Bugfixes in LSL compiler. Changed most datatypes to int (instead of UInt32) and double (instead of float).
@ -40,6 +40,13 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler.LSL
// DEBUG - write source to disk
File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine("ScriptEngines", "debug_" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(LSOFileName) + ".cs"), CS_Code);
catch { }
// Do actual compile
System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters parameters = new CompilerParameters();
parameters.IncludeDebugInformation = true;
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler.LSL
DataTypes.Add("void", "void");
DataTypes.Add("integer", "int");
DataTypes.Add("float", "float");
DataTypes.Add("float", "double");
DataTypes.Add("string", "string");
DataTypes.Add("key", "string");
DataTypes.Add("vector", "Axiom.Math.Vector3");
@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler.LSL
C = Script.Substring(p, 1);
while (true)
// found " and last was not \ so this is not an escaped \"
if (C == "\"" && last_was_escape == false)
// Toggle inside/outside quote
@ -68,12 +69,18 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler.LSL
if (quote == "")
// We didn't replace quote, probably because of empty string?
_Script += quote_replacement_string + quote_replaced_count.ToString().PadLeft(5, "0".ToCharArray()[0]);
// We just left a quote
QUOTES.Add(quote_replacement_string + quote_replaced_count.ToString().PadLeft(5, "0".ToCharArray()[0]), quote);
quote = "";
if (!in_quote)
// We are not inside a quote
@ -20,23 +20,23 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler.LSL
//These are the implementations of the various ll-functions used by the LSL scripts.
//These are the implementations of the various ll-functions used by the LSL scripts.
//starting out, we use the System.Math library for trig functions. - CFK 8-14-07
public float llSin(float f) { return (float)Math.Sin(f); }
public float llCos(float f) { return (float)Math.Cos(f); }
public float llTan(float f) { return (float)Math.Tan(f); }
public float llAtan2(float x, float y) { return (float)Math.Atan2(y, x); }
public float llSqrt(float f) { return (float)Math.Sqrt(f); }
public float llPow(float fbase, float fexponent) { return (float)Math.Pow(fbase, fexponent); }
public Int32 llAbs(Int32 i) { return (Int32)Math.Abs(i); }
public float llFabs(float f) { return (float)Math.Abs(f); }
public float llFrand(float mag) { return 0; }
public Int32 llFloor(float f) { return (Int32)Math.Floor(f); }
public Int32 llCeil(float f) { return (Int32)Math.Ceiling(f); }
public Int32 llRound(float f) { return (Int32)Math.Round(f, 1); }
public float llVecMag(Axiom.Math.Vector3 v) { return 0; }
public double llSin(double f) { return (double)Math.Sin(f); }
public double llCos(double f) { return (double)Math.Cos(f); }
public double llTan(double f) { return (double)Math.Tan(f); }
public double llAtan2(double x, double y) { return (double)Math.Atan2(y, x); }
public double llSqrt(double f) { return (double)Math.Sqrt(f); }
public double llPow(double fbase, double fexponent) { return (double)Math.Pow(fbase, fexponent); }
public int llAbs(int i) { return (int)Math.Abs(i); }
public double llFabs(double f) { return (double)Math.Abs(f); }
public double llFrand(double mag) { return 0; }
public int llFloor(double f) { return (int)Math.Floor(f); }
public int llCeil(double f) { return (int)Math.Ceiling(f); }
public int llRound(double f) { return (int)Math.Round(f, 1); }
public double llVecMag(Axiom.Math.Vector3 v) { return 0; }
public Axiom.Math.Vector3 llVecNorm(Axiom.Math.Vector3 v) { return new Axiom.Math.Vector3(); }
public float llVecDist(Axiom.Math.Vector3 a, Axiom.Math.Vector3 b) { return 0; }
public double llVecDist(Axiom.Math.Vector3 a, Axiom.Math.Vector3 b) { return 0; }
public Axiom.Math.Vector3 llRot2Euler(Axiom.Math.Quaternion r) { return new Axiom.Math.Vector3(); }
public Axiom.Math.Quaternion llEuler2Rot(Axiom.Math.Vector3 v) { return new Axiom.Math.Quaternion(); }
public Axiom.Math.Quaternion llAxes2Rot(Axiom.Math.Vector3 fwd, Axiom.Math.Vector3 left, Axiom.Math.Vector3 up) { return new Axiom.Math.Quaternion(); }
@ -52,54 +52,55 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler.LSL
//World.SimChat(enc.GetBytes(text), 0, World.Objects[World.ConvertLocalIDToFullID(MY_OBJECT_ID)], MY_OBJECT_NAME, World.Objects[World.ConvertLocalIDToFullID(MY_OBJECT_ID)]);
//public void llSay(UInt32 channelID, string text)
//public void llSay(int channelID, string text)
public void llSay(int channelID, string text)
//Common.SendToDebug("INTERNAL FUNCTION llSay(" + (UInt32)channelID + ", \"" + (string)text + "\");");
//Common.SendToDebug("INTERNAL FUNCTION llSay(" + (int)channelID + ", \"" + (string)text + "\");");
Console.WriteLine("llSay Channel " + channelID + ", Text: \"" + text + "\"");
//type for say is 1
//World.SimChat(enc.GetBytes(text), 1, World.Objects[World.ConvertLocalIDToFullID(MY_OBJECT_ID)], MY_OBJECT_NAME, World.Objects[World.ConvertLocalIDToFullID(MY_OBJECT_ID)]);
public void llShout(UInt16 channelID, string text) {
public void llShout(int channelID, string text)
Console.WriteLine("llShout Channel " + channelID + ", Text: \"" + text + "\"");
//type for shout is 2
//World.SimChat(enc.GetBytes(text), 2, World.Objects[World.ConvertLocalIDToFullID(MY_OBJECT_ID)], MY_OBJECT_NAME, World.Objects[World.ConvertLocalIDToFullID(MY_OBJECT_ID)]);
public UInt32 llListen(UInt16 channelID, string name, string ID, string msg) { return 0; }
public void llListenControl(UInt32 number, UInt32 active) { return; }
public void llListenRemove(UInt32 number) { return; }
public void llSensor(string name, string id, UInt32 type, float range, float arc) { return; }
public void llSensorRepeat(string name, string id, UInt32 type, float range, float arc, float rate) { return; }
public int llListen(int channelID, string name, string ID, string msg) { return 0; }
public void llListenControl(int number, int active) { return; }
public void llListenRemove(int number) { return; }
public void llSensor(string name, string id, int type, double range, double arc) { return; }
public void llSensorRepeat(string name, string id, int type, double range, double arc, double rate) { return; }
public void llSensorRemove() { return; }
public string llDetectedName(UInt32 number) { return ""; }
public string llDetectedKey(UInt32 number) { return ""; }
public string llDetectedOwner(UInt32 number) { return ""; }
public UInt32 llDetectedType(UInt32 number) { return 0; }
public Axiom.Math.Vector3 llDetectedPos(UInt32 number) { return new Axiom.Math.Vector3(); }
public Axiom.Math.Vector3 llDetectedVel(UInt32 number) { return new Axiom.Math.Vector3(); }
public Axiom.Math.Vector3 llDetectedGrab(UInt32 number) { return new Axiom.Math.Vector3(); }
public Axiom.Math.Quaternion llDetectedRot(UInt32 number) { return new Axiom.Math.Quaternion(); }
public UInt32 llDetectedGroup(UInt32 number) { return 0; }
public UInt32 llDetectedLinkNumber(UInt32 number) { return 0; }
public string llDetectedName(int number) { return ""; }
public string llDetectedKey(int number) { return ""; }
public string llDetectedOwner(int number) { return ""; }
public int llDetectedType(int number) { return 0; }
public Axiom.Math.Vector3 llDetectedPos(int number) { return new Axiom.Math.Vector3(); }
public Axiom.Math.Vector3 llDetectedVel(int number) { return new Axiom.Math.Vector3(); }
public Axiom.Math.Vector3 llDetectedGrab(int number) { return new Axiom.Math.Vector3(); }
public Axiom.Math.Quaternion llDetectedRot(int number) { return new Axiom.Math.Quaternion(); }
public int llDetectedGroup(int number) { return 0; }
public int llDetectedLinkNumber(int number) { return 0; }
public void llDie() { return; }
public float llGround(Axiom.Math.Vector3 offset) { return 0; }
public float llCloud(Axiom.Math.Vector3 offset) { return 0; }
public double llGround(Axiom.Math.Vector3 offset) { return 0; }
public double llCloud(Axiom.Math.Vector3 offset) { return 0; }
public Axiom.Math.Vector3 llWind(Axiom.Math.Vector3 offset) { return new Axiom.Math.Vector3(); }
public void llSetStatus(UInt32 status, UInt32 value) { return; }
public UInt32 llGetStatus(UInt32 status) { return 0; }
public void llSetStatus(int status, int value) { return; }
public int llGetStatus(int status) { return 0; }
public void llSetScale(Axiom.Math.Vector3 scale) { return; }
public Axiom.Math.Vector3 llGetScale() { return new Axiom.Math.Vector3(); }
public void llSetColor(Axiom.Math.Vector3 color, UInt32 face) { return; }
public float llGetAlpha(UInt32 face) { return 0; }
public void llSetAlpha(float alpha, UInt32 face) { return; }
public Axiom.Math.Vector3 llGetColor(UInt32 face) { return new Axiom.Math.Vector3(); }
public void llSetTexture(string texture, UInt32 face) { return; }
public void llScaleTexture(float u, float v, UInt32 face) { return; }
public void llOffsetTexture(float u, float v, UInt32 face) { return; }
public void llRotateTexture(float rotation, UInt32 face) { return; }
public string llGetTexture(UInt32 face) { return ""; }
public void llSetColor(Axiom.Math.Vector3 color, int face) { return; }
public double llGetAlpha(int face) { return 0; }
public void llSetAlpha(double alpha, int face) { return; }
public Axiom.Math.Vector3 llGetColor(int face) { return new Axiom.Math.Vector3(); }
public void llSetTexture(string texture, int face) { return; }
public void llScaleTexture(double u, double v, int face) { return; }
public void llOffsetTexture(double u, double v, int face) { return; }
public void llRotateTexture(double rotation, int face) { return; }
public string llGetTexture(int face) { return ""; }
public void llSetPos(Axiom.Math.Vector3 pos) { return; }
@ -108,56 +109,56 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler.LSL
public void llSetRot(Axiom.Math.Quaternion rot) { }
public Axiom.Math.Quaternion llGetRot() { return new Axiom.Math.Quaternion(); }
public Axiom.Math.Quaternion llGetLocalRot() { return new Axiom.Math.Quaternion(); }
public void llSetForce(Axiom.Math.Vector3 force, Int32 local) { }
public void llSetForce(Axiom.Math.Vector3 force, int local) { }
public Axiom.Math.Vector3 llGetForce() { return new Axiom.Math.Vector3(); }
public Int32 llTarget(Axiom.Math.Vector3 position, float range) { return 0; }
public void llTargetRemove(Int32 number) { }
public Int32 llRotTarget(Axiom.Math.Quaternion rot, float error) { return 0; }
public void llRotTargetRemove(Int32 number) { }
public void llMoveToTarget(Axiom.Math.Vector3 target, float tau) { }
public int llTarget(Axiom.Math.Vector3 position, double range) { return 0; }
public void llTargetRemove(int number) { }
