' );
=head2 output_encoding
This option allows you to specify a encoding of xml file generated
by write/writefile methods.
$tpp->set( output_encoding => 'UTF-8' );
On Perl 5.8.0 and later, you can select it from every
encodings supported by Encode.pm. On Perl 5.6.x and before with
Jcode.pm, you can use C<Shift_JIS>, C<EUC-JP>, C<ISO-2022-JP> and
C<UTF-8>. The default value is C<UTF-8> which is recommended encoding.
=head2 utf8_flag
This makes utf8 flag on for every element's value parsed
and makes it on for an XML code generated as well.
$tpp->set( utf8_flag => 1 );
Perl 5.8.1 or later is required to use this.
=head2 attr_prefix
This option allows you to specify a prefix character(s) which
is inserted before each attribute names.
$tpp->set( attr_prefix => '@' );
The default character is C<'-'>.
Or set C<'@'> to access attribute values like E4X, ECMAScript for XML.
Zero-length prefix C<''> is available as well, it means no prefix is added.
=head2 text_node_key
This option allows you to specify a hash key for text nodes.
$tpp->set( text_node_key => '#text' );
The default key is C<#text>.
=head2 ignore_error
This module calls Carp::croak function on an error per default.
This option makes all errors ignored and just return.
$tpp->set( ignore_error => 1 );
=head2 use_ixhash
This option keeps the order for each element appeared in XML.
L<Tie::IxHash> module is required.
$tpp->set( use_ixhash => 1 );
This makes parsing performance slow.
(about 100% slower than default)
=head1 AUTHOR
Yusuke Kawasaki, http://www.kawa.net/
Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Yusuke Kawasaki. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
package XML::TreePP;
use strict;
use Carp;
use Symbol;
use vars qw( $VERSION );
$VERSION = '0.32';
my $USER_AGENT = 'XML-TreePP/'.$VERSION.' ';
my $ATTR_PREFIX = '-';
my $TEXT_NODE_KEY = '#text';
sub new {
my $package = shift;
my $self = {@_};
bless $self, $package;
sub die {
my $self = shift;
my $mess = shift;
return if $self->{ignore_error};
Carp::croak $mess;
sub warn {
my $self = shift;
my $mess = shift;
return if $self->{ignore_error};
Carp::carp $mess;
sub set {
my $self = shift;
my $key = shift;
my $val = shift;
if ( defined $val ) {
$self->{$key} = $val;
else {
delete $self->{$key};
sub get {
my $self = shift;
my $key = shift;
$self->{$key} if exists $self->{$key};
sub writefile {
my $self = shift;
my $file = shift;
my $tree = shift or return $self->die( 'Invalid tree' );
my $encode = shift;
return $self->die( 'Invalid filename' ) unless defined $file;
my $text = $self->write( $tree, $encode );
if ( $] >= 5.008001 && utf8::is_utf8( $text ) ) {
utf8::encode( $text );
$self->write_raw_xml( $file, $text );
sub write {
my $self = shift;
my $tree = shift or return $self->die( 'Invalid tree' );
my $from = $self->{internal_encoding} || $INTERNAL_ENCODING;
my $to = shift || $self->{output_encoding} || $XML_ENCODING;
my $decl = $self->{xml_decl};
$decl = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="' . $to . '" ?>' unless defined $decl;
local $self->{__first_out};
if ( exists $self->{first_out} ) {
my $keys = $self->{first_out};
$keys = [$keys] unless ref $keys;
$self->{__first_out} = { map { $keys->[$_] => $_ } 0 .. $#$keys };
local $self->{__last_out};
if ( exists $self->{last_out} ) {
