* Fixes Prim ExtraParams

* Fixes Sculpty handling
* Fixes Light handling
* Fixes Flexi handling
* Fixes Sculpty + Flexi handling
* Fixes handling of Flexi type
* Fixes Changing prim type after changing to sculpty corrupting prim.
* Ugly code.
Teravus Ovares 2008-05-08 04:58:44 +00:00
parent ba8ff761c0
commit 92c03978e1
2 changed files with 358 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework
public class PrimitiveBaseShape
private static readonly LLObject.TextureEntry m_defaultTexture;
public byte[] ExtraParams;
private byte[] m_textureEntry;
public ushort PathBegin;
@ -97,6 +97,33 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework
public ushort ProfileHollow;
public LLVector3 Scale;
public byte State;
// Sculpted
[XmlIgnore] public LLUUID SculptTexture = LLUUID.Zero;
[XmlIgnore] public byte SculptType = (byte)0;
// Flexi
[XmlIgnore] public int FlexiSoftness = 0;
[XmlIgnore] public float FlexiTension = 0f;
[XmlIgnore] public float FlexiDrag = 0f;
[XmlIgnore] public float FlexiGravity = 0f;
[XmlIgnore] public float FlexiWind= 0f;
[XmlIgnore] public float FlexiForceX = 0f;
[XmlIgnore] public float FlexiForceY = 0f;
[XmlIgnore] public float FlexiForceZ = 0f;
//Bright n sparkly
[XmlIgnore] public float LightColorR = 0f;
[XmlIgnore] public float LightColorG = 0f;
[XmlIgnore] public float LightColorB = 0f;
[XmlIgnore] public float LightColorA = 1f;
[XmlIgnore] public float LightRadius = 0f;
[XmlIgnore] public float LightCutoff = 0f;
[XmlIgnore] public float LightFalloff = 0f;
[XmlIgnore] public float LightIntensity = 1f;
[XmlIgnore] public bool FlexiEntry = false;
[XmlIgnore] public bool LightEntry = false;
[XmlIgnore] public bool SculptEntry = false;
static PrimitiveBaseShape()
@ -231,10 +258,339 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework
PathEnd = LLObject.PackEndCut(pathRange.Y);
public void SetSculptData(byte sculptType, LLUUID SculptTextureUUID)
SculptType = sculptType;
SculptTexture = SculptTextureUUID;
public void SetProfileRange(LLVector3 profileRange)
ProfileBegin = LLObject.PackBeginCut(profileRange.X);
ProfileEnd = LLObject.PackEndCut(profileRange.Y);
public byte[] ExtraParams
return ExtraParamsToBytes();
public byte[] ExtraParamsToBytes()
ushort FlexiEP = 0x10;
ushort LightEP = 0x20;
ushort SculptEP = 0x30;
int i = 0;
uint TotalBytesLength = 5;
uint ExtraParamsNum = 0;
if (FlexiEntry)
TotalBytesLength += 16;// data
TotalBytesLength += 4; // type
if (LightEntry)
TotalBytesLength += 16;// data
TotalBytesLength += 4; // type
if (SculptEntry)
TotalBytesLength += 17;// data
TotalBytesLength += 4; // type
byte[] returnbytes = new byte[TotalBytesLength];
uint paramlength = ExtraParamsNum;
// Stick in the number of parameters
returnbytes[i++] = (byte)ExtraParamsNum;
if (FlexiEntry)
byte[] FlexiData = GetFlexiBytes();
returnbytes[i++] = (byte)(FlexiEP % 256);
returnbytes[i++] = (byte)((FlexiEP >> 8) % 256);
returnbytes[i++] = (byte)(FlexiData.Length % 256);
returnbytes[i++] = (byte)((FlexiData.Length >> 8) % 256);
returnbytes[i++] = (byte)((FlexiData.Length >> 16) % 256);
