* Do database implementation for prim inventory items in mysql
* Properly clean up items when a region object is deleted * Update persisted prim when an inventory script is changed * No user functionality yetThreadPoolClientBranch
@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework.Data.MySQL
private const string m_primSelect = "select * from prims";
private const string m_shapeSelect = "select * from primshapes";
private const string m_itemsSelect = "select * from primitems";
private const string m_terrainSelect = "select * from terrain limit 1";
private const string m_landSelect = "select * from land";
private const string m_landAccessListSelect = "select * from landaccesslist";
@ -51,16 +52,22 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework.Data.MySQL
private DataSet m_dataSet;
private MySqlDataAdapter m_primDataAdapter;
private MySqlDataAdapter m_shapeDataAdapter;
private MySqlDataAdapter m_itemsDataAdapter;
private MySqlConnection m_connection;
private MySqlDataAdapter m_terrainDataAdapter;
private MySqlDataAdapter m_landDataAdapter;
private MySqlDataAdapter m_landAccessListDataAdapter;
private DataTable m_primTable;
private DataTable m_shapeTable;
private DataTable m_itemsTable;
private DataTable m_terrainTable;
private DataTable m_landTable;
private DataTable m_landAccessListTable;
// Temporary attribute while this is experimental
private bool persistPrimInventories;
* Public Interface Functions
@ -71,6 +78,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework.Data.MySQL
public void Initialise(string connectionstring, bool persistPrimInventories)
m_dataSet = new DataSet();
this.persistPrimInventories = persistPrimInventories;
MainLog.Instance.Verbose("DATASTORE", "MySql - connecting: " + connectionstring);
m_connection = new MySqlConnection(connectionstring);
@ -81,6 +89,9 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework.Data.MySQL
MySqlCommand shapeSelectCmd = new MySqlCommand(m_shapeSelect, m_connection);
m_shapeDataAdapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(shapeSelectCmd);
MySqlCommand itemsSelectCmd = new MySqlCommand(m_itemsSelect, m_connection);
m_itemsDataAdapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(itemsSelectCmd);
MySqlCommand terrainSelectCmd = new MySqlCommand(m_terrainSelect, m_connection);
m_terrainDataAdapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(terrainSelectCmd);
@ -104,6 +115,14 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework.Data.MySQL
SetupShapeCommands(m_shapeDataAdapter, m_connection);
if (persistPrimInventories)
m_itemsTable = createItemsTable();
SetupItemsCommands(m_itemsDataAdapter, m_connection);
m_terrainTable = createTerrainTable();
SetupTerrainCommands(m_terrainDataAdapter, m_connection);
@ -146,6 +165,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework.Data.MySQL
DataTable prims = m_primTable;
DataTable shapes = m_shapeTable;
DataTable items = m_itemsTable;
string selectExp = "SceneGroupID = '" + Util.ToRawUuidString(obj) + "'";
lock (m_dataSet)
@ -153,12 +173,27 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework.Data.MySQL
DataRow[] primRows = prims.Select(selectExp);
foreach (DataRow row in primRows)
// Remove shapes row
LLUUID uuid = new LLUUID((string) row["UUID"]);
DataRow shapeRow = shapes.Rows.Find(Util.ToRawUuidString(uuid));
if (shapeRow != null)
if (persistPrimInventories)
// Remove items rows
String sql = String.Format("primID = '{0}'", uuid);
DataRow[] itemRows = items.Select(sql);
foreach (DataRow itemsRow in itemRows)
// Remove prim row
@ -166,6 +201,9 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework.Data.MySQL
/// <summary>
/// Load persisted objects from region storage.
/// </summary>
public List<SceneObjectGroup> LoadObjects(LLUUID regionUUID)
Dictionary<LLUUID, SceneObjectGroup> createdObjects = new Dictionary<LLUUID, SceneObjectGroup>();
@ -190,10 +228,13 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework.Data.MySQL
string uuid = (string) primRow["UUID"];
string objID = (string) primRow["SceneGroupID"];
SceneObjectPart prim = buildPrim(primRow);
if (uuid == objID) //is new SceneObjectGroup ?
