mantis 8651: try to fix items embedded in notecards. This may need more work

UbitUmarov 2020-02-06 06:12:51 +00:00
parent 3196d2fa6f
commit 18f2e25b23
2 changed files with 388 additions and 24 deletions

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@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
using OpenMetaverse;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
namespace OpenSim.Framework
@ -190,6 +191,56 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework
private static Dictionary<sbyte, string> inventory2Content;
private static Dictionary<string, sbyte> content2Asset;
private static Dictionary<string, sbyte> content2Inventory;
private static Dictionary<string, AssetType> name2Asset = new Dictionary<string, AssetType>()
{"texture", AssetType.Texture },
{"sound", AssetType.Sound},
{"callcard", AssetType.CallingCard},
{"landmark", AssetType.Landmark},
{"script", (AssetType)4},
{"clothing", AssetType.Clothing},
{"object", AssetType.Object},
{"notecard", AssetType.Notecard},
{"category", AssetType.Folder},
{"lsltext", AssetType.LSLText},
{"lslbyte", AssetType.LSLBytecode},
{"txtr_tga", AssetType.TextureTGA},
{"bodypart", AssetType.Bodypart},
{"snd_wav", AssetType.SoundWAV},
{"img_tga", AssetType.ImageTGA},
{"jpeg", AssetType.ImageJPEG},
{"animatn", AssetType.Animation},
{"gesture", AssetType.Gesture},
{"simstate", AssetType.Simstate},
{"mesh", AssetType.Mesh}
// "settings", AssetType.Settings}
private static Dictionary<string, FolderType> name2Inventory = new Dictionary<string, FolderType>()
{"texture", FolderType.Texture},
{"sound", FolderType.Sound},
{"callcard", FolderType.CallingCard},
{"landmark", FolderType.Landmark},
{"script", (FolderType)4},
{"clothing", FolderType.Clothing},
{"object", FolderType.Object},
{"notecard", FolderType.Notecard},
{"root", FolderType.Root},
{"lsltext", FolderType.LSLText},
{"bodypart", FolderType.BodyPart},
{"trash", FolderType.Trash},
{"snapshot", FolderType.Snapshot},
{"lostandfound", FolderType.LostAndFound},
{"animatn", FolderType.Animation},
{"gesture", FolderType.Gesture},
{"favorites", FolderType.Favorites},
{"currentoutfit", FolderType.CurrentOutfit},
{"outfit", FolderType.Outfit},
{"myoutfits", FolderType.MyOutfits},
{"mesh", FolderType.Mesh},
// "settings", FolderType.Settings},
{"suitcase", FolderType.Suitcase}
static SLUtil()
@ -227,6 +278,20 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework
public static AssetType SLAssetName2Type(string name)
if (name2Asset.TryGetValue(name, out AssetType type))
return type;
return AssetType.Unknown;
public static FolderType SLInvName2Type(string name)
if (name2Inventory.TryGetValue(name, out FolderType type))
return type;
return FolderType.None;
public static string SLAssetTypeToContentType(int assetType)
string contentType;
@ -534,5 +599,188 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework
return readNotecard(rawInput).Replace("\r", "").Split('\n');
private static int skipcontrol(string data, int indx)
while(indx < data.Length)
char c = data[indx];
case '\n':
case '\t':
case '{':
return indx;
return -1;
static int checkfield(string note, int start, string name, out int end)
end = -1;
int limit = note.Length - start;
if(limit > 64)
limit = 64;
int indx = note.IndexOf(name, start, limit);
if (indx < 0)
return -1;
indx += name.Length;
indx = skipcontrol(note, indx);
if (indx < 0)
return -1;
end = note.IndexOfAny(seps, indx);
if (end < 0)
return -1;
return indx;
static char[] seps = new char[]{ '\t','\n'};
public static InventoryItemBase GetEmbeddedItem(byte[] data, UUID itemID)
if(data == null || data.Length < 200)
