krinkec's updates to ll* interface and functions

Tedd Hansen 2007-08-14 19:06:57 +00:00
parent 20b50489c0
commit 16defc30eb
5 changed files with 344 additions and 220 deletions

View File

@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler.LSL
public float llSin(float f) { return 0; }
public float llCos(float f) { return 0; }
public float llTan(float f) { return 0; }
@ -255,116 +256,120 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler.LSL
public Int32 llOverMyLand(string id) { return 0; }
public string llGetLandOwnerAt(Axiom.Math.Vector3 pos) { return ""; }
public string llGetNotecardLine(string name, Int32 line) { return ""; }
public void llGetAgentSize() { }
public void llSameGroup() { }
public void llUnSit() { }
public void llGroundSlope() { }
public void llGroundNormal() { }
public void llGroundContour() { }
public void llGetAttached() { }
public void llGetFreeMemory() { }
public void llGetRegionName() { }
public void llGetRegionTimeDilation() { }
public void llGetRegionFPS() { }
public void llParticleSystem() { }
public void llGroundRepel() { }
public Axiom.Math.Vector3 llGetAgentSize(string id) { return new Axiom.Math.Vector3(); }
public Int32 llSameGroup(string agent) { return 0; }
public void llUnSit(string id) { }
public Axiom.Math.Vector3 llGroundSlope(Axiom.Math.Vector3 offset) { return new Axiom.Math.Vector3(); }
public Axiom.Math.Vector3 llGroundNormal(Axiom.Math.Vector3 offset) { return new Axiom.Math.Vector3(); }
public Axiom.Math.Vector3 llGroundContour(Axiom.Math.Vector3 offset) { return new Axiom.Math.Vector3(); }
public Int32 llGetAttached() { return 0; }
public Int32 llGetFreeMemory() { return 0; }
public string llGetRegionName() { return ""; }
public float llGetRegionTimeDilation() { return 0; }
public float llGetRegionFPS() { return 0; }
public void llParticleSystem(List<Object> rules) { }
public void llGroundRepel(float height, Int32 water, float tau) { }
public void llGiveInventoryList() { }
public void llSetVehicleType() { }
public void llSetVehicleFloatParam() { }
public void llSetVehicleVectorParam() { }
public void llSetVehicleRotationParam() { }
public void llSetVehicleFlags() { }
public void llRemoveVehicleFlags() { }
public void llSitTarget() { }
public void llAvatarOnSitTarget() { }
public void llAddToLandPassList() { }
public void llSetTouchText() { }
public void llSetSitText() { }
public void llSetCameraEyeOffset() { }
public void llSetCameraAtOffset() { }
public void llSetVehicleType(Int32 type) { }
public void llSetVehicleFloatParam(Int32 param, float value) { }
public void llSetVehicleVectorParam(Int32 param, Axiom.Math.Vector3 vec) { }
public void llSetVehicleRotationParam(Int32 param, Axiom.Math.Quaternion rot) { }
public void llSetVehicleFlags(Int32 flags) { }
public void llRemoveVehicleFlags(Int32 flags) { }
public void llSitTarget(Axiom.Math.Vector3 offset, Axiom.Math.Quaternion rot) { }
public string llAvatarOnSitTarget() { return ""; }
public void llAddToLandPassList(string avatar, float hours) { }
public void llSetTouchText(string text)
public void llSetSitText(string text)
public void llSetCameraEyeOffset(Axiom.Math.Vector3 offset) { }
public void llSetCameraAtOffset(Axiom.Math.Vector3 offset) { }
public void llDumpList2String() { }
public void llScriptDanger() { }
public void llScriptDanger(Axiom.Math.Vector3 pos) { }
public void llDialog() { }
public void llVolumeDetect() { }
public void llResetOtherScript() { }
public void llGetScriptState() { }
public void llVolumeDetect(Int32 detect) { }
public void llResetOtherScript(string name) { }
public Int32 llGetScriptState(string name) { return 0; }
