Created a client driven packet throttler. The sim now respects the client's network throttle settings but does sanity checks to avoid too little(nothing gets sent) or too much(the sim crashes) data.
* Consider this experimental.. however, it looks very promising.afrisby
@ -62,7 +62,9 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework
Cloud = 3,
Task = 4,
Texture = 5,
Asset = 6
Asset = 6,
Unknown = 7,
Back = 8
/// <summary>
@ -40,6 +40,17 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ClientStack
public partial class ClientView
protected BlockingQueue<QueItem> PacketQueue;
protected Queue<QueItem> IncomingPacketQueue;
protected Queue<QueItem> OutgoingPacketQueue;
protected Queue<QueItem> ResendOutgoingPacketQueue;
protected Queue<QueItem> LandOutgoingPacketQueue;
protected Queue<QueItem> WindOutgoingPacketQueue;
protected Queue<QueItem> CloudOutgoingPacketQueue;
protected Queue<QueItem> TaskOutgoingPacketQueue;
protected Queue<QueItem> TextureOutgoingPacketQueue;
protected Queue<QueItem> AssetOutgoingPacketQueue;
protected Dictionary<uint, uint> PendingAcks = new Dictionary<uint, uint>();
protected Dictionary<uint, Packet> NeedAck = new Dictionary<uint, Packet>();
@ -213,7 +224,39 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ClientStack
QueItem item = new QueItem();
item.Packet = NewPack;
item.Incoming = false;
item.throttleType = throttlePacketType; // Packet throttle type
switch (throttlePacketType)
case ThrottleOutPacketType.Resend:
case ThrottleOutPacketType.Texture:
case ThrottleOutPacketType.Task:
case ThrottleOutPacketType.Land:
case ThrottleOutPacketType.Asset:
case ThrottleOutPacketType.Cloud:
case ThrottleOutPacketType.Wind:
// Acknowledgements and other such stuff should go directly to the blocking Queue
// Throttling them may and likely 'will' be problematic
# region Low Level Packet Methods
@ -228,7 +271,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ClientStack
ack_it.Packets[0].ID = Pack.Header.Sequence;
ack_it.Header.Reliable = false;
OutPacket(ack_it, ThrottleOutPacketType.Task);
OutPacket(ack_it, ThrottleOutPacketType.Unknown);
if (Pack.Header.Reliable)
@ -289,7 +332,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ClientStack
acks.Header.Reliable = false;
OutPacket(acks, ThrottleOutPacketType.Task);
OutPacket(acks, ThrottleOutPacketType.Unknown);
@ -314,6 +357,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ClientStack
public Packet Packet;
public bool Incoming;
public ThrottleOutPacketType throttleType;
@ -781,12 +781,9 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ClientStack
#region unimplemented handlers
case PacketType.AgentThrottle:
//OpenSim.Framework.Console.MainLog.Instance.Verbose("CLIENT", "unhandled packet " + Pack.ToString());
OpenSim.Framework.Console.MainLog.Instance.Verbose("CLIENT", "unhandled packet " + Pack.ToString());
AgentThrottlePacket atpack = (AgentThrottlePacket)Pack;
@ -803,7 +800,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ClientStack
//Agent Throttle Block contains 7 single floatingpoint values.
int j = 0;
// Some Systems may be big endian...
// it might be smart to do this check more often...
if (!BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
@ -813,22 +810,22 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ClientStack
// values gotten from Thanks MW_
// bytes
// Convert to integer, since.. the full fp space isn't used.