returnbytes[i++] = (byte)((FlexiData.Length >> 24) % 256);
Array.Copy(FlexiData, 0, returnbytes, i, FlexiData.Length);
i += FlexiData.Length;
if (LightEntry)
byte[] LightData = GetLightBytes();
returnbytes[i++] = (byte)(LightEP % 256);
returnbytes[i++] = (byte)((LightEP >> 8) % 256);
returnbytes[i++] = (byte)(LightData.Length % 256);
returnbytes[i++] = (byte)((LightData.Length >> 8) % 256);
returnbytes[i++] = (byte)((LightData.Length >> 16) % 256);
returnbytes[i++] = (byte)((LightData.Length >> 24) % 256);
Array.Copy(LightData, 0, returnbytes, i, LightData.Length);
i += LightData.Length;
if (SculptEntry)
byte[] SculptData = GetSculptBytes();
returnbytes[i++] = (byte)(SculptEP % 256);
returnbytes[i++] = (byte)((SculptEP >> 8) % 256);
returnbytes[i++] = (byte)(SculptData.Length % 256);
returnbytes[i++] = (byte)((SculptData.Length >> 8) % 256);
returnbytes[i++] = (byte)((SculptData.Length >> 16) % 256);
returnbytes[i++] = (byte)((SculptData.Length >> 24) % 256);
Array.Copy(SculptData, 0, returnbytes, i, SculptData.Length);
i += SculptData.Length;
if (!FlexiEntry && !LightEntry && !SculptEntry)
byte[] returnbyte = new byte[1];
returnbyte[0] = 0;
return returnbyte;
return returnbytes;
//m_log.Info("[EXTRAPARAMS]: Length = " + m_shape.ExtraParams.Length.ToString());
public void ReadInUpdateExtraParam(ushort type, bool inUse, byte[] data)
const ushort FlexiEP = 0x10;
const ushort LightEP = 0x20;
const ushort SculptEP = 0x30;
switch (type)
case FlexiEP:
if (!inUse)
FlexiEntry = false;
ReadFlexiData(data, 0);
case LightEP:
if (!inUse)
LightEntry = false;
ReadLightData(data, 0);
case SculptEP:
if (!inUse)
SculptEntry = false;
ReadSculptData(data, 0);
public void ReadInExtraParamsBytes(byte[] data)
const ushort FlexiEP = 0x10;
const ushort LightEP = 0x20;
const ushort SculptEP = 0x30;
bool lGotFlexi = false;
bool lGotLight = false;
bool lGotSculpt = false;
int i = 0;
int totalLength = 1;
byte extraParamCount = data[i++];
if (extraParamCount > 0)
int foo = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < extraParamCount; k++)
ushort epType = Helpers.BytesToUInt16(data, i);
i += 2;
uint paramLength = Helpers.BytesToUIntBig(data, i);
i += 4;
switch (epType)
case FlexiEP:
ReadFlexiData(data, i);
lGotFlexi = true;
case LightEP:
ReadLightData(data, i);
lGotLight = true;
case SculptEP:
ReadSculptData(data, i);
lGotSculpt = true;
if (!lGotFlexi)
FlexiEntry = false;
if (!lGotLight)
LightEntry = false;
if (!lGotSculpt)
SculptEntry = false;
public void ReadSculptData(byte[] data, int pos)
byte[] SculptTextureUUID = new byte[16];
byte SculptTypel = data[16+pos];
if (data.Length+pos >= 17)
SculptEntry = true;
SculptTextureUUID = new byte[16];
SculptTypel = data[16];
Array.Copy(data, pos, SculptTextureUUID,0, 16);
SculptUUID = new LLUUID(SculptTextureUUID, 0);
SculptEntry = false;
SculptUUID = LLUUID.Zero;
SculptTypel = 0x00;
SculptTexture = SculptUUID;
SculptType = SculptTypel;
//m_log.Info("[SCULPT]:" + SculptUUID.ToString());
public byte[] GetSculptBytes()
