revert to capsule representation of avatar collider

UbitUmarov 2014-07-19 16:16:13 +01:00
parent 748fc66ef1
commit 9654b81b2d
1 changed files with 28 additions and 297 deletions

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@ -95,10 +95,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Physics.OdePlugin
private float m_feetOffset = 0;
private float feetOff = 0;
private float feetSZ = 0.5f;
const float feetScale = 0.8f;
private float boneOff = 0;
private float m_lastVelocitySqr = 0;
public float walkDivisor = 1.3f;
public float runDivisor = 0.8f;
@ -110,7 +107,6 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Physics.OdePlugin
private bool _zeroFlag = false;
private int m_requestedUpdateFrequency = 0;
private uint m_localID = 0;
public bool m_returnCollisions = false;
// taints and their non-tainted counterparts
@ -127,7 +123,6 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Physics.OdePlugin
int m_colliderfilter = 0;
int m_colliderGroundfilter = 0;
int m_colliderObjectfilter = 0;
bool m_collisionException = false;
// Default we're a Character
private CollisionCategories m_collisionCategories = (CollisionCategories.Character);
@ -140,9 +135,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Physics.OdePlugin
// we do land collisions not ode | CollisionCategories.Land);
public IntPtr Body = IntPtr.Zero;
private OdeScene _parent_scene;
private IntPtr topbox = IntPtr.Zero;
private IntPtr midbox = IntPtr.Zero;
private IntPtr feetbox = IntPtr.Zero;
private IntPtr capsule = IntPtr.Zero;
private IntPtr bbox = IntPtr.Zero;
public IntPtr collider = IntPtr.Zero;
@ -150,9 +143,6 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Physics.OdePlugin
public d.Mass ShellMass;
public int m_eventsubscription = 0;
private int m_cureventsubscription = 0;
private CollisionEventUpdate CollisionEventsThisFrame = null;
@ -214,8 +204,6 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Physics.OdePlugin
// force lower density for testing
m_density = 3.0f;
m_density *= 1.4f; // scale to have mass similar to capsule
mu = parent_scene.AvatarFriction;
walkDivisor = walk_divisor;
@ -704,58 +692,6 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Physics.OdePlugin
AddChange(changes.Momentum, momentum);
private void ajustCollider()
float vq = _velocity.LengthSquared();
if (m_lastVelocitySqr != vq)
m_lastVelocitySqr = vq;
if (vq > 100.0f)
Vector3 off = _velocity;
float t = 0.5f * timeStep;
off = off * t;
d.Quaternion qtmp;
d.GeomCopyQuaternion(bbox, out qtmp);
Quaternion q;
q.X = qtmp.X;
q.Y = qtmp.Y;
q.Z = qtmp.Z;
q.W = qtmp.W;
off *= Quaternion.Conjugate(q);
d.GeomSetOffsetPosition(bbox, off.X, off.Y, off.Z);
off.X = 2.0f * (m_size.X + Math.Abs(off.X));
off.Y = 2.0f * (m_size.Y + Math.Abs(off.Y));
off.Z = m_size.Z + 2.0f * Math.Abs(off.Z);
d.GeomBoxSetLengths(bbox, off.X, off.Y, off.Z);
d.GeomSetCategoryBits(bbox, (uint)m_collisionCategories);
d.GeomSetCollideBits(bbox, (uint)m_collisionFlags);
d.GeomSetCategoryBits(topbox, 0);
d.GeomSetCollideBits(topbox, 0);
d.GeomSetCategoryBits(midbox, 0);
d.GeomSetCollideBits(midbox, 0);
d.GeomSetCategoryBits(feetbox, 0);
d.GeomSetCollideBits(feetbox, 0);
d.GeomSetCategoryBits(bbox, 0);
d.GeomSetCollideBits(bbox, 0);
d.GeomSetCategoryBits(topbox, (uint)m_collisionCategories);
d.GeomSetCollideBits(topbox, (uint)m_collisionFlags);
d.GeomSetCategoryBits(midbox, (uint)m_collisionCategories);
d.GeomSetCollideBits(midbox, (uint)m_collisionFlags);
d.GeomSetCategoryBits(feetbox, (uint)m_collisionCategories);
d.GeomSetCollideBits(feetbox, (uint)m_collisionFlags);
uint cat1 = d.GeomGetCategoryBits(bbox);
uint col1 = d.GeomGetCollideBits(bbox);
private void AvatarGeomAndBodyCreation(float npositionX, float npositionY, float npositionZ)
@ -764,37 +700,14 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Physics.OdePlugin
float sy = m_size.Y;
float sz = m_size.Z;
float topsx = sx * 0.9f;
float midsx = sx;
float feetsx = sx * feetScale;
float bonesx = sx * 0.2f;
float bot = -sz * 0.5f + m_feetOffset;
