don't mess ray direction..

UbitUmarov 2015-09-24 06:57:53 +01:00
parent af34bfddd1
commit 58daecfccb
1 changed files with 77 additions and 73 deletions

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@ -2305,106 +2305,110 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes
Vector3 rayEnd = RayEnd;
Vector3 dir = rayEnd - RayStart;
float dist = Vector3.Mag(dir) + 2.0f;
Vector3 direction = dir * (1 / dist);
if (SupportsRayCastFiltered())
float dist = dir.Length();
if (dist != 0)
RayFilterFlags rayfilter = RayFilterFlags.BackFaceCull;
rayfilter |=;
rayfilter |= RayFilterFlags.physical;
rayfilter |= RayFilterFlags.nonphysical;
rayfilter |= RayFilterFlags.LSLPhantom; // ubODE will only see volume detectors
Vector3 direction = dir * (1 / dist);
// get some more contacts ???
int physcount = 4;
dist += 2.0f;
List<ContactResult> physresults =
(List<ContactResult>)RayCastFiltered(RayStart, direction, dist, physcount, rayfilter);
if (physresults != null && physresults.Count > 0)
if (SupportsRayCastFiltered())
if (physresults[0].ConsumerID == 0 || RayTargetID == UUID.Zero)
RayFilterFlags rayfilter = RayFilterFlags.BackFaceCull;
rayfilter |=;
rayfilter |= RayFilterFlags.physical;
rayfilter |= RayFilterFlags.nonphysical;
rayfilter |= RayFilterFlags.LSLPhantom; // ubODE will only see volume detectors
// get some more contacts ???
int physcount = 4;
List<ContactResult> physresults =
(List<ContactResult>)RayCastFiltered(RayStart, direction, dist, physcount, rayfilter);
if (physresults != null && physresults.Count > 0)
// found something
pos = physresults[0].Normal * scale ;
pos *= 0.5f;
pos = physresults[0].Pos +pos;
return pos;
foreach (ContactResult r in physresults)
SceneObjectPart part = GetSceneObjectPart(r.ConsumerID);
if (part == null)
if (part.UUID == RayTargetID)
if (physresults[0].ConsumerID == 0 || RayTargetID == UUID.Zero)
// found something
pos = physresults[0].Normal * scale;
pos *= 0.5f;
pos = physresults[0].Pos + pos;
return pos;
foreach (ContactResult r in physresults)
SceneObjectPart part = GetSceneObjectPart(r.ConsumerID);
if (part == null)
if (part.UUID == RayTargetID)
pos = physresults[0].Normal * scale;
pos *= 0.5f;
pos = physresults[0].Pos + pos;
return pos;
if (RayTargetID != UUID.Zero)
SceneObjectPart target = GetSceneObjectPart(RayTargetID);
Ray NewRay = new Ray(RayStart, direction);
if (target != null)
if (RayTargetID != UUID.Zero)
pos = target.AbsolutePosition;
SceneObjectPart target = GetSceneObjectPart(RayTargetID);
// Ray Trace against target here
EntityIntersection ei = target.TestIntersectionOBB(NewRay, Quaternion.Identity, frontFacesOnly, FaceCenter);
Ray NewRay = new Ray(RayStart, direction);
// Un-comment out the following line to Get Raytrace results printed to the console.
// m_log.Info("[RAYTRACERESULTS]: Hit:" + ei.HitTF.ToString() + " Point: " + ei.ipoint.ToString() + " Normal: " + ei.normal.ToString());
float ScaleOffset = 0.5f;
// If we hit something
if (ei.HitTF)
if (target != null)
Vector3 scaleComponent = ei.AAfaceNormal;
if (scaleComponent.X != 0) ScaleOffset = scale.X;
if (scaleComponent.Y != 0) ScaleOffset = scale.Y;
if (scaleComponent.Z != 0) ScaleOffset = scale.Z;
ScaleOffset = Math.Abs(ScaleOffset);
Vector3 intersectionpoint = ei.ipoint;
Vector3 normal = ei.normal;
// Set the position to the intersection point
Vector3 offset = (normal * (ScaleOffset / 2f));
pos = (intersectionpoint + offset);
pos = target.AbsolutePosition;
//Seems to make no sense to do this as this call is used for rezzing from inventory as well, and with inventory items their size is not always 0.5f
//And in cases when we weren't rezzing from inventory we were re-adding the 0.25 straight after calling this method
// Un-offset the prim (it gets offset later by the consumer method)
//pos.Z -= 0.25F;
// Ray Trace against target here
EntityIntersection ei = target.TestIntersectionOBB(NewRay, Quaternion.Identity, frontFacesOnly, FaceCenter);
// We don't have a target here, so we're going to raytrace all the objects in the scene.
EntityIntersection ei = m_sceneGraph.GetClosestIntersectingPrim(NewRay, true, false);
// Un-comment out the following line to Get Raytrace results printed to the console.
// m_log.Info("[RAYTRACERESULTS]: Hit:" + ei.HitTF.ToString() + " Point: " + ei.ipoint.ToString() + " Normal: " + ei.normal.ToString());
float ScaleOffset = 0.5f;
// Un-comment the following line to print the raytrace results to the console.
//m_log.Info("[RAYTRACERESULTS]: Hit:" + ei.HitTF.ToString() + " Point: " + ei.ipoint.ToString() + " Normal: " + ei.normal.ToString());
// If we hit something
if (ei.HitTF)
Vector3 scaleComponent = ei.AAfaceNormal;
if (scaleComponent.X != 0) ScaleOffset = scale.X;
if (scaleComponent.Y != 0) ScaleOffset = scale.Y;
if (scaleComponent.Z != 0) ScaleOffset = scale.Z;
ScaleOffset = Math.Abs(ScaleOffset);
Vector3 intersectionpoint = ei.ipoint;
Vector3 normal = ei.normal;
// Set the position to the intersection point
Vector3 offset = (normal * (ScaleOffset / 2f));
pos = (intersectionpoint + offset);
if (ei.HitTF)
pos = new Vector3(ei.ipoint.X, ei.ipoint.Y, ei.ipoint.Z);
//Seems to make no sense to do this as this call is used for rezzing from inventory as well, and with inventory items their size is not always 0.5f
//And in cases when we weren't rezzing from inventory we were re-adding the 0.25 straight after calling this method
// Un-offset the prim (it gets offset later by the consumer method)
//pos.Z -= 0.25F;
// fall back to our stupid functionality
pos = RayEnd;
// We don't have a target here, so we're going to raytrace all the objects in the scene.
EntityIntersection ei = m_sceneGraph.GetClosestIntersectingPrim(NewRay, true, false);
// Un-comment the following line to print the raytrace results to the console.
//m_log.Info("[RAYTRACERESULTS]: Hit:" + ei.HitTF.ToString() + " Point: " + ei.ipoint.ToString() + " Normal: " + ei.normal.ToString());
if (ei.HitTF)
pos = new Vector3(ei.ipoint.X, ei.ipoint.Y, ei.ipoint.Z);
// fall back to our stupid functionality
pos = RayEnd;
// fall back to our stupid functionality