public void llRemoteLoadScript() { }
public void llSetRemoteScriptAccessPin() { }
public void llRemoteLoadScriptPin() { }
public void llSetRemoteScriptAccessPin(Int32 pin) { }
public void llRemoteLoadScriptPin(string target, string name, Int32 pin, Int32 running, Int32 start_param) { }
public void llOpenRemoteDataChannel() { }
public void llSendRemoteData() { }
public void llRemoteDataReply() { }
public void llCloseRemoteDataChannel() { }
public void llMD5String() { }
public string llSendRemoteData(string channel, string dest, Int32 idata, string sdata) { return ""; }
public void llRemoteDataReply(string channel, string message_id, string sdata, Int32 idata) { }
public void llCloseRemoteDataChannel(string channel) { }
public void llMD5String(string src, Int32 nonce) { }
public void llSetPrimitiveParams() { }
public void llStringToBase64() { }
public void llBase64ToString() { }
public string llStringToBase64(string str) { return ""; }
public string llBase64ToString(string str) { return ""; }
public void llXorBase64Strings() { }
public void llRemoteDataSetRegion() { }
public void llLog10() { }
public void llLog() { }
public float llLog10(float val) { return 0; }
public float llLog(float val) { return 0; }
public void llGetAnimationList() { }
public void llSetParcelMusicURL() { }
public void llGetRootPosition() { }
public void llGetRootRotation() { }
public void llGetObjectDesc() { }
public void llSetObjectDesc() { }
public void llGetCreator() { }
public void llGetTimestamp() { }
public void llSetLinkAlpha() { }
public void llGetNumberOfPrims() { }
public void llGetNumberOfNotecardLines() { }
public void llSetParcelMusicURL(string url) { }
public Axiom.Math.Vector3 llGetRootPosition() { return new Axiom.Math.Vector3(); }
public Axiom.Math.Quaternion llGetRootRotation() { return new Axiom.Math.Quaternion(); }
public string llGetObjectDesc() { return ""; }
public void llSetObjectDesc(string desc) { }
public string llGetCreator() { return ""; }
public string llGetTimestamp() { return ""; }
public void llSetLinkAlpha(Int32 linknumber, float alpha, Int32 face) { }
public Int32 llGetNumberOfPrims() { return 0; }
public string llGetNumberOfNotecardLines(string name) { return ""; }
public void llGetBoundingBox() { }
public void llGetGeometricCenter() { }
public Axiom.Math.Vector3 llGetGeometricCenter() { return new Axiom.Math.Vector3(); }
public void llGetPrimitiveParams() { }
public void llIntegerToBase64() { }
public void llBase64ToInteger() { }
public void llGetGMTclock() { }
public void llGetSimulatorHostname() { }
public void llSetLocalRot() { }
public string llIntegerToBase64(Int32 number) { return ""; }
public Int32 llBase64ToInteger(string str) { return 0; }
public float llGetGMTclock() { return 0; }
public string llGetSimulatorHostname() { return ""; }
public void llSetLocalRot(Axiom.Math.Quaternion rot) { }
public void llParseStringKeepNulls() { }
public void llRezAtRoot() { }
public void llGetObjectPermMask() { }
public void llSetObjectPermMask() { }
public void llGetInventoryPermMask() { }
public void llSetInventoryPermMask() { }
public void llGetInventoryCreator() { }
public void llOwnerSay() { }
public void llRequestSimulatorData() { }
public void llForceMouselook() { }
public void llGetObjectMass() { }
public void llRezAtRoot(string inventory, Axiom.Math.Vector3 position, Axiom.Math.Vector3 velocity, Axiom.Math.Quaternion rot, Int32 param) { }
public Int32 llGetObjectPermMask(Int32 mask) { return 0; }
public void llSetObjectPermMask(Int32 mask, Int32 value) { }
public void llGetInventoryPermMask(string item, Int32 mask) { }