boneOff = bot + 0.3f;
float topsy = sy * 0.4f;
float midsy = sy;
float feetsy = sy * feetScale * 0.8f;
float bonesy = feetsy * 0.2f;
float topsz = sz * 0.15f;
float feetsz = sz * 0.45f;
if (feetsz > 0.6f)
feetsz = 0.6f;
float midsz = sz - topsz - feetsz;
float bonesz = sz;
float bot = -sz * 0.5f + m_feetOffset;
boneOff = bot + 0.3f;
float feetz = bot + feetsz * 0.5f;
bot += feetsz;
feetOff = bot;
feetSZ = feetsz;
float midz = bot + midsz * 0.5f;
bot += midsz;
float topz = bot + topsz * 0.5f;
feetOff = bot + feetsz;
@ -805,9 +718,13 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Physics.OdePlugin
d.GeomSetCategoryBits(collider, (uint)m_collisionCategories);
d.GeomSetCollideBits(collider, (uint)m_collisionFlags);
feetbox = d.CreateBox(collider, feetsx, feetsy, feetsz);
midbox = d.CreateBox(collider, midsx, midsy, midsz);
topbox = d.CreateBox(collider, topsx, topsy, topsz);
float r = m_size.X;
if (m_size.Y > r)
r = m_size.Y;
float l = m_size.Z - r;
r *= 0.5f;
capsule = d.CreateCapsule(collider, r, l);
bbox = d.CreateBox(collider, m_size.X, m_size.Y, m_size.Z);
m_mass = m_density * m_size.X * m_size.Y * m_size.Z; // update mass
@ -820,12 +737,10 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Physics.OdePlugin
Body = d.BodyCreate(;
_zeroFlag = false;
m_collisionException = false;
m_pidControllerActive = true;
m_freemove = false;
_velocity = Vector3.Zero;
m_lastVelocitySqr = 0;
d.BodySetAutoDisableFlag(Body, false);
d.BodySetPosition(Body, npositionX, npositionY, npositionZ);
@ -835,17 +750,9 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Physics.OdePlugin
_position.Z = npositionZ;
d.BodySetMass(Body, ref ShellMass);
d.GeomSetBody(feetbox, Body);
d.GeomSetBody(midbox, Body);
d.GeomSetBody(topbox, Body);
d.GeomSetBody(bbox, Body);
d.GeomSetOffsetPosition(feetbox, 0, 0, feetz);
d.GeomSetOffsetPosition(midbox, 0, 0, midz);
d.GeomSetOffsetPosition(topbox, 0, 0, topz);
d.GeomSetBody(capsule, Body);
// The purpose of the AMotor here is to keep the avatar's physical
// surrogate from rotating while moving
@ -906,26 +813,12 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Physics.OdePlugin
//kill the Geoms
if (topbox != IntPtr.Zero)
if (capsule != IntPtr.Zero)
topbox = IntPtr.Zero;
if (midbox != IntPtr.Zero)
midbox = IntPtr.Zero;
if (feetbox != IntPtr.Zero)
feetbox = IntPtr.Zero;
capsule = IntPtr.Zero;
if (bbox != IntPtr.Zero)
@ -981,163 +874,21 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Physics.OdePlugin
public bool Collide(IntPtr me, bool reverse, ref d.ContactGeom contact, ref bool feetcollision)
feetcollision = false;
if (m_collisionException)
return false;
Vector3 offset;
if (me == bbox) // if moving fast
// force a full inelastic collision
m_collisionException = true;
offset = m_size * m_orientation2D;
offset.X = (float)Math.Abs(offset.X) * 0.5f + contact.depth;
offset.Y = (float)Math.Abs(offset.Y) * 0.5f + contact.depth;
offset.Z = (float)Math.Abs(offset.Z) * 0.5f + contact.depth;
if (reverse)
offset.X *= -contact.normal.X;
offset.Y *= -contact.normal.Y;
offset.Z *= -contact.normal.Z;
offset.X *= contact.normal.X;
offset.Y *= contact.normal.Y;
offset.Z *= contact.normal.Z;
offset.X += contact.pos.X;
offset.Y += contact.pos.Y;
offset.Z += contact.pos.Z;
//_position = offset;
//return false;
offset.X = contact.pos.X - _position.X;
offset.Y = contact.pos.Y - _position.Y;
if (me == topbox)
offset.Z = contact.pos.Z - _position.Z;
if (reverse)
contact.normal.X = offset.X;
contact.normal.Y = offset.Y;
contact.normal.Z = offset.Z;
contact.normal.X = -offset.X;
contact.normal.Y = -offset.Y;
contact.normal.Z = -offset.Z;
return true;
if (me == midbox)
if (Math.Abs(contact.normal.Z) > 0.95f)
offset.Z = contact.pos.Z - _position.Z;
offset.X = (float)Math.Abs(offset.X) * 0.5f + contact.depth;
offset.Y = (float)Math.Abs(offset.Y) * 0.5f + contact.depth;
offset.Z = (float)Math.Abs(offset.Z) * 0.5f + contact.depth;
if (reverse)
offset.X *= -contact.normal.X;
offset.Y *= -contact.normal.Y;
offset.Z *= -contact.normal.Z;
offset.X *= contact.normal.X;