SceneObjectGroup group = new SceneObjectGroup();
SceneObjectPart prim = buildPrim(primRow);
DataRow shapeRow = shapes.Rows.Find(Util.ToRawUuidString(prim.UUID));
if (shapeRow != null)
@ -213,7 +254,6 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework.Data.MySQL
SceneObjectPart prim = buildPrim(primRow);
DataRow shapeRow = shapes.Rows.Find(Util.ToRawUuidString(prim.UUID));
if (shapeRow != null)
@ -227,6 +267,11 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework.Data.MySQL
createdObjects[new LLUUID(objID)].AddPart(prim);
if (persistPrimInventories)
catch (Exception e)
@ -242,6 +287,38 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework.Data.MySQL
return retvals;
/// <summary>
/// Load in a prim's persisted inventory.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="prim"></param>
private void LoadItems(SceneObjectPart prim)
MainLog.Instance.Verbose("DATASTORE", "Loading inventory for {0}, {1}", prim.Name, prim.UUID);
DataTable dbItems = m_itemsTable;
String sql = String.Format("primID = '{0}'", prim.UUID.ToString());
DataRow[] dbItemRows = dbItems.Select(sql);
IList<TaskInventoryItem> inventory = new List<TaskInventoryItem>();
foreach (DataRow row in dbItemRows)
TaskInventoryItem item = buildItem(row);
MainLog.Instance.Verbose("DATASTORE", "Restored item {0}, {1}", item.name, item.item_id);
// XXX A nasty little hack to recover the folder id for the prim (which is currently stored in
// every item). This data should really be stored in the prim table itself.
if (dbItemRows.Length > 0)
prim.FolderID = inventory[0].parent_id;
public void StoreTerrain(double[,] ter, LLUUID regionID)
@ -437,6 +514,12 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework.Data.MySQL
if (persistPrimInventories)
@ -631,6 +714,38 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework.Data.MySQL
return shapes;
private DataTable createItemsTable()
DataTable items = new DataTable("primitems");
createCol(items, "itemID", typeof (String));
createCol(items, "primID", typeof (String));
createCol(items, "assetID", typeof (String));
createCol(items, "parentFolderID", typeof (String));
createCol(items, "invType", typeof (Int32));
createCol(items, "assetType", typeof (Int32));
createCol(items, "name", typeof (String));
createCol(items, "description", typeof (String));
createCol(items, "creationDate", typeof (Int64));
createCol(items, "creatorID", typeof (String));
createCol(items, "ownerID", typeof (String));
createCol(items, "lastOwnerID", typeof (String));
createCol(items, "groupID", typeof (String));
createCol(items, "nextPermissions", typeof (Int32));
createCol(items, "currentPermissions", typeof (Int32));
createCol(items, "basePermissions", typeof (Int32));
createCol(items, "everyonePermissions", typeof (Int32));
createCol(items, "groupPermissions", typeof (Int32));
items.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] {items.Columns["itemID"]};
return items;
* Convert between ADO.NET <=> OpenSim Objects
@ -728,6 +843,41 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework.Data.MySQL
return prim;
/// <summary>
/// Build a prim inventory item from the persisted data.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="row"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private TaskInventoryItem buildItem(DataRow row)
TaskInventoryItem taskItem = new TaskInventoryItem();
taskItem.item_id = new LLUUID((String)row["itemID"]);
taskItem.ParentPartID = new LLUUID((String)row["primID"]);
taskItem.asset_id = new LLUUID((String)row["assetID"]);
taskItem.parent_id = new LLUUID((String)row["parentFolderID"]);
taskItem.inv_type = Convert.ToInt32(row["invType"]);
taskItem.type = Convert.ToInt32(row["assetType"]);
taskItem.name = (String)row["name"];
taskItem.desc = (String)row["description"];
taskItem.creation_date = Convert.ToUInt32(row["creationDate"]);
taskItem.creator_id = new LLUUID((String)row["creatorID"]);
taskItem.owner_id = new LLUUID((String)row["ownerID"]);
taskItem.last_owner_id = new LLUUID((String)row["lastOwnerID"]);