public int llRotTarget(Axiom.Math.Quaternion rot, double error) { return 0; }
public void llRotTargetRemove(int number) { }
public void llMoveToTarget(Axiom.Math.Vector3 target, double tau) { }
public void llStopMoveToTarget() { }
public void llApplyImpulse(Axiom.Math.Vector3 force, Int32 local) { }
public void llApplyRotationalImpulse(Axiom.Math.Vector3 force, Int32 local) { }
public void llSetTorque(Axiom.Math.Vector3 torque, Int32 local) { }
public void llApplyImpulse(Axiom.Math.Vector3 force, int local) { }
public void llApplyRotationalImpulse(Axiom.Math.Vector3 force, int local) { }
public void llSetTorque(Axiom.Math.Vector3 torque, int local) { }
public Axiom.Math.Vector3 llGetTorque() { return new Axiom.Math.Vector3(); }
public void llSetForceAndTorque(Axiom.Math.Vector3 force, Axiom.Math.Vector3 torque, Int32 local) { }
public void llSetForceAndTorque(Axiom.Math.Vector3 force, Axiom.Math.Vector3 torque, int local) { }
public Axiom.Math.Vector3 llGetVel() { return new Axiom.Math.Vector3(); }
public Axiom.Math.Vector3 llGetAccel() { return new Axiom.Math.Vector3(); }
public Axiom.Math.Vector3 llGetOmega() { return new Axiom.Math.Vector3(); }
public float llGetTimeOfDay() { return 0; }
public float llGetWallclock() { return 0; }
public float llGetTime() { return 0; }
public double llGetTimeOfDay() { return 0; }
public double llGetWallclock() { return 0; }
public double llGetTime() { return 0; }
public void llResetTime() { }
public float llGetAndResetTime() { return 0; }
public double llGetAndResetTime() { return 0; }
public void llSound() { }
public void llPlaySound(string sound, float volume) { }
public void llLoopSound(string sound, float volume) { }
public void llLoopSoundMaster(string sound, float volume) { }
public void llLoopSoundSlave(string sound, float volume) { }
public void llPlaySoundSlave(string sound, float volume) { }
public void llTriggerSound(string sound, float volume) { }
public void llPlaySound(string sound, double volume) { }
public void llLoopSound(string sound, double volume) { }
public void llLoopSoundMaster(string sound, double volume) { }
public void llLoopSoundSlave(string sound, double volume) { }
public void llPlaySoundSlave(string sound, double volume) { }
public void llTriggerSound(string sound, double volume) { }
public void llStopSound() { }
public void llPreloadSound(string sound) { }
public void llGetSubString(string src, Int32 start, Int32 end) { }
public string llDeleteSubString(string src, Int32 start, Int32 end) { return ""; }
public void llInsertString(string dst, Int32 position, string src) { }
public void llGetSubString(string src, int start, int end) { }
public string llDeleteSubString(string src, int start, int end) { return ""; }
public void llInsertString(string dst, int position, string src) { }
public string llToUpper(string source) { return ""; }
public string llToLower(string source) { return ""; }
public Int32 llGiveMoney(string destination, Int32 amount) { return 0; }
public int llGiveMoney(string destination, int amount) { return 0; }
public void llMakeExplosion() { }
public void llMakeFountain() { }
public void llMakeSmoke() { }
public void llMakeFire() { }
public void llRezObject(string inventory, Axiom.Math.Vector3 pos, Axiom.Math.Quaternion rot, Int32 param) { }
public void llLookAt(Axiom.Math.Vector3 target, float strength, float damping) { }
public void llRezObject(string inventory, Axiom.Math.Vector3 pos, Axiom.Math.Quaternion rot, int param) { }
public void llLookAt(Axiom.Math.Vector3 target, double strength, double damping) { }
public void llStopLookAt() { }
public void llSetTimerEvent(float sec) { }
public void llSleep(float sec) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep((int)(sec * 1000)); }
public float llGetMass() { return 0; }
public void llCollisionFilter(string name, string id, Int32 accept) { }
public void llTakeControls(Int32 controls, Int32 accept, Int32 pass_on) { }
public void llSetTimerEvent(double sec) { }
public void llSleep(double sec) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep((int)(sec * 1000)); }
public double llGetMass() { return 0; }
public void llCollisionFilter(string name, string id, int accept) { }
public void llTakeControls(int controls, int accept, int pass_on) { }
public void llReleaseControls() { }
public void llAttachToAvatar(Int32 attachment) { }
public void llAttachToAvatar(int attachment) { }
public void llDetachFromAvatar() { }
public void llTakeCamera() { }
public void llReleaseCamera() { }
@ -166,135 +167,135 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler.LSL
public void llEmail(string address, string subject, string message) { }
public void llGetNextEmail(string address, string subject) { }
public string llGetKey() { return ""; }
public void llSetBuoyancy(float buoyancy) { }
public void llSetHoverHeight(float height, Int32 water, float tau) { }
public void llSetBuoyancy(double buoyancy) { }
public void llSetHoverHeight(double height, int water, double tau) { }
public void llStopHover() { }
public void llMinEventDelay(float delay) { }
public void llMinEventDelay(double delay) { }
public void llSoundPreload() { }
public void llRotLookAt(Axiom.Math.Quaternion target, float strength, float damping) { }
public Int32 llStringLength(string str) { return 0; }
public void llRotLookAt(Axiom.Math.Quaternion target, double strength, double damping) { }
public int llStringLength(string str) { return 0; }
public void llStartAnimation(string anim) { }
public void llStopAnimation(string anim) { }
public void llPointAt() { }
public void llStopPointAt() { }
public void llTargetOmega(Axiom.Math.Vector3 axis, float spinrate, float gain) { }
public Int32 llGetStartParameter() { return 0; }
public void llTargetOmega(Axiom.Math.Vector3 axis, double spinrate, double gain) { }
public int llGetStartParameter() { return 0; }
public void llGodLikeRezObject(string inventory, Axiom.Math.Vector3 pos) { }
public void llRequestPermissions(string agent, Int32 perm) { }
public void llRequestPermissions(string agent, int perm) { }
public string llGetPermissionsKey() { return ""; }
public Int32 llGetPermissions() { return 0; }
public Int32 llGetLinkNumber() { return 0; }
public void llSetLinkColor(Int32 linknumber, Axiom.Math.Vector3 color, Int32 face) { }
public void llCreateLink(string target, Int32 parent) { }
public void llBreakLink(Int32 linknum) { }
public int llGetPermissions() { return 0; }
public int llGetLinkNumber() { return 0; }
public void llSetLinkColor(int linknumber, Axiom.Math.Vector3 color, int face) { }
public void llCreateLink(string target, int parent) { }
public void llBreakLink(int linknum) { }
public void llBreakAllLinks() { }
public string llGetLinkKey(Int32 linknum) { return ""; }
public void llGetLinkName(Int32 linknum) { }
public Int32 llGetInventoryNumber(Int32 type) { return 0; }
public string llGetInventoryName(Int32 type, Int32 number) { return ""; }
public void llSetScriptState(string name, Int32 run) { }
public float llGetEnergy() { return 1.0f; }
public string llGetLinkKey(int linknum) { return ""; }
public void llGetLinkName(int linknum) { }
public int llGetInventoryNumber(int type) { return 0; }
public string llGetInventoryName(int type, int number) { return ""; }
public void llSetScriptState(string name, int run) { }
public double llGetEnergy() { return 1.0f; }
public void llGiveInventory(string destination, string inventory) { }
public void llRemoveInventory(string item) { }
public void llSetText(string text, Axiom.Math.Vector3 color, float alpha) { }
public float llWater(Axiom.Math.Vector3 offset) { return 0; }
public void llPassTouches(Int32 pass) { }
public string llRequestAgentData(string id, Int32 data) { return ""; }
public void llSetText(string text, Axiom.Math.Vector3 color, double alpha) { }
public double llWater(Axiom.Math.Vector3 offset) { return 0; }
public void llPassTouches(int pass) { }
public string llRequestAgentData(string id, int data) { return ""; }
public string llRequestInventoryData(string name) { return ""; }
public void llSetDamage(float damage) { }
public void llSetDamage(double damage) { }
public void llTeleportAgentHome(string agent) { }
public void llModifyLand(Int32 action, Int32 brush) { }
public void llCollisionSound(string impact_sound, float impact_volume) { }
public void llModifyLand(int action, int brush) { }
public void llCollisionSound(string impact_sound, double impact_volume) { }
public void llCollisionSprite(string impact_sprite) { }
public string llGetAnimation(string id) { return ""; }
public void llResetScript() { }
public void llMessageLinked(Int32 linknum, Int32 num, string str, string id) { }
public void llPushObject(string target, Axiom.Math.Vector3 impulse, Axiom.Math.Vector3 ang_impulse, Int32 local) { }
public void llPassCollisions(Int32 pass) { }
public void llMessageLinked(int linknum, int num, string str, string id) { }
public void llPushObject(string target, Axiom.Math.Vector3 impulse, Axiom.Math.Vector3 ang_impulse, int local) { }
public void llPassCollisions(int pass) { }
public string llGetScriptName() { return ""; }
public Int32 llGetNumberOfSides() { return 0; }
public Axiom.Math.Quaternion llAxisAngle2Rot(Axiom.Math.Vector3 axis, float angle) { return new Axiom.Math.Quaternion(); }
public int llGetNumberOfSides() { return 0; }
public Axiom.Math.Quaternion llAxisAngle2Rot(Axiom.Math.Vector3 axis, double angle) { return new Axiom.Math.Quaternion(); }
public Axiom.Math.Vector3 llRot2Axis(Axiom.Math.Quaternion rot) { return new Axiom.Math.Vector3(); }
public void llRot2Angle() { }
public float llAcos(float val) { return (float)Math.Acos(val); }
public float llAsin(float val) { return (float)Math.Asin(val); }
public float llAngleBetween(Axiom.Math.Quaternion a, Axiom.Math.Quaternion b) { return 0; }
public double llAcos(double val) { return (double)Math.Acos(val); }
public double llAsin(double val) { return (double)Math.Asin(val); }
public double llAngleBetween(Axiom.Math.Quaternion a, Axiom.Math.Quaternion b) { return 0; }
public string llGetInventoryKey(string name) { return ""; }
public void llAllowInventoryDrop(Int32 add) { }
public void llAllowInventoryDrop(int add) { }
public Axiom.Math.Vector3 llGetSunDirection() { return new Axiom.Math.Vector3(); }
public Axiom.Math.Vector3 llGetTextureOffset(Int32 face) { return new Axiom.Math.Vector3(); }
public Axiom.Math.Vector3 llGetTextureScale(Int32 side) { return new Axiom.Math.Vector3(); }
public float llGetTextureRot(Int32 side) { return 0; }
public Int32 llSubStringIndex(string source, string pattern) { return 0; }
public Axiom.Math.Vector3 llGetTextureOffset(int face) { return new Axiom.Math.Vector3(); }
