
477 lines
18 KiB
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using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using OpenSim.Scripting.EmbeddedJVM.Types;
namespace OpenSim.Scripting.EmbeddedJVM
public class ClassRecord
private ushort _majorVersion;
private ushort _minorVersion;
private ushort _constantPoolCount;
private ushort _accessFlags;
private ushort _thisClass;
private ushort _supperClass;
private ushort _interfaceCount;
private ushort _fieldCount;
private ushort _methodCount;
//private ushort _attributeCount;
//private string _name;
public Dictionary<string, BaseType> StaticFields = new Dictionary<string, BaseType>();
public PoolClass mClass;
public List<PoolItem> _constantsPool = new List<PoolItem>();
private List<MethodInfo> _methodsList = new List<MethodInfo>();
private List<FieldInfo> _fieldList = new List<FieldInfo>();
public ClassRecord()
public ClassInstance CreateNewInstance()
return new ClassInstance();
public void LoadClassFromFile(string fileName)
Console.WriteLine("loading script " + fileName);
FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(fileName);
public void LoadClassFromBytes(byte[] data)
int i = 0;
i += 4;
_minorVersion = (ushort)((data[i++] << 8) + data[i++] );
_majorVersion = (ushort)((data[i++] << 8) + data[i++] );
_constantPoolCount = (ushort)((data[i++] << 8) + data[i++] );
// Console.WriteLine("there should be " + _constantPoolCount + " items in the pool");
for (int count = 0; count < _constantPoolCount -1 ; count++)
//read in the constant pool
byte pooltype = data[i++];
//Console.WriteLine("#" +count +": new constant type = " +pooltype);
//Console.WriteLine("start position is: " + i);
switch (pooltype)
case 1: //Utf8
ushort uLength = (ushort)((data[i++] << 8) + data[i++] );
// Console.WriteLine("new utf8 type, length is " + uLength);
PoolUtf8 utf8 = new PoolUtf8();
utf8.readValue(data, ref i, uLength);
case 3: //Int
case 7: //Class
PoolClass pClass = new PoolClass(this);
pClass.readValue(data, ref i);
case 10: //Method
PoolMethodRef pMeth = new PoolMethodRef(this);
pMeth.readValue(data, ref i);
case 12: //NamedType
PoolNamedType pNamed = new PoolNamedType(this);
pNamed.readValue(data, ref i);
_accessFlags = (ushort)((data[i++] << 8) + data[i++] );
_thisClass = (ushort)((data[i++] << 8) + data[i++] );
_supperClass = (ushort)((data[i++] << 8) + data[i++] );
if (this._constantsPool[this._thisClass - 1] is PoolClass)
this.mClass = ((PoolClass)this._constantsPool[this._thisClass - 1]);
_interfaceCount = (ushort)((data[i++] << 8) + data[i++]);
//should now read in the info for each interface
_fieldCount = (ushort)((data[i++] << 8) + data[i++]);
//should now read in the info for each field
_methodCount = (ushort)((data[i++] << 8) + data[i++]);
for (int count = 0; count < _methodCount; count++)
MethodInfo methInf = new MethodInfo(this);
methInf.ReadData(data, ref i);
public void AddMethodsToMemory(MethodMemory memory)
for (int count = 0; count < _methodCount; count++)
public bool StartMethod(Thread thread, string methodName)
for (int count = 0; count < _methodCount; count++)
if (this._constantsPool[this._methodsList[count].NameIndex-1] is PoolUtf8)
if (((PoolUtf8)this._constantsPool[this._methodsList[count].NameIndex-1]).Value == methodName)
//Console.WriteLine("found method: " + ((PoolUtf8)this._constantsPool[this._methodsList[count].NameIndex - 1]).Value);
return true;
return false;
public void PrintToConsole()
Console.WriteLine("Class File:");
Console.WriteLine("Major version: " + _majorVersion);
Console.WriteLine("Minor version: " + _minorVersion);
Console.WriteLine("Pool size: " + _constantPoolCount);
for (int i = 0; i < _constantsPool.Count; i++)
Console.WriteLine("Access flags: " + _accessFlags);
