Migration.cs supports single-file migration history format
Scans for migration resources in either old-style "scattered" (one file per version) or new-style "integrated" format (single file "Resources/{StoreName}.migrations[.nnn]") with ":VERSION nnn" sections). In the new-style migrations it also recognizes ':GO' separators for parts of the SQL script that must be sent to the server separately. The old-style migrations are loaded each in one piece and don't support the ':GO' feature. Status: TESTED and works fine in all modes!soprefactor
@ -70,61 +70,111 @@ namespace OpenSim.Data
public class Migration
private static readonly ILog m_log = LogManager.GetLogger(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);
protected static readonly ILog m_log = LogManager.GetLogger(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);
private string _type;
private DbConnection _conn;
// private string _subtype;
private Assembly _assem;
private Regex _match;
protected string _type;
protected DbConnection _conn;
protected Assembly _assem;
private static readonly string _migrations_create = "create table migrations(name varchar(100), version int)";
// private static readonly string _migrations_init = "insert into migrations values('migrations', 1)";
// private static readonly string _migrations_find = "select version from migrations where name='migrations'";
private Regex _match_old;
private Regex _match_new;
public Migration(DbConnection conn, Assembly assem, string type)
_type = type;
_conn = conn;
_assem = assem;
_match = new Regex(@"\.(\d\d\d)_" + _type + @"\.sql");
/// <summary>Have the parameterless constructor just so we can specify it as a generic parameter with the new() constraint.
/// Currently this is only used in the tests. A Migration instance created this way must be then
/// initialized with Initialize(). Regular creation should be through the parameterized constructors.
/// </summary>
public Migration()
public Migration(DbConnection conn, Assembly assem, string subtype, string type)
Initialize(conn, assem, type, subtype);
public Migration(DbConnection conn, Assembly assem, string type)
Initialize(conn, assem, type, "");
/// <summary>Must be called after creating with the parameterless constructor.
/// NOTE that the Migration class now doesn't access database in any way during initialization.
/// Specifically, it won't check if the [migrations] table exists. Such checks are done later:
/// automatically on Update(), or you can explicitly call InitMigrationsTable().
/// </summary>
/// <param name="conn"></param>
/// <param name="assem"></param>
/// <param name="subtype"></param>
/// <param name="type"></param>
public void Initialize (DbConnection conn, Assembly assem, string type, string subtype)
_type = type;
_conn = conn;
_assem = assem;
_match = new Regex(subtype + @"\.(\d\d\d)_" + _type + @"\.sql");
_match_old = new Regex(subtype + @"\.(\d\d\d)_" + _type + @"\.sql");
string s = String.IsNullOrEmpty(subtype) ? _type : _type + @"\." + subtype;
_match_new = new Regex(@"\." + s + @"\.migrations(?:\.(?<ver>\d+)$|.*)");
private void Initialize()
public void InitMigrationsTable()
// clever, eh, we figure out which migrations version we are
int migration_version = FindVersion(_conn, "migrations");
if (migration_version > 0)
// If not, create the migration tables
using (DbCommand cmd = _conn.CreateCommand())
// NOTE: normally when the [migrations] table is created, the version record for 'migrations' is
// added immediately. However, if for some reason the table is there but empty, we want to handle that as well.
int ver = FindVersion(_conn, "migrations");
if (ver <= 0) // -1 = no table, 0 = no version record
cmd.CommandText = _migrations_create;
if( ver < 0 )
ExecuteScript("create table migrations(name varchar(100), version int)");
InsertVersion("migrations", 1);
InsertVersion("migrations", 1);
/// <summary>Executes a script, possibly in a database-specific way.
