increase HG mapsearch spargetti; add more flexibility on input uri formats. To find regions in memory for a grid the http format needs to be used, because aditional compares made by viewers

UbitUmarov 2016-11-28 04:29:57 +00:00
parent d3cd323f0c
commit 1aa4dbdb3f
3 changed files with 259 additions and 140 deletions

View File

@ -128,104 +128,104 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.World.WorldMap
OnMapNameRequest(remoteClient, mapName, flags);
lock (m_Clients)
OnMapNameRequest(remoteClient, mapName, flags);
private void OnMapNameRequest(IClientAPI remoteClient, string mapName, uint flags)
Util.FireAndForget(x =>
List<MapBlockData> blocks = new List<MapBlockData>();
if (mapName.Length < 3 || (mapName.EndsWith("#") && mapName.Length < 4))
List<MapBlockData> blocks = new List<MapBlockData>();
if (mapName.Length < 3 || (mapName.EndsWith("#") && mapName.Length < 4))
// final block, closing the search result
// flags are agent flags sent from the viewer.
// they have different values depending on different viewers, apparently
remoteClient.SendMapBlock(blocks, flags);
remoteClient.SendAlertMessage("Use a search string with at least 3 characters");
//m_log.DebugFormat("MAP NAME=({0})", mapName);
// Hack to get around the fact that ll V3 now drops the port from the
// map name. See
// Caller, use this magic form instead:
// secondlife://http|!!|8002|Region+Name/128/128
// or url encode if possible.
// the hacks we do with this viewer...
bool needOriginalName = false;
string mapNameOrig = mapName;
if (mapName.Contains("|"))
mapName = mapName.Replace('|', ':');
needOriginalName = true;
if (mapName.Contains("+"))
mapName = mapName.Replace('+', ' ');
needOriginalName = true;
if (mapName.Contains("!"))
mapName = mapName.Replace('!', '/');
needOriginalName = true;
if (mapName.Contains("."))
needOriginalName = true;
// try to fetch from GridServer
List<GridRegion> regionInfos = m_scene.GridService.GetRegionsByName(m_scene.RegionInfo.ScopeID, mapName, 20);
// if (regionInfos.Count == 0)
// remoteClient.SendAlertMessage("Hyperlink could not be established.");
//m_log.DebugFormat("[MAPSEARCHMODULE]: search {0} returned {1} regions", mapName, regionInfos.Count);
MapBlockData data;
if (regionInfos.Count > 0)
foreach (GridRegion info in regionInfos)
data = new MapBlockData();
data.Agents = 0;
data.Access = info.Access;
MapBlockData block = new MapBlockData();
WorldMap.MapBlockFromGridRegion(block, info, flags);
if (flags == 2 && regionInfos.Count == 1 && needOriginalName)
block.Name = mapNameOrig;
// final block, closing the search result
// flags are agent flags sent from the viewer.
// they have different values depending on different viewers, apparently
remoteClient.SendMapBlock(blocks, flags);
remoteClient.SendAlertMessage("Use a search string with at least 3 characters");
//m_log.DebugFormat("MAP NAME=({0})", mapName);
// Hack to get around the fact that ll V3 now drops the port from the
// map name. See
// Caller, use this magic form instead:
// secondlife://http|!!|8002|Region+Name/128/128
// or url encode if possible.
// the hacks we do with this viewer...
bool needOriginalName = false;
string mapNameOrig = mapName;
if (mapName.Contains("|"))
mapName = mapName.Replace('|', ':');
needOriginalName = true;
if (mapName.Contains("+"))
mapName = mapName.Replace('+', ' ');
needOriginalName = true;
if (mapName.Contains("!"))
mapName = mapName.Replace('!', '/');
needOriginalName = true;
if (mapName.Contains("."))
needOriginalName = true;
// try to fetch from GridServer
List<GridRegion> regionInfos = m_scene.GridService.GetRegionsByName(m_scene.RegionInfo.ScopeID, mapName, 20);
// if (regionInfos.Count == 0)
// remoteClient.SendAlertMessage("Hyperlink could not be established.");
//m_log.DebugFormat("[MAPSEARCHMODULE]: search {0} returned {1} regions", mapName, regionInfos.Count);
MapBlockData data;
if (regionInfos.Count > 0)
foreach (GridRegion info in regionInfos)
// send extra user messages for V3
// because the UI is very confusing
// while we don't fix the hard-coded urls
if (flags == 2)
data = new MapBlockData();
data.Agents = 0;
data.Access = info.Access;
MapBlockData block = new MapBlockData();
WorldMap.MapBlockFromGridRegion(block, info, flags);
if (flags == 2 && regionInfos.Count == 1 && needOriginalName)
block.Name = mapNameOrig;
if (regionInfos.Count == 0)
remoteClient.SendAgentAlertMessage("No regions found with that name.", true);
// else if (regionInfos.Count == 1)
// remoteClient.SendAgentAlertMessage("Region found!", false);
// final block, closing the search result
// flags are agent flags sent from the viewer.
// they have different values depending on different viewers, apparently
remoteClient.SendMapBlock(blocks, flags);
// send extra user messages for V3
// because the UI is very confusing
// while we don't fix the hard-coded urls
if (flags == 2)
if (regionInfos.Count == 0)
remoteClient.SendAgentAlertMessage("No regions found with that name.", true);
// else if (regionInfos.Count == 1)
// remoteClient.SendAgentAlertMessage("Region found!", false);
lock (m_Clients)

