Extend "show stats" command to "show stats [list|all|<category name>]"
This allows different categories of stats to be shown, with options to list categories or show all stats. Currently categories are scene and simulator and only a very few stats are currently registered via this mechanism. This commit also adds percentage stats for packets and blocks reused from the packet pool.connector_plugin
@ -359,13 +359,19 @@ Asset service request failures: {3}" + Environment.NewLine,
inPacketsPerSecond, outPacketsPerSecond, pendingDownloads, pendingUploads, unackedBytes, totalFrameTime,
netFrameTime, physicsFrameTime, otherFrameTime, agentFrameTime, imageFrameTime));
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Stat> kvp in StatsManager.RegisteredStats)
Stat stat = kvp.Value;
Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, Stat>> sceneStats;
if (stat.Category == "scene" && stat.Verbosity == StatVerbosity.Info)
if (StatsManager.TryGetStats("scene", out sceneStats))
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Dictionary<string, Stat>> kvp in sceneStats)
sb.AppendFormat("Slow frames ({0}): {1}\n", stat.Container, stat.Value);
foreach (Stat stat in kvp.Value.Values)
if (stat.Verbosity == StatVerbosity.Info)
sb.AppendFormat("{0} ({1}): {2}{3}\n", stat.Name, stat.Container, stat.Value, stat.UnitName);
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using OpenSim.Framework.Console;
namespace OpenSim.Framework.Monitoring
@ -35,13 +36,23 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework.Monitoring
/// </summary>
public class StatsManager
// Subcommand used to list other stats.
public const string AllSubCommand = "all";
// Subcommand used to list other stats.
public const string ListSubCommand = "list";
// All subcommands
public static HashSet<string> SubCommands = new HashSet<string> { AllSubCommand, ListSubCommand };
/// <summary>
/// Registered stats.
/// Registered stats categorized by category/container/shortname
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Do not add or remove from this dictionary.
/// Do not add or remove directly from this dictionary.
/// </remarks>
public static Dictionary<string, Stat> RegisteredStats = new Dictionary<string, Stat>();
public static Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, Stat>>> RegisteredStats
= new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, Stat>>>();
private static AssetStatsCollector assetStats;
private static UserStatsCollector userStats;
@ -51,6 +62,76 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework.Monitoring
public static UserStatsCollector UserStats { get { return userStats; } }
public static SimExtraStatsCollector SimExtraStats { get { return simExtraStats; } }
public static void RegisterConsoleCommands(CommandConsole console)
"show stats",
"show stats [list|all|<category>]",
"Show statistical information for this server",
"If no final argument is specified then legacy statistics information is currently shown.\n"
+ "If list is specified then statistic categories are shown.\n"
+ "If all is specified then all registered statistics are shown.\n"
+ "If a category name is specified then only statistics from that category are shown.\n"
public static void HandleShowStatsCommand(string module, string[] cmd)
ICommandConsole con = MainConsole.Instance;
if (cmd.Length > 2)
var categoryName = cmd[2];
if (categoryName == AllSubCommand)
foreach (var category in RegisteredStats.Values)
OutputCategoryStatsToConsole(con, category);
else if (categoryName == ListSubCommand)
con.Output("Statistic categories available are:");
foreach (string category in RegisteredStats.Keys)
con.OutputFormat(" {0}", category);
Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, Stat>> category;
if (!RegisteredStats.TryGetValue(categoryName, out category))
con.OutputFormat("No such category as {0}", categoryName);
OutputCategoryStatsToConsole(con, category);
// Legacy
private static void OutputCategoryStatsToConsole(
ICommandConsole con, Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, Stat>> category)
foreach (var container in category.Values)
foreach (Stat stat in container.Values)
"{0}.{1}.{2} : {3}{4}", stat.Category, stat.Container, stat.ShortName, stat.Value, stat.UnitName);
/// <summary>
/// Start collecting statistics related to assets.
/// Should only be called once.