my $keys = $self->{last_out};
$keys = [$keys] unless ref $keys;
$self->{__last_out} = { map { $keys->[$_] => $_ } 0 .. $#$keys };
my $tnk = $self->{text_node_key} if exists $self->{text_node_key};
$tnk = $TEXT_NODE_KEY unless defined $tnk;
local $self->{text_node_key} = $tnk;
my $apre = $self->{attr_prefix} if exists $self->{attr_prefix};
$apre = $ATTR_PREFIX unless defined $apre;
local $self->{__attr_prefix_len} = length($apre);
local $self->{__attr_prefix_rex} = defined $apre ? qr/^\Q$apre\E/s : undef;
local $self->{__indent};
if ( exists $self->{indent} && $self->{indent} ) {
$self->{__indent} = ' ' x $self->{indent};
my $text = $self->hash_to_xml( undef, $tree );
if ( $from && $to ) {
my $stat = $self->encode_from_to( \$text, $from, $to );
return $self->die( "Unsupported encoding: $to" ) unless $stat;
return $text if ( $decl eq '' );
join( "\n", $decl, $text );
sub parsehttp {
my $self = shift;
local $self->{__user_agent};
if ( exists $self->{user_agent} ) {
my $agent = $self->{user_agent};
$agent .= $USER_AGENT if ( $agent =~ /\s$/s );
$self->{__user_agent} = $agent if ( $agent ne '' );
} else {
$self->{__user_agent} = $USER_AGENT;
my $http = $self->{__http_module};
unless ( $http ) {
$http = $self->find_http_module(@_);
$self->{__http_module} = $http;
if ( $http eq 'LWP::UserAgent' ) {
return $self->parsehttp_lwp(@_);
elsif ( $http eq 'HTTP::Lite' ) {
return $self->parsehttp_lite(@_);
else {
return $self->die( "LWP::UserAgent or HTTP::Lite is required: $_[1]" );
sub find_http_module {
my $self = shift || {};
if ( exists $self->{lwp_useragent} && ref $self->{lwp_useragent} ) {
return 'LWP::UserAgent' if defined $LWP::UserAgent::VERSION;
return 'LWP::UserAgent' if &load_lwp_useragent();
return $self->die( "LWP::UserAgent is required: $_[1]" );
if ( exists $self->{http_lite} && ref $self->{http_lite} ) {
return 'HTTP::Lite' if defined $HTTP::Lite::VERSION;
return 'HTTP::Lite' if &load_http_lite();
return $self->die( "HTTP::Lite is required: $_[1]" );
return 'LWP::UserAgent' if defined $LWP::UserAgent::VERSION;
return 'HTTP::Lite' if defined $HTTP::Lite::VERSION;
return 'LWP::UserAgent' if &load_lwp_useragent();
return 'HTTP::Lite' if &load_http_lite();
return $self->die( "LWP::UserAgent or HTTP::Lite is required: $_[1]" );
sub load_lwp_useragent {
return $LWP::UserAgent::VERSION if defined $LWP::UserAgent::VERSION;
local $@;
eval { require LWP::UserAgent; };
sub load_http_lite {
return $HTTP::Lite::VERSION if defined $HTTP::Lite::VERSION;
local $@;
eval { require HTTP::Lite; };
sub load_tie_ixhash {
return $Tie::IxHash::VERSION if defined $Tie::IxHash::VERSION;
local $@;
eval { require Tie::IxHash; };
sub parsehttp_lwp {
my $self = shift;
my $method = shift or return $self->die( 'Invalid HTTP method' );
my $url = shift or return $self->die( 'Invalid URL' );
my $body = shift;
my $header = shift;
my $ua = $self->{lwp_useragent} if exists $self->{lwp_useragent};
if ( ! ref $ua ) {
$ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
$ua->agent( $self->{__user_agent} ) if defined $self->{__user_agent};
} else {
$ua->agent( $self->{__user_agent} ) if exists $self->{user_agent};
my $req = HTTP::Request->new( $method, $url );
my $ct = 0;
if ( ref $header ) {
foreach my $field ( sort keys %$header ) {
my $value = $header->{$field};
