Eliminate pinned Mesh data on managed heap by using IntPtrs to memory allocated on the unmanaged heap. This prevents fragmentation of the managed heap and the resulting stress on GC. A region with ~150,000 prims using ODE and Meshmerizer saw memory remain flat around 1.2GB as opposed to 1.5GB and continually growing due to pinned memory. This patch complements the unique mesh dictionary patch applied to Meshmerizer but is independent. The net effect is a 60-75% reduction in memory for our largest regions.
@ -47,6 +47,8 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Physics.Manager
int[] getIndexListAsInt();
int[] getIndexListAsIntLocked();
float[] getVertexListAsFloatLocked();
void getIndexListAsPtrToIntArray(out IntPtr indices, out int triStride, out int indexCount);
void getVertexListAsPtrToFloatArray( out IntPtr vertexList, out int vertexStride, out int vertexCount );
void releaseSourceMeshData();
void releasePinned();
void Append(IMesh newMesh);
@ -36,23 +36,27 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Physics.Meshing
public class Mesh : IMesh
private Dictionary<Vertex, int> vertices;
private List<Triangle> triangles;
GCHandle pinnedVirtexes;
GCHandle pinnedIndex;
public float[] normals;
private Dictionary<Vertex, int> m_vertices;
private List<Triangle> m_triangles;
GCHandle m_pinnedVertexes;
GCHandle m_pinnedIndex;
IntPtr m_verticesPtr = IntPtr.Zero;
int m_vertexCount = 0;
IntPtr m_indicesPtr = IntPtr.Zero;
int m_indexCount = 0;
public float[] m_normals;
public Mesh()
vertices = new Dictionary<Vertex, int>();
triangles = new List<Triangle>();
m_vertices = new Dictionary<Vertex, int>();
m_triangles = new List<Triangle>();
public Mesh Clone()
Mesh result = new Mesh();
foreach (Triangle t in triangles)
foreach (Triangle t in m_triangles)
result.Add(new Triangle(t.v1.Clone(), t.v2.Clone(), t.v3.Clone()));
@ -62,27 +66,27 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Physics.Meshing
public void Add(Triangle triangle)
if (pinnedIndex.IsAllocated || pinnedVirtexes.IsAllocated)
if (m_pinnedIndex.IsAllocated || m_pinnedVertexes.IsAllocated || m_indicesPtr != IntPtr.Zero || m_verticesPtr != IntPtr.Zero)
throw new NotSupportedException("Attempt to Add to a pinned Mesh");
// If a vertex of the triangle is not yet in the vertices list,
// add it and set its index to the current index count
if (!vertices.ContainsKey(triangle.v1))
vertices[triangle.v1] = vertices.Count;
if (!vertices.ContainsKey(triangle.v2))
vertices[triangle.v2] = vertices.Count;
if (!vertices.ContainsKey(triangle.v3))
vertices[triangle.v3] = vertices.Count;
if( !m_vertices.ContainsKey(triangle.v1) )
m_vertices[triangle.v1] = m_vertices.Count;
if (!m_vertices.ContainsKey(triangle.v2))
m_vertices[triangle.v2] = m_vertices.Count;
if (!m_vertices.ContainsKey(triangle.v3))
m_vertices[triangle.v3] = m_vertices.Count;
public void CalcNormals()
int iTriangles = triangles.Count;
int iTriangles = m_triangles.Count;
this.normals = new float[iTriangles * 3];
this.m_normals = new float[iTriangles * 3];
int i = 0;
foreach (Triangle t in triangles)
foreach (Triangle t in m_triangles)
float ux, uy, uz;
float vx, vy, vz;
@ -129,9 +133,9 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Physics.Meshing
//ny /= l;
//nz /= l;
normals[i] = nx * lReciprocal;
normals[i + 1] = ny * lReciprocal;
normals[i + 2] = nz * lReciprocal;
m_normals[i] = nx * lReciprocal;
m_normals[i + 1] = ny * lReciprocal;
m_normals[i + 2] = nz * lReciprocal;
i += 3;
@ -140,45 +144,70 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Physics.Meshing
public List<PhysicsVector> getVertexList()
List<PhysicsVector> result = new List<PhysicsVector>();
foreach (Vertex v in vertices.Keys)
foreach (Vertex v in m_vertices.Keys)
return result;
public float[] getVertexListAsFloatLocked()
private float[] getVertexListAsFloat()
if (pinnedVirtexes.IsAllocated)
return (float[])(pinnedVirtexes.Target);
float[] result;
//m_log.WarnFormat("vertices.Count = {0}", vertices.Count);
result = new float[vertices.Count * 3];
foreach (KeyValuePair<Vertex, int> kvp in vertices)
if(m_vertices == null)
throw new NotSupportedException();
float[] result = new float[m_vertices.Count * 3];
foreach (KeyValuePair<Vertex, int> kvp in m_vertices)
Vertex v = kvp.Key;
int i = kvp.Value;
//m_log.WarnFormat("kvp.Value = {0}", i);
result[3 * i + 0] = v.X;
result[3 * i + 1] = v.Y;
result[3 * i + 2] = v.Z;
pinnedVirtexes = GCHandle.Alloc(result, GCHandleType.Pinned);
return result;
public float[] getVertexListAsFloatLocked()
if( m_pinnedVertexes.IsAllocated )
return (float[])(m_pinnedVertexes.Target);
float[] result = getVertexListAsFloat();
m_pinnedVertexes = GCHandle.Alloc(result, GCHandleType.Pinned);
return result;
public void getVertexListAsPtrToFloatArray(out IntPtr vertices, out int vertexStride, out int vertexCount)
// A vertex is 3 floats
vertexStride = 3 * sizeof(float);
// If there isn't an unmanaged array allocated yet, do it now