Console.WriteLine("This class: " + _thisClass );
Console.WriteLine("Super class: " + _supperClass);
for (int count = 0; count < _methodCount; count++)
Console.WriteLine("class name is " + this.mClass.Name.Value);
public static byte[] ReadFully(Stream stream)
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
while (true)
int read = stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
if (read <= 0)
return ms.ToArray();
ms.Write(buffer, 0, read);
#region nested classes
public class PoolItem
public virtual void Print()
public class PoolUtf8 : PoolItem
public string Value = "";
public void readValue(byte[] data,ref int pointer , int length)
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
int a =(int) data[pointer++];
if ((a & 0x80) == 0)
Value = Value + (char)a;
else if ((a & 0x20) == 0)
int b = (int) data[pointer++];
Value = Value + (char)(((a & 0x1f) << 6) + (b & 0x3f));
int b = (int)data[pointer++];
int c = (int)data[pointer++];
Value = Value + (char)(((a & 0xf) << 12) + ((b & 0x3f) << 6) + (c & 0x3f));
public override void Print()
Console.WriteLine("Utf8 type: " + Value);
private class PoolInt : PoolItem
public class PoolClass : PoolItem
//public string name = "";
public ushort namePointer = 0;
private ClassRecord parent;
public PoolUtf8 Name;
public PoolClass(ClassRecord paren)
parent = paren;
public void readValue(byte[] data, ref int pointer)
namePointer = (ushort)((data[pointer++] << 8) + data[pointer++] );
public override void Print()
this.Name = ((PoolUtf8)this.parent._constantsPool[namePointer - 1]);
Console.Write("Class type: " + namePointer);
Console.WriteLine(" // " + ((PoolUtf8)this.parent._constantsPool[namePointer - 1]).Value);
public class PoolMethodRef : PoolItem
public ushort classPointer = 0;
public ushort nameTypePointer = 0;
public PoolNamedType mNameType;
public PoolClass mClass;
private ClassRecord parent;
public PoolMethodRef(ClassRecord paren)
parent = paren;
public void readValue(byte[] data, ref int pointer)
classPointer = (ushort)((data[pointer++] << 8) + data[pointer++]);
nameTypePointer = (ushort)((data[pointer++] << 8) + data[pointer++]);
public override void Print()
this.mNameType = ((PoolNamedType)this.parent._constantsPool[nameTypePointer - 1]);
this.mClass = ((PoolClass)this.parent._constantsPool[classPointer - 1]);
Console.WriteLine("MethodRef type: " + classPointer + " , " + nameTypePointer);
public class PoolNamedType : PoolItem
public ushort namePointer = 0;
public ushort typePointer = 0;
private ClassRecord parent;
public PoolUtf8 Name;
public PoolUtf8 Type;
public PoolNamedType(ClassRecord paren)
parent = paren;
public void readValue(byte[] data, ref int pointer)
namePointer = (ushort)((data[pointer++] << 8) + data[pointer++] );
typePointer = (ushort)((data[pointer++] << 8) + data[pointer++] );
public override void Print()
Name = ((PoolUtf8)this.parent._constantsPool[namePointer-1]);
Type = ((PoolUtf8)this.parent._constantsPool[typePointer-1]);
Console.Write("Named type: " + namePointer + " , " + typePointer );
Console.WriteLine(" // "+ ((PoolUtf8)this.parent._constantsPool[namePointer-1]).Value);
public class MethodInfo
public ushort AccessFlags = 0;
public ushort NameIndex = 0;
public string Name = "";
public ushort DescriptorIndex = 0;
public ushort AttributeCount = 0;
public List<MethodAttribute> Attributes = new List<MethodAttribute>();
private ClassRecord parent;
public int CodePointer = 0;
public MethodInfo(ClassRecord paren)
parent = paren;
public void AddMethodCode(MethodMemory memory)
Array.Copy(this.Attributes[0].Code, 0, memory.MethodBuffer, memory.NextMethodPC, this.Attributes[0].Code.Length);
this.CodePointer = memory.NextMethodPC;