public void llSetInventoryPermMask(string item, Int32 mask, Int32 value) { }
public string llGetInventoryCreator(string item) { return ""; }
public void llOwnerSay(string msg) { }
public void llRequestSimulatorData(string simulator, Int32 data) { }
public void llForceMouselook(Int32 mouselook) { }
public float llGetObjectMass(string id) { return 0; }
public void llListReplaceList() { }
public void llLoadURL() { }
public void llLoadURL(string avatar_id, string message, string url) { }
public void llParcelMediaCommandList() { }
public void llParcelMediaQuery() { }
public void llModPow() { }
public void llGetInventoryType() { }
public Int32 llModPow(Int32 a, Int32 b, Int32 c) { return 0; }
public Int32 llGetInventoryType(string name) { return 0; }
public void llSetPayPrice() { }
public void llGetCameraPos() { }
public void llGetCameraRot() { }
public Axiom.Math.Vector3 llGetCameraPos() { return new Axiom.Math.Vector3(); }
public Axiom.Math.Quaternion llGetCameraRot() { return new Axiom.Math.Quaternion(); }
public void llSetPrimURL() { }
public void llRefreshPrimURL() { }
public void llEscapeURL() { }
public void llUnescapeURL() { }
public void llMapDestination() { }
public void llAddToLandBanList() { }
public void llRemoveFromLandPassList() { }
public void llRemoveFromLandBanList() { }
public string llEscapeURL(string url) { return ""; }
public string llUnescapeURL(string url) { return ""; }
public void llMapDestination(string simname, Axiom.Math.Vector3 pos, Axiom.Math.Vector3 look_at) { }
public void llAddToLandBanList(string avatar, float hours) { }
public void llRemoveFromLandPassList(string avatar) { }
public void llRemoveFromLandBanList(string avatar) { }
public void llSetCameraParams() { }
public void llClearCameraParams() { }
public void llListStatistics() { }
public void llGetUnixTime() { }
public void llGetParcelFlags() { }
public void llGetRegionFlags() { }
public void llXorBase64StringsCorrect() { }
public Int32 llGetUnixTime() { return 0; }
public Int32 llGetParcelFlags(Axiom.Math.Vector3 pos) { return 0; }
public Int32 llGetRegionFlags() { return 0; }
public string llXorBase64StringsCorrect(string str1, string str2) { return ""; }
public void llHTTPRequest() { }
public void llResetLandBanList() { }
public void llResetLandPassList() { }
public void llGetParcelPrimCount() { }
public Int32 llGetParcelPrimCount(Axiom.Math.Vector3 pos, Int32 category, Int32 sim_wide) { return 0; }
public void llGetParcelPrimOwners() { }
public void llGetObjectPrimCount() { }
public void llGetParcelMaxPrims() { }
public void llGetParcelDetails() { }
public Int32 llGetObjectPrimCount(string object_id) { return 0; }
public Int32 llGetParcelMaxPrims(Axiom.Math.Vector3 pos, Int32 sim_wide) { return 0; }
public List<string> llGetParcelDetails(Axiom.Math.Vector3 pos, List<string> param) { return new List<string>(); }

View File

@ -394,115 +394,208 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler
string llGetLandOwnerAt(Axiom.Math.Vector3 pos);
//wiki: key llGetNotecardLine(string name, integer line)
string llGetNotecardLine(string name, Int32 line);
void llGetAgentSize();
void llSameGroup();
void llUnSit();
void llGroundSlope();
void llGroundNormal();
void llGroundContour();
void llGetAttached();
void llGetFreeMemory();
void llGetRegionName();
void llGetRegionTimeDilation();
void llGetRegionFPS();
void llParticleSystem();
void llGroundRepel();
//wiki: vector llGetAgentSize(key id)
Axiom.Math.Vector3 llGetAgentSize(string id);
//wiki: integer llSameGroup(key agent)
Int32 llSameGroup(string agent);
//wiki: llUnSit(key id)
void llUnSit(string id);
//wiki: vector llGroundSlope(vector offset)