/// It can be redefined for a specific DBMS, if necessary. Specifically,
/// to avoid problems with proc definitions in MySQL, we must use
/// MySqlScript class instead of just DbCommand. We don't want to bring
/// MySQL references here, so instead define a MySQLMigration class
/// in OpenSim.Data.MySQL
/// </summary>
/// <param name="conn"></param>
/// <param name="script">Array of strings, one-per-batch (often just one)</param>
protected virtual void ExecuteScript(DbConnection conn, string[] script)
using (DbCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand())
cmd.CommandTimeout = 0;
foreach (string sql in script)
cmd.CommandText = sql;
protected void ExecuteScript(DbConnection conn, string sql)
ExecuteScript(conn, new string[]{sql});
protected void ExecuteScript(string sql)
ExecuteScript(_conn, sql);
protected void ExecuteScript(string[] script)
ExecuteScript(_conn, script);
public void Update()
int version = 0;
version = FindVersion(_conn, _type);
SortedList<int, string> migrations = GetMigrationsAfter(version);
int version = FindVersion(_conn, _type);
SortedList<int, string[]> migrations = GetMigrationsAfter(version);
if (migrations.Count < 1)
@ -132,57 +182,41 @@ namespace OpenSim.Data
m_log.InfoFormat("[MIGRATIONS] Upgrading {0} to latest revision {1}.", _type, migrations.Keys[migrations.Count - 1]);
m_log.Info("[MIGRATIONS] NOTE: this may take a while, don't interupt this process!");
using (DbCommand cmd = _conn.CreateCommand())
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, string[]> kvp in migrations)
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, string> kvp in migrations)
int newversion = kvp.Key;
cmd.CommandText = kvp.Value;
// we need to up the command timeout to infinite as we might be doing long migrations.
cmd.CommandTimeout = 0;
catch (Exception e)
m_log.DebugFormat("[MIGRATIONS] Cmd was {0}", cmd.CommandText);
m_log.DebugFormat("[MIGRATIONS]: An error has occurred in the migration {0}.\n This may mean you could see errors trying to run OpenSim. If you see database related errors, you will need to fix the issue manually. Continuing.", e.Message);
cmd.CommandText = "ROLLBACK;";
int newversion = kvp.Key;
// we need to up the command timeout to infinite as we might be doing long migrations.
if (version == 0)
InsertVersion(_type, newversion);
UpdateVersion(_type, newversion);
version = newversion;
/* [AlexRa 01-May-10]: We can't always just run any SQL in a single batch (= ExecuteNonQuery()). Things like
* stored proc definitions might have to be sent to the server each in a separate batch.
* This is certainly so for MS SQL; not sure how the MySQL connector sorts out the mess
* with 'delimiter @@'/'delimiter ;' around procs. So each "script" this code executes now is not
* a single string, but an array of strings, executed separately.
catch (Exception e)
m_log.DebugFormat("[MIGRATIONS] Cmd was {0}", kvp.Value.ToString());
m_log.DebugFormat("[MIGRATIONS]: An error has occurred in the migration {0}.\n This may mean you could see errors trying to run OpenSim. If you see database related errors, you will need to fix the issue manually. Migration aborted.", e.Message);
if (version == 0)
InsertVersion(_type, newversion);
UpdateVersion(_type, newversion);
version = newversion;
// private int MaxVersion()
// {
// int max = 0;
// string[] names = _assem.GetManifestResourceNames();
// foreach (string s in names)
// {
// Match m = _match.Match(s);
// if (m.Success)
// {
// int MigrationVersion = int.Parse(m.Groups[1].ToString());
// if (MigrationVersion > max)
// max = MigrationVersion;
// }
// }
// return max;
// }
public int Version
get { return FindVersion(_conn, _type); }
@ -206,7 +240,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Data
cmd.CommandText = "select version from migrations where name='" + type + "' order by version desc";
using (IDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
using (DbDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
if (reader.Read())
@ -217,7 +251,8 @@ namespace OpenSim.Data
// Something went wrong, so we're version 0
// Something went wrong (probably no table), so we're at version -1
version = -1;
return version;
@ -225,57 +260,151 @@ namespace OpenSim.Data
private void InsertVersion(string type, int version)
using (DbCommand cmd = _conn.CreateCommand())
cmd.CommandText = "insert into migrations(name, version) values('" + type + "', " + version + ")";
m_log.InfoFormat("[MIGRATIONS]: Creating {0} at version {1}", type, version);
m_log.InfoFormat("[MIGRATIONS]: Creating {0} at version {1}", type, version);
ExecuteScript("insert into migrations(name, version) values('" + type + "', " + version + ")");
private void UpdateVersion(string type, int version)
using (DbCommand cmd = _conn.CreateCommand())
cmd.CommandText = "update migrations set version=" + version + " where name='" + type + "'";
m_log.InfoFormat("[MIGRATIONS]: Updating {0} to version {1}", type, version);
m_log.InfoFormat("[MIGRATIONS]: Updating {0} to version {1}", type, version);
ExecuteScript("update migrations set version=" + version + " where name='" + type + "'");
// private SortedList<int, string> GetAllMigrations()
// {
// return GetMigrationsAfter(0);
// }
private delegate void FlushProc();
private SortedList<int, string> GetMigrationsAfter(int after)
/// <summary>Scans for migration resources in either old-style "scattered" (one file per version)
/// or new-style "integrated" format (single file with ":VERSION nnn" sections).