byte[] data = new byte[17];
SculptTexture.GetBytes().CopyTo(data, 0);
data[16] = (byte)SculptType;
return data;
public void ReadFlexiData(byte[] data, int pos)
if (data.Length-pos >= 5)
FlexiEntry = true;
FlexiSoftness = ((data[pos] & 0x80) >> 6) | ((data[pos + 1] & 0x80) >> 7);
FlexiTension = (float)(data[pos++] & 0x7F) / 10.0f;
FlexiDrag = (float)(data[pos++] & 0x7F) / 10.0f;
FlexiGravity = (float)(data[pos++] / 10.0f) - 10.0f;
FlexiWind = (float)data[pos++] / 10.0f;
LLVector3 lForce = new LLVector3(data, pos);
FlexiForceX = lForce.X;
FlexiForceY = lForce.Y;
FlexiForceZ = lForce.Z;
FlexiEntry = false;
FlexiSoftness = 0;
FlexiTension = 0.0f;
FlexiDrag = 0.0f;
FlexiGravity = 0.0f;
FlexiWind = 0.0f;
FlexiForceX = 0f;
FlexiForceY = 0f;
FlexiForceZ = 0f;
public byte[] GetFlexiBytes()
byte[] data = new byte[16];
int i = 0;
// Softness is packed in the upper bits of tension and drag
data[i] = (byte)((FlexiSoftness & 2) << 6);
data[i + 1] = (byte)((FlexiSoftness & 1) << 7);
data[i++] |= (byte)((byte)(FlexiTension * 10.01f) & 0x7F);
data[i++] |= (byte)((byte)(FlexiDrag * 10.01f) & 0x7F);
data[i++] = (byte)((FlexiGravity + 10.0f) * 10.01f);
data[i++] = (byte)(FlexiWind * 10.01f);
LLVector3 lForce = new LLVector3(FlexiForceX, FlexiForceY, FlexiForceZ);
lForce.GetBytes().CopyTo(data, i);
return data;
public void ReadLightData(byte[] data, int pos)
if (data.Length - pos >= 16)
LightEntry = true;
LLColor lColor = new LLColor(data, pos, false);
LightIntensity = lColor.A;
LightColorA = 1f;
LightColorR = lColor.R;
LightColorG = lColor.G;
LightColorB = lColor.B;
LightRadius = Helpers.BytesToFloat(data, pos + 4);
LightCutoff = Helpers.BytesToFloat(data, pos + 8);
LightFalloff = Helpers.BytesToFloat(data, pos + 12);
LightEntry = false;
LightColorA = 1f;
LightColorR = 0f;
LightColorG = 0f;
LightColorB = 0f;
LightRadius = 0f;
LightCutoff = 0f;
LightFalloff = 0f;
LightIntensity = 0f;
public byte[] GetLightBytes()
byte[] data = new byte[16];
// Alpha channel in color is intensity
LLColor tmpColor = new LLColor(LightColorR,LightColorG,LightColorB,LightIntensity);
tmpColor.GetBytes().CopyTo(data, 0);
Helpers.FloatToBytes(LightRadius).CopyTo(data, 4);
Helpers.FloatToBytes(LightCutoff).CopyTo(data, 8);
Helpers.FloatToBytes(LightFalloff).CopyTo(data, 12);
return data;

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@ -1920,18 +1920,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Environment.Scenes
public void UpdateExtraParam(ushort type, bool inUse, byte[] data)
m_shape.ExtraParams = new byte[data.Length + 7];
int i = 0;
uint length = (uint) data.Length;
m_shape.ExtraParams[i++] = 1;
m_shape.ExtraParams[i++] = (byte) (type%256);
m_shape.ExtraParams[i++] = (byte) ((type >> 8)%256);
m_shape.ExtraParams[i++] = (byte) (length%256);
m_shape.ExtraParams[i++] = (byte) ((length >> 8)%256);
m_shape.ExtraParams[i++] = (byte) ((length >> 16)%256);
m_shape.ExtraParams[i++] = (byte) ((length >> 24)%256);
Array.Copy(data, 0, m_shape.ExtraParams, i, data.Length);
m_shape.ReadInUpdateExtraParam(type, inUse, data);