return null;
string note = Util.UTF8.GetString(data);
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(note))
return null;
int start = note.IndexOf(itemID.ToString());
if (start < 0)
return null;
int end;
start = note.IndexOf("permissions", start, 100);
if (start < 0)
return null;
start = checkfield(note, start, "base_mask", out end);
if (start < 0)
return null;
if (!uint.TryParse(note.Substring(start, end - start), NumberStyles.HexNumber, Culture.NumberFormatInfo, out uint basemask))
return null;
start = checkfield(note, end, "owner_mask", out end);
if (start < 0)
return null;
if (!uint.TryParse(note.Substring(start, end - start), NumberStyles.HexNumber, Culture.NumberFormatInfo, out uint ownermask))
return null;
start = checkfield(note, end, "group_mask", out end);
if (start < 0)
return null;
if (!uint.TryParse(note.Substring(start, end - start), NumberStyles.HexNumber, Culture.NumberFormatInfo, out uint groupmask))
return null;
start = checkfield(note, end, "everyone_mask", out end);
if (start < 0)
return null;
if (!uint.TryParse(note.Substring(start, end - start), NumberStyles.HexNumber, Culture.NumberFormatInfo, out uint everyonemask))
return null;
start = checkfield(note, end, "next_owner_mask", out end);
if (start < 0)
return null;
if (!uint.TryParse(note.Substring(start, end - start), NumberStyles.HexNumber, Culture.NumberFormatInfo, out uint nextownermask))
return null;
start = checkfield(note, end, "creator_id", out end);
if (start < 0)
return null;
if (!UUID.TryParse(note.Substring(start, end - start), out UUID creatorID))
return null;
start = checkfield(note, end, "owner_id", out end);
if (start < 0)
return null;
if (!UUID.TryParse(note.Substring(start, end - start), out UUID ownerID))
return null;
start = checkfield(note, end, "last_owner_id", out end);
if (start < 0)
return null;
if (!UUID.TryParse(note.Substring(start, end - start), out UUID lastownerID))
return null;
int limit = note.Length - end;
if (limit > 120)
limit = 120;
end = note.IndexOf('}', end, limit); // last owner
start = checkfield(note, end, "asset_id", out end);
if (start < 0)
return null;
if (!UUID.TryParse(note.Substring(start, end - start), out UUID assetID))
return null;
start = checkfield(note, end, "type", out end);
if (start < 0)
return null;
string typestr = note.Substring(start, end - start);
AssetType assetType = SLAssetName2Type(typestr);
start = checkfield(note, end, "inv_type", out end);
if (start < 0)
return null;
string inttypestr = note.Substring(start, end - start);
FolderType invType = SLInvName2Type(inttypestr);
start = checkfield(note, end, "flags", out end);
if (start < 0)
return null;
if (!uint.TryParse(note.Substring(start, end - start), NumberStyles.HexNumber, Culture.NumberFormatInfo, out uint flags))
return null;
limit = note.Length - end;
if (limit > 120)
limit = 120;
end = note.IndexOf('}', end, limit); // skip sale
start = checkfield(note, end, "name", out end);
if (start < 0)
return null;
string name = note.Substring(start, end - start - 1);
start = checkfield(note, end, "desc", out end);
if (start < 0)
return null;
string desc = note.Substring(start, end - start - 1);
start = checkfield(note, end, "creation_date", out end);
if (start < 0)
return null;
if (!int.TryParse(note.Substring(start, end - start), out int creationdate))
return null;
InventoryItemBase item = new InventoryItemBase();
item.AssetID = assetID;
item.AssetType = (sbyte)assetType;
item.BasePermissions = basemask;
item.CreationDate = Util.UnixTimeSinceEpoch();
item.CreatorData = "";
item.CreatorId = creatorID.ToString();
item.CurrentPermissions = ownermask;