@ -73,43 +154,100 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework.Monitoring
return userStats;
/// <summary>
/// Registers a statistic.
/// </summary>
/// <param name='stat'></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static bool RegisterStat(Stat stat)
Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, Stat>> category = null, newCategory;
Dictionary<string, Stat> container = null, newContainer;
lock (RegisteredStats)
if (RegisteredStats.ContainsKey(stat.UniqueName))
// XXX: For now just return false. This is to avoid problems in regression tests where all tests
// in a class are run in the same instance of the VM.
// Stat name is not unique across category/container/shortname key.
// XXX: For now just return false. This is to avoid problems in regression tests where all tests
// in a class are run in the same instance of the VM.
if (TryGetStat(stat, out category, out container))
return false;
// throw new Exception(
// "StatsManager already contains stat with ShortName {0} in Category {1}", stat.ShortName, stat.Category);
// We take a copy-on-write approach here of replacing dictionaries when keys are added or removed.
// This means that we don't need to lock or copy them on iteration, which will be a much more
// common operation after startup.
if (container != null)
newContainer = new Dictionary<string, Stat>(container);
newContainer = new Dictionary<string, Stat>();
// We take a replace-on-write approach here so that we don't need to generate a new Dictionary
Dictionary<string, Stat> newRegisteredStats = new Dictionary<string, Stat>(RegisteredStats);
newRegisteredStats[stat.UniqueName] = stat;
RegisteredStats = newRegisteredStats;
if (category != null)
newCategory = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, Stat>>(category);
newCategory = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, Stat>>();
newContainer[stat.ShortName] = stat;
newCategory[stat.Container] = newContainer;
RegisteredStats[stat.Category] = newCategory;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Deregister a statistic
/// </summary>>
/// <param name='stat'></param>
/// <returns></returns
public static bool DeregisterStat(Stat stat)
Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, Stat>> category = null, newCategory;
Dictionary<string, Stat> container = null, newContainer;
lock (RegisteredStats)
if (!RegisteredStats.ContainsKey(stat.UniqueName))
if (!TryGetStat(stat, out category, out container))
return false;
Dictionary<string, Stat> newRegisteredStats = new Dictionary<string, Stat>(RegisteredStats);
RegisteredStats = newRegisteredStats;
newContainer = new Dictionary<string, Stat>(container);
newCategory = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, Stat>>(category);
newCategory[stat.Container] = newContainer;
RegisteredStats[stat.Category] = newCategory;
return true;
public static bool TryGetStats(string category, out Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, Stat>> stats)
return RegisteredStats.TryGetValue(category, out stats);
public static bool TryGetStat(
Stat stat,
out Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, Stat>> category,
out Dictionary<string, Stat> container)
category = null;
container = null;
lock (RegisteredStats)
if (RegisteredStats.TryGetValue(stat.Category, out category))
if (category.TryGetValue(stat.Container, out container))
if (container.ContainsKey(stat.ShortName))
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
@ -157,9 +295,26 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework.Monitoring
public virtual double Value { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Constructor
/// </summary>
/// <param name='shortName'>Short name for the stat. Must not contain spaces. e.g. "LongFrames"</param>
/// <param name='name'>Human readable name for the stat. e.g. "Long frames"</param>
/// <param name='unitName'>
/// Unit name for the stat. Should be preceeded by a space if the unit name isn't normally appeneded immediately to the value.
