BulletSim: add locking around Meshmerizer use to eliminate possible race

condition when extracting the convex hulls.
Robert Adams 2013-05-23 14:40:16 -07:00
parent 5efce21abc
commit 29b3b44fab
1 changed files with 170 additions and 158 deletions

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@ -441,10 +441,14 @@ public class BSShapeMesh : BSShape
BulletShape newShape = new BulletShape();
IMesh meshData = physicsScene.mesher.CreateMesh(prim.PhysObjectName, pbs, size, lod,
false, // say it is not physical so a bounding box is not built
false // do not cache the mesh and do not use previously built versions
IMesh meshData = null;
lock (physicsScene.mesher)
meshData = physicsScene.mesher.CreateMesh(prim.PhysObjectName, pbs, size, lod,
false, // say it is not physical so a bounding box is not built
false // do not cache the mesh and do not use previously built versions
if (meshData != null)
@ -576,55 +580,67 @@ public class BSShapeHull : BSShape
BulletShape newShape = new BulletShape();
newShape.shapeKey = newHullKey;
// Pass true for physicalness as this prevents the creation of bounding box which is not needed
IMesh meshData = physicsScene.mesher.CreateMesh(prim.PhysObjectName, pbs, size, lod, true /* isPhysical */, false /* shouldCache */);
// If there is hull data in the mesh asset, build the hull from that
if (meshData != null && BSParam.ShouldUseAssetHulls)
IMesh meshData = null;
List<List<OMV.Vector3>> allHulls = null;
lock (physicsScene.mesher)
Meshmerizer realMesher = physicsScene.mesher as Meshmerizer;
if (realMesher != null)
// Pass true for physicalness as this prevents the creation of bounding box which is not needed
meshData = physicsScene.mesher.CreateMesh(prim.PhysObjectName, pbs, size, lod, true /* isPhysical */, false /* shouldCache */);
// If we should use the asset's hull info, fetch it out of the locked mesher
if (meshData != null && BSParam.ShouldUseAssetHulls)
List<List<OMV.Vector3>> allHulls = realMesher.GetConvexHulls(size);
if (allHulls != null)
Meshmerizer realMesher = physicsScene.mesher as Meshmerizer;
if (realMesher != null)
int hullCount = allHulls.Count;
int totalVertices = 1; // include one for the count of the hulls
// Using the structure described for HACD hulls, create the memory sturcture
// to pass the hull data to the creater.
foreach (List<OMV.Vector3> hullVerts in allHulls)
totalVertices += 4; // add four for the vertex count and centroid
totalVertices += hullVerts.Count * 3; // one vertex is three dimensions
float[] convHulls = new float[totalVertices];
convHulls[0] = (float)hullCount;
int jj = 1;
foreach (List<OMV.Vector3> hullVerts in allHulls)
convHulls[jj + 0] = hullVerts.Count;
convHulls[jj + 1] = 0f; // centroid x,y,z
convHulls[jj + 2] = 0f;
convHulls[jj + 3] = 0f;
jj += 4;
foreach (OMV.Vector3 oneVert in hullVerts)
convHulls[jj + 0] = oneVert.X;
convHulls[jj + 1] = oneVert.Y;
convHulls[jj + 2] = oneVert.Z;
jj += 3;
// create the hull data structure in Bullet
newShape = physicsScene.PE.CreateHullShape(physicsScene.World, hullCount, convHulls);
prim.LocalID, hullCount, totalVertices, newShape);
allHulls = realMesher.GetConvexHulls(size);
if (allHulls == null)
physicsScene.DetailLog("{0},BSShapeHull.CreatePhysicalHull,assetHulls,noAssetHull", prim.LocalID);
// If there is hull data in the mesh asset, build the hull from that
if (allHulls != null && BSParam.ShouldUseAssetHulls)
int hullCount = allHulls.Count;
int totalVertices = 1; // include one for the count of the hulls
// Using the structure described for HACD hulls, create the memory sturcture
// to pass the hull data to the creater.
foreach (List<OMV.Vector3> hullVerts in allHulls)
totalVertices += 4; // add four for the vertex count and centroid
totalVertices += hullVerts.Count * 3; // one vertex is three dimensions
float[] convHulls = new float[totalVertices];
convHulls[0] = (float)hullCount;
int jj = 1;
foreach (List<OMV.Vector3> hullVerts in allHulls)
convHulls[jj + 0] = hullVerts.Count;
convHulls[jj + 1] = 0f; // centroid x,y,z
convHulls[jj + 2] = 0f;
convHulls[jj + 3] = 0f;
jj += 4;
foreach (OMV.Vector3 oneVert in hullVerts)
convHulls[jj + 0] = oneVert.X;
convHulls[jj + 1] = oneVert.Y;
convHulls[jj + 2] = oneVert.Z;
jj += 3;
// create the hull data structure in Bullet
newShape = physicsScene.PE.CreateHullShape(physicsScene.World, hullCount, convHulls);
prim.LocalID, hullCount, totalVertices, newShape);
// If no hull specified in the asset and we should use Bullet's HACD approximation...