item.Description = desc;
item.Flags = flags;
item.Folder = UUID.Zero;
item.GroupID = UUID.Zero;
item.GroupOwned = false;
item.GroupPermissions = groupmask;
item.InvType = (sbyte)invType;
item.Name = name;
item.NextPermissions = nextownermask;
item.Owner = ownerID;
item.SalePrice = 0;
item.SaleType = (byte)SaleType.Not;
item.ID = UUID.Random();
return item;

View File

@ -1420,6 +1420,8 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ClientStack.Linden
IOSHttpRequest httpRequest, IOSHttpResponse httpResponse)
InventoryItemBase copyItem = null;
IClientAPI client = null;
OSDMap content = (OSDMap)OSDParser.DeserializeLLSDXml(request);
@ -1428,49 +1430,163 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ClientStack.Linden
UUID folderID = content["folder-id"].AsUUID();
UUID itemID = content["item-id"].AsUUID();
UUID noteAssetID = UUID.Zero;
// m_log.InfoFormat("[CAPS]: CopyInventoryFromNotecard, FolderID:{0}, ItemID:{1}, NotecardID:{2}, ObjectID:{3}", folderID, itemID, notecardID, objectID);
m_Scene.TryGetClient(m_HostCapsObj.AgentID, out client);
if (objectID != UUID.Zero)
SceneObjectPart part = m_Scene.GetSceneObjectPart(objectID);
if (part != null)
// TaskInventoryItem taskItem = part.Inventory.GetInventoryItem(notecardID);
if(part == null)
throw new Exception("find object with notecard item" + notecardID.ToString());
if (!m_Scene.Permissions.CanCopyObjectInventory(notecardID, objectID, m_HostCapsObj.AgentID))
return CopyInventoryFromNotecardError(httpResponse);
InventoryItemBase item = null;
IClientAPI client = null;
m_Scene.TryGetClient(m_HostCapsObj.AgentID, out client);
item = m_Scene.InventoryService.GetItem(m_HostCapsObj.AgentID, itemID);
if (item != null)
string message;
copyItem = m_Scene.GiveInventoryItem(m_HostCapsObj.AgentID, item.Owner, itemID, folderID, out message);
if (copyItem != null && client != null)
m_log.InfoFormat("[CAPS]: CopyInventoryFromNotecard, ItemID:{0}, FolderID:{1}", copyItem.ID, copyItem.Folder);
TaskInventoryItem taskItem = part.Inventory.GetInventoryItem(notecardID);
if(taskItem == null || taskItem.AssetID == UUID.Zero)
throw new Exception("Failed to find notecard item" + notecardID.ToString());
noteAssetID = taskItem.AssetID;
m_log.ErrorFormat("[CAPS]: CopyInventoryFromNotecard - Failed to retrieve item {0} from notecard {1}", itemID, notecardID);
if (client != null)
client.SendAlertMessage("Failed to retrieve item");
InventoryItemBase localitem = m_Scene.InventoryService.GetItem(m_HostCapsObj.AgentID, itemID);
if (localitem != null)
string message;
copyItem = m_Scene.GiveInventoryItem(m_HostCapsObj.AgentID, localitem.Owner, itemID, folderID, out message);
if (copyItem == null)
throw new Exception("Failed to find notecard item" + notecardID.ToString());
m_log.InfoFormat("[CAPS]: CopyInventoryFromNotecard, ItemID:{0}, FolderID:{1}", copyItem.ID, copyItem.Folder);
if (client != null)
return "";
if (notecardID != UUID.Zero)
InventoryItemBase noteItem = m_Scene.InventoryService.GetItem(m_HostCapsObj.AgentID, notecardID);
if (noteItem == null || noteItem.AssetID == UUID.Zero)
throw new Exception("Failed to find notecard item" + notecardID.ToString());
noteAssetID = noteItem.AssetID;
AssetBase noteAsset = m_Scene.AssetService.Get(noteAssetID.ToString());
if (noteAsset == null || noteAsset.Type != (sbyte)AssetType.Notecard)
throw new Exception("Failed to find notecard asset" + notecardID.ToString());
InventoryItemBase item = SLUtil.GetEmbeddedItem(noteAsset.Data, itemID);
if(item == null)
throw new Exception("Failed to open notecard asset" + notecardID.ToString());
