Merge branch 'master' into httptests

UbitUmarov 2016-07-31 23:19:51 +01:00
commit a9befe1c62
7 changed files with 507 additions and 454 deletions

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@ -368,47 +368,49 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework
return Utils.UIntsToLong(X, Y);
// Regions are identified with a 'handle' made up of its region coordinates packed into a ulong.
// Several places rely on the ability to extract a region's location from its handle.
// Note the location is in 'world coordinates' (see below).
// Region handles are based on the lowest coordinate of the region so trim the passed x,y to be the regions 0,0.
// Regions are identified with a 'handle' made up of its world coordinates packed into a ulong.
// Region handles are based on the coordinate of the region corner with lower X and Y
// var regions need more work than this to get that right corner from a generic world position
// this corner must be on a grid point
public static ulong RegionWorldLocToHandle(uint X, uint Y)
return Utils.UIntsToLong(X, Y);
ulong handle = X & 0xffffff00; // make sure it matchs grid coord points.
handle <<= 32; // to higher half
handle |= (Y & 0xffffff00);
return handle;
public static ulong RegionLocToHandle(uint X, uint Y)
public static ulong RegionGridLocToHandle(uint X, uint Y)
return Utils.UIntsToLong(Util.RegionToWorldLoc(X), Util.RegionToWorldLoc(Y));
ulong handle = X << 40; // shift to higher half and mult by 256)
handle |= (Y << 8); // mult by 256)
return handle;
public static void RegionHandleToWorldLoc(ulong handle, out uint X, out uint Y)
X = (uint)(handle >> 32);
Y = (uint)(handle & (ulong)uint.MaxValue);
Y = (uint)(handle & 0xfffffffful);
public static void RegionHandleToRegionLoc(ulong handle, out uint X, out uint Y)
uint worldX, worldY;
RegionHandleToWorldLoc(handle, out worldX, out worldY);
X = WorldToRegionLoc(worldX);
Y = WorldToRegionLoc(worldY);
X = (uint)(handle >> 40) & 0x00ffffffu; // bring from higher half, divide by 256 and clean
Y = (uint)(handle >> 8) & 0x00ffffffu; // divide by 256 and clean
// if you trust the uint cast then the clean can be removed.
// A region location can be 'world coordinates' (meters from zero) or 'region coordinates'
// (number of regions from zero). This measurement of regions relies on the legacy 256 region size.
// These routines exist to make what is being converted explicit so the next person knows what was meant.
// Convert a region's 'world coordinate' to its 'region coordinate'.
// A region location can be 'world coordinates' (meters) or 'region grid coordinates'
// grid coordinates have a fixed step of 256m as defined by viewers
public static uint WorldToRegionLoc(uint worldCoord)
return worldCoord / Constants.RegionSize;
return worldCoord >> 8;
// Convert a region's 'region coordinate' to its 'world coordinate'.
// Convert a region's 'region grid coordinate' to its 'world coordinate'.
public static uint RegionToWorldLoc(uint regionCoord)
return regionCoord * Constants.RegionSize;
return regionCoord << 8;
public static T Clamp<T>(T x, T min, T max)
@ -1303,7 +1305,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework
catch (Exception e)
m_log.WarnFormat("[UTILS]: Exception copying configuration file {0} to {1}: {2}", exampleConfigFile, configFile, e.Message);
m_log.WarnFormat("[UTILS]: Exception copying configuration file {0} to {1}: {2}", configFile, exampleConfigFile, e.Message);
return false;