$req->header( $field => $value );
$ct ++ if ( $field =~ /^Content-Type$/i );
if ( defined $body && ! $ct ) {
$req->header( 'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' );
$req->content($body) if defined $body;
my $res = $ua->request($req);
my $code = $res->code();
my $text = $res->content();
my $tree = $self->parse( \$text ) if $res->is_success();
wantarray ? ( $tree, $text, $code ) : $tree;
sub parsehttp_lite {
my $self = shift;
my $method = shift or return $self->die( 'Invalid HTTP method' );
my $url = shift or return $self->die( 'Invalid URL' );
my $body = shift;
my $header = shift;
my $http = HTTP::Lite->new();
my $ua = 0;
if ( ref $header ) {
foreach my $field ( sort keys %$header ) {
my $value = $header->{$field};
$http->add_req_header( $field, $value );
$ua ++ if ( $field =~ /^User-Agent$/i );
if ( defined $self->{__user_agent} && ! $ua ) {
$http->add_req_header( 'User-Agent', $self->{__user_agent} );
$http->{content} = $body if defined $body;
my $code = $http->request($url) or return;
my $text = $http->body();
my $tree = $self->parse( \$text );
wantarray ? ( $tree, $text, $code ) : $tree;
sub parsefile {
my $self = shift;
my $file = shift;
return $self->die( 'Invalid filename' ) unless defined $file;
my $text = $self->read_raw_xml($file);
$self->parse( \$text );
sub parse {
my $self = shift;
my $text = ref $_[0] ? ${$_[0]} : $_[0];
return $self->die( 'Null XML source' ) unless defined $text;
my $from = &xml_decl_encoding(\$text) || $XML_ENCODING;
my $to = $self->{internal_encoding} || $INTERNAL_ENCODING;
if ( $from && $to ) {
my $stat = $self->encode_from_to( \$text, $from, $to );
return $self->die( "Unsupported encoding: $from" ) unless $stat;
local $self->{__force_array};
local $self->{__force_array_all};
if ( exists $self->{force_array} ) {
my $force = $self->{force_array};
$force = [$force] unless ref $force;
$self->{__force_array} = { map { $_ => 1 } @$force };
$self->{__force_array_all} = $self->{__force_array}->{'*'};
local $self->{__force_hash};
local $self->{__force_hash_all};
if ( exists $self->{force_hash} ) {
my $force = $self->{force_hash};
$force = [$force] unless ref $force;
$self->{__force_hash} = { map { $_ => 1 } @$force };
$self->{__force_hash_all} = $self->{__force_hash}->{'*'};
my $tnk = $self->{text_node_key} if exists $self->{text_node_key};
$tnk = $TEXT_NODE_KEY unless defined $tnk;
local $self->{text_node_key} = $tnk;
my $apre = $self->{attr_prefix} if exists $self->{attr_prefix};
$apre = $ATTR_PREFIX unless defined $apre;
local $self->{attr_prefix} = $apre;
if ( exists $self->{use_ixhash} && $self->{use_ixhash} ) {
return $self->die( "Tie::IxHash is required." ) unless &load_tie_ixhash();
my $flat = $self->xml_to_flat(\$text);
my $class = $self->{base_class} if exists $self->{base_class};
my $tree = $self->flat_to_tree( $flat, '', $class );
if ( ref $tree ) {
if ( defined $class ) {
bless( $tree, $class );
elsif ( exists $self->{elem_class} && $self->{elem_class} ) {
bless( $tree, $self->{elem_class} );
wantarray ? ( $tree, $text ) : $tree;
sub xml_to_flat {
my $self = shift;
my $textref = shift; # reference
my $flat = [];
my $prefix = $self->{attr_prefix};
my $ixhash = ( exists $self->{use_ixhash} && $self->{use_ixhash} );
while ( $$textref =~ m{
([^<]*) <
\? ([^<>]*) \?