taskItem.group_id = new LLUUID((String)row["groupID"]);
taskItem.next_owner_mask = Convert.ToUInt32(row["nextPermissions"]);
taskItem.owner_mask = Convert.ToUInt32(row["currentPermissions"]);
taskItem.base_mask = Convert.ToUInt32(row["basePermissions"]);
taskItem.everyone_mask = Convert.ToUInt32(row["everyonePermissions"]);
taskItem.group_mask = Convert.ToUInt32(row["groupPermissions"]);
return taskItem;
private LandData buildLandData(DataRow row)
LandData newData = new LandData();
@ -871,6 +1021,30 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework.Data.MySQL
private void fillItemRow(DataRow row, TaskInventoryItem taskItem)
row["itemID"] = taskItem.item_id;
row["primID"] = taskItem.ParentPartID;
row["assetID"] = taskItem.asset_id;
row["parentFolderID"] = taskItem.parent_id;
row["invType"] = taskItem.inv_type;
row["assetType"] = taskItem.type;
row["name"] = taskItem.name;
row["description"] = taskItem.desc;
row["creationDate"] = taskItem.creation_date;
row["creatorID"] = taskItem.creator_id;
row["ownerID"] = taskItem.owner_id;
row["lastOwnerID"] = taskItem.last_owner_id;
row["groupID"] = taskItem.group_id;
row["nextPermissions"] = taskItem.next_owner_mask;
row["currentPermissions"] = taskItem.owner_mask;
row["basePermissions"] = taskItem.base_mask;
row["everyonePermissions"] = taskItem.everyone_mask;
row["groupPermissions"] = taskItem.group_mask;
private void fillLandRow(DataRow row, LandData land, LLUUID regionUUID)
row["UUID"] = Util.ToRawUuidString(land.globalID);
@ -1017,6 +1191,78 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework.Data.MySQL
fillShapeRow(shapeRow, prim);
if (persistPrimInventories)
addPrimInventory(prim.UUID, prim.TaskInventory);
/// <summary>
/// Persist prim inventory. Deletes, updates and inserts rows.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="primID"></param>
/// <param name="items"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private void addPrimInventory(LLUUID primID, IDictionary<LLUUID, TaskInventoryItem> items)
MainLog.Instance.Verbose("DATASTORE", "Entered addPrimInventory with prim ID {0}", primID);
// Find all existing inventory rows for this prim
DataTable dbItems = m_itemsTable;
String sql = String.Format("primID = '{0}'", primID);
DataRow[] dbItemRows = dbItems.Select(sql);
// Build structures for manipulation purposes
IDictionary<String, DataRow> dbItemsToRemove = new Dictionary<String, DataRow>();
ICollection<TaskInventoryItem> itemsToAdd
= new List<TaskInventoryItem>();
foreach (DataRow row in dbItemRows)
dbItemsToRemove.Add((String)row["itemID"], row);
// Eliminate rows from the deletion set which already exist for this prim's inventory
// TODO Very temporary, need to take account of simple metadata changes soon
foreach (LLUUID itemId in items.Keys)
String rawItemId = itemId.ToString();
if (dbItemsToRemove.ContainsKey(rawItemId))
// Delete excess rows
foreach (DataRow row in dbItemsToRemove.Values)
"Removing item {0}, {1} from prim ID {2}",
row["name"], row["itemID"], row["primID"]);
// Insert items not already present
foreach (TaskInventoryItem newItem in itemsToAdd)
"Adding item {0}, {1} to prim ID {1}",
newItem.name, newItem.item_id, newItem.ParentPartID);
DataRow newItemRow = dbItems.NewRow();
fillItemRow(newItemRow, newItem);
@ -1111,6 +1357,9 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework.Data.MySQL
sql += subsql;
sql += ")";
//MainLog.Instance.Verbose("DATASTORE", "defineTable() sql {0}", sql);
return sql;
@ -1167,6 +1416,20 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework.Data.MySQL
da.DeleteCommand = delete;
private void SetupItemsCommands(MySqlDataAdapter da, MySqlConnection conn)
da.InsertCommand = createInsertCommand("primitems", m_itemsTable);
da.InsertCommand.Connection = conn;
da.UpdateCommand = createUpdateCommand("primitems", "itemID = :itemID", m_itemsTable);
da.UpdateCommand.Connection = conn;
MySqlCommand delete = new MySqlCommand("delete from primitems where itemID = :itemID");
