(Broke SVN on first commit >.>) - Added the ParcelManager.cs file that was needed

mingchen 2007-06-03 16:14:32 +00:00
parent f22e27498e
commit 6ceae8990c
1 changed files with 658 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,658 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using libsecondlife;
using libsecondlife.Packets;
namespace OpenSim.world
public delegate void ParcelPropertiesRequest(int start_x, int start_y, int end_x, int end_y, int sequence_id, bool snap_selection, ClientView remote_client);
#region Enums
public enum ParcelFlags : uint
/// <summary>No flags set</summary>
None = 0,
/// <summary>Allow avatars to fly (a client-side only restriction)</summary>
AllowFly = 1 << 0,
/// <summary>Allow foreign scripts to run</summary>
AllowOtherScripts = 1 << 1,
/// <summary>This parcel is for sale</summary>
ForSale = 1 << 2,
/// <summary>Allow avatars to create a landmark on this parcel</summary>
AllowLandmark = 1 << 3,
/// <summary>Allows all avatars to edit the terrain on this parcel</summary>
AllowTerraform = 1 << 4,
/// <summary>Avatars have health and can take damage on this parcel.
/// If set, avatars can be killed and sent home here</summary>
AllowDamage = 1 << 5,
/// <summary>Foreign avatars can create objects here</summary>
CreateObjects = 1 << 6,
/// <summary>All objects on this parcel can be purchased</summary>
ForSaleObjects = 1 << 7,
/// <summary>Access is restricted to a group</summary>
UseAccessGroup = 1 << 8,
/// <summary>Access is restricted to a whitelist</summary>
UseAccessList = 1 << 9,
/// <summary>Ban blacklist is enabled</summary>
UseBanList = 1 << 10,
/// <summary>Unknown</summary>
UsePassList = 1 << 11,
/// <summary>List this parcel in the search directory</summary>
ShowDirectory = 1 << 12,
/// <summary>Unknown</summary>
AllowDeedToGroup = 1 << 13,
/// <summary>Unknown</summary>
ContributeWithDeed = 1 << 14,
/// <summary>Restrict sounds originating on this parcel to the
/// parcel boundaries</summary>
SoundLocal = 1 << 15,
/// <summary>Objects on this parcel are sold when the land is
/// purchsaed</summary>
SellParcelObjects = 1 << 16,
/// <summary>Allow this parcel to be published on the web</summary>
AllowPublish = 1 << 17,
/// <summary>The information for this parcel is mature content</summary>
MaturePublish = 1 << 18,
/// <summary>The media URL is an HTML page</summary>
UrlWebPage = 1 << 19,
/// <summary>The media URL is a raw HTML string</summary>
UrlRawHtml = 1 << 20,
/// <summary>Restrict foreign object pushes</summary>
RestrictPushObject = 1 << 21,
/// <summary>Ban all non identified/transacted avatars</summary>
DenyAnonymous = 1 << 22,
/// <summary>Ban all identified avatars</summary>
DenyIdentified = 1 << 23,
/// <summary>Ban all transacted avatars</summary>
DenyTransacted = 1 << 24,
/// <summary>Allow group-owned scripts to run</summary>
AllowGroupScripts = 1 << 25,
/// <summary>Allow object creation by group members or group
/// objects</summary>
CreateGroupObjects = 1 << 26,
/// <summary>Allow all objects to enter this parcel</summary>
AllowAllObjectEntry = 1 << 27,
/// <summary>Only allow group and owner objects to enter this parcel</summary>
AllowGroupObjectEntry = 1 << 28,
/// <summary>
/// Parcel ownership status
/// </summary>
public enum ParcelStatus : sbyte
/// <summary>Eh?</summary>
None = -1,
/// <summary>Land is owned</summary>
Leased = 0,
/// <summary>Land is for sale</summary>
LeasePending = 1,
/// <summary>Land is public</summary>
Abandoned = 2
public enum ParcelCategory : sbyte
/// <summary>No assigned category</summary>
None = 0,
/// <summary></summary>
/// <summary></summary>
/// <summary></summary>
/// <summary></summary>
/// <summary></summary>
/// <summary></summary>
/// <summary></summary>
/// <summary></summary>
/// <summary></summary>
/// <summary></summary>
/// <summary></summary>
/// <summary></summary>
/// <summary></summary>
/// <summary>Not an actual category, only used for queries</summary>
Any = -1
#region ParcelManager Class
public class ParcelManager
#region Constants
//Parcel types set with flags in ParcelOverlay.
