Changed the defaults, so that it behaves exactly is it has been behaving (no WebFetch cap by default).

Diva Canto 2011-05-02 20:19:36 -07:00
parent ac9697edbe
commit 98b84802e4
3 changed files with 65 additions and 40 deletions

View File

@ -239,6 +239,8 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.Framework
Uri uri = new Uri(kvp2.Value.ToString());
caps.AppendFormat(" {0} = {1}\n", kvp2.Key, uri.PathAndQuery);
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp3 in kvp.Value.ExternalCapsHandlers)
caps.AppendFormat(" {0} = {1}\n", kvp3.Key, kvp3.Value);

View File

@ -292,6 +292,20 @@
;; building's lights to possibly not be rendered.
; DisableFacelights = "false"
;; For the long list of capabilities, see OpenSimDefaults.ini
;; Here are the few ones you may want to change. Possible values
;; are:
;; "" -- empty, capability disabled
;; "localhost" -- capability enabled and served by the simulator
;; "<url>" -- capability enabled and served by some other server
; These are enabled by default to localhost. Change if you see fit.
Cap_GetTexture = "localhost"
Cap_GetMesh = "localhost"
; This is disabled by default. Change if you see fit. Note that
; serving this cap from the simulators may lead to poor performace.
Cap_WebFetchInventoryDescendents = ""
;# {whisper_distance} {} {Distance at which a whisper is heard, in meters?} {} 10

View File

@ -409,64 +409,73 @@
;DisableFacelights = "false"
Cap_AttachmentResources = "localhost"
Cap_AvatarPickerSearch = "localhost"
Cap_ChatSessionRequest = "localhost"
Cap_CopyInventoryFromNotecard = "localhost"
Cap_DispatchRegionInfo = "localhost"
Cap_EstateChangeInfo = "localhost"
;; Long list of capabilities taken from
;; Not all are supported by OpenSim. The ones supported are
;; set to localhost. These defaults can be overwritten
;; in OpenSim.ini
Cap_AttachmentResources = ""
Cap_AvatarPickerSearch = ""
Cap_ChatSessionRequest = ""
Cap_CopyInventoryFromNotecard = ""
Cap_DispatchRegionInfo = ""
Cap_EstateChangeInfo = ""
Cap_EventQueueGet = "localhost"
Cap_FetchInventory = "localhost"
Cap_FetchInventory = ""
Cap_ObjectMedia = "localhost"
Cap_ObjectMediaNavigate = "localhost"
Cap_FetchLib = "localhost"
Cap_FetchLibDescendents = "localhost"
Cap_GetDisplayNames = "localhost"
Cap_FetchLib = ""
Cap_FetchLibDescendents = ""
Cap_GetDisplayNames = ""
Cap_GetTexture = "localhost"
Cap_GetMesh = "localhost"
Cap_GetObjectCost = "localhost"
Cap_GetObjectPhysicsData = "localhost"
Cap_GroupProposalBallot = "localhost"
Cap_HomeLocation = "localhost"
Cap_LandResources = "localhost"
Cap_GetObjectCost = ""
Cap_GetObjectPhysicsData = ""
Cap_GroupProposalBallot = ""
Cap_HomeLocation = ""
Cap_LandResources = ""
Cap_MapLayer = "localhost"
Cap_MapLayerGod = "localhost"
Cap_NewFileAgentInventory = "localhost"
Cap_NewFileAgentInventoryVariablePrice = "localhost"
Cap_ObjectAdd = "localhost"
Cap_ParcelPropertiesUpdate = "localhost"
Cap_ParcelMediaURLFilterList = "localhost"
Cap_ParcelNavigateMedia = "localhost"
Cap_ParcelVoiceInfoRequest = "localhost"
Cap_ProductInfoRequest = "localhost"
Cap_ProvisionVoiceAccountRequest = "localhost"
Cap_ParcelMediaURLFilterList = ""
Cap_ParcelNavigateMedia = ""
Cap_ParcelVoiceInfoRequest = ""
Cap_ProductInfoRequest = ""
Cap_ProvisionVoiceAccountRequest = ""
Cap_RemoteParcelRequest = "localhost"
Cap_RequestTextureDownload = "localhost"
Cap_SearchStatRequest = "localhost"
Cap_SearchStatTracking = "localhost"
Cap_SendPostcard = "localhost"
Cap_SendUserReport = "localhost"
Cap_SendUserReportWithScreenshot = "localhost"
Cap_ServerReleaseNotes = "localhost"
Cap_SimConsole = "localhost"
Cap_SimulatorFeatures = "localhost"
Cap_SetDisplayName = "localhost"
Cap_StartGroupProposal = "localhost"
Cap_TextureStats = "localhost"
Cap_UntrustedSimulatorMessage = "localhost"
Cap_UpdateAgentInformation = "localhost"
Cap_UpdateAgentLanguage = "localhost"
Cap_UpdateGestureAgentInventory = "localhost"
Cap_RequestTextureDownload = ""
Cap_SearchStatRequest = ""
Cap_SearchStatTracking = ""
Cap_SendPostcard = ""
Cap_SendUserReport = ""
Cap_SendUserReportWithScreenshot = ""
Cap_ServerReleaseNotes = ""
Cap_SimConsole = ""
Cap_SimulatorFeatures = ""
Cap_SetDisplayName = ""
Cap_StartGroupProposal = ""
Cap_TextureStats = ""
Cap_UntrustedSimulatorMessage = ""
Cap_UpdateAgentInformation = ""
Cap_UpdateAgentLanguage = ""
Cap_UpdateGestureAgentInventory = ""
Cap_UpdateNotecardAgentInventory = "localhost"
Cap_UpdateScriptAgent = "localhost"
Cap_UpdateGestureTaskInventory = "localhost"
Cap_UpdateGestureTaskInventory = ""
Cap_UpdateNotecardTaskInventory = "localhost"
Cap_UpdateScriptTask = "localhost"
Cap_UploadBakedTexture = "localhost"
Cap_UploadObjectAsset = "localhost"
Cap_ViewerStartAuction = "localhost"
Cap_ViewerStats = "localhost"
Cap_WebFetchInventoryDescendents = "localhost"
Cap_ViewerStartAuction = ""
Cap_ViewerStats = ""
; This last one is supported by OpenSim, but may
; lead to poor sim performance if served by the simulators,
; so it is disabled by default.
Cap_WebFetchInventoryDescendents = ""
; Controls whether the chat module is enabled. Default is true.