if (m_verticesPtr == IntPtr.Zero)
float[] vertexList = getVertexListAsFloat();
// Each vertex is 3 elements (floats)
m_vertexCount = vertexList.Length / 3;
int byteCount = m_vertexCount * vertexStride;
m_verticesPtr = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.AllocHGlobal(byteCount);
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(vertexList, 0, m_verticesPtr, m_vertexCount * 3);
vertices = m_verticesPtr;
vertexCount = m_vertexCount;
public int[] getIndexListAsInt()
int[] result;
result = new int[triangles.Count * 3];
for (int i = 0; i < triangles.Count; i++)
if (m_triangles == null)
throw new NotSupportedException();
int[] result = new int[m_triangles.Count * 3];
for (int i = 0; i < m_triangles.Count; i++)
Triangle t = triangles[i];
result[3 * i + 0] = vertices[t.v1];
result[3 * i + 1] = vertices[t.v2];
result[3 * i + 2] = vertices[t.v3];
Triangle t = m_triangles[i];
result[3 * i + 0] = m_vertices[t.v1];
result[3 * i + 1] = m_vertices[t.v2];
result[3 * i + 2] = m_vertices[t.v3];
return result;
@ -189,19 +218,48 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Physics.Meshing
/// <returns></returns>
public int[] getIndexListAsIntLocked()
if (pinnedIndex.IsAllocated)
return (int[])(pinnedIndex.Target);
if (m_pinnedIndex.IsAllocated)
return (int[])(m_pinnedIndex.Target);
int[] result = getIndexListAsInt();
pinnedIndex = GCHandle.Alloc(result, GCHandleType.Pinned);
m_pinnedIndex = GCHandle.Alloc(result, GCHandleType.Pinned);
return result;
public void getIndexListAsPtrToIntArray(out IntPtr indices, out int triStride, out int indexCount)
// If there isn't an unmanaged array allocated yet, do it now
if (m_indicesPtr == IntPtr.Zero)
int[] indexList = getIndexListAsInt();
m_indexCount = indexList.Length;
int byteCount = m_indexCount * sizeof(int);
m_indicesPtr = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.AllocHGlobal(byteCount);
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(indexList, 0, m_indicesPtr, m_indexCount);
// A triangle is 3 ints (indices)
triStride = 3 * sizeof(int);
indices = m_indicesPtr;
indexCount = m_indexCount;
public void releasePinned()
if (m_pinnedVertexes.IsAllocated)
if (m_pinnedIndex.IsAllocated)
if (m_verticesPtr != IntPtr.Zero)
m_verticesPtr = IntPtr.Zero;
if (m_indicesPtr != IntPtr.Zero)
m_indicesPtr = IntPtr.Zero;
/// <summary>
@ -209,29 +267,29 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Physics.Meshing
/// </summary>
public void releaseSourceMeshData()
triangles = null;
vertices = null;
m_triangles = null;
m_vertices = null;
public void Append(IMesh newMesh)
if (pinnedIndex.IsAllocated || pinnedVirtexes.IsAllocated)
if (m_pinnedIndex.IsAllocated || m_pinnedVertexes.IsAllocated || m_indicesPtr != IntPtr.Zero || m_verticesPtr != IntPtr.Zero)
throw new NotSupportedException("Attempt to Append to a pinned Mesh");
if (!(newMesh is Mesh))
foreach (Triangle t in ((Mesh)newMesh).triangles)
foreach (Triangle t in ((Mesh)newMesh).m_triangles)
// Do a linear transformation of mesh.
public void TransformLinear(float[,] matrix, float[] offset)
if (pinnedIndex.IsAllocated || pinnedVirtexes.IsAllocated)
if (m_pinnedIndex.IsAllocated || m_pinnedVertexes.IsAllocated || m_indicesPtr != IntPtr.Zero || m_verticesPtr != IntPtr.Zero)
throw new NotSupportedException("Attempt to TransformLinear a pinned Mesh");
foreach (Vertex v in vertices.Keys)
foreach (Vertex v in m_vertices.Keys)
if (v == null)
@ -252,7 +310,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Physics.Meshing
String fileName = name + "_" + title + ".raw";
String completePath = Path.Combine(path, fileName);
StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(completePath);
foreach (Triangle t in triangles)
foreach (Triangle t in m_triangles)
String s = t.ToStringRaw();
@ -262,7 +320,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Physics.Meshing
public void TrimExcess()
@ -813,18 +813,17 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Physics.OdePlugin
float[] vertexList = mesh.getVertexListAsFloatLocked(); // Note, that vertextList is pinned in memory
int[] indexList = mesh.getIndexListAsIntLocked(); // Also pinned, needs release after usage
IntPtr vertices, indices;
int vertexCount, indexCount;
int vertexStride, triStride;
mesh.getVertexListAsPtrToFloatArray( out vertices, out vertexStride, out vertexCount ); // Note, that vertices are fixed in unmanaged heap
mesh.getIndexListAsPtrToIntArray( out indices, out triStride, out indexCount ); // Also fixed, needs release after usage
mesh.releaseSourceMeshData(); // free up the original mesh data to save memory
int VertexCount = vertexList.GetLength(0)/3;
int IndexCount = indexList.GetLength(0);
_triMeshData = d.GeomTriMeshDataCreate();
d.GeomTriMeshDataBuildSimple(_triMeshData, vertexList, 3*sizeof (float), VertexCount, indexList, IndexCount,
3*sizeof (int));
d.GeomTriMeshDataBuildSimple(_triMeshData, vertices, vertexStride, vertexCount, indices, indexCount, triStride);
Reference in New Issue