if (!newShape.HasPhysicalShape && BSParam.ShouldUseBulletHACD)
@ -655,120 +671,116 @@ public class BSShapeHull : BSShape
physicsScene.DetailLog("{0},BSShapeHull.CreatePhysicalHull,bulletHACD,exit,hasBody={1}", prim.LocalID, newShape.HasPhysicalShape);
// If no hull specified, use our HACD hull approximation.
if (!newShape.HasPhysicalShape)
// If no other hull specifications, use our HACD hull approximation.
if (!newShape.HasPhysicalShape && meshData != null)
// Build a new hull in the physical world using the C# HACD algorigthm.
if (meshData != null)
if (prim.PrimAssetState == BSPhysObject.PrimAssetCondition.Fetched)
if (prim.PrimAssetState == BSPhysObject.PrimAssetCondition.Fetched)
// Release the fetched asset data once it has been used.
pbs.SculptData = new byte[0];
prim.PrimAssetState = BSPhysObject.PrimAssetCondition.Unknown;
int[] indices = meshData.getIndexListAsInt();
List<OMV.Vector3> vertices = meshData.getVertexList();
//format conversion from IMesh format to DecompDesc format
List<int> convIndices = new List<int>();
List<float3> convVertices = new List<float3>();
for (int ii = 0; ii < indices.GetLength(0); ii++)
foreach (OMV.Vector3 vv in vertices)
convVertices.Add(new float3(vv.X, vv.Y, vv.Z));
uint maxDepthSplit = (uint)BSParam.CSHullMaxDepthSplit;
if (BSParam.CSHullMaxDepthSplit != BSParam.CSHullMaxDepthSplitForSimpleShapes)
// Simple primitive shapes we know are convex so they are better implemented with
// fewer hulls.
// Check for simple shape (prim without cuts) and reduce split parameter if so.
if (BSShapeCollection.PrimHasNoCuts(pbs))
maxDepthSplit = (uint)BSParam.CSHullMaxDepthSplitForSimpleShapes;
// setup and do convex hull conversion
m_hulls = new List<ConvexResult>();
DecompDesc dcomp = new DecompDesc();
dcomp.mIndices = convIndices;
dcomp.mVertices = convVertices;
dcomp.mDepth = maxDepthSplit;
dcomp.mCpercent = BSParam.CSHullConcavityThresholdPercent;
dcomp.mPpercent = BSParam.CSHullVolumeConservationThresholdPercent;
dcomp.mMaxVertices = (uint)BSParam.CSHullMaxVertices;
dcomp.mSkinWidth = BSParam.CSHullMaxSkinWidth;
ConvexBuilder convexBuilder = new ConvexBuilder(HullReturn);
// create the hull into the _hulls variable
BSScene.DetailLogZero, newHullKey, indices.GetLength(0), vertices.Count, maxDepthSplit, m_hulls.Count);
// Convert the vertices and indices for passing to unmanaged.
// The hull information is passed as a large floating point array.
// The format is:
// convHulls[0] = number of hulls
// convHulls[1] = number of vertices in first hull
// convHulls[2] = hull centroid X coordinate
// convHulls[3] = hull centroid Y coordinate
// convHulls[4] = hull centroid Z coordinate
// convHulls[5] = first hull vertex X
// convHulls[6] = first hull vertex Y
// convHulls[7] = first hull vertex Z
// convHulls[8] = second hull vertex X
// ...
// convHulls[n] = number of vertices in second hull
// convHulls[n+1] = second hull centroid X coordinate
// ...
// TODO: is is very inefficient. Someday change the convex hull generator to return
// data structures that do not need to be converted in order to pass to Bullet.
