* Another stab at refactoring up the CustomiseResponse function. Two fixes:
* Sometimes, null is a valid return value to indicate 'none found'. doh. * Sometimes, the Grid server does not send simURI - this you need to reconstruct yourself. Euw. (I believe) this solves mantis issue #32870.6.5-rc1
@ -126,150 +126,17 @@ namespace OpenSim.Client.Linden
/// <summary>
/// Customises the login response and fills in missing values.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="response">The existing response</param>
/// <param name="theUser">The user profile</param>
/// <param name="startLocationRequest">The requested start location</param>
public override bool CustomiseResponse(LoginResponse response, UserProfileData theUser, string startLocationRequest)
// add active gestures to login-response
AddActiveGestures(response, theUser);
// HomeLocation
RegionInfo homeInfo = null;
// use the homeRegionID if it is stored already. If not, use the regionHandle as before
UUID homeRegionId = theUser.HomeRegionID;
ulong homeRegionHandle = theUser.HomeRegion;
if (homeRegionId != UUID.Zero)
homeInfo = GetRegionInfo(homeRegionId);
homeInfo = GetRegionInfo(homeRegionHandle);
if (homeInfo != null)
response.Home =
"{{'region_handle':[r{0},r{1}], 'position':[r{2},r{3},r{4}], 'look_at':[r{5},r{6},r{7}]}}",
(homeInfo.RegionLocX * Constants.RegionSize),
(homeInfo.RegionLocY * Constants.RegionSize),
theUser.HomeLocation.X, theUser.HomeLocation.Y, theUser.HomeLocation.Z,
theUser.HomeLookAt.X, theUser.HomeLookAt.Y, theUser.HomeLookAt.Z);
m_log.InfoFormat("not found the region at {0} {1}", theUser.HomeRegionX, theUser.HomeRegionY);
// Emergency mode: Home-region isn't available, so we can't request the region info.
// Use the stored home regionHandle instead.
// NOTE: If the home-region moves, this will be wrong until the users update their user-profile again
ulong regionX = homeRegionHandle >> 32;
ulong regionY = homeRegionHandle & 0xffffffff;
response.Home =
"{{'region_handle':[r{0},r{1}], 'position':[r{2},r{3},r{4}], 'look_at':[r{5},r{6},r{7}]}}",
regionX, regionY,
theUser.HomeLocation.X, theUser.HomeLocation.Y, theUser.HomeLocation.Z,
theUser.HomeLookAt.X, theUser.HomeLookAt.Y, theUser.HomeLookAt.Z);
m_log.InfoFormat("[LOGIN] Home region of user {0} {1} is not available; using computed region position {2} {3}",
theUser.FirstName, theUser.SurName,
regionX, regionY);
// StartLocation
RegionInfo regionInfo = null;
if (startLocationRequest == "home")
regionInfo = homeInfo;
theUser.CurrentAgent.Position = theUser.HomeLocation;
response.LookAt = "[r" + theUser.HomeLookAt.X.ToString() + ",r" + theUser.HomeLookAt.Y.ToString() + ",r" + theUser.HomeLookAt.Z.ToString() + "]";
else if (startLocationRequest == "last")
UUID lastRegion = theUser.CurrentAgent.Region;
regionInfo = GetRegionInfo(lastRegion);
response.LookAt = "[r" + theUser.CurrentAgent.LookAt.X.ToString() + ",r" + theUser.CurrentAgent.LookAt.Y.ToString() + ",r" + theUser.CurrentAgent.LookAt.Z.ToString() + "]";
Regex reURI = new Regex(@"^uri:(?<region>[^&]+)&(?<x>\d+)&(?<y>\d+)&(?<z>\d+)$");
Match uriMatch = reURI.Match(startLocationRequest);
if (uriMatch == null)
m_log.InfoFormat("[LOGIN]: Got Custom Login URL {0}, but can't process it", startLocationRequest);
string region = uriMatch.Groups["region"].ToString();
regionInfo = RequestClosestRegion(region);
if (regionInfo == null)
m_log.InfoFormat("[LOGIN]: Got Custom Login URL {0}, can't locate region {1}", startLocationRequest, region);
theUser.CurrentAgent.Position = new Vector3(float.Parse(uriMatch.Groups["x"].Value),
float.Parse(uriMatch.Groups["y"].Value), float.Parse(uriMatch.Groups["z"].Value));
response.LookAt = "[r0,r1,r0]";
// can be: last, home, safe, url
response.StartLocation = "url";
if ((regionInfo != null) && (PrepareLoginToRegion(regionInfo, theUser, response)))
return true;
// StartLocation not available, send him to a nearby region instead
// regionInfo = m_gridService.RequestClosestRegion("");
//m_log.InfoFormat("[LOGIN]: StartLocation not available sending to region {0}", regionInfo.regionName);
// Send him to default region instead
ulong defaultHandle = (((ulong)m_defaultHomeX * Constants.RegionSize) << 32) |