/// In the new-style migrations it also recognizes ':GO' separators for parts of the SQL script
/// that must be sent to the server separately. The old-style migrations are loaded each in one piece
/// and don't support the ':GO' feature.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="after">The version we are currently at. Scan for any higher versions</param>
/// <returns>A list of string arrays, representing the scripts.</returns>
private SortedList<int, string[]> GetMigrationsAfter(int after)
string[] names = _assem.GetManifestResourceNames();
SortedList<int, string> migrations = new SortedList<int, string>();
// because life is funny if we don't
SortedList<int, string[]> migrations = new SortedList<int, string[]>();
string[] names = _assem.GetManifestResourceNames();
if( names.Length == 0 ) // should never happen
return migrations;
Array.Sort(names); // we want all the migrations ordered
int nLastVerFound = 0;
Match m = null;
string sFile = Array.FindLast(names, nm => { m = _match_new.Match(nm); return m.Success; }); // ; nm.StartsWith(sPrefix, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase
if( (m != null) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(sFile) )
/* The filename should be '<StoreName>.migrations[.NNN]' where NNN
* is the last version number defined in the file. If the '.NNN' part is recognized, the code can skip
* the file without looking inside if we have a higher version already. Without the suffix we read
* the file anyway and use the version numbers inside. Any unrecognized suffix (such as '.sql')
* is valid but ignored.
* NOTE that we expect only one 'merged' migration file. If there are several, we take the last one.
* If you are numbering them, leave only the latest one in the project or at least make sure they numbered
* to come up in the correct order (e.g. 'SomeStore.migrations.001' rather than 'SomeStore.migrations.1')
if (m.Groups.Count > 1 && int.TryParse(m.Groups[1].Value, out nLastVerFound))
if( nLastVerFound <= after )
goto scan_old_style;
System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(4096);
int nVersion = -1;
List<string> script = new List<string>();
FlushProc flush = delegate()
if (sb.Length > 0) // last SQL stmt to script list
sb.Length = 0;
if ( (nVersion > 0) && (nVersion > after) && (script.Count > 0) && !migrations.ContainsKey(nVersion)) // script to the versioned script list
migrations[nVersion] = script.ToArray();
using (Stream resource = _assem.GetManifestResourceStream(sFile))
using (StreamReader resourceReader = new StreamReader(resource))
int nLineNo = 0;
while (!resourceReader.EndOfStream)
string sLine = resourceReader.ReadLine();
if( String.IsNullOrEmpty(sLine) || sLine.StartsWith("#") ) // ignore a comment or empty line
if (sLine.Trim().Equals(":GO", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
if (sb.Length == 0) continue;
if (nVersion > after)
sb.Length = 0;
if (sLine.StartsWith(":VERSION ", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) // ":VERSION nnn"
int n = sLine.IndexOf('#'); // Comment is allowed in version sections, ignored
if (n >= 0)
sLine = sLine.Substring(0, n);
if (!int.TryParse(sLine.Substring(9).Trim(), out nVersion))
m_log.ErrorFormat("[MIGRATIONS]: invalid version marker at {0}: line {1}. Migration failed!", sFile, nLineNo);
// If there are scattered migration files as well, only look for those with higher version numbers.
if (after < nVersion)
after = nVersion;
// scan "old style" migration pieces anyway, ignore any versions already filled from the single file
foreach (string s in names)
Match m = _match.Match(s);
m = _match_old.Match(s);
if (m.Success)
int version = int.Parse(m.Groups[1].ToString());
if (version > after)
if ( (version > after) && !migrations.ContainsKey(version) )
using (Stream resource = _assem.GetManifestResourceStream(s))
using (StreamReader resourceReader = new StreamReader(resource))
string resourceString = resourceReader.ReadToEnd();
migrations.Add(version, resourceString);
string sql = resourceReader.ReadToEnd();
migrations.Add(version, new string[]{sql});
if (migrations.Count < 1) {
if (migrations.Count < 1)
m_log.InfoFormat("[MIGRATIONS]: {0} up to date, no migrations to apply", _type);
return migrations;
Reference in New Issue