"uglyfy" GetModifiedPatchesInViewDistance. Also make it use camera or
avatar positionavinationmerge
@ -1031,47 +1031,90 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.World.Terrain
List<PatchesToSend> ret = new List<PatchesToSend>();
int npatchs = 0;
ScenePresence presence = pups.Presence;
if (presence == null)
return ret;
float minz = presence.AbsolutePosition.Z;
if (presence.CameraPosition.Z < minz)
minz = presence.CameraPosition.Z;
// this limit should be max terrainheight + max draw
if (minz > 1500f)
return ret;
int DrawDistance = (int)presence.DrawDistance;
DrawDistance = DrawDistance / Constants.TerrainPatchSize;
int testposX;
int testposY;
if (Math.Abs(presence.AbsolutePosition.X - presence.CameraPosition.X) > 30
|| Math.Abs(presence.AbsolutePosition.Y - presence.CameraPosition.Y) > 30)
testposX = (int)presence.CameraPosition.X / Constants.TerrainPatchSize;
testposY = (int)presence.CameraPosition.Y / Constants.TerrainPatchSize;
testposX = (int)presence.AbsolutePosition.X / Constants.TerrainPatchSize;
testposY = (int)presence.AbsolutePosition.Y / Constants.TerrainPatchSize;
int limitX = (int)m_scene.RegionInfo.RegionSizeX / Constants.TerrainPatchSize;
int limitY = (int)m_scene.RegionInfo.RegionSizeY / Constants.TerrainPatchSize;
// Compute the area of patches within our draw distance
int startX = (((int) (presence.AbsolutePosition.X - presence.DrawDistance))/Constants.TerrainPatchSize) - 2;
startX = Math.Max(startX, 0);
startX = Math.Min(startX, (int)m_scene.RegionInfo.RegionSizeX/Constants.TerrainPatchSize);
int startY = (((int) (presence.AbsolutePosition.Y - presence.DrawDistance))/Constants.TerrainPatchSize) - 2;
startY = Math.Max(startY, 0);
startY = Math.Min(startY, (int)m_scene.RegionInfo.RegionSizeY/Constants.TerrainPatchSize);
int endX = (((int) (presence.AbsolutePosition.X + presence.DrawDistance))/Constants.TerrainPatchSize) + 2;
endX = Math.Max(endX, 0);
endX = Math.Min(endX, (int)m_scene.RegionInfo.RegionSizeX/Constants.TerrainPatchSize);
int endY = (((int) (presence.AbsolutePosition.Y + presence.DrawDistance))/Constants.TerrainPatchSize) + 2;
endY = Math.Max(endY, 0);
endY = Math.Min(endY, (int)m_scene.RegionInfo.RegionSizeY/Constants.TerrainPatchSize);
// m_log.DebugFormat("{0} GetModifiedPatchesInViewDistance. rName={1}, ddist={2}, apos={3}, start=<{4},{5}>, end=<{6},{7}>",
// LogHeader, m_scene.RegionInfo.RegionName,
// presence.DrawDistance, presence.AbsolutePosition,
// startX, startY, endX, endY);
int startX = testposX - DrawDistance;
if (startX < 0)
startX = 0;
else if (startX > limitX)
startX = limitX;
int startY = testposY - DrawDistance;
if (startY < 0)
startY = 0;
else if (startY > limitY)
startY = limitY;
int endX = testposX + DrawDistance;
if (endX < 0)
endX = 0;
else if (endX > limitX)
endX = limitX;
int endY = testposY + DrawDistance;
if (endY < 0)
endY = 0;
else if (endY > limitY)
endY = limitY;
int distx;
int disty;
int distsq;
DrawDistance *= DrawDistance;
for (int x = startX; x < endX; x++)
for (int y = startY; y < endY; y++)
//Need to make sure we don't send the same ones over and over
Vector3 presencePos = presence.AbsolutePosition;
Vector3 patchPos = new Vector3(x * Constants.TerrainPatchSize, y * Constants.TerrainPatchSize, presencePos.Z);
if (pups.GetByPatch(x, y))
//Check which has less distance, camera or avatar position, both have to be done.
//Its not a radius, its a diameter and we add 50 so that it doesn't look like it cuts off
if (Util.DistanceLessThan(presencePos, patchPos, presence.DrawDistance + 50)
|| Util.DistanceLessThan(presence.CameraPosition, patchPos, presence.DrawDistance + 50))
distx = x - testposX;
disty = y - testposY;
distsq = distx * distx + disty * disty;
if (distsq < DrawDistance)
//They can see it, send it to them
pups.SetByPatch(x, y, false);
float dist = Vector3.DistanceSquared(presencePos, patchPos);
ret.Add(new PatchesToSend(x, y, dist));
//Wait and send them all at once
// pups.client.SendLayerData(x, y, null);
ret.Add(new PatchesToSend(x, y, (float)distsq));
if (npatchs++ > 65536)
y = endY;
x = endX;
Reference in New Issue