View File

@ -1537,8 +1537,6 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.Framework.EntityTransfer
public ScenePresence CrossAsync(ScenePresence agent, bool isFlying)
uint x;
uint y;
Vector3 newpos;
EntityTransferContext ctx = new EntityTransferContext();
string failureReason;
@ -1588,7 +1586,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.Framework.EntityTransfer
Util.RegionLocToHandle(regionX, regionY),
Util.RegionGridLocToHandle(regionX, regionY),
@ -1814,7 +1812,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.Framework.EntityTransfer
// In any case
agent.IsInTransit = false;
m_log.DebugFormat("[ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: Crossing agent {0} {1} completed.", agent.Firstname, agent.Lastname);
// m_log.DebugFormat("[ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: Crossing agent {0} {1} completed.", agent.Firstname, agent.Lastname);
@ -2115,79 +2113,62 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.Framework.EntityTransfer
// contains that point. A conservitive estimate.
private class NotFoundLocationCache
private struct NotFoundLocation
public double minX, maxX, minY, maxY;
public DateTime expireTime;
private List<NotFoundLocation> m_notFoundLocations = new List<NotFoundLocation>();
private Dictionary<ulong, DateTime> m_notFoundLocations = new Dictionary<ulong, DateTime>();
public NotFoundLocationCache()
// Add an area to the list of 'not found' places. The area is the snapped region
// area around the added point.
// just use normal regions handlers and sizes
public void Add(double pX, double pY)
lock (m_notFoundLocations)
if (!LockedContains(pX, pY))
NotFoundLocation nfl = new NotFoundLocation();
// A not found location is not found for at least a whole region sized area
nfl.minX = pX - (pX % (double)Constants.RegionSize);
nfl.minY = pY - (pY % (double)Constants.RegionSize);
nfl.maxX = nfl.minX + (double)Constants.RegionSize;
nfl.maxY = nfl.minY + (double)Constants.RegionSize;
nfl.expireTime = DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30);
ulong psh = (ulong)pX & 0xffffff00ul;
psh <<= 32;
psh |= (ulong)pY & 0xffffff00ul;
lock (m_notFoundLocations)
m_notFoundLocations[psh] = DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30);;
// Test to see of this point is in any of the 'not found' areas.
// Return 'true' if the point is found inside the 'not found' areas.
public bool Contains(double pX, double pY)
bool ret = false;
ulong psh = (ulong)pX & 0xffffff00ul;
psh <<= 32;
psh |= (ulong)pY & 0xffffff00ul;
lock (m_notFoundLocations)
ret = LockedContains(pX, pY);
return ret;
private bool LockedContains(double pX, double pY)
bool ret = false;
foreach (NotFoundLocation nfl in m_notFoundLocations)
if (pX >= nfl.minX && pX < nfl.maxX && pY >= nfl.minY && pY < nfl.maxY)
ret = true;
if(m_notFoundLocations[psh] > DateTime.UtcNow)
return true;
return false;
return ret;
private void DoExpiration()
List<NotFoundLocation> m_toRemove = null;
DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
foreach (NotFoundLocation nfl in m_notFoundLocations)
List<ulong> m_toRemove = new List<ulong>();;
DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow;
lock (m_notFoundLocations)
if (nfl.expireTime < now)
foreach (KeyValuePair<ulong, DateTime> kvp in m_notFoundLocations)
if (m_toRemove == null)
m_toRemove = new List<NotFoundLocation>();
if (kvp.Value < now)
if (m_toRemove.Count > 0)
foreach (ulong u in m_toRemove)
if (m_toRemove != null)
foreach (NotFoundLocation nfl in m_toRemove)
#endregion // NotFoundLocationCache class
private NotFoundLocationCache m_notFoundLocationCache = new NotFoundLocationCache();
@ -2202,10 +2183,6 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.Framework.EntityTransfer
// Given a world position, get the GridRegion info for
// the region containing that point.
// Someday this should be a method on GridService.
// 'pSizeHint' is the size of the source region but since the destination point can be anywhere
// the size of the target region is unknown thus the search area might have to be very large.
// Return 'null' if no such region exists.
protected GridRegion GetRegionContainingWorldLocation(IGridService pGridService, UUID pScopeID,
double px, double py, uint pSizeHint)
@ -2213,11 +2190,6 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.Framework.EntityTransfer
GridRegion ret = null;
const double fudge = 2.0;
// One problem with this routine is negative results. That is, this can be called lots of times
// for regions that don't exist. m_notFoundLocationCache remembers 'not found' results so they