public Axiom.Math.Vector3 llGetTextureScale(int side) { return new Axiom.Math.Vector3(); }
public double llGetTextureRot(int side) { return 0; }
public int llSubStringIndex(string source, string pattern) { return 0; }
public string llGetOwnerKey(string id) { return ""; }
public Axiom.Math.Vector3 llGetCenterOfMass() { return new Axiom.Math.Vector3(); }
public List<string> llListSort(List<string> src, Int32 stride, Int32 ascending)
{ return new List<string>(); }
public Int32 llGetListLength(List<string> src) { return 0; }
public Int32 llList2Integer(List<string> src, Int32 index) { return 0;}
public float llList2Float(List<string> src, Int32 index) { return 0; }
public string llList2String(List<string> src, Int32 index) { return ""; }
public string llList2Key(List<string> src, Int32 index) { return ""; }
public Axiom.Math.Vector3 llList2Vector(List<string> src, Int32 index)
{ return new Axiom.Math.Vector3(); }
public Axiom.Math.Quaternion llList2Rot(List<string> src, Int32 index)
{ return new Axiom.Math.Quaternion(); }
public List<string> llList2List(List<string> src, Int32 start, Int32 end)
{ return new List<string>(); }
public List<string> llDeleteSubList(List<string> src, Int32 start, Int32 end)
{ return new List<string>(); }
public Int32 llGetListEntryType(List<string> src, Int32 index) { return 0; }
public List<string> llListSort(List<string> src, int stride, int ascending)
{ return new List<string>(); }
public int llGetListLength(List<string> src) { return 0; }
public int llList2Integer(List<string> src, int index) { return 0; }
public double llList2double(List<string> src, int index) { return 0; }
public string llList2String(List<string> src, int index) { return ""; }
public string llList2Key(List<string> src, int index) { return ""; }
public Axiom.Math.Vector3 llList2Vector(List<string> src, int index)
{ return new Axiom.Math.Vector3(); }
public Axiom.Math.Quaternion llList2Rot(List<string> src, int index)
{ return new Axiom.Math.Quaternion(); }
public List<string> llList2List(List<string> src, int start, int end)
{ return new List<string>(); }
public List<string> llDeleteSubList(List<string> src, int start, int end)
{ return new List<string>(); }
public int llGetListEntryType(List<string> src, int index) { return 0; }
public string llList2CSV(List<string> src) { return ""; }
public List<string> llCSV2List(string src)
{ return new List<string>(); }
public List<string> llListRandomize(List<string> src, Int32 stride)
{ return new List<string>(); }
public List<string> llList2ListStrided(List<string> src, Int32 start, Int32 end, Int32 stride)
{ return new List<string>(); }
{ return new List<string>(); }
public List<string> llListRandomize(List<string> src, int stride)
{ return new List<string>(); }
public List<string> llList2ListStrided(List<string> src, int start, int end, int stride)
{ return new List<string>(); }
public Axiom.Math.Vector3 llGetRegionCorner()
{ return new Axiom.Math.Vector3(); }
public List<string> llListInsertList(List<string> dest, List<string> src, Int32 start)
{ return new List<string>(); }
public Int32 llListFindList(List<string> src, List<string> test) { return 0; }
public List<string> llListInsertList(List<string> dest, List<string> src, int start)
{ return new List<string>(); }
public int llListFindList(List<string> src, List<string> test) { return 0; }
public string llGetObjectName() { return ""; }
public void llSetObjectName(string name) { }
public string llGetDate() { return ""; }
public Int32 llEdgeOfWorld(Axiom.Math.Vector3 pos, Axiom.Math.Vector3 dir) { return 0; }
public Int32 llGetAgentInfo(string id) { return 0; }
public void llAdjustSoundVolume(float volume) { }
public void llSetSoundQueueing(Int32 queue) { }
public void llSetSoundRadius(float radius) { }
public int llEdgeOfWorld(Axiom.Math.Vector3 pos, Axiom.Math.Vector3 dir) { return 0; }
public int llGetAgentInfo(string id) { return 0; }
public void llAdjustSoundVolume(double volume) { }
public void llSetSoundQueueing(int queue) { }
public void llSetSoundRadius(double radius) { }
public string llKey2Name(string id) { return ""; }
public void llSetTextureAnim(Int32 mode, Int32 face, Int32 sizex, Int32 sizey, float start, float length, float rate) { }
public void llTriggerSoundLimited(string sound, float volume, Axiom.Math.Vector3 top_north_east, Axiom.Math.Vector3 bottom_south_west) { }
public void llSetTextureAnim(int mode, int face, int sizex, int sizey, double start, double length, double rate) { }
public void llTriggerSoundLimited(string sound, double volume, Axiom.Math.Vector3 top_north_east, Axiom.Math.Vector3 bottom_south_west) { }
public void llEjectFromLand(string pest) { }
public void llParseString2List() { }
public Int32 llOverMyLand(string id) { return 0; }
public int llOverMyLand(string id) { return 0; }
public string llGetLandOwnerAt(Axiom.Math.Vector3 pos) { return ""; }
public string llGetNotecardLine(string name, Int32 line) { return ""; }
public string llGetNotecardLine(string name, int line) { return ""; }
public Axiom.Math.Vector3 llGetAgentSize(string id) { return new Axiom.Math.Vector3(); }
public Int32 llSameGroup(string agent) { return 0; }
public int llSameGroup(string agent) { return 0; }
public void llUnSit(string id) { }
public Axiom.Math.Vector3 llGroundSlope(Axiom.Math.Vector3 offset) { return new Axiom.Math.Vector3(); }
public Axiom.Math.Vector3 llGroundNormal(Axiom.Math.Vector3 offset) { return new Axiom.Math.Vector3(); }
public Axiom.Math.Vector3 llGroundContour(Axiom.Math.Vector3 offset) { return new Axiom.Math.Vector3(); }
public Int32 llGetAttached() { return 0; }
public Int32 llGetFreeMemory() { return 0; }
public int llGetAttached() { return 0; }
public int llGetFreeMemory() { return 0; }
public string llGetRegionName() { return World.RegionInfo.RegionName; }
public float llGetRegionTimeDilation() { return 1.0f; }
public float llGetRegionFPS() { return 10.0f; }
public double llGetRegionTimeDilation() { return 1.0f; }
public double llGetRegionFPS() { return 10.0f; }
public void llParticleSystem(List<Object> rules) { }
public void llGroundRepel(float height, Int32 water, float tau) { }
public void llGroundRepel(double height, int water, double tau) { }
public void llGiveInventoryList() { }
public void llSetVehicleType(Int32 type) { }
public void llSetVehicleFloatParam(Int32 param, float value) { }
public void llSetVehicleVectorParam(Int32 param, Axiom.Math.Vector3 vec) { }
public void llSetVehicleRotationParam(Int32 param, Axiom.Math.Quaternion rot) { }
public void llSetVehicleFlags(Int32 flags) { }
public void llRemoveVehicleFlags(Int32 flags) { }
public void llSetVehicleType(int type) { }
public void llSetVehicledoubleParam(int param, double value) { }
public void llSetVehicleVectorParam(int param, Axiom.Math.Vector3 vec) { }
public void llSetVehicleRotationParam(int param, Axiom.Math.Quaternion rot) { }
public void llSetVehicleFlags(int flags) { }
public void llRemoveVehicleFlags(int flags) { }
public void llSitTarget(Axiom.Math.Vector3 offset, Axiom.Math.Quaternion rot) { }
public string llAvatarOnSitTarget() { return ""; }
public void llAddToLandPassList(string avatar, float hours) { }
public void llAddToLandPassList(string avatar, double hours) { }
public void llSetTouchText(string text)
@ -305,18 +306,19 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler.LSL
public void llSetCameraAtOffset(Axiom.Math.Vector3 offset) { }
public void llDumpList2String() { }
public void llScriptDanger(Axiom.Math.Vector3 pos) { }
public void llDialog(string avatar, string message, List<string> buttons, Int32 chat_channel) { }
public void llVolumeDetect(Int32 detect) { }
public void llDialog(string avatar, string message, List<string> buttons, int chat_channel) { }
public void llVolumeDetect(int detect) { }
public void llResetOtherScript(string name) { }
public Int32 llGetScriptState(string name) { return 0; }
public int llGetScriptState(string name) { return 0; }
public void llRemoteLoadScript() { }
public void llSetRemoteScriptAccessPin(Int32 pin) { }
public void llRemoteLoadScriptPin(string target, string name, Int32 pin, Int32 running, Int32 start_param) { }
public void llSetRemoteScriptAccessPin(int pin) { }
public void llRemoteLoadScriptPin(string target, string name, int pin, int running, int start_param) { }
public void llOpenRemoteDataChannel() { }
public string llSendRemoteData(string channel, string dest, Int32 idata, string sdata) { return ""; }
public void llRemoteDataReply(string channel, string message_id, string sdata, Int32 idata) { }
public string llSendRemoteData(string channel, string dest, int idata, string sdata) { return ""; }
public void llRemoteDataReply(string channel, string message_id, string sdata, int idata) { }
public void llCloseRemoteDataChannel(string channel) { }
public string llMD5String(string src, Int32 nonce) {
public string llMD5String(string src, int nonce)
return OpenSim.Framework.Utilities.Util.Md5Hash(src + ":" + nonce.ToString());
public void llSetPrimitiveParams(List<string> rules) { }
@ -324,8 +326,8 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler.LSL
public string llBase64ToString(string str) { return ""; }
public void llXorBase64Strings() { }
public void llRemoteDataSetRegion() { }
public float llLog10(float val) { return (float)Math.Log10(val); }
public float llLog(float val) { return (float)Math.Log(val); }
public double llLog10(double val) { return (double)Math.Log10(val); }
public double llLog(double val) { return (double)Math.Log(val); }
public List<string> llGetAnimationList(string id) { return new List<string>(); }
public void llSetParcelMusicURL(string url) { }
public Axiom.Math.Vector3 llGetRootPosition() { return new Axiom.Math.Vector3(); }
@ -334,43 +336,44 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler.LSL
public void llSetObjectDesc(string desc) { }
public string llGetCreator() { return ""; }
public string llGetTimestamp() { return ""; }
public void llSetLinkAlpha(Int32 linknumber, float alpha, Int32 face) { }
public Int32 llGetNumberOfPrims() { return 0; }
public void llSetLinkAlpha(int linknumber, double alpha, int face) { }
public int llGetNumberOfPrims() { return 0; }
public string llGetNumberOfNotecardLines(string name) { return ""; }
public List<string> llGetBoundingBox(string obj) { return new List<string>(); }
public Axiom.Math.Vector3 llGetGeometricCenter() { return new Axiom.Math.Vector3(); }
public void llGetPrimitiveParams() { }
public string llIntegerToBase64(Int32 number) { return ""; }
public Int32 llBase64ToInteger(string str) { return 0; }
public float llGetGMTclock() { return 0; }