Axiom.Math.Vector3 llGroundSlope(Axiom.Math.Vector3 offset);
//wiki: vector llGroundNormal(vector offset)
Axiom.Math.Vector3 llGroundNormal(Axiom.Math.Vector3 offset);
//wiki: vector llGroundContour(vector offset)
Axiom.Math.Vector3 llGroundContour(Axiom.Math.Vector3 offset);
//wiki: integer llGetAttached()
Int32 llGetAttached();
//wiki: integer llGetFreeMemory()
Int32 llGetFreeMemory();
//wiki: string llGetRegionName()
string llGetRegionName();
//wiki: float llGetRegionTimeDilation()
float llGetRegionTimeDilation();
//wiki: float llGetRegionFPS()
float llGetRegionFPS();
//wiki: llParticleSystem(List<Object> rules
void llParticleSystem(List<Object> rules);
//wiki: llGroundRepel(float height, integer water, float tau)
void llGroundRepel(float height, Int32 water, float tau);
void llGiveInventoryList();
void llSetVehicleType();
void llSetVehicleFloatParam();
void llSetVehicleVectorParam();
void llSetVehicleRotationParam();
void llSetVehicleFlags();
void llRemoveVehicleFlags();
void llSitTarget();
void llAvatarOnSitTarget();
void llAddToLandPassList();
void llSetTouchText();
void llSetSitText();
void llSetCameraEyeOffset();
void llSetCameraAtOffset();
//wiki: llSetVehicleType(integer type)
void llSetVehicleType(Int32 type);
//wiki: llSetVehicleFloatParam(integer param, float value)
void llSetVehicleFloatParam(Int32 param, float value);
//wiki: llSetVehicleVectorParam(integer param, vector vec)
void llSetVehicleVectorParam(Int32 param, Axiom.Math.Vector3 vec);
//wiki: llSetVehicleRotationParam(integer param, rotation rot)
void llSetVehicleRotationParam(Int32 param, Axiom.Math.Quaternion rot);
//wiki: llSetVehicleFlags(integer flags)
void llSetVehicleFlags(Int32 flags);
//wiki: llRemoveVehicleFlags(integer flags)
void llRemoveVehicleFlags(Int32 flags);
//wiki: llSitTarget(vector offset, rotation rot)
void llSitTarget(Axiom.Math.Vector3 offset, Axiom.Math.Quaternion rot);
//wiki key llAvatarOnSitTarget()
string llAvatarOnSitTarget();
//wiki: llAddToLandPassList(key avatar, float hours)
void llAddToLandPassList(string avatar, float hours);
//wiki: llSetTouchText(string text)
void llSetTouchText(string text);
//wiki: llSetSitText(string text)
void llSetSitText(string text);
//wiki: llSetCameraEyeOffset(vector offset)
void llSetCameraEyeOffset(Axiom.Math.Vector3 offset);
//wiki: llSeteCameraAtOffset(vector offset)
void llSetCameraAtOffset(Axiom.Math.Vector3 offset);
void llDumpList2String();
void llScriptDanger();
//wiki: integer llScriptDanger(vector pos)
void llScriptDanger(Axiom.Math.Vector3 pos);
void llDialog();
void llVolumeDetect();
void llResetOtherScript();
void llGetScriptState();
//wiki: llVolumeDetect(integer detect)
void llVolumeDetect(Int32 detect);
//wiki: llResetOtherScript(string name)
void llResetOtherScript(string name);
//wiki: integer llGetScriptState(string name)
Int32 llGetScriptState(string name);
//wiki: (deprecated)
void llRemoteLoadScript();
void llSetRemoteScriptAccessPin();
void llRemoteLoadScriptPin();
//wiki: llSetRemoteScriptAccessPin(integer pin)
void llSetRemoteScriptAccessPin(Int32 pin);
//wiki: llRemoteLoadScriptPin(key target, string name, integer pin, integer running, integer start_param)
void llRemoteLoadScriptPin(string target, string name, Int32 pin, Int32 running, Int32 start_param);
//wiki: llOpenRemoteDataChannel()
void llOpenRemoteDataChannel();
void llSendRemoteData();
void llRemoteDataReply();
void llCloseRemoteDataChannel();
void llMD5String();
//wiki: key llSendRemoteData(key channel, string dest, integer idata, string sdata)
string llSendRemoteData(string channel, string dest, Int32 idata, string sdata);