// will be quick 'not found's next time.
// NotFoundLocationCache is an expiring cache so it will eventually forget about 'not found' and
// thus re-ask the GridService about the location.
if (m_notFoundLocationCache.Contains(px, py))
// m_log.DebugFormat("{0} GetRegionContainingWorldLocation: Not found via cache. loc=<{1},{2}>", LogHeader, px, py);
@ -2226,60 +2198,45 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.Framework.EntityTransfer
// As an optimization, since most regions will be legacy sized regions (256x256), first try to get
// the region at the appropriate legacy region location.
uint possibleX = (uint)Math.Floor(px);
possibleX -= possibleX % Constants.RegionSize;
uint possibleY = (uint)Math.Floor(py);
possibleY -= possibleY % Constants.RegionSize;
// this is all that is needed on 0.9 grids
uint possibleX = (uint)px & 0xffffff00u;
uint possibleY = (uint)py & 0xffffff00u;
ret = pGridService.GetRegionByPosition(pScopeID, (int)possibleX, (int)possibleY);
if (ret != null)
m_log.DebugFormat("{0} GetRegionContainingWorldLocation: Found region using legacy size. rloc=<{1},{2}>. Rname={3}",
LogHeader, possibleX, possibleY, ret.RegionName);
// m_log.DebugFormat("{0} GetRegionContainingWorldLocation: Found region using legacy size. rloc=<{1},{2}>. Rname={3}",
// LogHeader, possibleX, possibleY, ret.RegionName);
return ret;
if (ret == null)
// for 0.8 regions just make a BIG area request. old code whould do it plus 4 more smaller on region open edges
// this is what 0.9 grids now do internally
List<GridRegion> possibleRegions = pGridService.GetRegionRange(pScopeID,
(int)(px - Constants.MaximumRegionSize), (int)(px + 1), // +1 bc left mb not part of range
(int)(py - Constants.MaximumRegionSize), (int)(py + 1));
// m_log.DebugFormat("{0} GetRegionContainingWorldLocation: possibleRegions cnt={1}, range={2}",
// LogHeader, possibleRegions.Count, range);
if (possibleRegions != null && possibleRegions.Count > 0)
// If the simple lookup failed, search the larger area for a region that contains this point
double range = (double)pSizeHint + fudge;
while (ret == null && range <= (Constants.MaximumRegionSize + Constants.RegionSize))
// If we found some regions, check to see if the point is within
foreach (GridRegion gr in possibleRegions)
// Get from the grid service a list of regions that might contain this point.
// The region origin will be in the zero direction so only subtract the range.
List<GridRegion> possibleRegions = pGridService.GetRegionRange(pScopeID,
(int)(px - range), (int)(px),
(int)(py - range), (int)(py));
m_log.DebugFormat("{0} GetRegionContainingWorldLocation: possibleRegions cnt={1}, range={2}",
LogHeader, possibleRegions.Count, range);
if (possibleRegions != null && possibleRegions.Count > 0)
// If we found some regions, check to see if the point is within
foreach (GridRegion gr in possibleRegions)
m_log.DebugFormat("{0} GetRegionContainingWorldLocation: possibleRegion nm={1}, regionLoc=<{2},{3}>, regionSize=<{4},{5}>",
LogHeader, gr.RegionName, gr.RegionLocX, gr.RegionLocY, gr.RegionSizeX, gr.RegionSizeY);
if (px >= (double)gr.RegionLocX && px < (double)(gr.RegionLocX + gr.RegionSizeX)
// m_log.DebugFormat("{0} GetRegionContainingWorldLocation: possibleRegion nm={1}, regionLoc=<{2},{3}>, regionSize=<{4},{5}>",
// LogHeader, gr.RegionName, gr.RegionLocX, gr.RegionLocY, gr.RegionSizeX, gr.RegionSizeY);
if (px >= (double)gr.RegionLocX && px < (double)(gr.RegionLocX + gr.RegionSizeX)
&& py >= (double)gr.RegionLocY && py < (double)(gr.RegionLocY + gr.RegionSizeY))
// Found a region that contains the point
ret = gr;
m_log.DebugFormat("{0} GetRegionContainingWorldLocation: found. RegionName={1}", LogHeader, ret.RegionName);
// Found a region that contains the point
return gr;
// m_log.DebugFormat("{0} GetRegionContainingWorldLocation: found. RegionName={1}", LogHeader, ret.RegionName);
// Larger search area for next time around if not found
range *= 2;
if (ret == null)
// remember this location was not found so we can quickly not find it next time
m_notFoundLocationCache.Add(px, py);
m_log.DebugFormat("{0} GetRegionContainingWorldLocation: Not found. Remembering loc=<{1},{2}>", LogHeader, px, py);
return ret;
// remember this location was not found so we can quickly not find it next time
m_notFoundLocationCache.Add(px, py);
// m_log.DebugFormat("{0} GetRegionContainingWorldLocation: Not found. Remembering loc=<{1},{2}>", LogHeader, px, py);
return null;
private void InformClientOfNeighbourCompleted(IAsyncResult iar)

