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# Text formatting abstractions
# Note -- this module is obsolete, it's too slow anyway
import string
import Para
# A formatter back-end object has one method that is called by the formatter:
# addpara(p), where p is a paragraph object. For example:
# Formatter back-end to do nothing at all with the paragraphs
class NullBackEnd:
def __init__(self):
def addpara(self, p):
def bgn_anchor(self, id):
def end_anchor(self, id):
# Formatter back-end to collect the paragraphs in a list
class SavingBackEnd(NullBackEnd):
def __init__(self):
self.paralist = []
def addpara(self, p):
def hitcheck(self, h, v):
hits = []
for p in self.paralist:
if p.top <= v <= p.bottom:
for id in p.hitcheck(h, v):
if id not in hits:
return hits
def extract(self):
text = ''
for p in self.paralist:
text = text + (p.extract())
return text
def extractpart(self, long1, long2):
if long1 > long2: long1, long2 = long2, long1
para1, pos1 = long1
para2, pos2 = long2
text = ''
while para1 < para2:
ptext = self.paralist[para1].extract()
text = text + ptext[pos1:]
pos1 = 0
para1 = para1 + 1
ptext = self.paralist[para2].extract()
return text + ptext[pos1:pos2]
def whereis(self, d, h, v):
total = 0
for i in range(len(self.paralist)):
p = self.paralist[i]
result = p.whereis(d, h, v)
if result is not None:
return i, result
return None
def roundtowords(self, long1, long2):
i, offset = long1
text = self.paralist[i].extract()
while offset > 0 and text[offset-1] != ' ': offset = offset-1
long1 = i, offset
i, offset = long2
text = self.paralist[i].extract()
n = len(text)
while offset < n-1 and text[offset] != ' ': offset = offset+1
long2 = i, offset
return long1, long2
def roundtoparagraphs(self, long1, long2):
long1 = long1[0], 0
long2 = long2[0], len(self.paralist[long2[0]].extract())
return long1, long2
# Formatter back-end to send the text directly to the drawing object
class WritingBackEnd(NullBackEnd):
def __init__(self, d, width):
self.d = d
self.width = width
self.lineno = 0
def addpara(self, p):
self.lineno = p.render(self.d, 0, self.lineno, self.width)
# A formatter receives a stream of formatting instructions and assembles
# these into a stream of paragraphs on to a back-end. The assembly is
# parametrized by a text measurement object, which must match the output
# operations of the back-end. The back-end is responsible for splitting
# paragraphs up in lines of a given maximum width. (This is done because
# in a windowing environment, when the window size changes, there is no
# need to redo the assembly into paragraphs, but the splitting into lines
# must be done taking the new window size into account.)
# Formatter base class. Initialize it with a text measurement object,
# which is used for text measurements, and a back-end object,
# which receives the completed paragraphs. The formatting methods are:
# setfont(font)
# setleftindent(nspaces)
# setjust(type) where type is 'l', 'c', 'r', or 'lr'
# flush()
# vspace(nlines)
# needvspace(nlines)
# addword(word, nspaces)
class BaseFormatter:
def __init__(self, d, b):
# Drawing object used for text measurements
self.d = d
# BackEnd object receiving completed paragraphs
self.b = b
# Parameters of the formatting model
self.leftindent = 0
self.just = 'l'
self.font = None
self.blanklines = 0
# Parameters derived from the current font
self.space = d.textwidth(' ')
self.line = d.lineheight()
self.ascent = d.baseline()
self.descent = self.line - self.ascent
# Parameter derived from the default font
self.n_space = self.space
# Current paragraph being built
self.para = None
self.nospace = 1
# Font to set on the next word
self.nextfont = None
def newpara(self):
return Para.Para()
def setfont(self, font):
if font is None: return
self.font = self.nextfont = font
d = self.d
self.space = d.textwidth(' ')
self.line = d.lineheight()
self.ascent = d.baseline()
self.descent = self.line - self.ascent
def setleftindent(self, nspaces):
self.leftindent = int(self.n_space * nspaces)
if self.para:
hang = self.leftindent - self.para.indent_left
if hang > 0 and self.para.getlength() <= hang:
self.nospace = 1
def setrightindent(self, nspaces):
self.rightindent = int(self.n_space * nspaces)
if self.para:
self.para.indent_right = self.rightindent
def setjust(self, just):
self.just = just
if self.para:
self.para.just = self.just
def flush(self):
if self.para:
self.para = None
if self.font is not None:
self.nospace = 1
def vspace(self, nlines):
if nlines > 0:
self.para = self.newpara()
tuple = None, '', 0, 0, 0, int(nlines*self.line), 0
self.blanklines = self.blanklines + nlines
def needvspace(self, nlines):
self.flush() # Just to be sure
if nlines > self.blanklines:
self.vspace(nlines - self.blanklines)
def addword(self, text, space):
if self.nospace and not text:
self.nospace = 0
self.blanklines = 0
if not self.para:
self.para = self.newpara()
self.para.indent_left = self.leftindent
self.para.just = self.just
self.nextfont = self.font
space = int(space * self.space)
self.para.words.append((self.nextfont, text,
self.d.textwidth(text), space, space,
self.ascent, self.descent))
self.nextfont = None
def bgn_anchor(self, id):
if not self.para:
self.nospace = 0
self.addword('', 0)
def end_anchor(self, id):
if not self.para:
self.nospace = 0
self.addword('', 0)
# Measuring object for measuring text as viewed on a tty
class NullMeasurer:
def __init__(self):
def setfont(self, font):
def textwidth(self, text):
return len(text)
def lineheight(self):
return 1
def baseline(self):
return 0
# Drawing object for writing plain ASCII text to a file
class FileWriter:
def __init__(self, fp):
self.fp = fp
self.lineno, self.colno = 0, 0
def setfont(self, font):
def text(self, (h, v), str):
if not str: return
if '\n' in str:
raise ValueError, 'can\'t write \\n'
while self.lineno < v:
self.colno, self.lineno = 0, self.lineno + 1
while self.lineno > v:
# XXX This should never happen...
self.fp.write('\033[A') # ANSI up arrow
self.lineno = self.lineno - 1
if self.colno < h:
self.fp.write(' ' * (h - self.colno))
elif self.colno > h:
self.fp.write('\b' * (self.colno - h))
self.colno = h
self.colno = h + len(str)
# Formatting class to do nothing at all with the data
class NullFormatter(BaseFormatter):
def __init__(self):
d = NullMeasurer()
b = NullBackEnd()
BaseFormatter.__init__(self, d, b)
# Formatting class to write directly to a file
class WritingFormatter(BaseFormatter):
def __init__(self, fp, width):
dm = NullMeasurer()
dw = FileWriter(fp)
b = WritingBackEnd(dw, width)
BaseFormatter.__init__(self, dm, b)
self.blanklines = 1
# Suppress multiple blank lines
def needvspace(self, nlines):
BaseFormatter.needvspace(self, min(1, nlines))
# A "FunnyFormatter" writes ASCII text with a twist: *bold words*,
# _italic text_ and _underlined words_, and `quoted text'.
# It assumes that the fonts are 'r', 'i', 'b', 'u', 'q': (roman,
# italic, bold, underline, quote).
# Moreover, if the font is in upper case, the text is converted to
class FunnyFormatter(WritingFormatter):
def flush(self):
if self.para: finalize(self.para)
# Surrounds *bold words* and _italic text_ in a paragraph with
# appropriate markers, fixing the size (assuming these characters'
# width is 1).
openchar = \
{'b':'*', 'i':'_', 'u':'_', 'q':'`', 'B':'*', 'I':'_', 'U':'_', 'Q':'`'}
closechar = \
{'b':'*', 'i':'_', 'u':'_', 'q':'\'', 'B':'*', 'I':'_', 'U':'_', 'Q':'\''}
def finalize(para):
oldfont = curfont = 'r'
para.words.append(('r', '', 0, 0, 0, 0)) # temporary, deleted at end
for i in range(len(para.words)):
fo, te, wi = para.words[i][:3]
if fo is not None: curfont = fo
if curfont != oldfont:
if closechar.has_key(oldfont):
c = closechar[oldfont]
j = i-1
while j > 0 and para.words[j][1] == '': j = j-1
fo1, te1, wi1 = para.words[j][:3]
te1 = te1 + c
wi1 = wi1 + len(c)
para.words[j] = (fo1, te1, wi1) + \
if openchar.has_key(curfont) and te:
c = openchar[curfont]
te = c + te
wi = len(c) + wi
para.words[i] = (fo, te, wi) + \
if te: oldfont = curfont
else: oldfont = 'r'
if curfont in string.uppercase:
te = string.upper(te)
para.words[i] = (fo, te, wi) + para.words[i][3:]
del para.words[-1]