//Only one of these can be used.
public static byte PARCEL_TYPE_PUBLIC = (byte)0; //Equals 00000000
public static byte PARCEL_TYPE_OWNED_BY_OTHER = (byte)1; //Equals 00000001
public static byte PARCEL_TYPE_OWNED_BY_GROUP = (byte)2; //Equals 00000010
public static byte PARCEL_TYPE_OWNED_BY_REQUESTER = (byte)3; //Equals 00000011
public static byte PARCEL_TYPE_IS_FOR_SALE = (byte)4; //Equals 00000100
public static byte PARCEL_TYPE_IS_BEING_AUCTIONED = (byte)5; //Equals 00000101
//Flags that when set, a border on the given side will be placed
//NOTE: North and East is assumable by the west and south sides (if parcel to east has a west border, then I have an east border; etc)
//This took forever to figure out -- jeesh. /blame LL for even having to send these
public static byte PARCEL_FLAG_PROPERTY_BORDER_WEST = (byte)64; //Equals 01000000
public static byte PARCEL_FLAG_PROPERTY_BORDER_SOUTH = (byte)128; //Equals 10000000
#region Member Variables
private List<Parcel> parcelList;
private static World m_world;
#region Constructors
public ParcelManager(World world)
parcelList = new List<Parcel>();
m_world = world;
//NOTE: This is temporary until I get to storing the parcels out of memory
//This should later only be for new simulators
Console.WriteLine("Created ParcelManager Object");
#region Member Functions
#region Parcel Add/Remove/Get
public void addParcel(Parcel new_parcel)
public void removeParcel(Parcel old_parcel)
public Parcel getParcel(int x, int y)
int searchParcel;
for(searchParcel = 0; searchParcel < this.parcelList.Count; searchParcel++)
return this.parcelList[searchParcel];
throw new Exception("Error: Parcel not found at point " + x + ", " + y);
#region Parcel Modification
public bool subdivide(int start_x, int start_y, int end_x, int end_y, LLUUID attempting_user_id)
//First, lets loop through the points and make sure they are all in the same parcel
//Get the parcel at start
Parcel startParcel = getParcel(start_x, start_y);
if(startParcel == null) return false; //No such parcel at the beginning
//Loop through the points
int totalX = end_x - start_x;
int totalY = end_y - start_y;
int x, y;
for (x = 0; x < totalX; x++)
for (y = 0; y < totalY; y++)
Parcel tempParcel = getParcel(start_x + x, start_y + y);
if (tempParcel == null) return false; //No such parcel at that point
if (tempParcel != startParcel) return false; //Subdividing over 2 parcels; no-no
catch (Exception e)
return false; //Exception. For now, lets skip subdivision
//If we are still here, then they are subdividing within one parcel
//Check owner
if (startParcel.ownerID != attempting_user_id)
return false; //They cant do this!
//Lets create a new parcel with bitmap activated at that point (keeping the old parcels info)
Parcel newParcel = startParcel;
newParcel.setParcelBitmap(Parcel.getSquareParcelBitmap(start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y));
//Now, lets set the subdivision area of the original to false
int startParcelIndex = parcelList.IndexOf(startParcel);
parcelList[startParcelIndex].setParcelBitmap(Parcel.modifyParcelBitmapSquare(parcelList[startParcelIndex].getParcelBitmap(),start_x,start_y,end_x, end_y,false));
//Now add the new parcel
return true;
public bool join(int start_x, int start_y, int end_x, int end_y, LLUUID attempting_user_id)
//NOTE: The following only connects the parcels in each corner and not all the parcels that are within the selection box!