((ulong)m_defaultHomeY * Constants.RegionSize);
if ((regionInfo != null) && (defaultHandle == regionInfo.RegionHandle))
m_log.ErrorFormat("[LOGIN]: Not trying the default region since this is the same as the selected region");
return false;
m_log.Error("[LOGIN]: Sending user to default region " + defaultHandle + " instead");
regionInfo = GetRegionInfo(defaultHandle);
// Customise the response
//response.Home =
// string.Format(
// "{{'region_handle':[r{0},r{1}], 'position':[r{2},r{3},r{4}], 'look_at':[r{5},r{6},r{7}]}}",
// (SimInfo.regionLocX * Constants.RegionSize),
// (SimInfo.regionLocY*Constants.RegionSize),
// theUser.HomeLocation.X, theUser.HomeLocation.Y, theUser.HomeLocation.Z,
// theUser.HomeLookAt.X, theUser.HomeLookAt.Y, theUser.HomeLookAt.Z);
theUser.CurrentAgent.Position = new Vector3(128, 128, 0);
response.StartLocation = "safe";
return PrepareLoginToRegion(regionInfo, theUser, response);
protected RegionInfo RequestClosestRegion(string region)
protected override RegionInfo RequestClosestRegion(string region)
return m_regionsConnector.RequestClosestRegion(region);
protected RegionInfo GetRegionInfo(ulong homeRegionHandle)
protected override RegionInfo GetRegionInfo(ulong homeRegionHandle)
return m_regionsConnector.RequestNeighbourInfo(homeRegionHandle);
protected RegionInfo GetRegionInfo(UUID homeRegionId)
protected override RegionInfo GetRegionInfo(UUID homeRegionId)
return m_regionsConnector.RequestNeighbourInfo(homeRegionId);
@ -283,7 +150,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Client.Linden
/// <param name="theUser">
/// A <see cref="UserProfileData"/>
/// </param>
private void AddActiveGestures(LoginResponse response, UserProfileData theUser)
protected override void AddActiveGestures(LoginResponse response, UserProfileData theUser)
List<InventoryItemBase> gestures = m_interServiceInventoryService.GetActiveGestures(theUser.ID);
//m_log.DebugFormat("[LOGIN]: AddActiveGestures, found {0}", gestures == null ? 0 : gestures.Count);
@ -309,7 +176,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Client.Linden
/// <param name="user"></param>
/// <param name="response"></param>
/// <returns>true if the region was successfully contacted, false otherwise</returns>
protected bool PrepareLoginToRegion(RegionInfo regionInfo, UserProfileData user, LoginResponse response)
protected override bool PrepareLoginToRegion(RegionInfo regionInfo, UserProfileData user, LoginResponse response)
IPEndPoint endPoint = regionInfo.ExternalEndPoint;
response.SimAddress = endPoint.Address.ToString();
@ -282,7 +282,20 @@ namespace OpenSim.Data
public RegionInfo ToRegionInfo( )
return RegionInfo.Create(UUID, regionName, regionLocX, regionLocY, serverIP, httpPort, serverPort, remotingPort);
return RegionInfo.Create(UUID, regionName, regionLocX, regionLocY, serverIP, httpPort, serverPort, remotingPort, serverURI );
public static RegionProfileData FromRegionInfo( RegionInfo regionInfo )
if( regionInfo == null )
return null;
return Create(regionInfo.RegionID, regionInfo.RegionName, regionInfo.RegionLocX,
regionInfo.RegionLocY, regionInfo.ExternalHostName,
(uint) regionInfo.ExternalEndPoint.Port, regionInfo.HttpPort, regionInfo.RemotingPort,
public static RegionProfileData Create(UUID regionID, string regionName, uint locX, uint locY, string externalHostName, uint regionPort, uint httpPort, uint remotingPort, string serverUri)
@ -77,15 +77,6 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework.Communications
/// <summary>
/// Customises the login response and fills in missing values. This method also tells the login region to
/// expect a client connection.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="response">The existing response</param>
/// <param name="theUser">The user profile</param>
/// <returns>true on success, false if the region was not successfully told to expect a user connection</returns>
public abstract bool CustomiseResponse(LoginResponse response, UserProfileData theUser, string startLocationRequest);
/// <summary>
/// If the user is already logged in, try to notify the region that the user they've got is dead.