public string llIntegerToBase64(int number) { return ""; }
public int llBase64ToInteger(string str) { return 0; }
public double llGetGMTclock() { return 0; }
public string llGetSimulatorHostname() { return ""; }
public void llSetLocalRot(Axiom.Math.Quaternion rot) { }
public List<string> llParseStringKeepNulls(string src, List<string> seperators, List<string> spacers)
{ return new List<string>(); }
public void llRezAtRoot(string inventory, Axiom.Math.Vector3 position, Axiom.Math.Vector3 velocity, Axiom.Math.Quaternion rot, Int32 param) { }
public Int32 llGetObjectPermMask(Int32 mask) { return 0; }
public void llSetObjectPermMask(Int32 mask, Int32 value) { }
public void llGetInventoryPermMask(string item, Int32 mask) { }
public void llSetInventoryPermMask(string item, Int32 mask, Int32 value) { }
public List<string> llParseStringKeepNulls(string src, List<string> seperators, List<string> spacers)
{ return new List<string>(); }
public void llRezAtRoot(string inventory, Axiom.Math.Vector3 position, Axiom.Math.Vector3 velocity, Axiom.Math.Quaternion rot, int param) { }
public int llGetObjectPermMask(int mask) { return 0; }
public void llSetObjectPermMask(int mask, int value) { }
public void llGetInventoryPermMask(string item, int mask) { }
public void llSetInventoryPermMask(string item, int mask, int value) { }
public string llGetInventoryCreator(string item) { return ""; }
public void llOwnerSay(string msg) { }
public void llRequestSimulatorData(string simulator, Int32 data) { }
public void llForceMouselook(Int32 mouselook) { }
public float llGetObjectMass(string id) { return 0; }
public void llRequestSimulatorData(string simulator, int data) { }
public void llForceMouselook(int mouselook) { }
public double llGetObjectMass(string id) { return 0; }
public void llListReplaceList() { }
public void llLoadURL(string avatar_id, string message, string url) { }
public void llParcelMediaCommandList(List<string> commandList) { }
public void llParcelMediaQuery() { }
public Int32 llModPow(Int32 a, Int32 b, Int32 c) {
public int llModPow(int a, int b, int c)
Int64 tmp = 0;
Int64 val = Math.DivRem(Convert.ToInt64(Math.Pow(a, b)), c, out tmp);
return Convert.ToInt32(tmp);
public Int32 llGetInventoryType(string name) { return 0; }
public void llSetPayPrice(Int32 price, List<string> quick_pay_buttons) { }
public int llGetInventoryType(string name) { return 0; }
public void llSetPayPrice(int price, List<string> quick_pay_buttons) { }
public Axiom.Math.Vector3 llGetCameraPos() { return new Axiom.Math.Vector3(); }
public Axiom.Math.Quaternion llGetCameraRot() { return new Axiom.Math.Quaternion(); }
public void llSetPrimURL() { }
@ -378,26 +381,347 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler.LSL
public string llEscapeURL(string url) { return ""; }
public string llUnescapeURL(string url) { return ""; }
public void llMapDestination(string simname, Axiom.Math.Vector3 pos, Axiom.Math.Vector3 look_at) { }
public void llAddToLandBanList(string avatar, float hours) { }
public void llAddToLandBanList(string avatar, double hours) { }
public void llRemoveFromLandPassList(string avatar) { }
public void llRemoveFromLandBanList(string avatar) { }
public void llSetCameraParams(List<string> rules) { }
public void llClearCameraParams() { }
public float llListStatistics(Int32 operation, List<string> src) { return 0; }
public Int32 llGetUnixTime() {
public double llListStatistics(int operation, List<string> src) { return 0; }
public int llGetUnixTime()
return OpenSim.Framework.Utilities.Util.UnixTimeSinceEpoch();
public Int32 llGetParcelFlags(Axiom.Math.Vector3 pos) { return 0; }
public Int32 llGetRegionFlags() { return 0; }
public int llGetParcelFlags(Axiom.Math.Vector3 pos) { return 0; }
public int llGetRegionFlags() { return 0; }
public string llXorBase64StringsCorrect(string str1, string str2) { return ""; }
public void llHTTPRequest() { }
public void llResetLandBanList() { }
public void llResetLandPassList() { }
public Int32 llGetParcelPrimCount(Axiom.Math.Vector3 pos, Int32 category, Int32 sim_wide) { return 0; }
public int llGetParcelPrimCount(Axiom.Math.Vector3 pos, int category, int sim_wide) { return 0; }
public List<string> llGetParcelPrimOwners(Axiom.Math.Vector3 pos) { return new List<string>(); }
public Int32 llGetObjectPrimCount(string object_id) { return 0; }
public Int32 llGetParcelMaxPrims(Axiom.Math.Vector3 pos, Int32 sim_wide) { return 0; }
public int llGetObjectPrimCount(string object_id) { return 0; }
public int llGetParcelMaxPrims(Axiom.Math.Vector3 pos, int sim_wide) { return 0; }
public List<string> llGetParcelDetails(Axiom.Math.Vector3 pos, List<string> param) { return new List<string>(); }
public const int TRUE = 1;
public const int FALSE = 0;
public const int STATUS_PHYSICS = 1;
public const int STATUS_ROTATE_X = 2;
public const int STATUS_ROTATE_Y = 4;
public const int STATUS_ROTATE_Z = 8;
public const int STATUS_PHANTOM = 16;
public const int STATUS_SANDBOX = 32;
public const int STATUS_BLOCK_GRAB = 64;
public const int STATUS_DIE_AT_EDGE = 128;
public const int STATUS_RETURN_AT_EDGE = 256;
public const int AGENT = 1;
public const int ACTIVE = 2;
public const int PASSIVE = 4;
public const int SCRIPTED = 8;
public const int CONTROL_FWD = 1;
public const int CONTROL_BACK = 2;
public const int CONTROL_LEFT = 4;
public const int CONTROL_RIGHT = 8;
public const int CONTROL_UP = 16;
public const int CONTROL_DOWN = 32;
public const int CONTROL_ROT_LEFT = 256;
public const int CONTROL_ROT_RIGHT = 512;
public const int CONTROL_LBUTTON = 268435456;
public const int CONTROL_ML_LBUTTON = 1073741824;
public const int PERMISSION_DEBIT = 2;
public const int PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS = 4;
public const int PERMISSION_REMAP_CONTROLS = 8;
public const int PERMISSION_ATTACH = 32;
public const int PERMISSION_CHANGE_LINKS = 128;
public const int PERMISSION_CHANGE_JOINTS = 256;
public const int PERMISSION_TRACK_CAMERA = 1024;
public const int AGENT_FLYING = 1;
public const int AGENT_ATTACHMENTS = 2;
public const int AGENT_SCRIPTED = 4;
public const int AGENT_MOUSELOOK = 8;
public const int AGENT_SITTING = 16;
public const int AGENT_ON_OBJECT = 32;
public const int AGENT_AWAY = 64;
public const int AGENT_WALKING = 128;
public const int AGENT_IN_AIR = 256;
public const int AGENT_TYPING = 512;
public const int AGENT_CROUCHING = 1024;
public const int AGENT_BUSY = 2048;
public const int AGENT_ALWAYS_RUN = 4096;
public const int PSYS_PART_INTERP_COLOR_MASK = 1;
public const int PSYS_PART_INTERP_SCALE_MASK = 2;
public const int PSYS_PART_BOUNCE_MASK = 4;
public const int PSYS_PART_WIND_MASK = 8;
public const int PSYS_PART_FOLLOW_SRC_MASK = 16;
public const int PSYS_PART_FOLLOW_VELOCITY_MASK = 32;
public const int PSYS_PART_TARGET_POS_MASK = 64;
public const int PSYS_PART_TARGET_LINEAR_MASK = 128;
public const int PSYS_PART_EMISSIVE_MASK = 256;
public const int PSYS_PART_FLAGS = 0;
public const int PSYS_PART_START_COLOR = 1;
public const int PSYS_PART_START_ALPHA = 2;
public const int PSYS_PART_END_COLOR = 3;
public const int PSYS_PART_END_ALPHA = 4;
public const int PSYS_PART_START_SCALE = 5;
public const int PSYS_PART_END_SCALE = 6;
public const int PSYS_PART_MAX_AGE = 7;
public const int PSYS_SRC_ACCEL = 8;
public const int PSYS_SRC_PATTERN = 9;
public const int PSYS_SRC_INNERANGLE = 10;
public const int PSYS_SRC_OUTERANGLE = 11;
public const int PSYS_SRC_TEXTURE = 12;
public const int PSYS_SRC_BURST_RATE = 13;
public const int PSYS_SRC_BURST_PART_COUNT = 15;
public const int PSYS_SRC_BURST_RADIUS = 16;
public const int PSYS_SRC_BURST_SPEED_MIN = 17;
public const int PSYS_SRC_BURST_SPEED_MAX = 18;
public const int PSYS_SRC_MAX_AGE = 19;
public const int PSYS_SRC_TARGET_KEY = 20;
public const int PSYS_SRC_OMEGA = 21;
public const int PSYS_SRC_ANGLE_BEGIN = 22;
public const int PSYS_SRC_ANGLE_END = 23;
public const int PSYS_SRC_PATTERN_DROP = 1;
public const int PSYS_SRC_PATTERN_EXPLODE = 2;
public const int PSYS_SRC_PATTERN_ANGLE = 4;
public const int PSYS_SRC_PATTERN_ANGLE_CONE = 8;
public const int PSYS_SRC_PATTERN_ANGLE_CONE_EMPTY = 16;
public const int VEHICLE_TYPE_NONE = 0;
public const int VEHICLE_TYPE_SLED = 1;
public const int VEHICLE_TYPE_CAR = 2;
public const int VEHICLE_TYPE_BOAT = 3;
public const int VEHICLE_TYPE_AIRPLANE = 4;
public const int VEHICLE_TYPE_BALLOON = 5;
public const int VEHICLE_LINEAR_MOTOR_OFFSET = 20;
public const int VEHICLE_HOVER_HEIGHT = 24;
public const int VEHICLE_HOVER_EFFICIENCY = 25;
public const int VEHICLE_HOVER_TIMESCALE = 26;
public const int VEHICLE_BUOYANCY = 27;
public const int VEHICLE_BANKING_EFFICIENCY = 38;
public const int VEHICLE_BANKING_MIX = 39;
public const int VEHICLE_BANKING_TIMESCALE = 40;
public const int VEHICLE_REFERENCE_FRAME = 44;
public const int VEHICLE_FLAG_NO_DEFLECTION_UP = 1;
public const int VEHICLE_FLAG_LIMIT_ROLL_ONLY = 2;
public const int VEHICLE_FLAG_HOVER_WATER_ONLY = 4;
public const int VEHICLE_FLAG_HOVER_UP_ONLY = 32;
public const int VEHICLE_FLAG_LIMIT_MOTOR_UP = 64;
public const int VEHICLE_FLAG_MOUSELOOK_STEER = 128;
public const int VEHICLE_FLAG_MOUSELOOK_BANK = 256;
public const int VEHICLE_FLAG_CAMERA_DECOUPLED = 512;
public const int INVENTORY_ALL = -1;
public const int INVENTORY_NONE = -1;
public const int INVENTORY_TEXTURE = 0;
public const int INVENTORY_SOUND = 1;
public const int INVENTORY_LANDMARK = 3;
public const int INVENTORY_CLOTHING = 5;
public const int INVENTORY_OBJECT = 6;
public const int INVENTORY_NOTECARD = 7;
public const int INVENTORY_SCRIPT = 10;
public const int INVENTORY_BODYPART = 13;
public const int INVENTORY_ANIMATION = 20;
public const int INVENTORY_GESTURE = 21;
public const int ATTACH_CHEST = 1;
public const int ATTACH_HEAD = 2;
public const int ATTACH_LSHOULDER = 3;
public const int ATTACH_RSHOULDER = 4;
public const int ATTACH_LHAND = 5;
public const int ATTACH_RHAND = 6;
public const int ATTACH_LFOOT = 7;
public const int ATTACH_RFOOT = 8;
public const int ATTACH_BACK = 9;
public const int ATTACH_PELVIS = 10;
public const int ATTACH_MOUTH = 11;
public const int ATTACH_CHIN = 12;
public const int ATTACH_LEAR = 13;
public const int ATTACH_REAR = 14;
public const int ATTACH_LEYE = 15;
public const int ATTACH_REYE = 16;
public const int ATTACH_NOSE = 17;
public const int ATTACH_RUARM = 18;
public const int ATTACH_RLARM = 19;
public const int ATTACH_LUARM = 20;
public const int ATTACH_LLARM = 21;
public const int ATTACH_RHIP = 22;
public const int ATTACH_RULEG = 23;
public const int ATTACH_RLLEG = 24;
public const int ATTACH_LHIP = 25;
public const int ATTACH_LULEG = 26;
public const int ATTACH_LLLEG = 27;