//This should be fixed later -- somewhat "incomplete code" --Ming
Parcel startParcel, endParcel;
startParcel = getParcel(start_x, start_y);
endParcel = getParcel(end_x, end_y);
catch (Exception e)
return false; //Error occured when trying to get the start and end parcels
//Check the parcel owners:
if (startParcel.ownerID != endParcel.ownerID)
return false;
if (startParcel.ownerID != attempting_user_id)
//TODO: Group editing stuff. Avatar owner support for now
return false;
//Same owners! Lets join them
//Merge them to startParcel
//Remove the old parcel
return true;
#region Parcel Updating
/// <summary>
/// Where we send the ParcelOverlay packet to the client
/// </summary>
/// <param name="remote_client">The object representing the client</param>
public void sendParcelOverlay(ClientView remote_client)
const int PARCEL_BLOCKS_PER_PACKET = 1024;
int x, y = 0;
byte[] byteArray = new byte[PARCEL_BLOCKS_PER_PACKET];
int byteArrayCount = 0;
int sequenceID = 0;
ParcelOverlayPacket packet;
for (x = 0; x < 64; x++)
for (y = 0; y < 64; y++)
byte tempByte = (byte)0; //This represents the byte for the current 4x4
Parcel currentParcelBlock = getParcel(x * 4, y * 4);
if (currentParcelBlock.ownerID == remote_client.AgentID)
//Owner Flag
tempByte = Convert.ToByte(tempByte | PARCEL_TYPE_OWNED_BY_REQUESTER);
else if (currentParcelBlock.salePrice > 0 && (currentParcelBlock.authBuyerID == LLUUID.Zero || currentParcelBlock.authBuyerID == remote_client.AgentID))
//Sale Flag
tempByte = Convert.ToByte(tempByte | PARCEL_TYPE_IS_FOR_SALE);
else if (currentParcelBlock.ownerID == LLUUID.Zero)
//Public Flag
tempByte = Convert.ToByte(tempByte | PARCEL_TYPE_PUBLIC);
//Other Flag
tempByte = Convert.ToByte(tempByte | PARCEL_TYPE_OWNED_BY_OTHER);
//Now for border control
if (x == 0)
tempByte = Convert.ToByte(tempByte | PARCEL_FLAG_PROPERTY_BORDER_WEST);
else if (getParcel(x - 1, y) != currentParcelBlock)
tempByte = Convert.ToByte(tempByte | PARCEL_FLAG_PROPERTY_BORDER_WEST);
if (y == 0)
tempByte = Convert.ToByte(tempByte | PARCEL_FLAG_PROPERTY_BORDER_SOUTH);
else if (getParcel(x, y - 1) != currentParcelBlock)
tempByte = Convert.ToByte(tempByte | PARCEL_FLAG_PROPERTY_BORDER_SOUTH);
byteArray[byteArrayCount] = tempByte;
if (byteArrayCount >= PARCEL_BLOCKS_PER_PACKET)
byteArrayCount = 0;
packet = new ParcelOverlayPacket();
packet.ParcelData.Data = byteArray;
packet.ParcelData.SequenceID = sequenceID;
byteArray = new byte[PARCEL_BLOCKS_PER_PACKET];
packet = new ParcelOverlayPacket();
packet.ParcelData.Data = byteArray;
packet.ParcelData.SequenceID = sequenceID; //Eh?
public void resetSimParcels()
//Remove all the parcels in the sim and add a blank, full sim parcel set to public
Parcel fullSimParcel = new Parcel(LLUUID.Zero, false,m_world);
fullSimParcel.parcelName = "Your Sim Parcel";
fullSimParcel.parcelDesc = "";
int AgentRand = OpenSim.Framework.Utilities.Util.RandomClass.Next(1, 9999);
Agent = new LLUUID("99998888-0100-" + AgentRand.ToString("0000") + "-8ec1-0b1d5cd6aead");
fullSimParcel.ownerID = Agent;
fullSimParcel.salePrice = 1;
fullSimParcel.parcelFlags = ParcelFlags.ForSale;
#region Parcel Class
public class Parcel
#region Member Variables
private bool[,] parcelBitmap = new bool[64,64];
public string parcelName = "";
public string parcelDesc = "";
public LLUUID ownerID = new LLUUID();
public bool isGroupOwned = false;
public LLVector3 AABBMin = new LLVector3();
public LLVector3 AABBMax = new LLVector3();
public int area = 0;
public uint auctionID = 0; //Unemplemented. If set to 0, not being auctioned
public LLUUID authBuyerID = new LLUUID(); //Unemplemented. Authorized Buyer's UUID
public ParcelCategory category = new ParcelCategory(); //Unemplemented. Parcel's chosen category
public int claimDate = 0; //Unemplemented
public int claimPrice = 0; //Unemplemented
public LLUUID groupID = new LLUUID(); //Unemplemented
public int groupPrims = 0; //Unemplemented
public int salePrice = 0; //Unemeplemented. Parcels price.