/// </summary>
@ -872,5 +863,152 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework.Communications
m_log.InfoFormat("[LOGIN]: Login with web_login_key {0}", web_login_key);
/// <summary>
/// Customises the login response and fills in missing values. This method also tells the login region to
/// expect a client connection.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="response">The existing response</param>
/// <param name="theUser">The user profile</param>
/// <param name="startLocationRequest">The requested start location</param>
/// <returns>true on success, false if the region was not successfully told to expect a user connection</returns>
public bool CustomiseResponse(LoginResponse response, UserProfileData theUser, string startLocationRequest)
// add active gestures to login-response
AddActiveGestures(response, theUser);
// HomeLocation
RegionInfo homeInfo = null;
// use the homeRegionID if it is stored already. If not, use the regionHandle as before
UUID homeRegionId = theUser.HomeRegionID;
ulong homeRegionHandle = theUser.HomeRegion;
if (homeRegionId != UUID.Zero)
homeInfo = GetRegionInfo(homeRegionId);
homeInfo = GetRegionInfo(homeRegionHandle);
if (homeInfo != null)
response.Home =
"{{'region_handle':[r{0},r{1}], 'position':[r{2},r{3},r{4}], 'look_at':[r{5},r{6},r{7}]}}",
(homeInfo.RegionLocX * Constants.RegionSize),
(homeInfo.RegionLocY * Constants.RegionSize),
theUser.HomeLocation.X, theUser.HomeLocation.Y, theUser.HomeLocation.Z,
theUser.HomeLookAt.X, theUser.HomeLookAt.Y, theUser.HomeLookAt.Z);
m_log.InfoFormat("not found the region at {0} {1}", theUser.HomeRegionX, theUser.HomeRegionY);
// Emergency mode: Home-region isn't available, so we can't request the region info.
// Use the stored home regionHandle instead.
// NOTE: If the home-region moves, this will be wrong until the users update their user-profile again
ulong regionX = homeRegionHandle >> 32;
ulong regionY = homeRegionHandle & 0xffffffff;
response.Home =
"{{'region_handle':[r{0},r{1}], 'position':[r{2},r{3},r{4}], 'look_at':[r{5},r{6},r{7}]}}",
regionX, regionY,
theUser.HomeLocation.X, theUser.HomeLocation.Y, theUser.HomeLocation.Z,
theUser.HomeLookAt.X, theUser.HomeLookAt.Y, theUser.HomeLookAt.Z);
m_log.InfoFormat("[LOGIN] Home region of user {0} {1} is not available; using computed region position {2} {3}",
theUser.FirstName, theUser.SurName,
regionX, regionY);
// StartLocation
RegionInfo regionInfo = null;
if (startLocationRequest == "home")
regionInfo = homeInfo;
theUser.CurrentAgent.Position = theUser.HomeLocation;
response.LookAt = "[r" + theUser.HomeLookAt.X.ToString() + ",r" + theUser.HomeLookAt.Y.ToString() + ",r" + theUser.HomeLookAt.Z.ToString() + "]";
else if (startLocationRequest == "last")
UUID lastRegion = theUser.CurrentAgent.Region;
regionInfo = GetRegionInfo(lastRegion);
response.LookAt = "[r" + theUser.CurrentAgent.LookAt.X.ToString() + ",r" + theUser.CurrentAgent.LookAt.Y.ToString() + ",r" + theUser.CurrentAgent.LookAt.Z.ToString() + "]";
Regex reURI = new Regex(@"^uri:(?<region>[^&]+)&(?<x>\d+)&(?<y>\d+)&(?<z>\d+)$");
Match uriMatch = reURI.Match(startLocationRequest);
if (uriMatch == null)
m_log.InfoFormat("[LOGIN]: Got Custom Login URL {0}, but can't process it", startLocationRequest);
string region = uriMatch.Groups["region"].ToString();
regionInfo = RequestClosestRegion(region);
if (regionInfo == null)
m_log.InfoFormat("[LOGIN]: Got Custom Login URL {0}, can't locate region {1}", startLocationRequest, region);
theUser.CurrentAgent.Position = new Vector3(float.Parse(uriMatch.Groups["x"].Value),
float.Parse(uriMatch.Groups["y"].Value), float.Parse(uriMatch.Groups["z"].Value));
response.LookAt = "[r0,r1,r0]";