// And maybe put the values directly into pinned memory rather than marshaling.
int hullCount = m_hulls.Count;
int totalVertices = 1; // include one for the count of the hulls
foreach (ConvexResult cr in m_hulls)
totalVertices += 4; // add four for the vertex count and centroid
totalVertices += cr.HullIndices.Count * 3; // we pass just triangles
float[] convHulls = new float[totalVertices];
convHulls[0] = (float)hullCount;
int jj = 1;
foreach (ConvexResult cr in m_hulls)
// copy vertices for index access
float3[] verts = new float3[cr.HullVertices.Count];
int kk = 0;
foreach (float3 ff in cr.HullVertices)
verts[kk++] = ff;
// add to the array one hull's worth of data
convHulls[jj++] = cr.HullIndices.Count;
convHulls[jj++] = 0f; // centroid x,y,z
convHulls[jj++] = 0f;
convHulls[jj++] = 0f;
foreach (int ind in cr.HullIndices)
convHulls[jj++] = verts[ind].x;
convHulls[jj++] = verts[ind].y;
convHulls[jj++] = verts[ind].z;
// create the hull data structure in Bullet
newShape = physicsScene.PE.CreateHullShape(physicsScene.World, hullCount, convHulls);
// Release the fetched asset data once it has been used.
pbs.SculptData = new byte[0];
prim.PrimAssetState = BSPhysObject.PrimAssetCondition.Unknown;
newShape.shapeKey = newHullKey;
int[] indices = meshData.getIndexListAsInt();
List<OMV.Vector3> vertices = meshData.getVertexList();
//format conversion from IMesh format to DecompDesc format
List<int> convIndices = new List<int>();
List<float3> convVertices = new List<float3>();
for (int ii = 0; ii < indices.GetLength(0); ii++)
foreach (OMV.Vector3 vv in vertices)
convVertices.Add(new float3(vv.X, vv.Y, vv.Z));
uint maxDepthSplit = (uint)BSParam.CSHullMaxDepthSplit;
if (BSParam.CSHullMaxDepthSplit != BSParam.CSHullMaxDepthSplitForSimpleShapes)
// Simple primitive shapes we know are convex so they are better implemented with
// fewer hulls.
// Check for simple shape (prim without cuts) and reduce split parameter if so.
if (BSShapeCollection.PrimHasNoCuts(pbs))
maxDepthSplit = (uint)BSParam.CSHullMaxDepthSplitForSimpleShapes;
// setup and do convex hull conversion
m_hulls = new List<ConvexResult>();
DecompDesc dcomp = new DecompDesc();
dcomp.mIndices = convIndices;
dcomp.mVertices = convVertices;
dcomp.mDepth = maxDepthSplit;
dcomp.mCpercent = BSParam.CSHullConcavityThresholdPercent;
dcomp.mPpercent = BSParam.CSHullVolumeConservationThresholdPercent;
dcomp.mMaxVertices = (uint)BSParam.CSHullMaxVertices;
dcomp.mSkinWidth = BSParam.CSHullMaxSkinWidth;
ConvexBuilder convexBuilder = new ConvexBuilder(HullReturn);
// create the hull into the _hulls variable
BSScene.DetailLogZero, newHullKey, indices.GetLength(0), vertices.Count, maxDepthSplit, m_hulls.Count);
// Convert the vertices and indices for passing to unmanaged.
// The hull information is passed as a large floating point array.
// The format is:
// convHulls[0] = number of hulls
// convHulls[1] = number of vertices in first hull
// convHulls[2] = hull centroid X coordinate
// convHulls[3] = hull centroid Y coordinate
// convHulls[4] = hull centroid Z coordinate
// convHulls[5] = first hull vertex X
// convHulls[6] = first hull vertex Y
// convHulls[7] = first hull vertex Z
// convHulls[8] = second hull vertex X
// ...
// convHulls[n] = number of vertices in second hull
// convHulls[n+1] = second hull centroid X coordinate
// ...
// TODO: is is very inefficient. Someday change the convex hull generator to return
// data structures that do not need to be converted in order to pass to Bullet.
// And maybe put the values directly into pinned memory rather than marshaling.
int hullCount = m_hulls.Count;
int totalVertices = 1; // include one for the count of the hulls
foreach (ConvexResult cr in m_hulls)
totalVertices += 4; // add four for the vertex count and centroid
totalVertices += cr.HullIndices.Count * 3; // we pass just triangles
float[] convHulls = new float[totalVertices];
convHulls[0] = (float)hullCount;
int jj = 1;
foreach (ConvexResult cr in m_hulls)
// copy vertices for index access
float3[] verts = new float3[cr.HullVertices.Count];
int kk = 0;
foreach (float3 ff in cr.HullVertices)
verts[kk++] = ff;
// add to the array one hull's worth of data
convHulls[jj++] = cr.HullIndices.Count;
convHulls[jj++] = 0f; // centroid x,y,z
convHulls[jj++] = 0f;
convHulls[jj++] = 0f;
foreach (int ind in cr.HullIndices)
convHulls[jj++] = verts[ind].x;
convHulls[jj++] = verts[ind].y;
convHulls[jj++] = verts[ind].z;
// create the hull data structure in Bullet
newShape = physicsScene.PE.CreateHullShape(physicsScene.World, hullCount, convHulls);
return newShape;