public const int ATTACH_BELLY = 28;
public const int ATTACH_RPEC = 29;
public const int ATTACH_LPEC = 30;
public const int LAND_LEVEL = 0;
public const int LAND_RAISE = 1;
public const int LAND_LOWER = 2;
public const int LAND_SMOOTH = 3;
public const int LAND_NOISE = 4;
public const int LAND_REVERT = 5;
public const int LAND_SMALL_BRUSH = 1;
public const int LAND_MEDIUM_BRUSH = 2;
public const int LAND_LARGE_BRUSH = 3;
public const int DATA_ONLINE = 1;
public const int DATA_NAME = 2;
public const int DATA_BORN = 3;
public const int DATA_RATING = 4;
public const int DATA_SIM_POS = 5;
public const int DATA_SIM_STATUS = 6;
public const int DATA_SIM_RATING = 7;
public const int ANIM_ON = 1;
public const int LOOP = 2;
public const int REVERSE = 4;
public const int PING_PONG = 8;
public const int SMOOTH = 16;
public const int ROTATE = 32;
public const int SCALE = 64;
public const int ALL_SIDES = -1;
public const int LINK_SET = -1;
public const int LINK_ROOT = 1;
public const int LINK_ALL_OTHERS = -2;
public const int LINK_ALL_CHILDREN = -3;
public const int LINK_THIS = -4;
public const int CHANGED_INVENTORY = 1;
public const int CHANGED_COLOR = 2;
public const int CHANGED_SHAPE = 4;
public const int CHANGED_SCALE = 8;
public const int CHANGED_TEXTURE = 16;
public const int CHANGED_LINK = 32;
public const int CHANGED_ALLOWED_DROP = 64;
public const int CHANGED_OWNER = 128;
public const int TYPE_INVALID = 0;
public const int TYPE_INTEGER = 1;
public const int TYPE_double = 2;
public const int TYPE_STRING = 3;
public const int TYPE_KEY = 4;
public const int TYPE_VECTOR = 5;
public const int TYPE_ROTATION = 6;
public const int REMOTE_DATA_CHANNEL = 1;
public const int REMOTE_DATA_REQUEST = 2;
public const int REMOTE_DATA_REPLY = 3;
//public const int PRIM_TYPE = 1;
public const int PRIM_MATERIAL = 2;
public const int PRIM_PHYSICS = 3;
public const int PRIM_TEMP_ON_REZ = 4;
public const int PRIM_PHANTOM = 5;
public const int PRIM_POSITION = 6;
public const int PRIM_SIZE = 7;
public const int PRIM_ROTATION = 8;
public const int PRIM_TYPE = 9;
public const int PRIM_TEXTURE = 17;
public const int PRIM_COLOR = 18;
public const int PRIM_BUMP_SHINY = 19;
public const int PRIM_FULLBRIGHT = 20;
public const int PRIM_FLEXIBLE = 21;
public const int PRIM_TEXGEN = 22;
public const int PRIM_TEXGEN_DEFAULT = 0;
public const int PRIM_TEXGEN_PLANAR = 1;
public const int PRIM_TYPE_BOX = 0;
public const int PRIM_TYPE_CYLINDER = 1;
public const int PRIM_TYPE_PRISM = 2;
public const int PRIM_TYPE_SPHERE = 3;
public const int PRIM_TYPE_TORUS = 4;
public const int PRIM_TYPE_TUBE = 5;
public const int PRIM_TYPE_RING = 6;
public const int PRIM_HOLE_DEFAULT = 0;
public const int PRIM_HOLE_CIRCLE = 16;
public const int PRIM_HOLE_SQUARE = 32;
public const int PRIM_HOLE_TRIANGLE = 48;
public const int PRIM_MATERIAL_STONE = 0;
public const int PRIM_MATERIAL_METAL = 1;
public const int PRIM_MATERIAL_GLASS = 2;
public const int PRIM_MATERIAL_WOOD = 3;
public const int PRIM_MATERIAL_FLESH = 4;
public const int PRIM_MATERIAL_PLASTIC = 5;
public const int PRIM_MATERIAL_RUBBER = 6;
public const int PRIM_MATERIAL_LIGHT = 7;
public const int PRIM_SHINY_NONE = 0;
public const int PRIM_SHINY_LOW = 1;
public const int PRIM_SHINY_MEDIUM = 2;
public const int PRIM_SHINY_HIGH = 3;
public const int PRIM_BUMP_NONE = 0;
public const int PRIM_BUMP_BRIGHT = 1;
public const int PRIM_BUMP_DARK = 2;
public const int PRIM_BUMP_WOOD = 3;
public const int PRIM_BUMP_BARK = 4;
public const int PRIM_BUMP_BRICKS = 5;
public const int PRIM_BUMP_CHECKER = 6;
public const int PRIM_BUMP_CONCRETE = 7;
public const int PRIM_BUMP_TILE = 8;
public const int PRIM_BUMP_STONE = 9;
public const int PRIM_BUMP_DISKS = 10;
public const int PRIM_BUMP_GRAVEL = 11;
public const int PRIM_BUMP_BLOBS = 12;
public const int PRIM_BUMP_SIDING = 13;
public const int PRIM_BUMP_LARGETILE = 14;
public const int PRIM_BUMP_STUCCO = 15;
public const int PRIM_BUMP_SUCTION = 16;
public const int PRIM_BUMP_WEAVE = 17;
public const int MASK_BASE = 0;
public const int MASK_OWNER = 1;
public const int MASK_GROUP = 2;
public const int MASK_EVERYONE = 3;
public const int MASK_NEXT = 4;
public const int PERM_TRANSFER = 8192;
public const int PERM_MODIFY = 16384;
public const int PERM_COPY = 32768;
public const int PERM_MOVE = 524288;
public const int PERM_ALL = 2147483647;
public const int PARCEL_MEDIA_COMMAND_STOP = 0;
public const int PARCEL_MEDIA_COMMAND_PAUSE = 1;
public const int PARCEL_MEDIA_COMMAND_PLAY = 2;
public const int PARCEL_MEDIA_COMMAND_LOOP = 3;
public const int PARCEL_MEDIA_COMMAND_TEXTURE = 4;
public const int PARCEL_MEDIA_COMMAND_URL = 5;
public const int PARCEL_MEDIA_COMMAND_TIME = 6;
public const int PARCEL_MEDIA_COMMAND_AGENT = 7;
public const int PARCEL_MEDIA_COMMAND_UNLOAD = 8;
public const int PAY_HIDE = -1;
public const int PAY_DEFAULT = -2;
public const string NULL_KEY = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000";
public const string EOF = "\n\n\n";
public const double PI = 3.14159274f;
public const double TWO_PI = 6.28318548f;
public const double PI_BY_TWO = 1.57079637f;
public const double DEG_TO_RAD = 0.01745329238f;
public const double RAD_TO_DEG = 57.29578f;
public const double SQRT2 = 1.414213538f;
// Can not be public const?
public Axiom.Math.Vector3 ZERO_VECTOR = new Axiom.Math.Vector3(0, 0, 0);
public Axiom.Math.Quaternion ZERO_ROTATION = new Axiom.Math.Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0);
// Operator overloads
public class Axi
public static Axi operator *(Axi c1, double c2)
@ -34,21 +34,21 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler
public interface LSL_BuiltIn_Commands_Interface
float llSin(float f);
float llCos(float f);
float llTan(float f);
float llAtan2(float x, float y);
float llSqrt(float f);
float llPow(float fbase, float fexponent);
Int32 llAbs(Int32 i);
float llFabs(float f);
float llFrand(float mag);
Int32 llFloor(float f);
Int32 llCeil(float f);
Int32 llRound(float f);
float llVecMag(Axiom.Math.Vector3 v);
double llSin(double f);
double llCos(double f);
double llTan(double f);
double llAtan2(double x, double y);
double llSqrt(double f);
double llPow(double fbase, double fexponent);
int llAbs(int i);
double llFabs(double f);
double llFrand(double mag);
int llFloor(double f);
int llCeil(double f);
int llRound(double f);
double llVecMag(Axiom.Math.Vector3 v);
Axiom.Math.Vector3 llVecNorm(Axiom.Math.Vector3 v);
float llVecDist(Axiom.Math.Vector3 a, Axiom.Math.Vector3 b);
double llVecDist(Axiom.Math.Vector3 a, Axiom.Math.Vector3 b);
Axiom.Math.Vector3 llRot2Euler(Axiom.Math.Quaternion r);
Axiom.Math.Quaternion llEuler2Rot(Axiom.Math.Vector3 v);
Axiom.Math.Quaternion llAxes2Rot(Axiom.Math.Vector3 fwd, Axiom.Math.Vector3 left, Axiom.Math.Vector3 up);
@ -57,42 +57,42 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler
Axiom.Math.Vector3 llRot2Up(Axiom.Math.Quaternion r);
Axiom.Math.Quaternion llRotBetween(Axiom.Math.Vector3 start, Axiom.Math.Vector3 end);
void llWhisper(int channelID, string text);
//void llSay(UInt32 channelID, string text);
//void llSay(int channelID, string text);
void llSay(int channelID, string text);
void llShout(UInt16 channelID, string text);
UInt32 llListen(UInt16 channelID, string name, string ID, string msg);
void llListenControl(UInt32 number, UInt32 active);
void llListenRemove(UInt32 number);
void llSensor(string name, string id, UInt32 type, float range, float arc);
void llSensorRepeat(string name, string id, UInt32 type, float range, float arc, float rate);
void llShout(int channelID, string text);
int llListen(int channelID, string name, string ID, string msg);
void llListenControl(int number, int active);
void llListenRemove(int number);
void llSensor(string name, string id, int type, double range, double arc);
void llSensorRepeat(string name, string id, int type, double range, double arc, double rate);
void llSensorRemove();
string llDetectedName(UInt32 number);
string llDetectedKey(UInt32 number);
string llDetectedOwner(UInt32 number);
UInt32 llDetectedType(UInt32 number);
Axiom.Math.Vector3 llDetectedPos(UInt32 number);
Axiom.Math.Vector3 llDetectedVel(UInt32 number);
Axiom.Math.Vector3 llDetectedGrab(UInt32 number);
Axiom.Math.Quaternion llDetectedRot(UInt32 number);
UInt32 llDetectedGroup(UInt32 number);
UInt32 llDetectedLinkNumber(UInt32 number);
string llDetectedName(int number);
string llDetectedKey(int number);
string llDetectedOwner(int number);
int llDetectedType(int number);
Axiom.Math.Vector3 llDetectedPos(int number);
Axiom.Math.Vector3 llDetectedVel(int number);
Axiom.Math.Vector3 llDetectedGrab(int number);
Axiom.Math.Quaternion llDetectedRot(int number);
int llDetectedGroup(int number);
int llDetectedLinkNumber(int number);
void llDie();
float llGround(Axiom.Math.Vector3 offset);
float llCloud(Axiom.Math.Vector3 offset);
double llGround(Axiom.Math.Vector3 offset);
double llCloud(Axiom.Math.Vector3 offset);
Axiom.Math.Vector3 llWind(Axiom.Math.Vector3 offset);
void llSetStatus(UInt32 status, UInt32 value);
UInt32 llGetStatus(UInt32 status);
void llSetStatus(int status, int value);
int llGetStatus(int status);
void llSetScale(Axiom.Math.Vector3 scale);
Axiom.Math.Vector3 llGetScale();
void llSetColor(Axiom.Math.Vector3 color, UInt32 face);
float llGetAlpha(UInt32 face);
void llSetAlpha(float alpha, UInt32 face);
Axiom.Math.Vector3 llGetColor(UInt32 face);
void llSetTexture(string texture, UInt32 face);
void llScaleTexture(float u, float v, UInt32 face);
void llOffsetTexture(float u, float v, UInt32 face);
void llRotateTexture(float rotation, UInt32 face);
string llGetTexture(UInt32 face);
void llSetColor(Axiom.Math.Vector3 color, int face);
double llGetAlpha(int face);
void llSetAlpha(double alpha, int face);
Axiom.Math.Vector3 llGetColor(int face);
void llSetTexture(string texture, int face);
void llScaleTexture(double u, double v, int face);
void llOffsetTexture(double u, double v, int face);
void llRotateTexture(double rotation, int face);
string llGetTexture(int face);
void llSetPos(Axiom.Math.Vector3 pos);
//wiki: vector llGetPos()
@ -106,77 +106,77 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler
//wiki: rotation llGetLocalRot()
Axiom.Math.Quaternion llGetLocalRot();
//wiki: llSetForce(vector force, integer local)
void llSetForce(Axiom.Math.Vector3 force, Int32 local);
void llSetForce(Axiom.Math.Vector3 force, int local);
//wiki: vector llGetForce()
Axiom.Math.Vector3 llGetForce();
//wiki: integer llTarget(vector position, float range)
Int32 llTarget(Axiom.Math.Vector3 position, float range);
//wiki: integer llTarget(vector position, double range)
int llTarget(Axiom.Math.Vector3 position, double range);