// can be: last, home, safe, url
response.StartLocation = "url";
if ((regionInfo != null) && (PrepareLoginToRegion(regionInfo, theUser, response)))
return true;
// StartLocation not available, send him to a nearby region instead
// regionInfo = m_gridService.RequestClosestRegion("");
//m_log.InfoFormat("[LOGIN]: StartLocation not available sending to region {0}", regionInfo.regionName);
// Send him to default region instead
ulong defaultHandle = (((ulong)m_defaultHomeX * Constants.RegionSize) << 32) |
((ulong)m_defaultHomeY * Constants.RegionSize);
if ((regionInfo != null) && (defaultHandle == regionInfo.RegionHandle))
m_log.ErrorFormat("[LOGIN]: Not trying the default region since this is the same as the selected region");
return false;
m_log.Error("[LOGIN]: Sending user to default region " + defaultHandle + " instead");
regionInfo = GetRegionInfo(defaultHandle);
if( regionInfo == null )
m_log.ErrorFormat("[LOGIN]: No default region available. Aborting.");
return false;
// Customise the response
//response.Home =
// string.Format(
// "{{'region_handle':[r{0},r{1}], 'position':[r{2},r{3},r{4}], 'look_at':[r{5},r{6},r{7}]}}",
// (SimInfo.regionLocX * Constants.RegionSize),
// (SimInfo.regionLocY*Constants.RegionSize),
// theUser.HomeLocation.X, theUser.HomeLocation.Y, theUser.HomeLocation.Z,
// theUser.HomeLookAt.X, theUser.HomeLookAt.Y, theUser.HomeLookAt.Z);
theUser.CurrentAgent.Position = new Vector3(128, 128, 0);
response.StartLocation = "safe";
return PrepareLoginToRegion(regionInfo, theUser, response);
protected abstract RegionInfo RequestClosestRegion(string region);
protected abstract RegionInfo GetRegionInfo(ulong homeRegionHandle);
protected abstract RegionInfo GetRegionInfo(UUID homeRegionId);
protected abstract void AddActiveGestures(LoginResponse response, UserProfileData theUser);
protected abstract bool PrepareLoginToRegion(RegionInfo regionInfo, UserProfileData user, LoginResponse response);
@ -676,7 +676,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework
proxyUrl = args["proxy_url"].AsString();
public static RegionInfo Create(UUID regionID, string regionName, uint regX, uint regY, string externalHostName, uint httpPort, uint simPort, uint remotingPort)
public static RegionInfo Create(UUID regionID, string regionName, uint regX, uint regY, string externalHostName, uint httpPort, uint simPort, uint remotingPort, string serverURI)
RegionInfo regionInfo;
IPEndPoint neighbourInternalEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(Util.GetHostFromDNS(externalHostName), (int)simPort);
@ -686,6 +686,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework
regionInfo.HttpPort = httpPort;
regionInfo.RegionID = regionID;
regionInfo.RegionName = regionName;
regionInfo.ServerURI = serverURI;
return regionInfo;
@ -99,11 +99,11 @@ namespace OpenSim.Grid.UserServer.Modules
m_httpServer.AddStreamHandler(new OpenIdStreamHandler("GET", "/openid/server/", this));
public void setloginlevel(int level)
public void setloginlevel(int level)
m_minLoginLevel = level;
m_log.InfoFormat("[GRID]: Login Level set to {0} ", level);
m_minLoginLevel = level;
m_log.InfoFormat("[GRID]: Login Level set to {0} ", level);
public void setwelcometext(string text)
@ -199,155 +199,49 @@ namespace OpenSim.Grid.UserServer.Modules
/// <summary>
/// Customises the login response and fills in missing values.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="response">The existing response</param>
/// <param name="theUser">The user profile</param>
/// <param name="startLocationRequest">The requested start location</param>
public override bool CustomiseResponse(LoginResponse response, UserProfileData theUser, string startLocationRequest)