> ([^<]*)
}sxg ) {
my (
$ahead, $match, $typePI, $contPI, $typeCDATA,
$contCDATA, $typeDocT, $contDocT, $typeCmnt, $contCmnt,
$typeElem, $contElem, $follow
= ( $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12, $13 );
if ( defined $ahead && $ahead =~ /\S/ ) {
$self->warn( "Invalid string: [$ahead] before <$match>" );
if ($typeElem) { # Element
my $node = {};
if ( $contElem =~ s#^/## ) {
elsif ( $contElem =~ s#/$## ) {
else {
$node->{tagName} = $1 if ( $contElem =~ s#^(\S+)\s*## );
unless ( $node->{endTag} ) {
my $attr;
while ( $contElem =~ m{
}sxg ) {
my $key = $1;
my $val = &xml_unescape( $2 ? $3 : $4 );
if ( ! ref $attr ) {
$attr = {};
tie( %$attr, 'Tie::IxHash' ) if $ixhash;
$attr->{$prefix.$key} = $val;
$node->{attributes} = $attr if ref $attr;
push( @$flat, $node );
elsif ($typeCDATA) { ## CDATASection
if ( exists $self->{cdata_scalar_ref} && $self->{cdata_scalar_ref} ) {
push( @$flat, \$contCDATA ); # as reference for scalar
else {
push( @$flat, $contCDATA ); # as scalar like text node
elsif ($typeCmnt) { # Comment (ignore)
elsif ($typeDocT) { # DocumentType (ignore)
elsif ($typePI) { # ProcessingInstruction (ignore)
else {
$self->warn( "Invalid Tag: <$match>" );
if ( $follow =~ /\S/ ) { # text node
my $val = &xml_unescape($follow);
push( @$flat, $val );
sub flat_to_tree {
my $self = shift;
my $source = shift;
my $parent = shift;
my $class = shift;
my $tree = {};
my $text = [];
if ( exists $self->{use_ixhash} && $self->{use_ixhash} ) {
tie( %$tree, 'Tie::IxHash' );
while ( scalar @$source ) {
my $node = shift @$source;
if ( !ref $node || UNIVERSAL::isa( $node, "SCALAR" ) ) {
push( @$text, $node ); # cdata or text node
my $name = $node->{tagName};
if ( $node->{endTag} ) {
last if ( $parent eq $name );
return $self->die( "Invalid tag sequence: <$parent></$name>" );
my $elem = $node->{attributes};
my $forcehash = $self->{__force_hash_all} || $self->{__force_hash}->{$name};
my $subclass;
if ( defined $class ) {
my $escname = $name;
$escname =~ s/\W/_/sg;
$subclass = $class.'::'.$escname;
if ( $node->{startTag} ) { # recursive call
my $child = $self->flat_to_tree( $source, $name, $subclass );
next unless defined $child;
my $hasattr = scalar keys %$elem if ref $elem;
if ( UNIVERSAL::isa( $child, "HASH" ) ) {
if ( $hasattr ) {
# some attributes and some child nodes
%$elem = ( %$elem, %$child );
else {
# some child nodes without attributes
$elem = $child;
else {
if ( $hasattr ) {
# some attributes and text node
$elem->{$self->{text_node_key}} = $child;
elsif ( $forcehash ) {
# only text node without attributes
$elem = { $self->{text_node_key} => $child };
else {
# text node without attributes
$elem = $child;
elsif ( $forcehash && ! ref $elem ) {
$elem = {};
# bless to a class by base_class or elem_class
if ( ref $elem && UNIVERSAL::isa( $elem, "HASH" ) ) {
if ( defined $subclass ) {
bless( $elem, $subclass );
} elsif ( exists $self->{elem_class} && $self->{elem_class} ) {
my $escname = $name;
$escname =~ s/\W/_/sg;
my $elmclass = $self->{elem_class}.'::'.$escname;
bless( $elem, $elmclass );
# next unless defined $elem;
$tree->{$name} ||= [];
push( @{ $tree->{$name} }, $elem );
if ( ! $self->{__force_array_all} ) {
foreach my $key ( keys %$tree ) {
next if $self->{__force_array}->{$key};
next if ( 1 < scalar @{ $tree->{$key} } );
$tree->{$key} = shift @{ $tree->{$key} };
my $haschild = scalar keys %$tree;
if ( scalar @$text ) {
if ( scalar @$text == 1 ) {
# one text node (normal)
$text = shift @$text;