//wiki: llTargetRemove(integer number)
void llTargetRemove(Int32 number);
//wiki: integer llRotTarget(rotation rot, float error)
Int32 llRotTarget(Axiom.Math.Quaternion rot, float error);
void llTargetRemove(int number);
//wiki: integer llRotTarget(rotation rot, double error)
int llRotTarget(Axiom.Math.Quaternion rot, double error);
//wiki: integer llRotTargetRemove(integer number)
void llRotTargetRemove(Int32 number);
//wiki: llMoveToTarget(vector target, float tau)
void llMoveToTarget(Axiom.Math.Vector3 target, float tau);
void llRotTargetRemove(int number);
//wiki: llMoveToTarget(vector target, double tau)
void llMoveToTarget(Axiom.Math.Vector3 target, double tau);
//wiki: llStopMoveToTarget()
void llStopMoveToTarget();
//wiki: llApplyImpulse(vector force, integer local)
void llApplyImpulse(Axiom.Math.Vector3 force, Int32 local);
void llApplyImpulse(Axiom.Math.Vector3 force, int local);
//wiki: llapplyRotationalImpulse(vector force, integer local)
void llApplyRotationalImpulse(Axiom.Math.Vector3 force, Int32 local);
void llApplyRotationalImpulse(Axiom.Math.Vector3 force, int local);
//wiki: llSetTorque(vector torque, integer local)
void llSetTorque(Axiom.Math.Vector3 torque, Int32 local);
void llSetTorque(Axiom.Math.Vector3 torque, int local);
//wiki: vector llGetTorque()
Axiom.Math.Vector3 llGetTorque();
//wiki: llSeForceAndTorque(vector force, vector torque, integer local)
void llSetForceAndTorque(Axiom.Math.Vector3 force, Axiom.Math.Vector3 torque, Int32 local);
void llSetForceAndTorque(Axiom.Math.Vector3 force, Axiom.Math.Vector3 torque, int local);
//wiki: vector llGetVel()
Axiom.Math.Vector3 llGetVel();
//wiki: vector llGetAccel()
Axiom.Math.Vector3 llGetAccel();
//wiki: vector llGetOmega()
Axiom.Math.Vector3 llGetOmega();
//wiki: float llGetTimeOfDay()
float llGetTimeOfDay();
//wiki: float llGetWallclock()
float llGetWallclock();
//wiki: float llGetTime()
float llGetTime();
//wiki: double llGetTimeOfDay()
double llGetTimeOfDay();
//wiki: double llGetWallclock()
double llGetWallclock();
//wiki: double llGetTime()
double llGetTime();
//wiki: llResetTime()
void llResetTime();
//wiki: float llGetAndResetTime()
float llGetAndResetTime();
//wiki (deprecated) llSound(string sound, float volume, integer queue, integer loop)
//wiki: double llGetAndResetTime()
double llGetAndResetTime();
//wiki (deprecated) llSound(string sound, double volume, integer queue, integer loop)
void llSound();
//wiki: llPlaySound(string sound, float volume)
void llPlaySound(string sound, float volume);
//wiki: llLoopSound(string sound, float volume)
void llLoopSound(string sound, float volume);
//wiki: llLoopSoundMaster(string sound, float volume)
void llLoopSoundMaster(string sound, float volume);
//wiki: llLoopSoundSlave(string sound, float volume)
void llLoopSoundSlave(string sound, float volume);
//wiki llPlaySoundSlave(string sound, float volume)
void llPlaySoundSlave(string sound, float volume);
//wiki: llTriggerSound(string sound, float volume)
void llTriggerSound(string sound, float volume);
//wiki: llPlaySound(string sound, double volume)
void llPlaySound(string sound, double volume);
//wiki: llLoopSound(string sound, double volume)
void llLoopSound(string sound, double volume);
//wiki: llLoopSoundMaster(string sound, double volume)
void llLoopSoundMaster(string sound, double volume);
//wiki: llLoopSoundSlave(string sound, double volume)
void llLoopSoundSlave(string sound, double volume);
//wiki llPlaySoundSlave(string sound, double volume)
void llPlaySoundSlave(string sound, double volume);
//wiki: llTriggerSound(string sound, double volume)
void llTriggerSound(string sound, double volume);
//wiki: llStopSound()
void llStopSound();
//wiki: llPreloadSound(string sound)
void llPreloadSound(string sound);
//wiki: string llGetSubString(string src, integer start, integer end)
void llGetSubString(string src, Int32 start, Int32 end);
void llGetSubString(string src, int start, int end);
//wiki: string llDeleteSubString(string src, integer start, integer end)
string llDeleteSubString(string src, Int32 start, Int32 end);
string llDeleteSubString(string src, int start, int end);
//wiki string llInsertString(string dst, integer position, string src)
void llInsertString(string dst, Int32 position, string src);
void llInsertString(string dst, int position, string src);
//wiki: string llToUpper(string source)
string llToUpper(string source);
//wiki: string llToLower(string source)
string llToLower(string source);
//wiki: integer llGiveMoney(key destination, integer amount)
Int32 llGiveMoney(string destination, Int32 amount);
int llGiveMoney(string destination, int amount);
//wiki: (deprecated)
void llMakeExplosion();
//wiki: (deprecated)
@ -186,25 +186,25 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler
//wiki: (deprecated)
void llMakeFire();
//wiki: llRezObject(string inventory, vector pos, vector rel, rotation rot, integer param)
void llRezObject(string inventory, Axiom.Math.Vector3 pos, Axiom.Math.Quaternion rot, Int32 param);
//wiki: llLookAt(vector target, float strength, float damping)
void llLookAt(Axiom.Math.Vector3 target, float strength, float damping);
void llRezObject(string inventory, Axiom.Math.Vector3 pos, Axiom.Math.Quaternion rot, int param);
//wiki: llLookAt(vector target, double strength, double damping)
void llLookAt(Axiom.Math.Vector3 target, double strength, double damping);
//wiki: llStopLookAt()
void llStopLookAt();
//wiki: llSetTimerEvent(float sec)
void llSetTimerEvent(float sec);
//wiki: llSleep(float sec)
void llSleep(float sec);
//wiki: float llGetMass()
float llGetMass();
//wiki: llSetTimerEvent(double sec)
void llSetTimerEvent(double sec);
//wiki: llSleep(double sec)
void llSleep(double sec);
//wiki: double llGetMass()
double llGetMass();
//wiki: llCollisionFilter(string name, key id, integer accept)
void llCollisionFilter(string name, string id, Int32 accept);
void llCollisionFilter(string name, string id, int accept);
//wiki: llTakeControls(integer controls, integer accept, integer pass_on)
void llTakeControls(Int32 controls, Int32 accept, Int32 pass_on);
void llTakeControls(int controls, int accept, int pass_on);
//wiki: llReleaseControls()
void llReleaseControls();
//wiki: llAttachToAvatar(integer attachment)
void llAttachToAvatar(Int32 attachment);
void llAttachToAvatar(int attachment);
//wiki: llDetachFromAvatar()
void llDetachFromAvatar();
//wiki: (deprecated) llTakeCamera()
@ -221,20 +221,20 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler
void llGetNextEmail(string address, string subject);
//wiki: key llGetKey()
string llGetKey();
//wiki: llSetBuoyancy(float buoyancy)
void llSetBuoyancy(float buoyancy);
//wiki: llSetHoverHeight(float height, integer water, float tau)
void llSetHoverHeight(float height, Int32 water, float tau);
//wiki: llSetBuoyancy(double buoyancy)
void llSetBuoyancy(double buoyancy);
//wiki: llSetHoverHeight(double height, integer water, double tau)
void llSetHoverHeight(double height, int water, double tau);
//wiki: llStopHover
void llStopHover();
//wiki: llMinEventDelay(float delay)
void llMinEventDelay(float delay);
//wiki: llMinEventDelay(double delay)
void llMinEventDelay(double delay);
//wiki: (deprecated) llSoundPreload()
void llSoundPreload();
//wiki: llRotLookAt(rotation target, float strength, float damping)
void llRotLookAt(Axiom.Math.Quaternion target, float strength, float damping);
//wiki: llRotLookAt(rotation target, double strength, double damping)
void llRotLookAt(Axiom.Math.Quaternion target, double strength, double damping);
//wiki: integer llStringLength(string str)
Int32 llStringLength(string str);
int llStringLength(string str);
//wiki: llStartAnimation(string anim)
void llStartAnimation(string anim);
//wiki: llStopAnimation(string anim)
@ -243,62 +243,62 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler
void llPointAt();
//wiki: (deprecated) llStopPointAt
void llStopPointAt();
//wiki: llTargetOmega(vector axis, float spinrate, float gain)
void llTargetOmega(Axiom.Math.Vector3 axis, float spinrate, float gain);
//wiki: llTargetOmega(vector axis, double spinrate, double gain)
void llTargetOmega(Axiom.Math.Vector3 axis, double spinrate, double gain);
//wiki: integer llGetStartParameter()
Int32 llGetStartParameter();
int llGetStartParameter();
//wiki: llGodLikeRezObject(key inventory, vector pos)
void llGodLikeRezObject(string inventory, Axiom.Math.Vector3 pos);
//wiki: llRequestPermissions(key agent, integer perm)
void llRequestPermissions(string agent, Int32 perm);
void llRequestPermissions(string agent, int perm);
//wiki: key llGetPermissionsKey()
string llGetPermissionsKey();
//wiki: integer llGetPermissions()
Int32 llGetPermissions();
int llGetPermissions();
//wiki integer llGetLinkNumber()
Int32 llGetLinkNumber();
int llGetLinkNumber();
//wiki: llSetLinkColor(integer linknumber, vector color, integer face)
void llSetLinkColor(Int32 linknumber, Axiom.Math.Vector3 color, Int32 face);
void llSetLinkColor(int linknumber, Axiom.Math.Vector3 color, int face);
//wiki: llCreateLink(key target, integer parent)
void llCreateLink(string target, Int32 parent);
void llCreateLink(string target, int parent);
//wiki: llBreakLink(integer linknum)
void llBreakLink(Int32 linknum);
void llBreakLink(int linknum);
//wiki: llBreakAllLinks()
void llBreakAllLinks();
//wiki: key llGetLinkKey(integer linknum)
string llGetLinkKey(Int32 linknum);
string llGetLinkKey(int linknum);
//wiki: llGetLinkName(integer linknum)
void llGetLinkName(Int32 linknum);
void llGetLinkName(int linknum);
//wiki: integer llGetInventoryNumber(integer type)
Int32 llGetInventoryNumber(Int32 type);
int llGetInventoryNumber(int type);
//wiki: string llGetInventoryName(integer type, integer number)
string llGetInventoryName(Int32 type, Int32 number);
string llGetInventoryName(int type, int number);
//wiki: llSetScriptState(string name, integer run)
void llSetScriptState(string name, Int32 run);
//wiki: float llGetEnergy()
float llGetEnergy();
void llSetScriptState(string name, int run);
//wiki: double llGetEnergy()
double llGetEnergy();
//wiki: llGiveInventory(key destination, string inventory)
void llGiveInventory(string destination, string inventory);
//wiki: llRemoveInventory(string item)
void llRemoveInventory(string item);
//wiki: llSetText(string text, vector color, float alpha)
void llSetText(string text, Axiom.Math.Vector3 color, float alpha);
//wiki: float llWater(vector offset)
float llWater(Axiom.Math.Vector3 offset);
//wiki: llSetText(string text, vector color, double alpha)
void llSetText(string text, Axiom.Math.Vector3 color, double alpha);
//wiki: double llWater(vector offset)