# Formatter back-end to draw the text in a window.
# This has an option to draw while the paragraphs are being added,
# to minimize the delay before the user sees anything.
# This manages the entire "document" of the window.
class StdwinBackEnd(SavingBackEnd):
def __init__(self, window, drawnow):
self.window = window
self.drawnow = drawnow
self.width = window.getwinsize()[0]
self.selection = None
self.height = 0
window.setorigin(0, 0)
window.setdocsize(0, 0)
self.d = window.begindrawing()
def finish(self):
self.d = None
self.window.setdocsize(0, self.height)
def addpara(self, p):
if self.drawnow:
self.height = \
p.render(self.d, 0, self.height, self.width)
p.left = 0
p.top = self.height
p.right = self.width
p.bottom = self.height + p.height
self.height = p.bottom
def resize(self):
self.window.change((0, 0), (self.width, self.height))
self.width = self.window.getwinsize()[0]
self.height = 0
for p in self.paralist:
p.left = 0
p.top = self.height
p.right = self.width
p.bottom = self.height + p.height
self.height = p.bottom
self.window.change((0, 0), (self.width, self.height))
self.window.setdocsize(0, self.height)
def redraw(self, area):
d = self.window.begindrawing()
(left, top), (right, bottom) = area
for p in self.paralist:
if top < p.bottom and p.top < bottom:
v = p.render(d, p.left, p.top, p.right)
if self.selection:
self.invert(d, self.selection)
def setselection(self, new):
if new:
long1, long2 = new
pos1 = long1[:3]
pos2 = long2[:3]
new = pos1, pos2
if new != self.selection:
d = self.window.begindrawing()
if self.selection:
self.invert(d, self.selection)
if new:
self.invert(d, new)
self.selection = new
def getselection(self):
return self.selection
def extractselection(self):
if self.selection:
a, b = self.selection
return self.extractpart(a, b)
return None
def invert(self, d, region):
long1, long2 = region
if long1 > long2: long1, long2 = long2, long1
para1, pos1 = long1
para2, pos2 = long2
while para1 < para2:
self.paralist[para1].invert(d, pos1, None)
pos1 = None
para1 = para1 + 1
self.paralist[para2].invert(d, pos1, pos2)
def search(self, prog):
import re, string
if type(prog) is type(''):
prog = re.compile(string.lower(prog))
if self.selection:
iold = self.selection[0][0]
iold = -1
hit = None
for i in range(len(self.paralist)):
if i == iold or i < iold and hit:
p = self.paralist[i]
text = string.lower(p.extract())
match = prog.search(text)
if match:
a, b = match.group(0)
long1 = i, a
long2 = i, b
hit = long1, long2
if i > iold:
if hit:
i = hit[0][0]
p = self.paralist[i]
self.window.show((p.left, p.top), (p.right, p.bottom))
return 1
return 0
def showanchor(self, id):
for i in range(len(self.paralist)):
p = self.paralist[i]
if p.hasanchor(id):
long1 = i, 0
long2 = i, len(p.extract())
hit = long1, long2
(p.left, p.top), (p.right, p.bottom))
# GL extensions
class GLFontCache:
def __init__(self):
def reset(self):
self.fontkey = None
self.fonthandle = None
self.fontinfo = None
self.fontcache = {}
def close(self):
def setfont(self, fontkey):
if fontkey == '':
fontkey = 'Times-Roman 12'
elif ' ' not in fontkey:
fontkey = fontkey + ' 12'
if fontkey == self.fontkey:
if self.fontcache.has_key(fontkey):
handle = self.fontcache[fontkey]
import string
i = string.index(fontkey, ' ')
name, sizestr = fontkey[:i], fontkey[i:]
size = eval(sizestr)
key1 = name + ' 1'
key = name + ' ' + `size`
# NB key may differ from fontkey!
if self.fontcache.has_key(key):
handle = self.fontcache[key]
if self.fontcache.has_key(key1):
handle = self.fontcache[key1]
import fm
handle = fm.findfont(name)
self.fontcache[key1] = handle
handle = handle.scalefont(size)
self.fontcache[fontkey] = \
self.fontcache[key] = handle
self.fontkey = fontkey
if self.fonthandle != handle:
self.fonthandle = handle
self.fontinfo = handle.getfontinfo()
class GLMeasurer(GLFontCache):
def textwidth(self, text):
return self.fonthandle.getstrwidth(text)
def baseline(self):
return self.fontinfo[6] - self.fontinfo[3]
def lineheight(self):
return self.fontinfo[6]
class GLWriter(GLFontCache):
# (1) Use gl.ortho2 to use X pixel coordinates!
def text(self, (h, v), text):
import gl, fm
gl.cmov2i(h, v + self.fontinfo[6] - self.fontinfo[3])
def setfont(self, fontkey):
oldhandle = self.fonthandle
if self.fonthandle != oldhandle:
class GLMeasurerWriter(GLMeasurer, GLWriter):
class GLBackEnd(SavingBackEnd):
def __init__(self, wid):
import gl
self.wid = wid
self.width = gl.getsize()[1]
self.height = 0
self.d = GLMeasurerWriter()
def finish(self):
def addpara(self, p):
self.height = p.render(self.d, 0, self.height, self.width)
def redraw(self):
import gl
width = gl.getsize()[1]
if width != self.width:
setdocsize = 1
self.width = width
for p in self.paralist:
p.top = p.bottom = None
d = self.d
v = 0
for p in self.paralist:
v = p.render(d, 0, v, width)