protected override RegionInfo RequestClosestRegion(string region)
// add active gestures to login-response
AddActiveGestures(response, theUser);
RegionProfileData profileData = m_regionProfileService.RequestSimProfileData(region,
m_config.GridServerURL, m_config.GridSendKey, m_config.GridRecvKey);
// HomeLocation
RegionProfileData homeInfo = null;
// use the homeRegionID if it is stored already. If not, use the regionHandle as before
UUID homeRegionId = theUser.HomeRegionID;
ulong homeRegionHandle = theUser.HomeRegion;
if (homeRegionId != UUID.Zero)
if (profileData != null)
homeInfo = GetRegionInfo(homeRegionId);
return profileData.ToRegionInfo();
homeInfo = GetRegionInfo(homeRegionHandle);
return null;
if (homeInfo != null)
protected override RegionInfo GetRegionInfo(ulong homeRegionHandle)
RegionProfileData profileData = m_regionProfileService.RequestSimProfileData(homeRegionHandle,
m_config.GridServerURL, m_config.GridSendKey,
if (profileData != null)
response.Home =
"{{'region_handle':[r{0},r{1}], 'position':[r{2},r{3},r{4}], 'look_at':[r{5},r{6},r{7}]}}",
theUser.HomeLocation.X, theUser.HomeLocation.Y, theUser.HomeLocation.Z,
theUser.HomeLookAt.X, theUser.HomeLookAt.Y, theUser.HomeLookAt.Z);
return profileData.ToRegionInfo();
// Emergency mode: Home-region isn't available, so we can't request the region info.
// Use the stored home regionHandle instead.
// NOTE: If the home-region moves, this will be wrong until the users update their user-profile again
ulong regionX = homeRegionHandle >> 32;
ulong regionY = homeRegionHandle & 0xffffffff;
response.Home =
"{{'region_handle':[r{0},r{1}], 'position':[r{2},r{3},r{4}], 'look_at':[r{5},r{6},r{7}]}}",
regionX, regionY,
theUser.HomeLocation.X, theUser.HomeLocation.Y, theUser.HomeLocation.Z,
theUser.HomeLookAt.X, theUser.HomeLookAt.Y, theUser.HomeLookAt.Z);
m_log.InfoFormat("[LOGIN] Home region of user {0} {1} is not available; using computed region position {2} {3}",
theUser.FirstName, theUser.SurName,
regionX, regionY);
return null;
// StartLocation
RegionProfileData regionInfo = null;
if (startLocationRequest == "home")
protected override RegionInfo GetRegionInfo(UUID homeRegionId)
RegionProfileData profileData = m_regionProfileService.RequestSimProfileData(homeRegionId,
m_config.GridServerURL, m_config.GridSendKey,
if (profileData != null)
regionInfo = homeInfo;
theUser.CurrentAgent.Position = theUser.HomeLocation;
response.LookAt = "[r" + theUser.HomeLookAt.X.ToString() + ",r" + theUser.HomeLookAt.Y.ToString() + ",r" + theUser.HomeLookAt.Z.ToString() + "]";
else if (startLocationRequest == "last")
UUID lastRegion = theUser.CurrentAgent.Region;
regionInfo = GetRegionInfo(lastRegion);
response.LookAt = "[r" + theUser.CurrentAgent.LookAt.X.ToString() + ",r" + theUser.CurrentAgent.LookAt.Y.ToString() + ",r" + theUser.CurrentAgent.LookAt.Z.ToString() + "]";
return profileData.ToRegionInfo();
Regex reURI = new Regex(@"^uri:(?<region>[^&]+)&(?<x>\d+)&(?<y>\d+)&(?<z>\d+)$");
Match uriMatch = reURI.Match(startLocationRequest);
if (uriMatch == null)
m_log.InfoFormat("[LOGIN]: Got Custom Login URL {0}, but can't process it", startLocationRequest);
string region = uriMatch.Groups["region"].ToString();
regionInfo = RequestClosestRegion(region);
if (regionInfo == null)
m_log.InfoFormat("[LOGIN]: Got Custom Login URL {0}, can't locate region {1}", startLocationRequest, region);
theUser.CurrentAgent.Position = new Vector3(float.Parse(uriMatch.Groups["x"].Value),
float.Parse(uriMatch.Groups["y"].Value), float.Parse(uriMatch.Groups["z"].Value));
response.LookAt = "[r0,r1,r0]";
// can be: last, home, safe, url
response.StartLocation = "url";