//wiki: llRemoteDataReply(key channel, key message_id, string sdata, integer idata)
void llRemoteDataReply(string channel, string message_id, string sdata, Int32 idata);
//wiki: llCloseRemoteDataChannel(key channel)
void llCloseRemoteDataChannel(string channel);
//wiki: string llMD5String(string src, integer nonce)
void llMD5String(string src, Int32 nonce);
void llSetPrimitiveParams();
void llStringToBase64();
void llBase64ToString();
//wiki: string llStringToBase64(string str)
string llStringToBase64(string str);
//wiki: string llBase64ToString(string str)
string llBase64ToString(string str);
//wiki: (deprecated)
void llXorBase64Strings();
//wiki: llRemoteDataSetRegion()
void llRemoteDataSetRegion();
void llLog10();
void llLog();
//wiki: float llLog10(float val)
float llLog10(float val);
//wiki: float llLog(float val)
float llLog(float val);
void llGetAnimationList();
void llSetParcelMusicURL();
void llGetRootPosition();
void llGetRootRotation();
void llGetObjectDesc();
void llSetObjectDesc();
void llGetCreator();
void llGetTimestamp();
void llSetLinkAlpha();
void llGetNumberOfPrims();
void llGetNumberOfNotecardLines();
//wiki: llSetParcelMusicURL(string url)
void llSetParcelMusicURL(string url);
//wiki: vector llGetRootPosition()
Axiom.Math.Vector3 llGetRootPosition();
//wiki: rotation llGetRootRotation()
Axiom.Math.Quaternion llGetRootRotation();
//wiki: string llGetObjectDesc()
string llGetObjectDesc();
//wiki: llSetObjectDesc(string desc)
void llSetObjectDesc(string desc);
//wiki: key llGetCreator()
string llGetCreator();
//wiki: string llGetTimestamp()
string llGetTimestamp();
//wiki: llSetLinkAlpha(integer linknumber, float alpha, integer face)
void llSetLinkAlpha(Int32 linknumber, float alpha, Int32 face);
//wiki: integer llGetNumberOfPrims()
Int32 llGetNumberOfPrims();
//wiki: key llGetNumberOfNotecardLines(string name)
string llGetNumberOfNotecardLines(string name);
void llGetBoundingBox();
void llGetGeometricCenter();
//wiki: vector llGetGeometricCenter()
Axiom.Math.Vector3 llGetGeometricCenter();
void llGetPrimitiveParams();
void llIntegerToBase64();
void llBase64ToInteger();
void llGetGMTclock();
void llGetSimulatorHostname();
void llSetLocalRot();
//wiki: string llIntegerToBase64(integer number)
string llIntegerToBase64(Int32 number);
//wiki integer llBase64ToInteger(string str)
Int32 llBase64ToInteger(string str);
//wiki: float llGetGMTclock()
float llGetGMTclock();
//wiki: string llGetSimulatorHostname()
string llGetSimulatorHostname();
//llSetLocalRot(rotation rot)
void llSetLocalRot(Axiom.Math.Quaternion rot);
void llParseStringKeepNulls();
void llRezAtRoot();
void llGetObjectPermMask();
void llSetObjectPermMask();
void llGetInventoryPermMask();
void llSetInventoryPermMask();
void llGetInventoryCreator();
void llOwnerSay();
void llRequestSimulatorData();
void llForceMouselook();
void llGetObjectMass();
//wiki: llRezAtRoot(string inventory, vector position, vector velocity, rotation rot, integer param)
void llRezAtRoot(string inventory, Axiom.Math.Vector3 position, Axiom.Math.Vector3 velocity, Axiom.Math.Quaternion rot, Int32 param);
//wiki: integer llGetObjectPermMask(integer mask)
Int32 llGetObjectPermMask(Int32 mask);
//wiki: llSetObjectPermMask(integer mask, integer value)
void llSetObjectPermMask(Int32 mask, Int32 value);
//wiki integer llGetInventoryPermMask(string item, integer mask)
void llGetInventoryPermMask(string item, Int32 mask);
//wiki: llSetInventoryPermMask(string item, integer mask, integer value)
void llSetInventoryPermMask(string item, Int32 mask, Int32 value);
//wiki: key llGetInventoryCreator(string item)
string llGetInventoryCreator(string item);