tResend = (int)BitConverter.ToSingle(throttle, j);
tResend = (int)BitConverter.ToSingle(throttle, j);
j += singlefloat;
tLand = (int)BitConverter.ToSingle(throttle, j);
tLand = (int)BitConverter.ToSingle(throttle, j);
j += singlefloat;
tWind = (int)BitConverter.ToSingle(throttle, j);
tWind = (int)BitConverter.ToSingle(throttle, j);
j += singlefloat;
tCloud = (int)BitConverter.ToSingle(throttle, j);
tCloud = (int)BitConverter.ToSingle(throttle, j);
j += singlefloat;
tTask = (int)BitConverter.ToSingle(throttle, j);
tTask = (int)BitConverter.ToSingle(throttle, j);
j += singlefloat;
tTexture = (int)BitConverter.ToSingle(throttle, j);
tTexture = (int)BitConverter.ToSingle(throttle, j);
j += singlefloat;
tAsset = (int)BitConverter.ToSingle(throttle, j);
tall = tResend + tLand + tWind + tCloud + tTask + tTexture + tAsset;
OpenSim.Framework.Console.MainLog.Instance.Verbose("CLIENT", "unhandled packet AgentThrottle - Got throttle:resendbytes=" + tResend +
OpenSim.Framework.Console.MainLog.Instance.Verbose("CLIENT", "Client AgentThrottle - Got throttle:resendbytes=" + tResend +
" landbytes=" + tLand +
" windbytes=" + tWind +
" cloudbytes=" + tCloud +
@ -836,9 +833,233 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ClientStack
" texturebytes=" + tTexture +
" Assetbytes=" + tAsset +
" Allbytes=" + tall);
// Total Sanity
// Make sure that the client sent sane total values.
// If the client didn't send acceptable values....
// Scale the clients values down until they are acceptable.
if (tall <= throttleOutboundMax)
// Sanity
// Making sure the client sends sane values
// This gives us a measure of control of the comms
// Check Max of Type
// Then Check Min of type
// Resend throttle
if (tResend <= ResendthrottleMAX)
ResendthrottleOutbound = tResend;
if (tResend < ResendthrottleMin)
ResendthrottleOutbound = ResendthrottleMin;
// Land throttle
if (tLand <= LandthrottleMax)
LandthrottleOutbound = tLand;
if (tLand < LandthrottleMin)
LandthrottleOutbound = LandthrottleMin;
// Wind throttle
if (tWind <= WindthrottleMax)
WindthrottleOutbound = tWind;
if (tWind < WindthrottleMin)
WindthrottleOutbound = WindthrottleMin;
// Cloud throttle
if (tCloud <= CloudthrottleMax)
CloudthrottleOutbound = tCloud;
if (tCloud < CloudthrottleMin)
CloudthrottleOutbound = CloudthrottleMin;
// Task throttle
if (tTask <= TaskthrottleMax)
TaskthrottleOutbound = tTask;
if (tTask < TaskthrottleMin)
TaskthrottleOutbound = TaskthrottleMin;
// Texture throttle
if (tTexture <= TexturethrottleMax)
TexturethrottleOutbound = tTexture;
if (tTexture < TexturethrottleMin)
TexturethrottleOutbound = TexturethrottleMin;
//Asset throttle
if (tAsset <= AssetthrottleMax)
AssetthrottleOutbound = tAsset;
if (tAsset < AssetthrottleMin)
AssetthrottleOutbound = AssetthrottleMin;
OpenSim.Framework.Console.MainLog.Instance.Verbose("THROTTLE", "Using:resendbytes=" + ResendthrottleOutbound +
" landbytes=" + LandthrottleOutbound +
" windbytes=" + WindthrottleOutbound +
" cloudbytes=" + CloudthrottleOutbound +
" taskbytes=" + TaskthrottleOutbound +
" texturebytes=" + TexturethrottleOutbound +
" Assetbytes=" + AssetthrottleOutbound +
" Allbytes=" + tall);
// The client didn't send acceptable values..
// so it's our job now to turn them into acceptable values
// We're going to first scale the values down
// After that we're going to check if the scaled values are sane
// We're going to be dividing by a user value.. so make sure
// we don't get a divide by zero error.
if (tall > 0)
// Find out the percentage of all communications
// the client requests for each type. We'll keep resend at
// it's client recommended level (won't scale it down)
// unless it's beyond sane values itself.
if (tResend <= ResendthrottleMAX)
// This is nexted because we only want to re-set the values
// the packet throttler uses once.
if (tResend >= ResendthrottleMin)
ResendthrottleOutbound = tResend;
ResendthrottleOutbound = ResendthrottleMin;
ResendthrottleOutbound = ResendthrottleMAX;
// Getting Percentages of communication for each type of data
float LandPercent = (float)(tLand / tall);
float WindPercent = (float)(tWind / tall);
float CloudPercent = (float)(tCloud / tall);
float TaskPercent = (float)(tTask / tall);
float TexturePercent = (float)(tTexture / tall);
float AssetPercent = (float)(tAsset / tall);
// Okay.. now we've got the percentages of total communication.