elsif ( ! scalar grep {ref $_} @$text ) {
# some text node splitted
$text = join( '', @$text );
else {
# some cdata node
my $join = join( '', map {ref $_ ? $$_ : $_} @$text );
$text = \$join;
if ( $haschild ) {
# some child nodes and also text node
$tree->{$self->{text_node_key}} = $text;
else {
# only text node without child nodes
$tree = $text;
elsif ( ! $haschild ) {
# no child and no text
$tree = "";
sub hash_to_xml {
my $self = shift;
my $name = shift;
my $hash = shift;
my $out = [];
my $attr = [];
my $allkeys = [ keys %$hash ];
my $fo = $self->{__first_out} if ref $self->{__first_out};
my $lo = $self->{__last_out} if ref $self->{__last_out};
my $firstkeys = [ sort { $fo->{$a} <=> $fo->{$b} } grep { exists $fo->{$_} } @$allkeys ] if ref $fo;
my $lastkeys = [ sort { $lo->{$a} <=> $lo->{$b} } grep { exists $lo->{$_} } @$allkeys ] if ref $lo;
$allkeys = [ grep { ! exists $fo->{$_} } @$allkeys ] if ref $fo;
$allkeys = [ grep { ! exists $lo->{$_} } @$allkeys ] if ref $lo;
unless ( exists $self->{use_ixhash} && $self->{use_ixhash} ) {
$allkeys = [ sort @$allkeys ];
my $prelen = $self->{__attr_prefix_len};
my $pregex = $self->{__attr_prefix_rex};
foreach my $keys ( $firstkeys, $allkeys, $lastkeys ) {
next unless ref $keys;
my $elemkey = $prelen ? [ grep { $_ !~ $pregex } @$keys ] : $keys;
my $attrkey = $prelen ? [ grep { $_ =~ $pregex } @$keys ] : [];
foreach my $key ( @$elemkey ) {
my $val = $hash->{$key};
if ( !defined $val ) {
push( @$out, "<$key />" );
elsif ( UNIVERSAL::isa( $val, 'ARRAY' ) ) {
my $child = $self->array_to_xml( $key, $val );
push( @$out, $child );
elsif ( UNIVERSAL::isa( $val, 'SCALAR' ) ) {
my $child = $self->scalaref_to_cdata( $key, $val );
push( @$out, $child );
elsif ( ref $val ) {
my $child = $self->hash_to_xml( $key, $val );
push( @$out, $child );
else {
my $child = $self->scalar_to_xml( $key, $val );
push( @$out, $child );
foreach my $key ( @$attrkey ) {
my $name = substr( $key, $prelen );
my $val = &xml_escape( $hash->{$key} );
push( @$attr, ' ' . $name . '="' . $val . '"' );
my $jattr = join( '', @$attr );
if ( defined $name && scalar @$out && ! grep { ! /^</s } @$out ) {
# Use human-friendly white spacing
if ( defined $self->{__indent} ) {
s/^(\s*<)/$self->{__indent}$1/mg foreach @$out;
unshift( @$out, "\n" );
my $text = join( '', @$out );
if ( defined $name ) {
if ( scalar @$out ) {
$text = "<$name$jattr>$text</$name>\n";
else {
$text = "<$name$jattr />\n";
sub array_to_xml {
my $self = shift;
my $name = shift;
my $array = shift;
my $out = [];
foreach my $val (@$array) {
if ( !defined $val ) {
push( @$out, "<$name />\n" );
elsif ( UNIVERSAL::isa( $val, 'ARRAY' ) ) {
my $child = $self->array_to_xml( $name, $val );
push( @$out, $child );
elsif ( UNIVERSAL::isa( $val, 'SCALAR' ) ) {
my $child = $self->scalaref_to_cdata( $name, $val );
push( @$out, $child );
elsif ( ref $val ) {
my $child = $self->hash_to_xml( $name, $val );
push( @$out, $child );
else {
my $child = $self->scalar_to_xml( $name, $val );
push( @$out, $child );
my $text = join( '', @$out );
sub scalaref_to_cdata {
my $self = shift;
my $name = shift;
my $ref = shift;
my $data = defined $$ref ? $$ref : '';
$data =~ s#(]])(>)#$1]]><![CDATA[$2#g;
#my $text = '<![CDATA[' . $data . ']]>';
my $text = $data;
$text = "<$name>$text</$name>\n" if ( $name ne $self->{text_node_key} );
sub scalar_to_xml {
my $self = shift;
my $name = shift;
my $scalar = shift;
my $copy = $scalar;
my $text = &xml_escape($copy);