noteAsset = m_Scene.AssetService.Get(item.AssetID.ToString());
if (noteAsset == null)
throw new Exception("Failed to find notecard " + notecardID.ToString() +" item "+ itemID.ToString() + " asset");
if (!m_Scene.Permissions.CanTransferUserInventory(itemID, item.Owner, m_HostCapsObj.AgentID))
throw new Exception("Notecard item permissions check fail" + notecardID.ToString());
if (!m_Scene.Permissions.BypassPermissions())
if ((item.CurrentPermissions & (uint)PermissionMask.Transfer) == 0)
throw new Exception("Notecard item permissions check fail" + notecardID.ToString());
if (m_Scene.Permissions.PropagatePermissions() && item.Owner != m_HostCapsObj.AgentID)
uint permsMask = ~((uint)PermissionMask.Copy |
(uint)PermissionMask.Transfer |
(uint)PermissionMask.Modify |
uint nextPerms = permsMask | (item.NextPermissions &
((uint)PermissionMask.Copy |
(uint)PermissionMask.Transfer |
if (nextPerms == permsMask)
nextPerms |= (uint)PermissionMask.Transfer;
uint basePerms = item.BasePermissions |
uint ownerPerms = item.CurrentPermissions;
uint foldedPerms = (item.CurrentPermissions & (uint)PermissionMask.FoldedMask) << (int)PermissionMask.FoldingShift;
if (foldedPerms != 0 && item.InvType == (int)InventoryType.Object)
foldedPerms |= permsMask;
bool isRootMod = (item.CurrentPermissions &
(uint)PermissionMask.Modify) != 0 ?
true : false;
ownerPerms &= foldedPerms;
basePerms &= foldedPerms;
if (isRootMod)
ownerPerms |= (uint)PermissionMask.Modify;
basePerms |= (uint)PermissionMask.Modify;
ownerPerms &= nextPerms;
basePerms &= nextPerms;
basePerms &= ~(uint)PermissionMask.FoldedMask;
basePerms |= ((basePerms >> 13) & 7) | (((basePerms & (uint)PermissionMask.Export) != 0) ? (uint)PermissionMask.FoldedExport : 0);
item.BasePermissions = basePerms;
item.CurrentPermissions = ownerPerms;
item.Flags |= (uint)InventoryItemFlags.ObjectSlamPerm;
item.Flags &= ~(uint)(InventoryItemFlags.ObjectOverwriteBase | InventoryItemFlags.ObjectOverwriteOwner | InventoryItemFlags.ObjectOverwriteGroup | InventoryItemFlags.ObjectOverwriteEveryone | InventoryItemFlags.ObjectOverwriteNextOwner);
item.NextPermissions = item.NextPermissions;
item.EveryOnePermissions = item.EveryOnePermissions & nextPerms;
item.GroupPermissions = 0;
InventoryFolderBase folder = null;
if (folderID != UUID.Zero)
folder = m_Scene.InventoryService.GetFolder(m_HostCapsObj.AgentID, folderID);
if (folder == null && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(FolderType), (sbyte)item.AssetType))
folder = m_Scene.InventoryService.GetFolderForType(m_HostCapsObj.AgentID, (FolderType)item.AssetType);
if(folder == null)
folder = m_Scene.InventoryService.GetRootFolder(m_HostCapsObj.AgentID);
if(folder == null)
throw new Exception("Failed to find a folder for the notecard item" + notecardID.ToString());
item.Folder = folder.ID;
UUID senderId = item.Owner;
item.Owner = m_HostCapsObj.AgentID;
IInventoryAccessModule invAccess = m_Scene.RequestModuleInterface<IInventoryAccessModule>();
if (invAccess != null)
invAccess.TransferInventoryAssets(item, senderId, m_HostCapsObj.AgentID);
throw new Exception("Failed create the notecard item" + notecardID.ToString());
m_log.InfoFormat("[CAPS]: CopyInventoryFromNotecard, ItemID:{0} FolderID:{1}", item.ID, item.Folder);
if (client != null)
return "";
catch (Exception e)
m_log.ErrorFormat("[CAPS]: CopyInventoryFromNotecard : {0}", e.ToString());
m_log.ErrorFormat("[CAPS]: CopyInventoryFromNotecard : {0}", e.Message);
copyItem = null;
if(copyItem == null)
if (client != null)
client.SendAlertMessage("Failed to retrieve item");
return CopyInventoryFromNotecardError(httpResponse);
return "";