delete.Parameters.Add(createMySqlParameter("itemID", typeof (String)));
delete.Connection = conn;
da.DeleteCommand = delete;
private void SetupTerrainCommands(MySqlDataAdapter da, MySqlConnection conn)
da.InsertCommand = createInsertCommand("terrain", m_dataSet.Tables["terrain"]);
@ -1206,12 +1469,14 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework.Data.MySQL
string createPrims = defineTable(createPrimTable());
string createShapes = defineTable(createShapeTable());
string createItems = defineTable(createItemsTable());
string createTerrain = defineTable(createTerrainTable());
string createLand = defineTable(createLandTable());
string createLandAccessList = defineTable(createLandAccessListTable());
MySqlCommand pcmd = new MySqlCommand(createPrims, conn);
MySqlCommand scmd = new MySqlCommand(createShapes, conn);
MySqlCommand icmd = new MySqlCommand(createItems, conn);
MySqlCommand tcmd = new MySqlCommand(createTerrain, conn);
MySqlCommand lcmd = new MySqlCommand(createLand, conn);
MySqlCommand lalcmd = new MySqlCommand(createLandAccessList, conn);
@ -1225,45 +1490,54 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework.Data.MySQL
catch (MySqlException)
catch (MySqlException e)
MainLog.Instance.Warn("MySql", "Primitives Table Already Exists");
MainLog.Instance.Warn("MySql", "Primitives Table Already Exists: {0}", e);
catch (MySqlException)
catch (MySqlException e)
MainLog.Instance.Warn("MySql", "Shapes Table Already Exists");
MainLog.Instance.Warn("MySql", "Shapes Table Already Exists: {0}", e);
catch (MySqlException e)
MainLog.Instance.Warn("MySql", "Items Table Already Exists: {0}", e);
catch (MySqlException)
catch (MySqlException e)
MainLog.Instance.Warn("MySql", "Terrain Table Already Exists");
MainLog.Instance.Warn("MySql", "Terrain Table Already Exists: {0}", e);
catch (MySqlException)
catch (MySqlException e)
MainLog.Instance.Warn("MySql", "Land Table Already Exists");
MainLog.Instance.Warn("MySql", "Land Table Already Exists: {0}", e);
catch (MySqlException)
catch (MySqlException e)
MainLog.Instance.Warn("MySql", "LandAccessList Table Already Exists");
MainLog.Instance.Warn("MySql", "LandAccessList Table Already Exists: {0}", e);
@ -1274,6 +1548,8 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework.Data.MySQL
MySqlDataAdapter pDa = new MySqlDataAdapter(primSelectCmd);
MySqlCommand shapeSelectCmd = new MySqlCommand(m_shapeSelect, conn);
MySqlDataAdapter sDa = new MySqlDataAdapter(shapeSelectCmd);
MySqlCommand itemsSelectCmd = new MySqlCommand(m_itemsSelect, conn);
MySqlDataAdapter iDa = new MySqlDataAdapter(itemsSelectCmd);
MySqlCommand terrainSelectCmd = new MySqlCommand(m_terrainSelect, conn);
MySqlDataAdapter tDa = new MySqlDataAdapter(terrainSelectCmd);
MySqlCommand landSelectCmd = new MySqlCommand(m_landSelect, conn);
@ -1286,6 +1562,10 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework.Data.MySQL
pDa.Fill(tmpDS, "prims");
sDa.Fill(tmpDS, "primshapes");
if (persistPrimInventories)
iDa.Fill(tmpDS, "primitems");
tDa.Fill(tmpDS, "terrain");
lDa.Fill(tmpDS, "land");
lalDa.Fill(tmpDS, "landaccesslist");
@ -1298,6 +1578,10 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework.Data.MySQL
pDa.Fill(tmpDS, "prims");
sDa.Fill(tmpDS, "primshapes");
if (persistPrimInventories)
iDa.Fill(tmpDS, "primitems");
tDa.Fill(tmpDS, "terrain");
lDa.Fill(tmpDS, "land");
lalDa.Fill(tmpDS, "landaccesslist");
@ -1310,6 +1594,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework.Data.MySQL
return false;
foreach (DataColumn col in createShapeTable().Columns)
if (!tmpDS.Tables["primshapes"].Columns.Contains(col.ColumnName))
@ -1318,6 +1603,9 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework.Data.MySQL
return false;
// XXX primitems should probably go here eventually
foreach (DataColumn col in createTerrainTable().Columns)
if (!tmpDS.Tables["terrain"].Columns.Contains(col.ColumnName))
@ -1326,6 +1614,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework.Data.MySQL
return false;
foreach (DataColumn col in createLandTable().Columns)