/// e.g. " frames"
/// </param>
/// <param name='category'>Category under which this stat should appear, e.g. "scene". Do not capitalize.</param>
/// <param name='container'>Entity to which this stat relates. e.g. scene name if this is a per scene stat.</param>
/// <param name='verbosity'>Verbosity of stat. Controls whether it will appear in short stat display or only full display.</param>
/// <param name='description'>Description of stat</param>
public Stat(
string shortName, string name, string unitName, string category, string container, StatVerbosity verbosity, string description)
if (StatsManager.SubCommands.Contains(category))
throw new Exception(
string.Format("Stat cannot be in category '{0}' since this is reserved for a subcommand", category));
ShortName = shortName;
Name = name;
UnitName = unitName;
@ -203,7 +358,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework.Monitoring
public PercentageStat(
string shortName, string name, string category, string container, StatVerbosity verbosity, string description)
: base(shortName, name, " %", category, container, verbosity, description)
: base(shortName, name, "%", category, container, verbosity, description)
@ -96,11 +96,6 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework.Servers
get { return m_httpServer; }
/// <summary>
/// Holds the non-viewer statistics collection object for this service/server
/// </summary>
protected IStatsCollector m_stats;
public BaseOpenSimServer()
m_startuptime = DateTime.Now;
@ -177,10 +172,6 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework.Servers
"show info",
"Show general information about the server", HandleShow);
m_console.Commands.AddCommand("General", false, "show stats",
"show stats",
"Show statistics", HandleShow);
m_console.Commands.AddCommand("General", false, "show threads",
"show threads",
"Show thread status", HandleShow);
@ -226,12 +217,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework.Servers
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("DIAGNOSTICS\n\n");
if (m_stats != null)
@ -382,10 +368,6 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework.Servers
Notice("set log level [level] - change the console logging level only. For example, off or debug.");
Notice("show info - show server information (e.g. startup path).");
if (m_stats != null)
Notice("show stats - show statistical information for this server");
Notice("show threads - list tracked threads");
Notice("show uptime - show server startup time and uptime.");
Notice("show version - show server version.");
@ -409,11 +391,6 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework.Servers
case "stats":
if (m_stats != null)
case "threads":
@ -605,7 +582,6 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework.Servers
public string osSecret {
// Secret uuid for the simulator
get { return m_osSecret; }
public string StatReport(IOSHttpRequest httpRequest)
@ -613,11 +589,11 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework.Servers
// If we catch a request for "callback", wrap the response in the value for jsonp
if (httpRequest.Query.ContainsKey("callback"))
return httpRequest.Query["callback"].ToString() + "(" + m_stats.XReport((DateTime.Now - m_startuptime).ToString() , m_version) + ");";
return httpRequest.Query["callback"].ToString() + "(" + StatsManager.SimExtraStats.XReport((DateTime.Now - m_startuptime).ToString() , m_version) + ");";
return m_stats.XReport((DateTime.Now - m_startuptime).ToString() , m_version);
return StatsManager.SimExtraStats.XReport((DateTime.Now - m_startuptime).ToString() , m_version);
@ -223,8 +223,6 @@ namespace OpenSim
m_stats = StatsManager.SimExtraStats;
// Create a ModuleLoader instance
m_moduleLoader = new ModuleLoader(m_config.Source);
@ -234,51 +232,51 @@ namespace OpenSim
protected virtual void AddPluginCommands()
// If console exists add plugin commands.
if (m_console != null)
List<string> topics = GetHelpTopics();
foreach (string topic in topics)
protected virtual void AddPluginCommands(CommandConsole console)
List<string> topics = GetHelpTopics();
foreach (string topic in topics)
string capitalizedTopic = char.ToUpper(topic[0]) + topic.Substring(1);
// This is a hack to allow the user to enter the help command in upper or lowercase. This will go
// away at some point.
console.Commands.AddCommand(capitalizedTopic, false, "help " + topic,
"help " + capitalizedTopic,
"Get help on plugin command '" + topic + "'",
console.Commands.AddCommand(capitalizedTopic, false, "help " + capitalizedTopic,
"help " + capitalizedTopic,
"Get help on plugin command '" + topic + "'",
ICommander commander = null;
Scene s = SceneManager.CurrentOrFirstScene;
if (s != null && s.GetCommanders() != null)
string capitalizedTopic = char.ToUpper(topic[0]) + topic.Substring(1);
if (s.GetCommanders().ContainsKey(topic))
commander = s.GetCommanders()[topic];
// This is a hack to allow the user to enter the help command in upper or lowercase. This will go
// away at some point.