View File

@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.Framework.EntityTransfer
/// <returns>true if the agent was not already in transit, false if it was</returns>
internal bool SetInTransit(UUID id)
m_log.DebugFormat("{0} SetInTransit. agent={1}, newState=Preparing", LogHeader, id);
// m_log.DebugFormat("{0} SetInTransit. agent={1}, newState=Preparing", LogHeader, id);
lock (m_agentsInTransit)
if (!m_agentsInTransit.ContainsKey(id))
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.Framework.EntityTransfer
/// <exception cref='Exception'>Illegal transitions will throw an Exception</exception>
internal bool UpdateInTransit(UUID id, AgentTransferState newState)
m_log.DebugFormat("{0} UpdateInTransit. agent={1}, newState={2}", LogHeader, id, newState);
// m_log.DebugFormat("{0} UpdateInTransit. agent={1}, newState={2}", LogHeader, id, newState);
bool transitionOkay = false;
@ -247,32 +247,32 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.Framework.EntityTransfer
AgentTransferState state = m_agentsInTransit[id];
if (state == AgentTransferState.Transferring || state == AgentTransferState.ReceivedAtDestination)
// if (state == AgentTransferState.Transferring || state == AgentTransferState.ReceivedAtDestination)
// {
// FIXME: For now, we allow exit from any state since a thrown exception in teleport is now guranteed
// to be handled properly - ResetFromTransit() could be invoked at any step along the process
"[ENTITY TRANSFER STATE MACHINE]: Agent with ID {0} should not exit directly from state {1}, should go to {2} state first in {3}",
id, state, AgentTransferState.CleaningUp, m_mod.Scene.RegionInfo.RegionName);
// m_log.WarnFormat(
// "[ENTITY TRANSFER STATE MACHINE]: Agent with ID {0} should not exit directly from state {1}, should go to {2} state first in {3}",
// id, state, AgentTransferState.CleaningUp, m_mod.Scene.RegionInfo.RegionName);
// throw new Exception(
// "Agent with ID {0} cannot exit directly from state {1}, it must go to {2} state first",
// state, AgentTransferState.CleaningUp);
// }
"[ENTITY TRANSFER STATE MACHINE]: Agent {0} cleared from transit in {1}",
id, m_mod.Scene.RegionInfo.RegionName);
// m_log.DebugFormat(
// "[ENTITY TRANSFER STATE MACHINE]: Agent {0} cleared from transit in {1}",
// id, m_mod.Scene.RegionInfo.RegionName);
return true;
"[ENTITY TRANSFER STATE MACHINE]: Agent {0} requested to clear from transit in {1} but was already cleared",
id, m_mod.Scene.RegionInfo.RegionName);
// m_log.WarnFormat(
// "[ENTITY TRANSFER STATE MACHINE]: Agent {0} requested to clear from transit in {1} but was already cleared",
// id, m_mod.Scene.RegionInfo.RegionName);
return false;

