starting to push some of the actual sql commands to get this to disk.
Not working yet.afrisby
@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ namespace OpenSim.DataStore.SqliteStorage
private const string shapeSelect = "select * from primshapes";
private DataSet ds;
private SqliteDataAdapter primDa;
private SqliteDataAdapter shapeDa;
public void Initialise(string dbfile, string dbname)
@ -31,24 +33,59 @@ namespace OpenSim.DataStore.SqliteStorage
SqliteConnection conn = new SqliteConnection(dbfile);
SqliteCommand primSelectCmd = new SqliteCommand(primSelect, conn);
SqliteDataAdapter primDa = new SqliteDataAdapter(primSelectCmd);
primDa = new SqliteDataAdapter(primSelectCmd);
// SqliteCommandBuilder primCb = new SqliteCommandBuilder(primDa);
SqliteCommand shapeSelectCmd = new SqliteCommand(shapeSelect, conn);
SqliteDataAdapter shapeDa = new SqliteDataAdapter(shapeSelectCmd);
shapeDa = new SqliteDataAdapter(shapeSelectCmd);
// SqliteCommandBuilder shapeCb = new SqliteCommandBuilder(shapeDa);
ds = new DataSet();
// We fill the data set, now we've got copies in memory for the information
// TODO: see if the linkage actually holds.
primDa.FillSchema(ds, SchemaType.Mapped, "PrimSchema");
primDa.FillSchema(ds, SchemaType.Source, "PrimSchema");
primDa.Fill(ds, "prims");
DataTable prims = ds.Tables["prims"];
prims.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { prims.Columns["UUID"] };
shapeDa.FillSchema(ds, SchemaType.Mapped, "ShapeSchema");
shapeDa.FillSchema(ds, SchemaType.Source, "ShapeSchema");
shapeDa.Fill(ds, "primshapes");
private void setupPrimCommands(SqliteDataAdapter da)
SqliteCommand delete = new SqliteCommand("delete from prims where UUID=@UUID");
SqliteParameterCollection parms = delete.Parameters;
parms.Add("@UUID", SqlDbType.VarChar);
da.DeleteCommand = delete;
string sql = "insert into prims(" +
"UUID, CreationDate, Name, PositionX, PositionY, PositionZ" +
") values(@UUID, @CreationDate, @Name, @PositionX, @PositionY, @PositionZ)";
SqliteCommand insert = new SqliteCommand(sql);
parms = insert.Parameters;
parms.Add("@UUID", SqlDbType.VarChar);
parms.Add("@CreationDate", SqlDbType.Int);
parms.Add("@Name", SqlDbType.VarChar);
parms.Add("@PositionX", SqlDbType.Float);
parms.Add("@PositionY", SqlDbType.Float);
parms.Add("@PositionZ", SqlDbType.Float);
da.InsertCommand = insert;
// throw away for now until the rest works
string updateSQL = "update prims set name='update'";
SqliteCommand update = new SqliteCommand(updateSQL);
da.UpdateCommand = update;
private void StoreSceneObject(SceneObject obj)
@ -89,13 +126,23 @@ namespace OpenSim.DataStore.SqliteStorage
private void commit()
DataTable prims = ds.Tables["prims"];
DataTable shapes = ds.Tables["shapes"];
public void StoreObject(SceneObject obj)
foreach (Primitive prim in obj.Children.Values)
MainLog.Instance.Verbose("Dump of prims: {0}", ds.GetXml());
primDa.Update(ds, "prims");
MainLog.Instance.Verbose("Dump of prims:", ds.GetXml());
Reference in New Issue