m_console.Commands.AddCommand(capitalizedTopic, false, "help " + topic,
"help " + capitalizedTopic,
"Get help on plugin command '" + topic + "'",
m_console.Commands.AddCommand(capitalizedTopic, false, "help " + capitalizedTopic,
"help " + capitalizedTopic,
"Get help on plugin command '" + topic + "'",
if (commander == null)
ICommander commander = null;
Scene s = SceneManager.CurrentOrFirstScene;
if (s != null && s.GetCommanders() != null)
if (s.GetCommanders().ContainsKey(topic))
commander = s.GetCommanders()[topic];
if (commander == null)
foreach (string command in commander.Commands.Keys)
m_console.Commands.AddCommand(capitalizedTopic, false,
topic + " " + command,
topic + " " + commander.Commands[command].ShortHelp(),
String.Empty, HandleCommanderCommand);
foreach (string command in commander.Commands.Keys)
console.Commands.AddCommand(capitalizedTopic, false,
topic + " " + command,
topic + " " + commander.Commands[command].ShortHelp(),
String.Empty, HandleCommanderCommand);
@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ using System.Reflection;
using OpenMetaverse;
using OpenMetaverse.Packets;
using log4net;
using OpenSim.Framework.Monitoring;
namespace OpenSim.Region.ClientStack.LindenUDP
@ -43,17 +44,28 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ClientStack.LindenUDP
private bool packetPoolEnabled = true;
private bool dataBlockPoolEnabled = true;
private PercentageStat m_packetsReusedStat = new PercentageStat(
"Packets reused",
"Number of packets reused out of all requests to the packet pool");
private PercentageStat m_blocksReusedStat = new PercentageStat(
"Blocks reused",
"Number of data blocks reused out of all requests to the packet pool");
/// <summary>
/// Pool of packets available for reuse.
/// </summary>
private readonly Dictionary<PacketType, Stack<Packet>> pool = new Dictionary<PacketType, Stack<Packet>>();
private static Dictionary<Type, Stack<Object>> DataBlocks =
new Dictionary<Type, Stack<Object>>();
static PacketPool()
private static Dictionary<Type, Stack<Object>> DataBlocks = new Dictionary<Type, Stack<Object>>();
public static PacketPool Instance
@ -72,8 +84,16 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ClientStack.LindenUDP
get { return dataBlockPoolEnabled; }
private PacketPool()
public Packet GetPacket(PacketType type)
Packet packet;
if (!packetPoolEnabled)
@ -89,6 +109,8 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ClientStack.LindenUDP
// Recycle old packages
packet = (pool[type]).Pop();
@ -211,16 +233,21 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ClientStack.LindenUDP
public static T GetDataBlock<T>() where T: new()
public T GetDataBlock<T>() where T: new()
lock (DataBlocks)
Stack<Object> s;
if (DataBlocks.TryGetValue(typeof(T), out s))
if (s.Count > 0)
return (T)s.Pop();
@ -231,7 +258,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ClientStack.LindenUDP
public static void ReturnDataBlock<T>(T block) where T: new()
public void ReturnDataBlock<T>(T block) where T: new()
if (block == null)
@ -112,72 +112,6 @@
<Project frameworkVersion="v3_5" name="OpenSim.Framework.Monitoring" path="OpenSim/Framework/Monitoring" type="Library">
<Configuration name="Debug">
<Configuration name="Release">
<Reference name="System"/>
<Reference name="System.Core"/>
<Reference name="log4net" path="../../../bin/"/>