View File

@ -579,7 +579,70 @@ namespace OpenSim.Services.GridService
int count = 0;
List<GridRegion> rinfos = new List<GridRegion>();
if (rdatas != null)
if (count < maxNumber && m_AllowHypergridMapSearch && name.Contains("."))
string regionURI = "";
string regionName = "";
if(!m_HypergridLinker.buildHGRegionURI(name, out regionURI, out regionName))
return null;
string mapname = regionURI + regionName;
bool haveMatch = false;
if (rdatas != null && (rdatas.Count > 0))
// m_log.DebugFormat("[GRID SERVICE]: Found {0} regions", rdatas.Count);
foreach (RegionData rdata in rdatas)
if (count++ < maxNumber)
if(rdata.RegionName == mapname)
haveMatch = true;
if(count == maxNumber)
rinfos.RemoveAt(count - 1);
return rinfos;
rdatas = m_Database.Get(Util.EscapeForLike(mapname)+ "%", scopeID);
if (rdatas != null && (rdatas.Count > 0))
// m_log.DebugFormat("[GRID SERVICE]: Found {0} regions", rdatas.Count);
foreach (RegionData rdata in rdatas)
if (count++ < maxNumber)
if(rdata.RegionName == mapname)
haveMatch = true;
if(count == maxNumber)
rinfos.RemoveAt(count - 1);
return rinfos;
string HGname = regionURI +" "+ regionName;
GridRegion r = m_HypergridLinker.LinkRegion(scopeID, HGname);
if (r != null)
if( count == maxNumber)
rinfos.RemoveAt(count - 1);
else if (rdatas != null && (rdatas.Count > 0))
// m_log.DebugFormat("[GRID SERVICE]: Found {0} regions", rdatas.Count);
foreach (RegionData rdata in rdatas)
@ -589,13 +652,6 @@ namespace OpenSim.Services.GridService
if (m_AllowHypergridMapSearch && (rdatas == null || (rdatas != null && rdatas.Count == 0)))
GridRegion r = GetHypergridRegionByName(scopeID, name);
if (r != null)
return rinfos;
@ -608,7 +664,20 @@ namespace OpenSim.Services.GridService
protected GridRegion GetHypergridRegionByName(UUID scopeID, string name)
if (name.Contains("."))
return m_HypergridLinker.LinkRegion(scopeID, name);
string regionURI = "";
string regionName = "";
if(!m_HypergridLinker.buildHGRegionURI(name, out regionURI, out regionName))
return null;
string mapname = regionURI + regionName;
List<RegionData> rdatas = m_Database.Get(Util.EscapeForLike(mapname), scopeID);
if ((rdatas != null) && (rdatas.Count > 0))
return RegionData2RegionInfo(rdatas[0]); // get the first
string HGname = regionURI +" "+ regionName;
return m_HypergridLinker.LinkRegion(scopeID, HGname);
return null;

