make sure materials are cached. Split POST and PUT handlers for better readability

UbitUmarov 2016-09-04 04:19:10 +01:00
parent c37877ed34
commit 6526de04cb
1 changed files with 160 additions and 129 deletions

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@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.OptionalModules.Materials
IRequestHandler renderMaterialsPutHandler
= new RestStreamHandler("PUT", capsBase + "/",
(request, path, param, httpRequest, httpResponse)
=> RenderMaterialsPostCap(request, agentID),
=> RenderMaterialsPutCap(request, agentID),
"RenderMaterials", null);
@ -256,14 +256,19 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.OptionalModules.Materials
if (m_regionMaterials.ContainsKey(id))
byte[] data = m_scene.AssetService.GetData(id.ToString());
if (data == null)
// get all asset so it gets into cache
AssetBase matAsset = m_scene.AssetService.Get(id.ToString());
// byte[] data = m_scene.AssetService.GetData(id.ToString());
if (matAsset == null || matAsset.Data == null || matAsset.Data.Length == 0 )
m_log.WarnFormat("[Materials]: Prim \"{0}\" ({1}) contains unknown material ID {2}", part.Name, part.UUID, id);
byte[] data = matAsset.Data;
OSDMap mat;
@ -284,6 +289,75 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.OptionalModules.Materials
OSDMap req = (OSDMap)OSDParser.DeserializeLLSDXml(request);
OSDMap resp = new OSDMap();
OSDArray respArr = new OSDArray();
if (req.ContainsKey("Zipped"))
OSD osd = null;
byte[] inBytes = req["Zipped"].AsBinary();
osd = ZDecompressBytesToOsd(inBytes);
if (osd != null && osd is OSDArray)
foreach (OSD elem in (OSDArray)osd)
UUID id = new UUID(elem.AsBinary(), 0);
lock (m_regionMaterials)
if (m_regionMaterials.ContainsKey(id))
OSDMap matMap = new OSDMap();
matMap["ID"] = OSD.FromBinary(id.GetBytes());
matMap["Material"] = m_regionMaterials[id];
m_log.Warn("[Materials]: request for unknown material ID: " + id.ToString());
// Theoretically we could try to load the material from the assets service,
// but that shouldn't be necessary because the viewer should only request
// materials that exist in a prim on the region, and all of these materials
// are already stored in m_regionMaterials.
catch (Exception e)
m_log.Error("Error getting materials in response to viewer request", e);
catch (Exception e)
m_log.Warn("[Materials]: exception decoding zipped CAP payload ", e);
//return "";
resp["Zipped"] = ZCompressOSD(respArr, false);
string response = OSDParser.SerializeLLSDXmlString(resp);
//m_log.Debug("[Materials]: cap request: " + request);
//m_log.Debug("[Materials]: cap request (zipped portion): " + ZippedOsdBytesToString(req["Zipped"].AsBinary()));
//m_log.Debug("[Materials]: cap response: " + response);
return response;
public string RenderMaterialsPutCap(string request, UUID agentID)
OSDMap req = (OSDMap)OSDParser.DeserializeLLSDXml(request);
OSDMap resp = new OSDMap();
OSDMap materialsFromViewer = null;
OSDArray respArr = new OSDArray();
@ -298,150 +372,108 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.OptionalModules.Materials
osd = ZDecompressBytesToOsd(inBytes);
if (osd != null)
if (osd != null && osd is OSDMap)
if (osd is OSDArray) // assume array of MaterialIDs designating requested material entries
materialsFromViewer = osd as OSDMap;
if (materialsFromViewer.ContainsKey("FullMaterialsPerFace"))
foreach (OSD elem in (OSDArray)osd)
OSD matsOsd = materialsFromViewer["FullMaterialsPerFace"];
if (matsOsd is OSDArray)
OSDArray matsArr = matsOsd as OSDArray;
UUID id = new UUID(elem.AsBinary(), 0);
lock (m_regionMaterials)
foreach (OSDMap matsMap in matsArr)
if (m_regionMaterials.ContainsKey(id))
uint primLocalID = 0;
try {
primLocalID = matsMap["ID"].AsUInteger();
catch (Exception e) {
m_log.Warn("[Materials]: cannot decode \"ID\" from matsMap: " + e.Message);
SceneObjectPart sop = m_scene.GetSceneObjectPart(primLocalID);
if (sop == null)
OSDMap matMap = new OSDMap();
matMap["ID"] = OSD.FromBinary(id.GetBytes());
matMap["Material"] = m_regionMaterials[id];
m_log.WarnFormat("[Materials]: SOP not found for localId: {0}", primLocalID.ToString());
if (!m_scene.Permissions.CanEditObject(sop.UUID, agentID))
m_log.WarnFormat("User {0} can't edit object {1} {2}", agentID, sop.Name, sop.UUID);
OSDMap mat = null;
mat = matsMap["Material"] as OSDMap;
catch (Exception e)
m_log.Warn("[Materials]: cannot decode \"Material\" from matsMap: " + e.Message);
Primitive.TextureEntry te = new Primitive.TextureEntry(sop.Shape.TextureEntry, 0, sop.Shape.TextureEntry.Length);
if (te == null)
m_log.WarnFormat("[Materials]: Error in TextureEntry for SOP {0} {1}", sop.Name, sop.UUID);
UUID id;
if (mat == null)
// This happens then the user removes a material from a prim
id = UUID.Zero;
m_log.Warn("[Materials]: request for unknown material ID: " + id.ToString());
id = StoreMaterialAsAsset(agentID, mat, sop);
// Theoretically we could try to load the material from the assets service,
// but that shouldn't be necessary because the viewer should only request
// materials that exist in a prim on the region, and all of these materials
// are already stored in m_regionMaterials.