//wiki: llOwnerSay(string msg)
void llOwnerSay(string msg);
//wiki: key llRequestSimulatorData(string simulator, integer data)
void llRequestSimulatorData(string simulator, Int32 data);
//wiki: llForceMouselook(integer mouselook)
void llForceMouselook(Int32 mouselook);
//wiki: float llGetObjectMass(key id)
float llGetObjectMass(string id);
void llListReplaceList();
void llLoadURL();
//wiki: llLoadURL(key avatar_id, string message, string url)
void llLoadURL(string avatar_id, string message, string url);
void llParcelMediaCommandList();
void llParcelMediaQuery();
void llModPow();
void llGetInventoryType();
//wiki integer llModPow(integer a, integer b, integer c)
Int32 llModPow(Int32 a, Int32 b, Int32 c);
//wiki: integer llGetInventoryType(string name)
Int32 llGetInventoryType(string name);
void llSetPayPrice();
void llGetCameraPos();
void llGetCameraRot();
//wiki: vector llGetCameraPos()
Axiom.Math.Vector3 llGetCameraPos();
//wiki rotation llGetCameraRot()
Axiom.Math.Quaternion llGetCameraRot();
//wiki: (deprecated)
void llSetPrimURL();
//wiki: (deprecated)
void llRefreshPrimURL();
void llEscapeURL();
void llUnescapeURL();
void llMapDestination();
void llAddToLandBanList();
void llRemoveFromLandPassList();
void llRemoveFromLandBanList();
//wiki: string llEscapeURL(string url)
string llEscapeURL(string url);
//wiki: string llUnescapeURL(string url)
string llUnescapeURL(string url);
//wiki: llMapDestination(string simname, vector pos, vector look_at)
void llMapDestination(string simname, Axiom.Math.Vector3 pos, Axiom.Math.Vector3 look_at);
//wiki: llAddToLandBanList(key avatar, float hours)
void llAddToLandBanList(string avatar, float hours);
//wiki: llRemoveFromLandPassList(key avatar)
void llRemoveFromLandPassList(string avatar);
//wiki: llRemoveFromLandBanList(key avatar)
void llRemoveFromLandBanList(string avatar);
void llSetCameraParams();
void llClearCameraParams();
void llListStatistics();
void llGetUnixTime();
void llGetParcelFlags();
void llGetRegionFlags();
void llXorBase64StringsCorrect();
//wiki: integer llGetUnixTime()
Int32 llGetUnixTime();
//wiki: integer llGetParcelFlags(vector pos)
Int32 llGetParcelFlags(Axiom.Math.Vector3 pos);
//wiki: integer llGetRegionFlags()
Int32 llGetRegionFlags();
//wiki: string llXorBase64StringsCorrect(string str1, string str2)
string llXorBase64StringsCorrect(string str1, string str2);
void llHTTPRequest();
//wiki: llResetLandBanList()
void llResetLandBanList();
//wiki: llResetLandPassList()
void llResetLandPassList();
void llGetParcelPrimCount();
//wiki integer llGetParcelPrimCount(vector pos, integer category, integer sim_wide)
Int32 llGetParcelPrimCount(Axiom.Math.Vector3 pos, Int32 category, Int32 sim_wide);
void llGetParcelPrimOwners();
void llGetObjectPrimCount();
void llGetParcelMaxPrims();
void llGetParcelDetails();
//wiki: integer llGetObjectPrimCount(key object_id)
Int32 llGetObjectPrimCount(string object_id);
//wiki: integer llGetParcelMaxPrims( vector pos, integer sim_wide )
Int32 llGetParcelMaxPrims(Axiom.Math.Vector3 pos, Int32 sim_wide);
//wiki list llGetParcelDetails(vector pos, list params)
List<string> llGetParcelDetails(Axiom.Math.Vector3 pos, List<string> param);

View File

@ -34,6 +34,10 @@ using System.Reflection;
namespace OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine
/// <summary>
/// EventQueueManager handles event queues
/// Events are queued and executed in separate thread
/// </summary>
class EventQueueManager
private Thread EventQueueThread;

View File

@ -32,11 +32,11 @@ using System.Text;
namespace OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine
/// <summary>
/// This is the root object for ScriptEngine
/// </summary>
public class ScriptEngine : OpenSim.Region.Environment.Scenes.Scripting.ScriptEngineInterface
// This is the root object for ScriptEngine
internal OpenSim.Region.Environment.Scenes.Scene World;
internal EventManager myEventManager; // Handles and queues incoming events from OpenSim

View File

@ -34,6 +34,11 @@ using System.Reflection;
namespace OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine
/// <summary>
/// Loads scripts
/// Compiles them if necessary
/// Execute functions for EventQueueManager
/// </summary>
class ScriptManager
@ -106,51 +111,63 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine
// We will initialize and start the script.
// It will be up to the script itself to hook up the correct events.
string FileName;
string FileName = "";
// * Fetch script from server
// DEBUG - ScriptID is an actual filename during debug
// (therefore we can also check type by looking at extension)
FileName = ScriptID;
// * Does script need compile? Send it to LSL compiler first. (TODO: Use (and clean) compiler cache)
//myScriptEngine.m_logger.Verbose("ScriptEngine", "ScriptManager Script extension: " + System.IO.Path.GetExtension(FileName).ToLower());
switch (System.IO.Path.GetExtension(FileName).ToLower())
case ".txt":
case ".lsl":
case ".cs":
myScriptEngine.m_logger.Verbose("ScriptEngine", "ScriptManager Script is CS/LSL, compiling to .Net Assembly");
// Create a new instance of the compiler (currently we don't want reuse)
OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler.LSL.Compiler LSLCompiler = new OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler.LSL.Compiler();
// Compile
FileName = LSLCompiler.Compile(FileName);
throw new Exception("Unknown script type.");
// * Fetch script from server
// DEBUG - ScriptID is an actual filename during debug
// (therefore we can also check type by looking at extension)
FileName = ScriptID;
// * Does script need compile? Send it to LSL compiler first. (TODO: Use (and clean) compiler cache)
//myScriptEngine.m_logger.Verbose("ScriptEngine", "ScriptManager Script extension: " + System.IO.Path.GetExtension(FileName).ToLower());
switch (System.IO.Path.GetExtension(FileName).ToLower())
case ".txt":
case ".lsl":
case ".cs":
myScriptEngine.m_logger.Verbose("ScriptEngine", "ScriptManager Script is CS/LSL, compiling to .Net Assembly");
// Create a new instance of the compiler (currently we don't want reuse)
OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler.LSL.Compiler LSLCompiler = new OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler.LSL.Compiler();
// Compile
FileName = LSLCompiler.Compile(FileName);
throw new Exception("Unknown script type.");
myScriptEngine.m_logger.Verbose("ScriptEngine", "Compilation done");
// * Insert yield into code
FileName = ProcessYield(FileName);
// * Find next available AppDomain to put it in
AppDomain FreeAppDomain = GetFreeAppDomain();
// * Load and start script
//OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler.LSO.LSL_BaseClass Script = LoadAndInitAssembly(FreeAppDomain, FileName);
OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler.LSL.LSL_BaseClass Script = LoadAndInitAssembly(FreeAppDomain, FileName);
string FullScriptID = ScriptID + "." + ObjectID;
// Add it to our temporary active script keeper
//Scripts.Add(FullScriptID, Script);
SetScript(ObjectID, ScriptID, Script);
// We need to give (untrusted) assembly a private instance of BuiltIns
// this private copy will contain Read-Only FullScriptID so that it can bring that on to the server whenever needed.
//OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler.LSL_BuiltIn_Commands_Interface LSLB = new OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler.LSL_BuiltIn_Commands_TestImplementation(FullScriptID);
// Start the script - giving it BuiltIns
//myScriptEngine.m_logger.Verbose("ScriptEngine", "ScriptManager initializing script, handing over private builtin command interface");
Script.Start(myScriptEngine.World, ScriptID);
catch (Exception e)
myScriptEngine.m_logger.Error("ScriptEngine", "Exception loading script \"" + FileName + "\": " + e.ToString());
myScriptEngine.m_logger.Verbose("ScriptEngine", "Compilation done");
// * Insert yield into code
FileName = ProcessYield(FileName);
// * Find next available AppDomain to put it in
AppDomain FreeAppDomain = GetFreeAppDomain();
// * Load and start script
//OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler.LSO.LSL_BaseClass Script = LoadAndInitAssembly(FreeAppDomain, FileName);
OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler.LSL.LSL_BaseClass Script = LoadAndInitAssembly(FreeAppDomain, FileName);
string FullScriptID = ScriptID + "." + ObjectID;
// Add it to our temporary active script keeper
//Scripts.Add(FullScriptID, Script);
SetScript(ObjectID, ScriptID, Script);
// We need to give (untrusted) assembly a private instance of BuiltIns
// this private copy will contain Read-Only FullScriptID so that it can bring that on to the server whenever needed.
//OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler.LSL_BuiltIn_Commands_Interface LSLB = new OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler.LSL_BuiltIn_Commands_TestImplementation(FullScriptID);
// Start the script - giving it BuiltIns
//myScriptEngine.m_logger.Verbose("ScriptEngine", "ScriptManager initializing script, handing over private builtin command interface");
Script.Start(myScriptEngine.World, ScriptID);
@ -222,13 +239,18 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine
OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler.LSL.LSL_BaseClass Script = myScriptEngine.myScriptManager.GetScript(ObjectID, ScriptID);
Type type = Script.GetType();
//object o = (object)Script;
//System.Collections.Generic.List<string> Functions = (System.Collections.Generic.List<string>)
//Type type = typeof(OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler.LSO.LSL_BaseClass);
myScriptEngine.m_logger.Verbose("ScriptEngine", "Invoke: \"" + Script.State + "_event_" + FunctionName + "\"");
type.InvokeMember(Script.State + "_event_" + FunctionName, BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, Script, args);
//System.Collections.Generic.List<string> Functions = (System.Collections.Generic.List<string>)type.InvokeMember("GetFunctions", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, Script, null);
type.InvokeMember(Script.State + "_event_" + FunctionName, BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, Script, args);
catch (Exception e)
myScriptEngine.m_logger.Error("ScriptEngine", "Exception attempting to executing script function: " + e.ToString());
//foreach (MemberInfo mi in type.GetMembers())