return null;
if ((regionInfo != null) && (PrepareLoginToRegion(regionInfo, theUser, response)))
return true;
// StartLocation not available, send him to a nearby region instead
//regionInfo = RegionProfileData.RequestSimProfileData("", m_config.GridServerURL, m_config.GridSendKey, m_config.GridRecvKey);
//m_log.InfoFormat("[LOGIN]: StartLocation not available sending to region {0}", regionInfo.regionName);
// Send him to default region instead
// Load information from the gridserver
ulong defaultHandle = (((ulong) m_defaultHomeX * Constants.RegionSize) << 32) |
((ulong) m_defaultHomeY * Constants.RegionSize);
if ((regionInfo != null) && (defaultHandle == regionInfo.regionHandle))
m_log.ErrorFormat("[LOGIN]: Not trying the default region since this is the same as the selected region");
return false;
m_log.Error("[LOGIN]: Sending user to default region " + defaultHandle + " instead");
regionInfo = GetRegionInfo(defaultHandle);
// Customise the response
//response.Home =
// string.Format(
// "{{'region_handle':[r{0},r{1}], 'position':[r{2},r{3},r{4}], 'look_at':[r{5},r{6},r{7}]}}",
// (SimInfo.regionLocX * Constants.RegionSize),
// (SimInfo.regionLocY*Constants.RegionSize),
// theUser.HomeLocation.X, theUser.HomeLocation.Y, theUser.HomeLocation.Z,
// theUser.HomeLookAt.X, theUser.HomeLookAt.Y, theUser.HomeLookAt.Z);
theUser.CurrentAgent.Position = new Vector3(128,128,0);
response.StartLocation = "safe";
return PrepareLoginToRegion(regionInfo, theUser, response);
protected RegionProfileData RequestClosestRegion(string region)
return m_regionProfileService.RequestSimProfileData(region,
m_config.GridServerURL, m_config.GridSendKey, m_config.GridRecvKey);
protected RegionProfileData GetRegionInfo(ulong homeRegionHandle)
return m_regionProfileService.RequestSimProfileData(homeRegionHandle,
m_config.GridServerURL, m_config.GridSendKey,
protected RegionProfileData GetRegionInfo(UUID homeRegionId)
return m_regionProfileService.RequestSimProfileData(homeRegionId,
m_config.GridServerURL, m_config.GridSendKey,
/// <summary>
@ -359,7 +253,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Grid.UserServer.Modules
/// <param name="theUser">
/// A <see cref="UserProfileData"/>
/// </param>
private void AddActiveGestures(LoginResponse response, UserProfileData theUser)
protected override void AddActiveGestures(LoginResponse response, UserProfileData theUser)
List<InventoryItemBase> gestures = m_inventoryService.GetActiveGestures(theUser.ID);
//m_log.DebugFormat("[LOGIN]: AddActiveGestures, found {0}", gestures == null ? 0 : gestures.Count);
@ -377,18 +271,23 @@ namespace OpenSim.Grid.UserServer.Modules
response.ActiveGestures = list;
protected override bool PrepareLoginToRegion(RegionInfo regionInfo, UserProfileData user, LoginResponse response)
return PrepareLoginToRegion(RegionProfileData.FromRegionInfo(regionInfo), user, response);
/// <summary>
/// Prepare a login to the given region. This involves both telling the region to expect a connection
/// and appropriately customising the response to the user.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sim"></param>
/// <param name="regionInfo"></param>
/// <param name="user"></param>
/// <param name="response"></param>
/// <returns>true if the region was successfully contacted, false otherwise</returns>
private bool PrepareLoginToRegion(RegionProfileData regionInfo, UserProfileData user, LoginResponse response)
response.SimAddress = Util.GetHostFromURL(regionInfo.serverURI).ToString();
response.SimPort = uint.Parse(regionInfo.serverURI.Split(new char[] { '/', ':' })[4]);
response.RegionX = regionInfo.regionLocX;
@ -405,11 +304,11 @@ namespace OpenSim.Grid.UserServer.Modules