double llWater(Axiom.Math.Vector3 offset);
//wiki: llPassTouches(integer pass)
void llPassTouches(Int32 pass);
void llPassTouches(int pass);
//wiki: key llRequestAgentData(key id, integer data)
string llRequestAgentData(string id, Int32 data);
string llRequestAgentData(string id, int data);
//wiki: key llRequestInventoryData(string name)
string llRequestInventoryData(string name);
//wiki: llSetDamage(float damage)
void llSetDamage(float damage);
//wiki: llSetDamage(double damage)
void llSetDamage(double damage);
//wiki: llTeleportAgentHome(key agent)
void llTeleportAgentHome(string agent);
//wiki: llModifyLand(integer action, integer brush)
void llModifyLand(Int32 action, Int32 brush);
//wiki: llCollisionSound(string impact_sound, float impact_volume)
void llCollisionSound(string impact_sound, float impact_volume);
void llModifyLand(int action, int brush);
//wiki: llCollisionSound(string impact_sound, double impact_volume)
void llCollisionSound(string impact_sound, double impact_volume);
//wiki: llCollisionSprite(string impact_sprite)
void llCollisionSprite(string impact_sprite);
//wiki: string llGetAnimation(key id)
@ -306,80 +306,80 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler
//wiki: llResetScript()
void llResetScript();
//wiki: llMessageLinked(integer linknum, integer num, string str, key id)
void llMessageLinked(Int32 linknum, Int32 num, string str, string id);
void llMessageLinked(int linknum, int num, string str, string id);
//wiki: llPushObject(key target, vector impulse, vector ang_impulse, integer local)
void llPushObject(string target, Axiom.Math.Vector3 impulse, Axiom.Math.Vector3 ang_impulse, Int32 local);
void llPushObject(string target, Axiom.Math.Vector3 impulse, Axiom.Math.Vector3 ang_impulse, int local);
//wiki: llPassCollisions(integer pass)
void llPassCollisions(Int32 pass);
void llPassCollisions(int pass);
//wiki: string llGetScriptName()
string llGetScriptName();
//wiki: integer llGetNumberOfSides()
Int32 llGetNumberOfSides();
//wiki: rotation llAxisAngle2Rot(vector axis, float angle)
Axiom.Math.Quaternion llAxisAngle2Rot(Axiom.Math.Vector3 axis, float angle);
int llGetNumberOfSides();
//wiki: rotation llAxisAngle2Rot(vector axis, double angle)
Axiom.Math.Quaternion llAxisAngle2Rot(Axiom.Math.Vector3 axis, double angle);
//wiki: vector llRot2Axis(rotation rot)
Axiom.Math.Vector3 llRot2Axis(Axiom.Math.Quaternion rot);
void llRot2Angle();
//wiki: float llAcos(float val)
float llAcos(float val);
//wiki: float llAsin(float val)
float llAsin(float val);
//wiki: float llAngleBetween(rotation a, rotation b)
float llAngleBetween(Axiom.Math.Quaternion a, Axiom.Math.Quaternion b);
//wiki: double llAcos(double val)
double llAcos(double val);
//wiki: double llAsin(double val)
double llAsin(double val);
//wiki: double llAngleBetween(rotation a, rotation b)
double llAngleBetween(Axiom.Math.Quaternion a, Axiom.Math.Quaternion b);
//wiki: string llGetInventoryKey(string name)
string llGetInventoryKey(string name);
//wiki: llAllowInventoryDrop(integer add)
void llAllowInventoryDrop(Int32 add);
void llAllowInventoryDrop(int add);
//wiki: vector llGetSunDirection()
Axiom.Math.Vector3 llGetSunDirection();
//wiki: vector llGetTextureOffset(integer face)
Axiom.Math.Vector3 llGetTextureOffset(Int32 face);
Axiom.Math.Vector3 llGetTextureOffset(int face);
//wiki: vector llGetTextureScale(integer side)
Axiom.Math.Vector3 llGetTextureScale(Int32 side);
//wiki: float llGetTextureRot(integer side)
float llGetTextureRot(Int32 side);
Axiom.Math.Vector3 llGetTextureScale(int side);
//wiki: double llGetTextureRot(integer side)
double llGetTextureRot(int side);
//wiki: integer llSubStringIndex(string source, string pattern)
Int32 llSubStringIndex(string source, string pattern);
int llSubStringIndex(string source, string pattern);
//wiki: key llGetOwnerKey(key id)
string llGetOwnerKey(string id);
//wiki: vector llGetCenterOfMass()
Axiom.Math.Vector3 llGetCenterOfMass();
//wiki: list llListSort(list src, integer stride, integer ascending)
List<string> llListSort(List<string> src, Int32 stride, Int32 ascending);
List<string> llListSort(List<string> src, int stride, int ascending);
//integer llGetListLength(list src)
Int32 llGetListLength(List<string> src);
int llGetListLength(List<string> src);
//wiki: integer llList2Integer(list src, integer index)
Int32 llList2Integer(List<string> src, Int32 index);
//wiki: float llList2Float(list src, integer index)
float llList2Float(List<string> src, Int32 index);
int llList2Integer(List<string> src, int index);
//wiki: double llList2double(list src, integer index)
double llList2double(List<string> src, int index);
//wiki: string llList2String(list src, integer index)
string llList2String(List<string> src, Int32 index);
string llList2String(List<string> src, int index);
//wiki: key llList2Key(list src, integer index)
string llList2Key(List<string> src, Int32 index);
string llList2Key(List<string> src, int index);
//wiki: vector llList2Vector(list src, integer index)
Axiom.Math.Vector3 llList2Vector(List<string> src, Int32 index);
Axiom.Math.Vector3 llList2Vector(List<string> src, int index);
//wiki rotation llList2Rot(list src, integer index)
Axiom.Math.Quaternion llList2Rot(List<string> src, Int32 index);
Axiom.Math.Quaternion llList2Rot(List<string> src, int index);
//wiki: list llList2List(list src, integer start, integer end)
List<string> llList2List(List<string> src, Int32 start, Int32 end);
List<string> llList2List(List<string> src, int start, int end);
//wiki: llDeleteSubList(list src, integer start, integer end)
List<string> llDeleteSubList(List<string> src, Int32 start, Int32 end);
List<string> llDeleteSubList(List<string> src, int start, int end);
//wiki: integer llGetListEntryType( list src, integer index )
Int32 llGetListEntryType(List<string> src, Int32 index);
int llGetListEntryType(List<string> src, int index);
//wiki: string llList2CSV( list src )
string llList2CSV(List<string> src);
//wiki: list llCSV2List( string src )
List<string> llCSV2List(string src);
//wiki: list llListRandomize( list src, integer stride )
List<string> llListRandomize(List<string> src, Int32 stride);
List<string> llListRandomize(List<string> src, int stride);
//wiki: list llList2ListStrided( list src, integer start, integer end, integer stride )
List<string> llList2ListStrided(List<string> src, Int32 start, Int32 end, Int32 stride);
List<string> llList2ListStrided(List<string> src, int start, int end, int stride);
//wiki: vector llGetRegionCorner( )
Axiom.Math.Vector3 llGetRegionCorner();
//wiki: list llListInsertList( list dest, list src, integer start )
List<string> llListInsertList(List<string> dest, List<string> src, Int32 start);
List<string> llListInsertList(List<string> dest, List<string> src, int start);
//wiki: integer llListFindList( list src, list test )
Int32 llListFindList(List<string> src, List<string> test);
int llListFindList(List<string> src, List<string> test);
//wiki: string llGetObjectName()
string llGetObjectName();
//wiki: llSetObjectName(string name)
@ -387,34 +387,34 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler
//wiki: string llGetDate()
string llGetDate();
//wiki: integer llEdgeOfWorld(vector pos, vector dir)
Int32 llEdgeOfWorld(Axiom.Math.Vector3 pos, Axiom.Math.Vector3 dir);
int llEdgeOfWorld(Axiom.Math.Vector3 pos, Axiom.Math.Vector3 dir);
//wiki: integer llGetAgentInfo(key id)
Int32 llGetAgentInfo(string id);
//wiki: llAdjustSoundVolume(float volume)
void llAdjustSoundVolume(float volume);
int llGetAgentInfo(string id);
//wiki: llAdjustSoundVolume(double volume)
void llAdjustSoundVolume(double volume);
//wiki: llSetSoundQueueing(integer queue)
void llSetSoundQueueing(Int32 queue);
//wiki: llSetSoundRadius(float radius)
void llSetSoundRadius(float radius);
void llSetSoundQueueing(int queue);
//wiki: llSetSoundRadius(double radius)
void llSetSoundRadius(double radius);
//wiki: string llKey2Name(key id)
string llKey2Name(string id);
//wiki: llSetTextureAnim(integer mode, integer face, integer sizex, integer sizey, float start, float length, float rate)
void llSetTextureAnim(Int32 mode, Int32 face, Int32 sizex, Int32 sizey, float start, float length, float rate);
//wiki: llTriggerSoundLimited(string sound, float volume, vector top_north_east, vector bottom_south_west)
void llTriggerSoundLimited(string sound, float volume, Axiom.Math.Vector3 top_north_east, Axiom.Math.Vector3 bottom_south_west);
//wiki: llSetTextureAnim(integer mode, integer face, integer sizex, integer sizey, double start, double length, double rate)
void llSetTextureAnim(int mode, int face, int sizex, int sizey, double start, double length, double rate);
//wiki: llTriggerSoundLimited(string sound, double volume, vector top_north_east, vector bottom_south_west)
void llTriggerSoundLimited(string sound, double volume, Axiom.Math.Vector3 top_north_east, Axiom.Math.Vector3 bottom_south_west);
//wiki: llEjectFromLand(key pest)
void llEjectFromLand(string pest);
void llParseString2List();
//wiki: integer llOverMyLand(key id)
Int32 llOverMyLand(string id);
int llOverMyLand(string id);
//wiki: key llGetLandOwnerAt(vector pos)
string llGetLandOwnerAt(Axiom.Math.Vector3 pos);
//wiki: key llGetNotecardLine(string name, integer line)
string llGetNotecardLine(string name, Int32 line);
string llGetNotecardLine(string name, int line);
//wiki: vector llGetAgentSize(key id)
Axiom.Math.Vector3 llGetAgentSize(string id);
//wiki: integer llSameGroup(key agent)
Int32 llSameGroup(string agent);
int llSameGroup(string agent);
//wiki: llUnSit(key id)
void llUnSit(string id);
//wiki: vector llGroundSlope(vector offset)
@ -424,38 +424,38 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler
//wiki: vector llGroundContour(vector offset)
Axiom.Math.Vector3 llGroundContour(Axiom.Math.Vector3 offset);
//wiki: integer llGetAttached()
Int32 llGetAttached();
int llGetAttached();
//wiki: integer llGetFreeMemory()
Int32 llGetFreeMemory();
int llGetFreeMemory();
//wiki: string llGetRegionName()
string llGetRegionName();
//wiki: float llGetRegionTimeDilation()
float llGetRegionTimeDilation();
//wiki: float llGetRegionFPS()
float llGetRegionFPS();
//wiki: double llGetRegionTimeDilation()
double llGetRegionTimeDilation();
//wiki: double llGetRegionFPS()
double llGetRegionFPS();
//wiki: llParticleSystem(List<Object> rules
void llParticleSystem(List<Object> rules);
//wiki: llGroundRepel(float height, integer water, float tau)
void llGroundRepel(float height, Int32 water, float tau);
//wiki: llGroundRepel(double height, integer water, double tau)
void llGroundRepel(double height, int water, double tau);
void llGiveInventoryList();