View File

@ -191,14 +191,14 @@ namespace OpenSim.Services.GridService
return TryLinkRegionToCoords(scopeID, mapName, xloc, yloc, UUID.Zero, out reason);
public GridRegion TryLinkRegionToCoords(UUID scopeID, string mapName, int xloc, int yloc, UUID ownerID, out string reason)
public bool buildHGRegionURI(string inputName, out string serverURI, out string regionName)
reason = string.Empty;
GridRegion regInfo = null;
serverURI = string.Empty;
regionName = string.Empty;
mapName = mapName.Trim();
inputName = inputName.Trim();
if (!mapName.StartsWith("http") && !mapName.StartsWith("https"))
if (!inputName.StartsWith("http") && !inputName.StartsWith("https"))
// Formats: name
// name
@ -207,38 +207,59 @@ namespace OpenSim.Services.GridService
string host;
uint port = 80;
string regionName = "";
string[] parts = mapName.Split(new char[] { ':' });
if (parts.Length == 0)
string[] parts = inputName.Split(new char[] { ':' });
int indx;
if(parts.Length == 0)
return false;
if (parts.Length == 1)
reason = "Wrong format for link-region";
return null;
indx = inputName.IndexOf('/');
if (indx < 0)
serverURI = "http://"+ inputName + "/";
serverURI = "http://"+ inputName.Substring(0,indx + 1);
if(indx + 2 < inputName.Length)
regionName = inputName.Substring(indx + 1);
host = parts[0];
if (parts.Length >= 2)
// If it's a number then assume it's a port. Otherwise, it's a region name.
if (!UInt32.TryParse(parts[1], out port))
regionName = parts[1];
host = parts[0];
if (parts.Length >= 2)
indx = parts[1].IndexOf('/');
if(indx < 0)
// If it's a number then assume it's a port. Otherwise, it's a region name.
if (!UInt32.TryParse(parts[1], out port))
port = 80;
regionName = parts[1];
string portstr = parts[1].Substring(0, indx);
if(indx + 2 < parts[1].Length)
regionName = parts[1].Substring(indx + 1);
if (!UInt32.TryParse(portstr, out port))
port = 80;
// always take the last one
if (parts.Length >= 3)
regionName = parts[2];
// always take the last one
if (parts.Length >= 3)
regionName = parts[2];
string serverURI = "http://"+ host +":"+ port.ToString() + "/";
// bool success = TryCreateLink(scopeID, xloc, yloc, regionName, port, host, ownerID, out regInfo, out reason);
if(TryCreateLink(scopeID, xloc, yloc, regionName, 0, null, serverURI, ownerID, out regInfo, out reason))
regInfo.RegionName = mapName;
return regInfo;
if(port == 80)
serverURI = "http://"+ host + "/";
serverURI = "http://"+ host +":"+ port.ToString() + "/";
@ -246,32 +267,61 @@ namespace OpenSim.Services.GridService
// "region name"
string serverURI;
string regionName = "";
string[] parts = mapName.Split(new char[] { ' ' });
string[] parts = inputName.Split(new char[] { ' ' });
if (parts.Length == 0)
reason = "Wrong format for link-region";
return null;
return false;
serverURI = parts[0];
if (!serverURI.EndsWith("/"))
serverURI = serverURI + "/";
if (parts.Length >= 2)
int indx = serverURI.LastIndexOf('/');
if(indx > 10)
regionName = mapName.Substring(serverURI.Length);
regionName = regionName.Trim(new char[] { '"', ' ' });
if(indx + 2 < inputName.Length)
regionName = inputName.Substring(indx + 1);
serverURI = inputName.Substring(0, indx + 1);
else if (parts.Length >= 2)
regionName = inputName.Substring(serverURI.Length);
if (TryCreateLink(scopeID, xloc, yloc, regionName, 0, null, serverURI, ownerID, out regInfo, out reason))
regInfo.RegionName = mapName;
return regInfo;
// use better code for sanity check
Uri uri;
uri = new Uri(serverURI);
return false;
regionName = regionName.Trim(new char[] { '"', ' ' });
serverURI = uri.AbsoluteUri;
return true;
public GridRegion TryLinkRegionToCoords(UUID scopeID, string mapName, int xloc, int yloc, UUID ownerID, out string reason)
reason = string.Empty;
GridRegion regInfo = null;
string serverURI = string.Empty;
string regionName = string.Empty;
if(!buildHGRegionURI(mapName, out serverURI, out regionName))
reason = "Wrong URI format for link-region";
return null;
if (TryCreateLink(scopeID, xloc, yloc, regionName, 0, null, serverURI, ownerID, out regInfo, out reason))
regInfo.RegionName = serverURI + regionName;
return regInfo;
return null;