offset.Y *= contact.normal.Y;
offset.Z *= contact.normal.Z;
offset.X += contact.pos.X;
offset.Y += contact.pos.Y;
offset.Z += contact.pos.Z;
_position = offset;
return true;
offset.Z = contact.normal.Z;
if (reverse)
contact.normal.X = offset.X;
contact.normal.Y = offset.Y;
contact.normal.Z = offset.Z;
contact.normal.X = -offset.X;
contact.normal.Y = -offset.Y;
contact.normal.Z = -offset.Z;
//_position.Z = offset.Z;
return true;
else if (me == feetbox)
if (me == capsule)
float h = contact.pos.Z - _position.Z;
// Only do this if the normal is sufficiently pointing in the 'up' direction
if (Math.Abs(contact.normal.Z) > 0.95f)
// We Only want to do this if we're sunk into the object a bit and we're stuck and we're trying to move and feetcollision is false
if ((contact.depth > 0.0010f && _velocity.X == 0f && _velocity.Y == 0 && _velocity.Z == 0)
&& (_target_velocity.X > 0 || _target_velocity.Y > 0 || _target_velocity.Z > 0)
&& (!feetcollision) )
m_collisionException = true; // Stop looping, do this only once not X times Contacts
_position.Z += contact.depth + 0.01f; // Move us Up the amount that we sank in, and add 0.01 meters to gently lift avatar up.
return true;
if (contact.normal.Z > 0)
contact.normal.Z = 1.0f;
contact.normal.Z = -1.0f;
contact.normal.X = 0.0f;
contact.normal.Y = 0.0f;
feetcollision = true;
if (h < boneOff)
IsColliding = true;
return true;
offset.Z = h - feetOff; // distance from top of feetbox
offset.Z = h - feetOff;
if (offset.Z > 0)
return false;
return true;
if (offset.Z > -0.01)
offset.X = 0;
offset.Y = 0;
offset.Z = -1.0f;
if (reverse)
@ -1171,23 +922,6 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Physics.OdePlugin
if (Body == IntPtr.Zero)
if (m_collisionException)
d.BodySetPosition(Body,_position.X, _position.Y, _position.Z);
d.BodySetLinearVel(Body, 0, 0, 0);
float v = _velocity.Length();
if (v != 0)
v = 5.0f / v;
_velocity = _velocity * v;
d.BodySetLinearVel(Body, _velocity.X, _velocity.Y, _velocity.Z);
m_collisionException = false;
d.Vector3 dtmp = d.BodyGetPosition(Body);
Vector3 localpos = new Vector3(dtmp.X, dtmp.Y, dtmp.Z);
@ -1263,7 +997,8 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Physics.OdePlugin
// colide with land
d.AABB aabb;
d.GeomGetAABB(feetbox, out aabb);
// d.GeomGetAABB(feetbox, out aabb);
d.GeomGetAABB(capsule, out aabb);
float chrminZ = aabb.MinZ; ; // move up a bit
Vector3 posch = localpos;
@ -1489,7 +1224,6 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Physics.OdePlugin
m_rotationalVelocity.Z = dtmp.Z;
public void round(ref Vector3 v, int digits)
@ -1655,10 +1389,11 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Physics.OdePlugin
AvatarGeomAndBodyCreation(_position.X, _position.Y, _position.Z);
_parent_scene.actor_name_map[collider] = (PhysicsActor)this;
_parent_scene.actor_name_map[feetbox] = (PhysicsActor)this;
_parent_scene.actor_name_map[midbox] = (PhysicsActor)this;
_parent_scene.actor_name_map[topbox] = (PhysicsActor)this;
// _parent_scene.actor_name_map[feetbox] = (PhysicsActor)this;
// _parent_scene.actor_name_map[midbox] = (PhysicsActor)this;
// _parent_scene.actor_name_map[topbox] = (PhysicsActor)this;
_parent_scene.actor_name_map[bbox] = (PhysicsActor)this;
_parent_scene.actor_name_map[capsule] = (PhysicsActor)this;
@ -1714,13 +1449,10 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Physics.OdePlugin
_parent_scene.actor_name_map[collider] = (PhysicsActor)this;
_parent_scene.actor_name_map[feetbox] = (PhysicsActor)this;
_parent_scene.actor_name_map[midbox] = (PhysicsActor)this;
_parent_scene.actor_name_map[topbox] = (PhysicsActor)this;
_parent_scene.actor_name_map[bbox] = (PhysicsActor)this;
_parent_scene.actor_name_map[capsule] = (PhysicsActor)this;
m_freemove = false;
m_collisionException = false;
m_pidControllerActive = true;
@ -1851,7 +1583,6 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Physics.OdePlugin
if (Body != IntPtr.Zero)
d.BodySetLinearVel(Body, newmomentum.X, newmomentum.Y, newmomentum.Z);
private void donullchange()