"[LOGIN]: Telling {0} @ {1},{2} ({3}) to prepare for client connection",
regionInfo.regionName, response.RegionX, response.RegionY, regionInfo.httpServerURI);
// Update agent with target sim
user.CurrentAgent.Region = regionInfo.UUID;
user.CurrentAgent.Handle = regionInfo.regionHandle;
// Prepare notification
Hashtable loginParams = new Hashtable();
loginParams["session_id"] = user.CurrentAgent.SessionID.ToString();
@ -417,7 +316,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Grid.UserServer.Modules
loginParams["firstname"] = user.FirstName;
loginParams["lastname"] = user.SurName;
loginParams["agent_id"] = user.ID.ToString();
loginParams["circuit_code"] = (Int32) Convert.ToUInt32(response.CircuitCode);
loginParams["circuit_code"] = (Int32)Convert.ToUInt32(response.CircuitCode);
loginParams["startpos_x"] = user.CurrentAgent.Position.X.ToString();
loginParams["startpos_y"] = user.CurrentAgent.Position.Y.ToString();
loginParams["startpos_z"] = user.CurrentAgent.Position.Z.ToString();
@ -450,10 +349,10 @@ namespace OpenSim.Grid.UserServer.Modules
if (GridResp.Value != null)
Hashtable resp = (Hashtable) GridResp.Value;
Hashtable resp = (Hashtable)GridResp.Value;
if (resp.ContainsKey("success"))
if ((string) resp["success"] == "FALSE")
if ((string)resp["success"] == "FALSE")
responseSuccess = false;
@ -533,7 +432,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Grid.UserServer.Modules
foreach (InventoryFolderBase InvFolder in folders)
// m_log.DebugFormat("[LOGIN]: Received agent inventory folder {0}", InvFolder.name);
// m_log.DebugFormat("[LOGIN]: Received agent inventory folder {0}", InvFolder.name);
if (InvFolder.ParentID == UUID.Zero)
@ -542,8 +441,8 @@ namespace OpenSim.Grid.UserServer.Modules
TempHash = new Hashtable();
TempHash["name"] = InvFolder.Name;
TempHash["parent_id"] = InvFolder.ParentID.ToString();
TempHash["version"] = (Int32) InvFolder.Version;
TempHash["type_default"] = (Int32) InvFolder.Type;
TempHash["version"] = (Int32)InvFolder.Version;
TempHash["type_default"] = (Int32)InvFolder.Type;
TempHash["folder_id"] = InvFolder.ID.ToString();
@ -559,14 +458,14 @@ namespace OpenSim.Grid.UserServer.Modules
public XmlRpcResponse XmlRPCSetLoginParams(XmlRpcRequest request)
XmlRpcResponse response = new XmlRpcResponse();
Hashtable requestData = (Hashtable) request.Params[0];
Hashtable requestData = (Hashtable)request.Params[0];
UserProfileData userProfile;
Hashtable responseData = new Hashtable();
UUID uid;
string pass = requestData["password"].ToString();
if (!UUID.TryParse((string) requestData["avatar_uuid"], out uid))
if (!UUID.TryParse((string)requestData["avatar_uuid"], out uid))
responseData["error"] = "No authorization";
response.Value = responseData;
@ -597,6 +496,5 @@ namespace OpenSim.Grid.UserServer.Modules
response.Value = responseData;
return response;
@ -416,11 +416,14 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Communications.OGS1
httpPort = Convert.ToUInt32((string)responseData["http_port"]);
// Ok, so this is definitively the wrong place to do this, way too hard coded, but it doesn't seem we GET this info?
string simURI = "http://" + regionInfo.ExternalHostName + ":" + regionInfo.InternalEndPoint.Port;
// string externalUri = (string) responseData["sim_uri"];
//IPEndPoint neighbourInternalEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(internalIpStr), (int) port);
regionInfo = RegionInfo.Create(regionID, regionName, regX, regY, externalHostName, httpPort, simPort, remotingPort);
regionInfo = RegionInfo.Create(regionID, regionName, regX, regY, externalHostName, httpPort, simPort, remotingPort, simURI );
lock (m_remoteRegionInfoCache)
Reference in New Issue