//wiki: llSetVehicleType(integer type)
void llSetVehicleType(Int32 type);
//wiki: llSetVehicleFloatParam(integer param, float value)
void llSetVehicleFloatParam(Int32 param, float value);
void llSetVehicleType(int type);
//wiki: llSetVehicledoubleParam(integer param, double value)
void llSetVehicledoubleParam(int param, double value);
//wiki: llSetVehicleVectorParam(integer param, vector vec)
void llSetVehicleVectorParam(Int32 param, Axiom.Math.Vector3 vec);
void llSetVehicleVectorParam(int param, Axiom.Math.Vector3 vec);
//wiki: llSetVehicleRotationParam(integer param, rotation rot)
void llSetVehicleRotationParam(Int32 param, Axiom.Math.Quaternion rot);
void llSetVehicleRotationParam(int param, Axiom.Math.Quaternion rot);
//wiki: llSetVehicleFlags(integer flags)
void llSetVehicleFlags(Int32 flags);
void llSetVehicleFlags(int flags);
//wiki: llRemoveVehicleFlags(integer flags)
void llRemoveVehicleFlags(Int32 flags);
void llRemoveVehicleFlags(int flags);
//wiki: llSitTarget(vector offset, rotation rot)
void llSitTarget(Axiom.Math.Vector3 offset, Axiom.Math.Quaternion rot);
//wiki key llAvatarOnSitTarget()
string llAvatarOnSitTarget();
//wiki: llAddToLandPassList(key avatar, float hours)
void llAddToLandPassList(string avatar, float hours);
//wiki: llAddToLandPassList(key avatar, double hours)
void llAddToLandPassList(string avatar, double hours);
//wiki: llSetTouchText(string text)
void llSetTouchText(string text);
//wiki: llSetSitText(string text)
@ -468,29 +468,29 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler
//wiki: integer llScriptDanger(vector pos)
void llScriptDanger(Axiom.Math.Vector3 pos);
//wiki: llDialog( key avatar, string message, list buttons, integer chat_channel )
void llDialog(string avatar, string message, List<string> buttons, Int32 chat_channel);
void llDialog(string avatar, string message, List<string> buttons, int chat_channel);
//wiki: llVolumeDetect(integer detect)
void llVolumeDetect(Int32 detect);
void llVolumeDetect(int detect);
//wiki: llResetOtherScript(string name)
void llResetOtherScript(string name);
//wiki: integer llGetScriptState(string name)
Int32 llGetScriptState(string name);
int llGetScriptState(string name);
//wiki: (deprecated)
void llRemoteLoadScript();
//wiki: llSetRemoteScriptAccessPin(integer pin)
void llSetRemoteScriptAccessPin(Int32 pin);
void llSetRemoteScriptAccessPin(int pin);
//wiki: llRemoteLoadScriptPin(key target, string name, integer pin, integer running, integer start_param)
void llRemoteLoadScriptPin(string target, string name, Int32 pin, Int32 running, Int32 start_param);
void llRemoteLoadScriptPin(string target, string name, int pin, int running, int start_param);
//wiki: llOpenRemoteDataChannel()
void llOpenRemoteDataChannel();
//wiki: key llSendRemoteData(key channel, string dest, integer idata, string sdata)
string llSendRemoteData(string channel, string dest, Int32 idata, string sdata);
string llSendRemoteData(string channel, string dest, int idata, string sdata);
//wiki: llRemoteDataReply(key channel, key message_id, string sdata, integer idata)
void llRemoteDataReply(string channel, string message_id, string sdata, Int32 idata);
void llRemoteDataReply(string channel, string message_id, string sdata, int idata);
//wiki: llCloseRemoteDataChannel(key channel)
void llCloseRemoteDataChannel(string channel);
//wiki: string llMD5String(string src, integer nonce)
string llMD5String(string src, Int32 nonce);
string llMD5String(string src, int nonce);
//wiki: llSetPrimitiveParams( list rules )
void llSetPrimitiveParams(List<string> rules);
//wiki: string llStringToBase64(string str)
@ -501,10 +501,10 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler
void llXorBase64Strings();
//wiki: llRemoteDataSetRegion()
void llRemoteDataSetRegion();
//wiki: float llLog10(float val)
float llLog10(float val);
//wiki: float llLog(float val)
float llLog(float val);
//wiki: double llLog10(double val)
double llLog10(double val);
//wiki: double llLog(double val)
double llLog(double val);
//wiki: list llGetAnimationList( key id )
List<string> llGetAnimationList(string id);
//wiki: llSetParcelMusicURL(string url)
@ -521,10 +521,10 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler
string llGetCreator();
//wiki: string llGetTimestamp()
string llGetTimestamp();
//wiki: llSetLinkAlpha(integer linknumber, float alpha, integer face)
void llSetLinkAlpha(Int32 linknumber, float alpha, Int32 face);
//wiki: llSetLinkAlpha(integer linknumber, double alpha, integer face)
void llSetLinkAlpha(int linknumber, double alpha, int face);
//wiki: integer llGetNumberOfPrims()
Int32 llGetNumberOfPrims();
int llGetNumberOfPrims();
//wiki: key llGetNumberOfNotecardLines(string name)
string llGetNumberOfNotecardLines(string name);
//wiki: list llGetBoundingBox( key object )
@ -533,11 +533,11 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler
Axiom.Math.Vector3 llGetGeometricCenter();
void llGetPrimitiveParams();
//wiki: string llIntegerToBase64(integer number)
string llIntegerToBase64(Int32 number);
string llIntegerToBase64(int number);
//wiki integer llBase64ToInteger(string str)
Int32 llBase64ToInteger(string str);
//wiki: float llGetGMTclock()
float llGetGMTclock();
int llBase64ToInteger(string str);
//wiki: double llGetGMTclock()
double llGetGMTclock();
//wiki: string llGetSimulatorHostname()
string llGetSimulatorHostname();
//llSetLocalRot(rotation rot)
@ -545,25 +545,25 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler
//wiki: list llParseStringKeepNulls( string src, list separators, list spacers )
List<string> llParseStringKeepNulls(string src, List<string> seperators, List<string> spacers);
//wiki: llRezAtRoot(string inventory, vector position, vector velocity, rotation rot, integer param)
void llRezAtRoot(string inventory, Axiom.Math.Vector3 position, Axiom.Math.Vector3 velocity, Axiom.Math.Quaternion rot, Int32 param);
void llRezAtRoot(string inventory, Axiom.Math.Vector3 position, Axiom.Math.Vector3 velocity, Axiom.Math.Quaternion rot, int param);
//wiki: integer llGetObjectPermMask(integer mask)
Int32 llGetObjectPermMask(Int32 mask);
int llGetObjectPermMask(int mask);
//wiki: llSetObjectPermMask(integer mask, integer value)
void llSetObjectPermMask(Int32 mask, Int32 value);
void llSetObjectPermMask(int mask, int value);
//wiki integer llGetInventoryPermMask(string item, integer mask)
void llGetInventoryPermMask(string item, Int32 mask);
void llGetInventoryPermMask(string item, int mask);
//wiki: llSetInventoryPermMask(string item, integer mask, integer value)
void llSetInventoryPermMask(string item, Int32 mask, Int32 value);
void llSetInventoryPermMask(string item, int mask, int value);
//wiki: key llGetInventoryCreator(string item)
string llGetInventoryCreator(string item);
//wiki: llOwnerSay(string msg)
void llOwnerSay(string msg);
//wiki: key llRequestSimulatorData(string simulator, integer data)
void llRequestSimulatorData(string simulator, Int32 data);
void llRequestSimulatorData(string simulator, int data);
//wiki: llForceMouselook(integer mouselook)
void llForceMouselook(Int32 mouselook);
//wiki: float llGetObjectMass(key id)
float llGetObjectMass(string id);
void llForceMouselook(int mouselook);
//wiki: double llGetObjectMass(key id)
double llGetObjectMass(string id);
void llListReplaceList();
//wiki: llLoadURL(key avatar_id, string message, string url)
void llLoadURL(string avatar_id, string message, string url);
@ -571,11 +571,11 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler
void llParcelMediaCommandList(List<string> commandList);
void llParcelMediaQuery();
//wiki integer llModPow(integer a, integer b, integer c)
Int32 llModPow(Int32 a, Int32 b, Int32 c);
int llModPow(int a, int b, int c);
//wiki: integer llGetInventoryType(string name)
Int32 llGetInventoryType(string name);
int llGetInventoryType(string name);
//wiki: llSetPayPrice( integer price, list quick_pay_buttons )
void llSetPayPrice(Int32 price, List<string> quick_pay_buttons);
void llSetPayPrice(int price, List<string> quick_pay_buttons);
//wiki: vector llGetCameraPos()
Axiom.Math.Vector3 llGetCameraPos();
//wiki rotation llGetCameraRot()
@ -590,8 +590,8 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler
string llUnescapeURL(string url);
//wiki: llMapDestination(string simname, vector pos, vector look_at)
void llMapDestination(string simname, Axiom.Math.Vector3 pos, Axiom.Math.Vector3 look_at);
//wiki: llAddToLandBanList(key avatar, float hours)
void llAddToLandBanList(string avatar, float hours);
//wiki: llAddToLandBanList(key avatar, double hours)
void llAddToLandBanList(string avatar, double hours);
//wiki: llRemoveFromLandPassList(key avatar)
void llRemoveFromLandPassList(string avatar);
//wiki: llRemoveFromLandBanList(key avatar)
@ -600,14 +600,14 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler
void llSetCameraParams(List<string> rules);
//wiki: llClearCameraParams()
void llClearCameraParams();
//wiki: float llListStatistics( integer operation, list src )
float llListStatistics(Int32 operation, List<string> src);
//wiki: double llListStatistics( integer operation, list src )
double llListStatistics(int operation, List<string> src);
//wiki: integer llGetUnixTime()
Int32 llGetUnixTime();
int llGetUnixTime();
//wiki: integer llGetParcelFlags(vector pos)
Int32 llGetParcelFlags(Axiom.Math.Vector3 pos);
int llGetParcelFlags(Axiom.Math.Vector3 pos);
//wiki: integer llGetRegionFlags()
Int32 llGetRegionFlags();
int llGetRegionFlags();
//wiki: string llXorBase64StringsCorrect(string str1, string str2)
string llXorBase64StringsCorrect(string str1, string str2);
void llHTTPRequest();
@ -616,13 +616,13 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler
//wiki: llResetLandPassList()
void llResetLandPassList();
//wiki integer llGetParcelPrimCount(vector pos, integer category, integer sim_wide)
Int32 llGetParcelPrimCount(Axiom.Math.Vector3 pos, Int32 category, Int32 sim_wide);
int llGetParcelPrimCount(Axiom.Math.Vector3 pos, int category, int sim_wide);
//wiki: list llGetParcelPrimOwners( vector pos )
List<string> llGetParcelPrimOwners(Axiom.Math.Vector3 pos);
//wiki: integer llGetObjectPrimCount(key object_id)
Int32 llGetObjectPrimCount(string object_id);
int llGetObjectPrimCount(string object_id);
//wiki: integer llGetParcelMaxPrims( vector pos, integer sim_wide )
Int32 llGetParcelMaxPrims(Axiom.Math.Vector3 pos, Int32 sim_wide);
int llGetParcelMaxPrims(Axiom.Math.Vector3 pos, int sim_wide);
//wiki list llGetParcelDetails(vector pos, list params)
List<string> llGetParcelDetails(Axiom.Math.Vector3 pos, List<string> param);
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