$text = "<$name>$text</$name>\n" if ( $name ne $self->{text_node_key} );
sub write_raw_xml {
my $self = shift;
my $file = shift;
my $fh = Symbol::gensym();
open( $fh, ">$file" ) or return $self->die( "$! - $file" );
print $fh @_;
sub read_raw_xml {
my $self = shift;
my $file = shift;
my $fh = Symbol::gensym();
open( $fh, $file ) or return $self->die( "$! - $file" );
local $/ = undef;
my $text = <$fh>;
sub xml_decl_encoding {
my $textref = shift;
return unless defined $$textref;
my $args = ( $$textref =~ /^\s*<\?xml(\s+\S.*)\?>/s )[0] or return;
my $getcode = ( $args =~ /\s+encoding=(".*?"|'.*?')/ )[0] or return;
$getcode =~ s/^['"]//;
$getcode =~ s/['"]$//;
sub encode_from_to {
my $self = shift;
my $txtref = shift or return;
my $from = shift or return;
my $to = shift or return;
unless ( defined $Encode::EUCJPMS::VERSION ) {
$from = 'EUC-JP' if ( $from =~ /\beuc-?jp-?(win|ms)$/i );
$to = 'EUC-JP' if ( $to =~ /\beuc-?jp-?(win|ms)$/i );
my $setflag = $self->{utf8_flag} if exists $self->{utf8_flag};
if ( $] < 5.008001 && $setflag ) {
return $self->die( "Perl 5.8.1 is required for utf8_flag: $]" );
if ( $] >= 5.008 ) {
my $check = ( $Encode::VERSION < 2.13 ) ? 0x400 : Encode::FB_XMLCREF();
if ( $] >= 5.008001 && utf8::is_utf8( $$txtref ) ) {
if ( $to =~ /^utf-?8$/i ) {
# skip
} else {
$$txtref = Encode::encode( $to, $$txtref, $check );
} else {
$$txtref = Encode::decode( $from, $$txtref );
if ( $to =~ /^utf-?8$/i && $setflag ) {
# skip
} else {
$$txtref = Encode::encode( $to, $$txtref, $check );
elsif ( ( uc($from) eq 'ISO-8859-1'
|| uc($from) eq 'US-ASCII'
|| uc($from) eq 'LATIN-1' ) && uc($to) eq 'UTF-8' ) {
else {
my $jfrom = &get_jcode_name($from);
my $jto = &get_jcode_name($to);
return $to if ( uc($jfrom) eq uc($jto) );
if ( $jfrom && $jto ) {
if ( defined $Jcode::VERSION ) {
Jcode::convert( $txtref, $jto, $jfrom );
else {
return $self->die( "Jcode.pm is required: $from to $to" );
else {
return $self->die( "Encode.pm is required: $from to $to" );
sub load_jcode {
return if defined $Jcode::VERSION;
local $@;
eval { require Jcode; };
sub load_encode {
return if defined $Encode::VERSION;
local $@;
eval { require Encode; };
sub latin1_to_utf8 {
my $strref = shift;
$$strref =~ s{
pack( 'C2' => 0xC0|(ord($1)>>6),0x80|(ord($1)&0x3F) )
sub get_jcode_name {
my $src = shift;
my $dst;
if ( $src =~ /^utf-?8$/i ) {
$dst = 'utf8';
elsif ( $src =~ /^euc.*jp(-?(win|ms))?$/i ) {
$dst = 'euc';
elsif ( $src =~ /^(shift.*jis|cp932|windows-31j)$/i ) {
$dst = 'sjis';
elsif ( $src =~ /^iso-2022-jp/ ) {
$dst = 'jis';
sub xml_escape {
my $str = shift;
return '' unless defined $str;
# except for TAB(\x09),CR(\x0D),LF(\x0A)
$str =~ s{
sprintf( '&#%d;', ord($1) );
$str =~ s/&(?!#(\d+;|x[\dA-Fa-f]+;))/&/g;
$str =~ s/</</g;
$str =~ s/>/>/g;
$str =~ s/'/'/g;
$str =~ s/"/"/g;
sub xml_unescape {
my $str = shift;
my $map = {qw( quot " lt < gt > apos ' amp & )};
$str =~ s{
$4 ? $map->{$4} : &char_deref($1,$2,$3);
sub char_deref {
my( $str, $dec, $hex ) = @_;
if ( defined $dec ) {
return &code_to_utf8( $dec ) if ( $dec < 256 );
elsif ( defined $hex ) {
my $num = hex($hex);
return &code_to_utf8( $num ) if ( $num < 256 );
return $str;
sub code_to_utf8 {
my $code = shift;
if ( $code < 128 ) {
return pack( C => $code );
elsif ( $code < 256 ) {
return pack( C2 => 0xC0|($code>>6), 0x80|($code&0x3F));
elsif ( $code < 65536 ) {
return pack( C3 => 0xC0|($code>>12), 0x80|(($code>>6)&0x3F), 0x80|($code&0x3F));
return shift if scalar @_; # default value
sprintf( '&#x%04X;', $code );