public ParcelStatus parcelStatus = ParcelStatus.None;
public ParcelFlags parcelFlags = ParcelFlags.None;
private int localID;
private static int localIDCount = 0;
private World m_world;
#region Constructors
public Parcel(LLUUID owner_id, bool is_group_owned, World world)
m_world = world;
ownerID = owner_id;
isGroupOwned = is_group_owned;
localID = localIDCount;
#region Member Functions
#region General Functions
public bool containsPoint(int x, int y)
if (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x <= 256 && x <= 256)
return (this.parcelBitmap[x / 4, y / 4] == true);
return false;
#region Packet Request Handling
public void sendParcelProperties(int sequence_id, bool snap_selection, ClientView remote_client)
ParcelPropertiesPacket updatePacket = new ParcelPropertiesPacket();
updatePacket.ParcelData.AABBMax = AABBMax;
updatePacket.ParcelData.AABBMin = AABBMin;
updatePacket.ParcelData.Area = this.area;
updatePacket.ParcelData.AuctionID = this.auctionID;
updatePacket.ParcelData.AuthBuyerID = this.authBuyerID; //unemplemented
updatePacket.ParcelData.Bitmap = this.convertParcelBitmapToBytes();
updatePacket.ParcelData.Desc = libsecondlife.Helpers.StringToField(this.parcelDesc);
updatePacket.ParcelData.Category = (byte)this.category;
updatePacket.ParcelData.ClaimDate = this.claimDate;
updatePacket.ParcelData.ClaimPrice = this.claimPrice;
updatePacket.ParcelData.GroupID = this.groupID;
updatePacket.ParcelData.GroupPrims = this.groupPrims;
updatePacket.ParcelData.IsGroupOwned = this.isGroupOwned;
updatePacket.ParcelData.LandingType = (byte)0; //unemplemented
updatePacket.ParcelData.LocalID = (byte)this.localID;
updatePacket.ParcelData.MaxPrims = 1000; //unemplemented
updatePacket.ParcelData.MediaAutoScale = (byte)0; //unemplemented
updatePacket.ParcelData.MediaID = LLUUID.Zero; //unemplemented
updatePacket.ParcelData.MediaURL = Helpers.StringToField(""); //unemplemented
updatePacket.ParcelData.MusicURL = Helpers.StringToField(""); //unemplemented
updatePacket.ParcelData.Name = Helpers.StringToField(this.parcelName);
updatePacket.ParcelData.OtherCleanTime = 0; //unemplemented
updatePacket.ParcelData.OtherCount = 0; //unemplemented
updatePacket.ParcelData.OtherPrims = 0; //unemplented
updatePacket.ParcelData.OwnerID = this.ownerID;
updatePacket.ParcelData.OwnerPrims = 0; //unemplemented
updatePacket.ParcelData.ParcelFlags = (uint)this.parcelFlags; //unemplemented
updatePacket.ParcelData.ParcelPrimBonus = (float)1.0; //unemplemented
updatePacket.ParcelData.PassHours = (float)0.0; //unemplemented
updatePacket.ParcelData.PassPrice = 0; //unemeplemented
updatePacket.ParcelData.PublicCount = 0; //unemplemented
updatePacket.ParcelData.RegionDenyAnonymous = false; //unemplemented
updatePacket.ParcelData.RegionDenyIdentified = false; //unemplemented
updatePacket.ParcelData.RegionDenyTransacted = false; //unemplemented
updatePacket.ParcelData.RegionPushOverride = true; //unemplemented
updatePacket.ParcelData.RentPrice = 0; //??
updatePacket.ParcelData.RequestResult = 0;//??
updatePacket.ParcelData.SalePrice = this.salePrice; //unemplemented
updatePacket.ParcelData.SelectedPrims = 0; //unemeplemented
updatePacket.ParcelData.SelfCount = 0;//unemplemented
updatePacket.ParcelData.SequenceID = sequence_id;
updatePacket.ParcelData.SimWideMaxPrims = 15000; //unemplemented
updatePacket.ParcelData.SimWideTotalPrims = 0; //unemplemented
updatePacket.ParcelData.SnapSelection = snap_selection; //Bleh - not important yet
updatePacket.ParcelData.SnapshotID = LLUUID.Zero; //Unemplemented
updatePacket.ParcelData.Status = (byte)this.parcelStatus; //??