// Apply them to a new max total
int tLandResult = (int)(LandPercent * throttleOutboundMax);
int tWindResult = (int)(WindPercent * throttleOutboundMax);
int tCloudResult = (int)(CloudPercent * throttleOutboundMax);
int tTaskResult = (int)(TaskPercent * throttleOutboundMax);
int tTextureResult = (int)(TexturePercent * throttleOutboundMax);
int tAssetResult = (int)(AssetPercent * throttleOutboundMax);
// Now we have to check our scaled values for sanity
// Check Max of Type
// Then Check Min of type
// Land throttle
if (tLandResult <= LandthrottleMax)
LandthrottleOutbound = tLandResult;
if (tLandResult < LandthrottleMin)
LandthrottleOutbound = LandthrottleMin;
// Wind throttle
if (tWindResult <= WindthrottleMax)
WindthrottleOutbound = tWindResult;
if (tWindResult < WindthrottleMin)
WindthrottleOutbound = WindthrottleMin;
// Cloud throttle
if (tCloudResult <= CloudthrottleMax)
CloudthrottleOutbound = tCloudResult;
if (tCloudResult < CloudthrottleMin)
CloudthrottleOutbound = CloudthrottleMin;
// Task throttle
if (tTaskResult <= TaskthrottleMax)
TaskthrottleOutbound = tTaskResult;
if (tTaskResult < TaskthrottleMin)
TaskthrottleOutbound = TaskthrottleMin;
// Texture throttle
if (tTextureResult <= TexturethrottleMax)
TexturethrottleOutbound = tTextureResult;
if (tTextureResult < TexturethrottleMin)
TexturethrottleOutbound = TexturethrottleMin;
//Asset throttle
if (tAssetResult <= AssetthrottleMax)
AssetthrottleOutbound = tAssetResult;
if (tAssetResult < AssetthrottleMin)
AssetthrottleOutbound = AssetthrottleMin;
OpenSim.Framework.Console.MainLog.Instance.Verbose("THROTTLE", "Using:resendbytes=" + ResendthrottleOutbound +
" landbytes=" + LandthrottleOutbound +
" windbytes=" + WindthrottleOutbound +
" cloudbytes=" + CloudthrottleOutbound +
" taskbytes=" + TaskthrottleOutbound +
" texturebytes=" + TexturethrottleOutbound +
" Assetbytes=" + AssetthrottleOutbound +
" Allbytes=" + tall);
// The client sent a stupid value..
// We're going to set the throttles to the minimum possible
ResendthrottleOutbound = ResendthrottleMin;
LandthrottleOutbound = LandthrottleMin;
WindthrottleOutbound = WindthrottleMin;
CloudthrottleOutbound = CloudthrottleMin;
TaskthrottleOutbound = TaskthrottleMin;
TexturethrottleOutbound = TexturethrottleMin;
AssetthrottleOutbound = AssetthrottleMin;
OpenSim.Framework.Console.MainLog.Instance.Verbose("THROTTLE", "ClientSentBadThrottle Using:resendbytes=" + ResendthrottleOutbound +
" landbytes=" + LandthrottleOutbound +
" windbytes=" + WindthrottleOutbound +
" cloudbytes=" + CloudthrottleOutbound +
" taskbytes=" + TaskthrottleOutbound +
" texturebytes=" + TexturethrottleOutbound +
" Assetbytes=" + AssetthrottleOutbound +
" Allbytes=" + tall);
// Reset Client Throttles
// This has the effect of 'wiggling the slider
// causes prim and stuck textures that didn't download to download
ResendthrottleSentPeriod = 0;
LandthrottleSentPeriod = 0;
WindthrottleSentPeriod = 0;
CloudthrottleSentPeriod = 0;
TaskthrottleSentPeriod = 0;
AssetthrottleSentPeriod = 0;
TexturethrottleSentPeriod = 0;
//Yay, we've finally handled the agent Throttle packet!