int face = -1;
if (matsMap.ContainsKey("Face"))
face = matsMap["Face"].AsInteger();
Primitive.TextureEntryFace faceEntry = te.CreateFace((uint)face);
faceEntry.MaterialID = id;
if (te.DefaultTexture == null)
m_log.WarnFormat("[Materials]: TextureEntry.DefaultTexture is null in {0} {1}", sop.Name, sop.UUID);
te.DefaultTexture.MaterialID = id;
//m_log.DebugFormat("[Materials]: in \"{0}\" {1}, setting material ID for face {2} to {3}", sop.Name, sop.UUID, face, id);
// We can't use sop.UpdateTextureEntry(te) because it filters, so do it manually
sop.Shape.TextureEntry = te.GetBytes();
if (sop.ParentGroup != null)
sop.ParentGroup.HasGroupChanged = true;
catch (Exception e)
m_log.Error("Error getting materials in response to viewer request", e);
else if (osd is OSDMap) // request to assign a material
materialsFromViewer = osd as OSDMap;
if (materialsFromViewer.ContainsKey("FullMaterialsPerFace"))
OSD matsOsd = materialsFromViewer["FullMaterialsPerFace"];
if (matsOsd is OSDArray)
OSDArray matsArr = matsOsd as OSDArray;
foreach (OSDMap matsMap in matsArr)
uint primLocalID = 0;
try {
primLocalID = matsMap["ID"].AsUInteger();
catch (Exception e) {
m_log.Warn("[Materials]: cannot decode \"ID\" from matsMap: " + e.Message);
OSDMap mat = null;
mat = matsMap["Material"] as OSDMap;
catch (Exception e)
m_log.Warn("[Materials]: cannot decode \"Material\" from matsMap: " + e.Message);
SceneObjectPart sop = m_scene.GetSceneObjectPart(primLocalID);
if (sop == null)
m_log.WarnFormat("[Materials]: SOP not found for localId: {0}", primLocalID.ToString());
if (!m_scene.Permissions.CanEditObject(sop.UUID, agentID))
m_log.WarnFormat("User {0} can't edit object {1} {2}", agentID, sop.Name, sop.UUID);
Primitive.TextureEntry te = new Primitive.TextureEntry(sop.Shape.TextureEntry, 0, sop.Shape.TextureEntry.Length);
if (te == null)
m_log.WarnFormat("[Materials]: Error in TextureEntry for SOP {0} {1}", sop.Name, sop.UUID);
UUID id;
if (mat == null)
// This happens then the user removes a material from a prim
id = UUID.Zero;
id = StoreMaterialAsAsset(agentID, mat, sop);
int face = -1;
if (matsMap.ContainsKey("Face"))
face = matsMap["Face"].AsInteger();
Primitive.TextureEntryFace faceEntry = te.CreateFace((uint)face);
faceEntry.MaterialID = id;
if (te.DefaultTexture == null)
m_log.WarnFormat("[Materials]: TextureEntry.DefaultTexture is null in {0} {1}", sop.Name, sop.UUID);
te.DefaultTexture.MaterialID = id;
//m_log.DebugFormat("[Materials]: in \"{0}\" {1}, setting material ID for face {2} to {3}", sop.Name, sop.UUID, face, id);
// We can't use sop.UpdateTextureEntry(te) because it filters, so do it manually
sop.Shape.TextureEntry = te.GetBytes();
if (sop.ParentGroup != null)
sop.UpdateFlag = UpdateRequired.FULL;
sop.ParentGroup.HasGroupChanged = true;
catch (Exception e)
m_log.Warn("[Materials]: exception processing received material ", e);
m_log.Warn("[Materials]: exception processing received material ", e);
catch (Exception e)
@ -449,7 +481,6 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.OptionalModules.Materials
//return "";
resp["Zipped"] = ZCompressOSD(respArr, false);
string response = OSDParser.SerializeLLSDXmlString(resp);