<Reference name="OpenMetaverseTypes" path="../../../bin/"/>
<Reference name="OpenMetaverse" path="../../../bin/"/>
<Reference name="OpenMetaverse.StructuredData" path="../../../bin/"/>
<Reference name="OpenSim.Framework"/>
<Match pattern="*.cs" recurse="true"/>
<Project frameworkVersion="v3_5" name="OpenSim.Framework.Servers.HttpServer" path="OpenSim/Framework/Servers/HttpServer" type="Library">
<Configuration name="Debug">
<Configuration name="Release">
<Reference name="System"/>
<Reference name="System.Core"/>
<Reference name="System.Xml"/>
<Reference name="System.Web"/>
<Reference name="OpenSim.Framework"/>
<Reference name="OpenSim.Framework.Monitoring"/>
<Reference name="OpenMetaverse.StructuredData" path="../../../../bin/"/>
<Reference name="OpenMetaverseTypes" path="../../../../bin/"/>
<Reference name="XMLRPC" path="../../../../bin/"/>
<Reference name="log4net" path="../../../../bin/"/>
<Reference name="HttpServer_OpenSim" path="../../../../bin/"/>
<Match pattern="*.cs" recurse="true">
<Exclude pattern="Tests"/>
<!-- on temporary suspension -->
<Exclude pattern="OSHttpHandler\.cs"/>
<Exclude pattern="OSHttpHttpHandler\.cs"/>
<Exclude pattern="OSHttpRequestPump\.cs"/>
<Exclude pattern="OSHttpRequestQueue\.cs"/>
<Exclude pattern="OSHttpServer.*\.cs"/>
<Exclude pattern="OSHttpXmlRpcHandler.*\.cs"/>
<Project frameworkVersion="v3_5" name="OpenSim.Framework.Console" path="OpenSim/Framework/Console" type="Library">
<Configuration name="Debug">
@ -233,6 +167,73 @@
<Project frameworkVersion="v3_5" name="OpenSim.Framework.Monitoring" path="OpenSim/Framework/Monitoring" type="Library">
<Configuration name="Debug">
<Configuration name="Release">
<Reference name="System"/>
<Reference name="System.Core"/>
<Reference name="log4net" path="../../../bin/"/>
<Reference name="OpenMetaverseTypes" path="../../../bin/"/>
<Reference name="OpenMetaverse" path="../../../bin/"/>
<Reference name="OpenMetaverse.StructuredData" path="../../../bin/"/>
<Reference name="OpenSim.Framework"/>
<Reference name="OpenSim.Framework.Console"/>
<Match pattern="*.cs" recurse="true"/>
<Project frameworkVersion="v3_5" name="OpenSim.Framework.Servers.HttpServer" path="OpenSim/Framework/Servers/HttpServer" type="Library">
<Configuration name="Debug">
<Configuration name="Release">
<Reference name="System"/>
<Reference name="System.Core"/>
<Reference name="System.Xml"/>
<Reference name="System.Web"/>
<Reference name="OpenSim.Framework"/>
<Reference name="OpenSim.Framework.Monitoring"/>
<Reference name="OpenMetaverse.StructuredData" path="../../../../bin/"/>
<Reference name="OpenMetaverseTypes" path="../../../../bin/"/>
<Reference name="XMLRPC" path="../../../../bin/"/>
<Reference name="log4net" path="../../../../bin/"/>
<Reference name="HttpServer_OpenSim" path="../../../../bin/"/>
<Match pattern="*.cs" recurse="true">
<Exclude pattern="Tests"/>
<!-- on temporary suspension -->
<Exclude pattern="OSHttpHandler\.cs"/>
<Exclude pattern="OSHttpHttpHandler\.cs"/>
<Exclude pattern="OSHttpRequestPump\.cs"/>
<Exclude pattern="OSHttpRequestQueue\.cs"/>
<Exclude pattern="OSHttpServer.*\.cs"/>
<Exclude pattern="OSHttpXmlRpcHandler.*\.cs"/>
<Project frameworkVersion="v3_5" name="OpenSim.Framework.Serialization" path="OpenSim/Framework/Serialization" type="Library">
<Configuration name="Debug">
Reference in New Issue