memory.NextMethodPC += this.Attributes[0].Code.Length;
public void ReadData(byte[] data, ref int pointer)
AccessFlags = (ushort)((data[pointer++] << 8) + data[pointer++]);
NameIndex = (ushort)((data[pointer++] << 8) + data[pointer++]);
DescriptorIndex = (ushort)((data[pointer++] << 8) + data[pointer++]);
AttributeCount = (ushort)((data[pointer++] << 8) + data[pointer++]);
for(int i =0; i< AttributeCount; i++)
MethodAttribute attri = new MethodAttribute(this.parent);
attri.ReadData(data, ref pointer);
public void Print()
Console.WriteLine("Method Info Struct: ");
Console.WriteLine("AccessFlags: " + AccessFlags);
Console.WriteLine("NameIndex: " + NameIndex +" // "+ ((PoolUtf8)this.parent._constantsPool[NameIndex-1]).Value);
Console.WriteLine("DescriptorIndex: " + DescriptorIndex + " // "+ ((PoolUtf8)this.parent._constantsPool[DescriptorIndex-1]).Value);
Console.WriteLine("Attribute Count:" + AttributeCount);
for (int i = 0; i < AttributeCount; i++)
public class MethodAttribute
public ushort NameIndex = 0;
public string Name = "";
public Int32 Length = 0;
//for now only support code attribute
public ushort MaxStack = 0;
public ushort MaxLocals = 0;
public Int32 CodeLength = 0;
public byte[] Code;
public ushort ExceptionTableLength = 0;
public ushort SubAttributeCount = 0;
public List<SubAttribute> SubAttributes = new List<SubAttribute>();
private ClassRecord parent;
public MethodAttribute(ClassRecord paren)
parent = paren;
public void ReadData(byte[] data, ref int pointer)
NameIndex = (ushort)((data[pointer++] << 8) + data[pointer++]);
Length = (Int32)((data[pointer++] << 24) + (data[pointer++] << 16) + (data[pointer++] << 8) + data[pointer++]);
MaxStack = (ushort)((data[pointer++] << 8) + data[pointer++]);
MaxLocals = (ushort)((data[pointer++] << 8) + data[pointer++]);
CodeLength = (Int32)((data[pointer++] << 24) + (data[pointer++] << 16) + (data[pointer++] << 8) + data[pointer++]);
Code = new byte[CodeLength];
for (int i = 0; i < CodeLength; i++)
Code[i] = data[pointer++];
ExceptionTableLength = (ushort)((data[pointer++] << 8) + data[pointer++]);
SubAttributeCount = (ushort)((data[pointer++] << 8) + data[pointer++]);
for (int i = 0; i < SubAttributeCount; i++)
SubAttribute subAttri = new SubAttribute(this.parent);
subAttri.ReadData(data, ref pointer);
public void Print()
Console.WriteLine("Method Attribute: ");
Console.WriteLine("Name Index: " + NameIndex + " // "+ ((PoolUtf8)this.parent._constantsPool[NameIndex-1]).Value);
Console.WriteLine("Length: " + Length);
Console.WriteLine("MaxStack: " + MaxStack);
Console.WriteLine("MaxLocals: " + MaxLocals);
Console.WriteLine("CodeLength: " + CodeLength);
for (int i = 0; i < Code.Length; i++)
Console.WriteLine("OpCode #" + i + " is: " + Code[i]);
Console.WriteLine("SubAttributes: " + SubAttributeCount);
for (int i = 0; i < SubAttributeCount; i++)
public class SubAttribute
public ushort NameIndex = 0;
public string Name = "";
public Int32 Length = 0;
public byte[] Data;
private ClassRecord parent;
public SubAttribute(ClassRecord paren)
parent = paren;
public void ReadData(byte[] data, ref int pointer)
NameIndex = (ushort)((data[pointer++] << 8) + data[pointer++]);
Length = (Int32)((data[pointer++] << 24) + (data[pointer++] << 16) + (data[pointer++] << 8) + data[pointer++]);
Data = new byte[Length];
for (int i = 0; i < Length; i++)
Data[i] = data[pointer++];
public void Print()
Console.WriteLine("SubAttribute: NameIndex: " + NameIndex + " // " + ((PoolUtf8)this.parent._constantsPool[NameIndex - 1]).Value);
private class InterfaceInfo
public void ReadData(byte[] data, ref int i)
private class FieldInfo
public void ReadData(byte[] data, ref int i)
private class AttributeInfo
public void ReadData(byte[] data, ref int i)