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; Physics settings
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;## World Settings
;Gravity. Feel like falling up? change world_gravityz to 9.8 instead of -9.8. m/s
world_gravityx = 0
world_gravityy = 0
world_gravityz = -9.8
; World Step size. (warning these are dangerous. Changing these will probably cause your scene to explode dramatically)
; reference: fps = (0.09375/ODE_STEPSIZE) * 1000;
world_stepsize = 0.020
world_internal_steps_without_collisions = 10
;World Space settings. Affects memory consumption vs Collider CPU time for avatar and physical prim
world_hashspace_size_low = -4
world_hashSpace_size_high = 128
;Dynamic space settings Affects memory consumption vs Collider CPU time for static prim
meters_in_small_space = 29.9
small_hashspace_size_low = -4
small_hashspace_size_high = 66
; ##
; ## Contact properties. (the stuff that happens when things come in contact with each other)
; ##
; surface layer around geometries other geometries can sink into before generating a contact
world_contact_surface_layer = 0.001
; Filtering Collisions helps keep things stable physics wise, but sometimes
; it can be over zealous. If you notice bouncing, chances are it's being just
; that
filter_collisions = false
; Non Moving Terrain Contact (avatar isn't moving)
nm_terraincontact_friction = 255.0
nm_terraincontact_bounce = 0.1
nm_terraincontact_erp = 0.1025
; Moving Terrain Contact (avatar is moving)
m_terraincontact_friction = 75.0
m_terraincontact_bounce = 0.05
m_terrainContact_erp = 0.05025
; Moving Avatar to object Contact
m_avatarobjectcontact_friction = 75.0
m_avatarobjectcontact_bounce = 0.1
; Object to Object Contact and Non-Moving Avatar to object
objectcontact_friction = 250.0
objectcontact_bounce = 0.2
; ##
; ## Avatar Control
; ##
; PID Controller Settings. These affect the math that causes the avatar to reach the
; desired velocity
; See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PID_controller
av_pid_derivative_linux = 2200.0
av_pid_proportional_linux = 900.0;
av_pid_derivative_win = 2200.0
av_pid_proportional_win = 900.0;
;girth of the avatar. Adds radius to the height also
av_capsule_radius = 0.37
; Max force permissible to use to keep the avatar standing up straight
av_capsule_standup_tensor_win = 550000
av_capsule_standup_tensor_linux = 550000
; used to calculate mass of avatar.
; float AVvolume = (float) (Math.PI*Math.Pow(CAPSULE_RADIUS, 2)*CAPSULE_LENGTH);
; av_density * AVvolume;
av_density = 80
; use this value to cut 52% of the height the sim gives us
av_height_fudge_factor = 0.52
; Movement. Smaller is faster.
; speed of movement with Always Run off
av_movement_divisor_walk = 1.3
; speed of movement with Always Run on
av_movement_divisor_run = 0.8
; When the avatar flies, it will be moved up by this amount off the ground (in meters)
minimum_ground_flight_offset = 3.0
; ##
; ## Object options
; ##
; used in the mass calculation.
geometry_default_density = 10.000006836
; amount of ODE steps where object is non moving for ODE to automatically put it to sleep
body_frames_auto_disable = 20
; used to control llMove2Target
body_pid_derivative = 35
body_pid_gain = 25
; amount of time a geom/body will try to cross a region border before it gets disabled
geom_crossing_failures_before_outofbounds = 5
; start throttling the object updates if object comes in contact with 3 or more other objects
geom_contactpoints_start_throttling = 3
; send 1 update for every x updates below when throttled
geom_updates_before_throttled_update = 15
; Used for llSetStatus. How rigid the object rotation is held on the axis specified
body_motor_joint_maxforce_tensor_linux = 5
body_motor_joint_maxforce_tensor_win = 5
; ##
; ## Sculpted Prim settings
; ##
; Do we want to mesh sculpted prim to collide like they look?
mesh_sculpted_prim = true
; number^2 non-physical level of detail of the sculpt texture. 32x32 - 1024 verticies
mesh_lod = 32
; number^2 physical level of detail of the sculpt texture. 16x16 - 256 verticies
mesh_physical_lod = 16
; ##
; ## Physics logging settings - logfiles are saved to *.DIF files
; ##
; default is false
;physics_logging = true
;; every n simulation iterations, the physics snapshot file is updated
;physics_logging_interval = 50
;; append to existing physics logfile, or overwrite existing logfiles?
;physics_logging_append_existing_logfile = true
; ##
; ## Joint support
; ##
; if you would like physics joints to be enabled through a special naming convention in the client, set this to true.
; (see NINJA Physics documentation, http://opensimulator.org/wiki/NINJA_Physics)
; default is false
;use_NINJA_physics_joints = true