changes to regions ssl suport: verify if hostnames are validate by the selected cert, make clear that for now all regions need to have the same ExternalHostName if using sll (due to other code that needs to be changed later)

UbitUmarov 2016-10-09 01:01:52 +01:00
parent 9843e3776e
commit 5b946405a0
3 changed files with 140 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -43,10 +43,11 @@ using log4net;
using Nwc.XmlRpc;
using OpenMetaverse.StructuredData;
using CoolHTTPListener = HttpServer.HttpListener;
using HttpListener=System.Net.HttpListener;
using LogPrio=HttpServer.LogPrio;
using HttpListener = System.Net.HttpListener;
using LogPrio = HttpServer.LogPrio;
using OpenSim.Framework.Monitoring;
using System.IO.Compression;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
namespace OpenSim.Framework.Servers.HttpServer
@ -112,6 +113,9 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework.Servers.HttpServer
private X509Certificate2 m_cert;
protected bool m_firstcaps = true;
protected string m_SSLCommonName = "";
protected List<string> m_certNames = new List<string>();
protected List<string> m_certIPs = new List<string>();
protected string m_certCN= "";
protected IPAddress m_listenIPAddress = IPAddress.Any;
@ -153,30 +157,150 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework.Servers.HttpServer
m_ssl = ssl;
public BaseHttpServer(uint port, bool ssl, uint sslport, string CN, string CPath, string CPass) : this (port, ssl)
private void load_cert(string CPath, string CPass)
if (m_ssl)
m_cert = new X509Certificate2(CPath, CPass);
X509Extension ext = m_cert.Extensions[""];
if(ext != null)
AsnEncodedData asndata = new AsnEncodedData(ext.Oid, ext.RawData);
string datastr = asndata.Format(true);
string[] lines = datastr.Split(new char[] {'\n','\r'});
foreach(string s in lines)
string[] parts = s.Split(new char[] {'='});
string entryName = parts[0].Replace(" ","");
if(entryName == "DNSName")
else if(entryName == "IPAddress")
m_certCN = m_cert.GetNameInfo(X509NameType.SimpleName, false);
throw new Exception("SSL cert load error");
public BaseHttpServer(uint port, bool ssl, uint sslport, string CN, string CPath, string CPass)
m_port = port;
if (ssl)
throw new Exception("invalid main http server cert path");
if(Uri.CheckHostName(CN) == UriHostNameType.Unknown)
throw new Exception("invalid main http server CN (ExternalHostName)");
m_certCN= "";
m_ssl = true;
m_sslport = sslport;
m_cert = new X509Certificate2(CPath, CPass);
m_SSLCommonName = m_cert.GetNameInfo(X509NameType.SimpleName,false);
if(CN != m_SSLCommonName)
throw new Exception("main http server CN does not match cert CN");
load_cert(CPath, CPass);
throw new Exception("invalid main http server CN (ExternalHostName)");
m_SSLCommonName = CN;
if(m_cert.Issuer == m_cert.Subject )
m_log.Warn("Self signed certificate. Clients need to allow this (some viewers debug option NoVerifySSLcert must be set to true");
m_ssl = false;
public BaseHttpServer(uint port, bool ssl, string CPath, string CPass) : this (port, ssl)
if (m_ssl)
m_cert = new X509Certificate2(CPath, CPass);
load_cert(CPath, CPass);
if(m_cert.Issuer == m_cert.Subject )
m_log.Warn("Self signed certificate. Http clients need to allow this");
static bool MatchDNS (string hostname, string dns)
int indx = dns.IndexOf ('*');
if (indx == -1)
return (String.Compare(hostname, dns, true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == 0);
int dnslen = dns.Length;
if(indx == dnslen)
return true; // just * ?
if(indx > dnslen - 2)
return false; // 2 short ?
if (dns[indx + 1] != '.')
return false;
int indx2 = dns.IndexOf ('*', indx + 1);
if (indx2 != -1)
return false; // there can only be one;
string end = dns.Substring(indx + 1);
int hostlen = hostname.Length;
int endlen = end.Length;
int length = hostlen - endlen;
if (length <= 0)
return false;
if (String.Compare(hostname, length, end, 0, endlen, true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) != 0)
return false;
if (indx == 0)
indx2 = hostname.IndexOf ('.');
return ((indx2 == -1) || (indx2 >= length));
string start = dns.Substring (0, indx);
return (String.Compare (hostname, 0, start, 0, start.Length, true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == 0);
public bool CheckSSLCertHost(string hostname)
UriHostNameType htype = Uri.CheckHostName(hostname);
if(htype == UriHostNameType.Unknown || htype == UriHostNameType.Basic)
return false;
if(htype == UriHostNameType.Dns)
foreach(string name in m_certNames)
if(MatchDNS(hostname, name))
return true;
if(MatchDNS(hostname, m_certCN))
return true;
foreach(string ip in m_certIPs)
if (String.Compare(hostname, ip, true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) != 0)
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Add a stream handler to the http server. If the handler already exists, then nothing happens.
/// </summary>

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@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ namespace OpenSim
regionInfo.HttpPort = m_httpServerPort;
if(m_networkServersInfo.HttpSSLCN != regionInfo.ExternalHostName)
throw new Exception("main http cert CN doesn't match region External IP");
regionInfo.ServerURI = "https://" + regionInfo.ExternalHostName +

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@ -501,10 +501,12 @@
console_port = 0
; ssl config: Experimental!
http_listener_ssl = false ; if set to true main server is replaced a ssl one
http_listener_ssl = false ; if set to true main server is replaced by a ssl one
http_listener_sslport = 9001 ; Use this port for SSL connections
http_listener_cn = "myexternalip" ; // should be the External ip and match the CN on the cert
http_listener_cert_path = "mycert.p12" ; path for the cert file
; currently if using ssl, regions ExternalHostName must the the same and equal to http_listener_cn
; this will change is future
http_listener_cn = "myRegionsExternalHostName"
http_listener_cert_path = "mycert.p12" ; path for the cert file that is valid for the ExternalHostName
http_listener_cert_pass = "mycertpass" ; the cert passwork
; HTTPS for "Out of band" management applications such as the remote