#region unimplemented handlers
case PacketType.StartPingCheck:
// Send the client the ping response back
// Pass the same PingID in the matching packet
@ -87,11 +87,53 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ClientStack
private int probesWithNoIngressPackets = 0;
private int lastPacketsReceived = 0;
private int throttleOutbound = 262144; // Number of bytes allowed to go out per second. (256kbps per client)
// 1536000
private int throttleOutboundMax = 1536000; // Number of bytes allowed to go out per second. (256kbps per client)
// TODO: Make this variable. Lower throttle on un-ack. Raise over time?
private int throttleSentPeriod = 0; // Number of bytes sent this period
private int throttleOutbound = 162144; // Number of bytes allowed to go out per second. (256kbps per client)
// TODO: Make this variable. Lower throttle on un-ack. Raise over time
// All throttle times and number of bytes are calculated by dividing by this value
private int throttleTimeDivisor = 5;
private int throttletimems = 1000;
// Maximum -per type- throttle
private int ResendthrottleMAX = 100000;
private int LandthrottleMax = 100000;
private int WindthrottleMax = 100000;
private int CloudthrottleMax = 100000;
private int TaskthrottleMax = 800000;
private int AssetthrottleMax = 800000;
private int TexturethrottleMax = 800000;
// Minimum -per type- throttle
private int ResendthrottleMin = 5000; // setting resendmin to 0 results in mostly dropped packets
private int LandthrottleMin = 1000;
private int WindthrottleMin = 1000;
private int CloudthrottleMin = 1000;
private int TaskthrottleMin = 1000;
private int AssetthrottleMin = 1000;
private int TexturethrottleMin = 1000;
// Sim default per-client settings.
private int ResendthrottleOutbound = 50000;
private int ResendthrottleSentPeriod = 0;
private int LandthrottleOutbound = 100000;
private int LandthrottleSentPeriod = 0;
private int WindthrottleOutbound = 10000;
private int WindthrottleSentPeriod = 0;
private int CloudthrottleOutbound = 5000;
private int CloudthrottleSentPeriod = 0;
private int TaskthrottleOutbound = 100000;
private int TaskthrottleSentPeriod = 0;
private int AssetthrottleOutbound = 80000;
private int AssetthrottleSentPeriod = 0;
private int TexturethrottleOutbound = 100000;
private int TexturethrottleSentPeriod = 0;
private Timer throttleTimer;
public ClientView(EndPoint remoteEP, UseCircuitCodePacket initialcirpack, ClientManager clientManager,
@ -114,14 +156,31 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ClientStack
startpos = m_authenticateSessionsHandler.GetPosition(initialcirpack.CircuitCode.Code);
// While working on this, the BlockingQueue had me fooled for a bit.
// The Blocking queue causes the thread to stop until there's something
// in it to process. it's an on-purpose threadlock though because
// without it, the clientloop will suck up all sim resources.
PacketQueue = new BlockingQueue<QueItem>();
IncomingPacketQueue = new Queue<QueItem>();
OutgoingPacketQueue = new Queue<QueItem>();
ResendOutgoingPacketQueue = new Queue<QueItem>();
LandOutgoingPacketQueue = new Queue<QueItem>();
WindOutgoingPacketQueue = new Queue<QueItem>();
CloudOutgoingPacketQueue = new Queue<QueItem>();
TaskOutgoingPacketQueue = new Queue<QueItem>();
TextureOutgoingPacketQueue = new Queue<QueItem>();
AssetOutgoingPacketQueue = new Queue<QueItem>();
//this.UploadAssets = new AgentAssetUpload(this, m_assetCache, m_inventoryCache);
AckTimer = new Timer(750);
AckTimer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(AckTimer_Elapsed);
throttleTimer = new Timer(1000);
throttleTimer = new Timer((int)(throttletimems/throttleTimeDivisor));
throttleTimer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(throttleTimer_Elapsed);
@ -133,8 +192,97 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ClientStack
void throttleTimer_Elapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
throttleSentPeriod = 0;
ResendthrottleSentPeriod = 0;
LandthrottleSentPeriod = 0;
WindthrottleSentPeriod = 0;
CloudthrottleSentPeriod = 0;
TaskthrottleSentPeriod = 0;
AssetthrottleSentPeriod = 0;
TexturethrottleSentPeriod = 0;
// I was considering this.. Will an event fire if the thread it's on is blocked?
