Prevent the Viewer's threaded inventory retrieval causing a OOM and overload

the inventory server by serializing upstream requests.
Melanie 2009-09-02 05:04:24 +01:00
parent f32de6fe88
commit 994c5e2094
1 changed files with 48 additions and 38 deletions

View File

@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework.Capabilities
private Queue<string> m_capsEventQueue = new Queue<string>();
private bool m_dumpAssetsToFile;
private string m_regionName;
private object m_fetchLock = new Object();
public bool SSLCaps
@ -368,15 +369,21 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework.Capabilities
public string FetchInventoryDescendentsRequest(string request, string path, string param,OSHttpRequest httpRequest, OSHttpResponse httpResponse)
// m_log.Debug("[CAPS]: FetchInventoryDescendentsRequest in region: " + m_regionName + "request is "+request);
// nasty temporary hack here, the linden client falsely identifies the uuid 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 as a string which breaks us
// nasty temporary hack here, the linden client falsely
// identifies the uuid 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
// as a string which breaks us
// correctly mark it as a uuid
request = request.Replace("<string>00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000</string>", "<uuid>00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000</uuid>");
// another hack <integer>1</integer> results in a System.ArgumentException: Object type System.Int32 cannot be converted to target type: System.Boolean
// another hack <integer>1</integer> results in a
// System.ArgumentException: Object type System.Int32 cannot
// be converted to target type: System.Boolean
request = request.Replace("<key>fetch_folders</key><integer>0</integer>", "<key>fetch_folders</key><boolean>0</boolean>");
request = request.Replace("<key>fetch_folders</key><integer>1</integer>", "<key>fetch_folders</key><boolean>1</boolean>");
Hashtable hash = new Hashtable();
@ -391,46 +398,49 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework.Capabilities
ArrayList foldersrequested = (ArrayList)hash["folders"];
string response = "";
for (int i = 0; i < foldersrequested.Count; i++)
lock (m_fetchLock)
string inventoryitemstr = "";
Hashtable inventoryhash = (Hashtable)foldersrequested[i];
LLSDFetchInventoryDescendents llsdRequest = new LLSDFetchInventoryDescendents();
LLSDHelpers.DeserialiseOSDMap(inventoryhash, llsdRequest);
catch(Exception e)
for (int i = 0; i < foldersrequested.Count; i++)
m_log.Debug("[CAPS]: caught exception doing OSD deserialize" + e);
string inventoryitemstr = "";
Hashtable inventoryhash = (Hashtable)foldersrequested[i];
LLSDFetchInventoryDescendents llsdRequest = new LLSDFetchInventoryDescendents();
LLSDHelpers.DeserialiseOSDMap(inventoryhash, llsdRequest);
catch(Exception e)
m_log.Debug("[CAPS]: caught exception doing OSD deserialize" + e);
LLSDInventoryDescendents reply = FetchInventoryReply(llsdRequest);
inventoryitemstr = LLSDHelpers.SerialiseLLSDReply(reply);
inventoryitemstr = inventoryitemstr.Replace("<llsd><map><key>folders</key><array>", "");
inventoryitemstr = inventoryitemstr.Replace("</array></map></llsd>", "");
response += inventoryitemstr;
LLSDInventoryDescendents reply = FetchInventoryReply(llsdRequest);
inventoryitemstr = LLSDHelpers.SerialiseLLSDReply(reply);
inventoryitemstr = inventoryitemstr.Replace("<llsd><map><key>folders</key><array>", "");
inventoryitemstr = inventoryitemstr.Replace("</array></map></llsd>", "");
response += inventoryitemstr;
if (response.Length == 0)
// Ter-guess: If requests fail a lot, the client seems to stop requesting descendants.
// Therefore, I'm concluding that the client only has so many threads available to do requests
// and when a thread stalls.. is stays stalled.
// Therefore we need to return something valid
response = "<llsd><map><key>folders</key><array /></map></llsd>";
response = "<llsd><map><key>folders</key><array>" + response + "</array></map></llsd>";
//m_log.DebugFormat("[CAPS]: Replying to CAPS fetch inventory request with following xml");
//m_log.Debug("[CAPS] "+response);
if (response.Length == 0)
// Ter-guess: If requests fail a lot, the client seems to stop requesting descendants.
// Therefore, I'm concluding that the client only has so many threads available to do requests
// and when a thread stalls.. is stays stalled.
// Therefore we need to return something valid
response = "<llsd><map><key>folders</key><array /></map></llsd>";
response = "<llsd><map><key>folders</key><array>" + response + "</array></map></llsd>";
//m_log.DebugFormat("[CAPS]: Replying to CAPS fetch inventory request with following xml");
//m_log.Debug("[CAPS] "+response);
return response;