if (!tmpDS.Tables["land"].Columns.Contains(col.ColumnName))
@ -1334,6 +1623,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework.Data.MySQL
return false;
foreach (DataColumn col in createLandAccessListTable().Columns)
if (!tmpDS.Tables["landaccesslist"].Columns.Contains(col.ColumnName))
@ -1342,6 +1632,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework.Data.MySQL
return false;
return true;
@ -1395,6 +1686,10 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework.Data.MySQL
return "integer";
else if (type == typeof (Int64))
return "bigint";
else if (type == typeof (Double))
return "float";
@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework.Data.SQLite
private String m_connectionString;
// Temporary attribute while this is experimental
private bool persistPrimInventories;
@ -208,6 +209,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework.Data.SQLite
DataTable prims = ds.Tables["prims"];
DataTable shapes = ds.Tables["primshapes"];
DataTable items = ds.Tables["primitems"];
string selectExp = "SceneGroupID = '" + Util.ToRawUuidString(obj) + "'";
lock (ds)
@ -215,12 +217,27 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework.Data.SQLite
DataRow[] primRows = prims.Select(selectExp);
foreach (DataRow row in primRows)
// Remove shape rows
LLUUID uuid = new LLUUID((string) row["UUID"]);
DataRow shapeRow = shapes.Rows.Find(Util.ToRawUuidString(uuid));
if (shapeRow != null)
if (persistPrimInventories)
// Remove items rows
String sql = String.Format("primID = '{0}'", uuid);
DataRow[] itemRows = items.Select(sql);
foreach (DataRow itemsRow in itemRows)
// Remove prim row
@ -1446,20 +1463,6 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework.Data.SQLite
return param;
private void setupItemsCommands(SqliteDataAdapter da, SqliteConnection conn)
da.InsertCommand = createInsertCommand("primitems", ds.Tables["primitems"]);
da.InsertCommand.Connection = conn;
da.UpdateCommand = createUpdateCommand("primitems", "itemID = :itemID", ds.Tables["primitems"]);
da.UpdateCommand.Connection = conn;
SqliteCommand delete = new SqliteCommand("delete from primitems where itemID = :itemID");
delete.Parameters.Add(createSqliteParameter("itemID", typeof (String)));
delete.Connection = conn;
da.DeleteCommand = delete;
private void setupPrimCommands(SqliteDataAdapter da, SqliteConnection conn)
da.InsertCommand = createInsertCommand("prims", ds.Tables["prims"]);
@ -1474,6 +1477,20 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework.Data.SQLite
da.DeleteCommand = delete;
private void setupItemsCommands(SqliteDataAdapter da, SqliteConnection conn)
da.InsertCommand = createInsertCommand("primitems", ds.Tables["primitems"]);
da.InsertCommand.Connection = conn;
da.UpdateCommand = createUpdateCommand("primitems", "itemID = :itemID", ds.Tables["primitems"]);
da.UpdateCommand.Connection = conn;
SqliteCommand delete = new SqliteCommand("delete from primitems where itemID = :itemID");
delete.Parameters.Add(createSqliteParameter("itemID", typeof (String)));
delete.Connection = conn;
da.DeleteCommand = delete;
private void setupTerrainCommands(SqliteDataAdapter da, SqliteConnection conn)
da.InsertCommand = createInsertCommand("terrain", ds.Tables["terrain"]);
@ -1657,7 +1674,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework.Data.SQLite
// TODO Not restoring prim inventories quite yet
// XXX primitems should probably go here eventually
foreach (DataColumn col in createTerrainTable().Columns)
@ -236,6 +236,13 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Environment.Scenes
// It might seem somewhat crude to update the whole group for a single prim inventory change,
// but it's possible that other prim inventory changes will take place before the region
// persistence thread visits this object. In the future, changes can be signalled at a more
// granular level, or we could let the datastore worry about whether prims have really
// changed since they were last persisted.
HasChanged = true;
return true;
Reference in New Issue