// Then I figured out.. it doesn't really matter.. because this thread won't be blocked for long
// The General overhead of the UDP protocol gets sent to the queue un-throttled by this
// so This'll pick up about around the right time.
int MaxThrottleLoops = 5550; // 50*7 packets can be dequeued at once.
int throttleLoops = 0;
// We're going to dequeue all of the saved up packets until
// we've hit the throttle limit or there's no more packets to send
while ((throttleSentPeriod <= ((int)(throttleOutbound/throttleTimeDivisor)) &&
(ResendOutgoingPacketQueue.Count > 0 ||
LandOutgoingPacketQueue.Count > 0 ||
WindOutgoingPacketQueue.Count > 0 ||
CloudOutgoingPacketQueue.Count > 0 ||
TaskOutgoingPacketQueue.Count > 0 ||
AssetOutgoingPacketQueue.Count > 0 ||
TextureOutgoingPacketQueue.Count > 0)) && throttleLoops <= MaxThrottleLoops)
//Now comes the fun part.. we dump all our elements into PacketQueue that we've saved up.
if (ResendthrottleSentPeriod <= ((int)(ResendthrottleOutbound/throttleTimeDivisor)) && ResendOutgoingPacketQueue.Count > 0)
QueItem qpack = ResendOutgoingPacketQueue.Dequeue();
throttleSentPeriod += qpack.Packet.ToBytes().Length;
ResendthrottleSentPeriod += qpack.Packet.ToBytes().Length;
if (LandthrottleSentPeriod <= ((int)(LandthrottleOutbound/throttleTimeDivisor)) && LandOutgoingPacketQueue.Count > 0)
QueItem qpack = LandOutgoingPacketQueue.Dequeue();
throttleSentPeriod += qpack.Packet.ToBytes().Length;
LandthrottleSentPeriod += qpack.Packet.ToBytes().Length;
if (WindthrottleSentPeriod <= ((int)(WindthrottleOutbound/throttleTimeDivisor)) && WindOutgoingPacketQueue.Count > 0)
QueItem qpack = WindOutgoingPacketQueue.Dequeue();
throttleSentPeriod += qpack.Packet.ToBytes().Length;
WindthrottleSentPeriod += qpack.Packet.ToBytes().Length;
if (CloudthrottleSentPeriod <= ((int)(CloudthrottleOutbound/throttleTimeDivisor)) && CloudOutgoingPacketQueue.Count > 0)
QueItem qpack = CloudOutgoingPacketQueue.Dequeue();
throttleSentPeriod += qpack.Packet.ToBytes().Length;
CloudthrottleSentPeriod += qpack.Packet.ToBytes().Length;
if (TaskthrottleSentPeriod <= ((int)(TaskthrottleOutbound/throttleTimeDivisor)) && TaskOutgoingPacketQueue.Count > 0)
QueItem qpack = TaskOutgoingPacketQueue.Dequeue();
throttleSentPeriod += qpack.Packet.ToBytes().Length;
TaskthrottleSentPeriod += qpack.Packet.ToBytes().Length;
if (TexturethrottleSentPeriod <= ((int)(TexturethrottleOutbound/throttleTimeDivisor)) && TextureOutgoingPacketQueue.Count > 0)
QueItem qpack = TextureOutgoingPacketQueue.Dequeue();
throttleSentPeriod += qpack.Packet.ToBytes().Length;
TexturethrottleSentPeriod += qpack.Packet.ToBytes().Length;
if (AssetthrottleSentPeriod <= ((int)(AssetthrottleOutbound/throttleTimeDivisor)) && AssetOutgoingPacketQueue.Count > 0)
QueItem qpack = AssetOutgoingPacketQueue.Dequeue();
throttleSentPeriod += qpack.Packet.ToBytes().Length;
AssetthrottleSentPeriod += qpack.Packet.ToBytes().Length;
public LLUUID SessionId
@ -277,7 +425,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ClientStack
// Throw it back on the queue if it's going to cause us to flood the client
if (throttleSentPeriod > throttleOutbound)
if (throttleSentPeriod > throttleOutboundMax)
MainLog.Instance.Verbose("Client over throttle limit, requeuing packet");
Reference in New Issue