updatePacket.ParcelData.TotalPrims = 0; //unemplemented
updatePacket.ParcelData.UserLocation = LLVector3.Zero; //unemplemented
updatePacket.ParcelData.UserLookAt = LLVector3.Zero; //unemeplemented
#region Update Functions
private void updateAABBAndAreaValues()
int min_x = 64;
int min_y = 64;
int max_x = 0;
int max_y = 0;
int tempArea = 0;
int x, y;
for (x = 0; x < 64; x++)
for (y = 0; y < 64; y++)
if (parcelBitmap[x, y] == true)
if (min_x > x) min_x = x;
if (min_y > y) min_y = y;
if (max_x < x) max_x = x;
if (max_y < y) max_y = y;
tempArea += 16; //16sqm parcel
this.AABBMin = new LLVector3((float)(min_x * 4), (float)(min_y * 4), m_world.Terrain[(min_x * 4), (min_y * 4)]);
this.AABBMax = new LLVector3((float)(max_x * 4), (float)(max_y * 4), m_world.Terrain[(max_x * 4), (max_y * 4)]);
this.area = tempArea;
#region Parcel Bitmap Functions
public void setParcelBitmap(bool[,] bitmap)
if (bitmap.GetLength(0) != 64 || bitmap.GetLength(1) != 64 || bitmap.Rank != 2)
//Throw an exception - The bitmap is not 64x64
throw new Exception("Error: Invalid Parcel Bitmap");
//Valid: Lets set it
this.parcelBitmap = bitmap;
public bool[,] getParcelBitmap()
return parcelBitmap;
private byte[] convertParcelBitmapToBytes()
byte[] tempConvertArr = new byte[64 * 64 / 8];
byte tempByte = 0;
int x, y,i, byteNum = 0;
i = 0;
for (x = 0; x < 64; x++)
for (y = 0; y < 64; y++)
tempByte = Convert.ToByte(tempByte | Convert.ToByte(parcelBitmap[x,y]) << (i++ % 8));
if (i % 8 == 0)
tempConvertArr[byteNum] = tempByte;
tempByte = (byte)0;
i = 0;
return tempConvertArr;
public static bool[,] basicFullRegionParcelBitmap()
return getSquareParcelBitmap(0, 0, 256, 256);
public static bool[,] getSquareParcelBitmap(int start_x, int start_y, int end_x, int end_y)
bool[,] tempBitmap = new bool[64, 64];
tempBitmap = modifyParcelBitmapSquare(tempBitmap, start_x, start_y, end_x, end_x, true);
return tempBitmap;
public static bool[,] modifyParcelBitmapSquare(bool[,] parcel_bitmap, int start_x, int start_y, int end_x, int end_y, bool set_value)
if (parcel_bitmap.GetLength(0) != 64 || parcel_bitmap.GetLength(1) != 64 || parcel_bitmap.Rank != 2)
//Throw an exception - The bitmap is not 64x64
throw new Exception("Error: Invalid Parcel Bitmap in modifyParcelBitmapSquare()");
int x, y;
for (x = 0; x < 64; x++)
for (y = 0; y < 64; y++)
if (x >= start_x / 4 && x <= end_x / 4
&& y >= start_y / 4 && y <= end_y / 4)
parcel_bitmap[x, y] = true;
return parcel_bitmap;
public static bool[,] mergeParcelBitmaps(bool[,] bitmap_base, bool[,] bitmap_add)
if (bitmap_base.GetLength(0) != 64 || bitmap_base.GetLength(1) != 64 || bitmap_base.Rank != 2)
//Throw an exception - The bitmap is not 64x64
throw new Exception("Error: Invalid Parcel Bitmap - Bitmap_base in mergeParcelBitmaps");
if (bitmap_add.GetLength(0) != 64 || bitmap_add.GetLength(1) != 64 || bitmap_add.Rank != 2)
//Throw an exception - The bitmap is not 64x64
throw new Exception("Error: Invalid Parcel Bitmap - Bitmap_add in mergeParcelBitmaps");
int x, y;
for (x = 0; x < 64; x++)
for (y = 0; y < 64; y++)
if (bitmap_add[x,y])
bitmap_base[x, y] = true;
return bitmap_base;