View File

@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.ServiceConnectorsOut.Grid
if (!m_Enabled)
m_RegionInfoCache.Remove(scene.RegionInfo.ScopeID, scene.RegionInfo.RegionID);
m_RegionInfoCache.Remove(scene.RegionInfo.ScopeID, scene.RegionInfo.RegionHandle);
scene.EventManager.OnRegionUp -= OnRegionUp;
@ -220,16 +220,16 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.ServiceConnectorsOut.Grid
// be the base coordinate of the region.
public GridRegion GetRegionByPosition(UUID scopeID, int x, int y)
// try in cache by handler first
ulong regionHandle = Util.RegionWorldLocToHandle((uint)x, (uint)y);
// ulong regionHandle = Util.RegionWorldLocToHandle((uint)x, (uint)y);
bool inCache = false;
GridRegion rinfo = m_RegionInfoCache.Get(scopeID, regionHandle, out inCache);
if (inCache)
return rinfo;
// GridRegion rinfo = m_RegionInfoCache.Get(scopeID, regionHandle, out inCache);
// if (inCache)
// return rinfo;
// try in cache by slower position next
rinfo = m_RegionInfoCache.Get(scopeID, x, y, out inCache);
GridRegion rinfo = m_RegionInfoCache.Get(scopeID, (uint)x, (uint)y, out inCache);
if (inCache)
return rinfo;

View File

@ -44,11 +44,14 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.ServiceConnectorsOut.Grid
// LogManager.GetLogger(
// MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);
private RegionsExpiringCache m_Cache;
private static RegionsExpiringCache m_Cache;
private int numberInstances;
public RegionInfoCache()
m_Cache = new RegionsExpiringCache();
if(m_Cache == null)
m_Cache = new RegionsExpiringCache();
public void Cache(GridRegion rinfo)
@ -78,8 +81,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.ServiceConnectorsOut.Grid
if (rinfo == null)
// m_Cache.AddOrUpdate(scopeID, rinfo, CACHE_EXPIRATION_SECONDS);
m_Cache.Add(scopeID, rinfo, CACHE_EXPIRATION_SECONDS); // don't override local regions
m_Cache.AddOrUpdate(scopeID, rinfo, CACHE_EXPIRATION_SECONDS);
public void Cache(UUID scopeID, GridRegion rinfo, float expireSeconds)
@ -90,9 +92,14 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.ServiceConnectorsOut.Grid
m_Cache.AddOrUpdate(scopeID, rinfo, expireSeconds);
public void Remove(UUID scopeID, UUID regionID)
public void Remove(UUID scopeID, GridRegion rinfo)
m_Cache.Remove(scopeID, regionID);
m_Cache.Remove(scopeID, rinfo);
public void Remove(UUID scopeID, ulong regionHandle)
m_Cache.Remove(scopeID, regionHandle);
public GridRegion Get(UUID scopeID, UUID regionID, out bool inCache)
@ -137,7 +144,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.ServiceConnectorsOut.Grid
return null;
public GridRegion Get(UUID scopeID, int x, int y, out bool inCache)
public GridRegion Get(UUID scopeID, uint x, uint y, out bool inCache)
inCache = false;
@ -152,109 +159,285 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.ServiceConnectorsOut.Grid
// following code partialy adapted from lib OpenMetaverse
public class RegionKey
public class RegionInfoForScope
public UUID ScopeID;
public UUID RegionID;
public const ulong HANDLEMASH = 0xffffff00ffffff00ul;
public const ulong HANDLECOORDMASH = 0xffffff00ul;
public RegionKey(UUID scopeID, UUID id)
private Dictionary<ulong, GridRegion> storage;
private Dictionary<ulong, DateTime> expires;
private Dictionary<string, ulong> byname;
private Dictionary<UUID, ulong> byuuid;
public RegionInfoForScope()
ScopeID = scopeID;
RegionID = id;
storage = new Dictionary<ulong, GridRegion>();
expires = new Dictionary<ulong, DateTime>();
byname = new Dictionary<string, ulong>();
byuuid = new Dictionary<UUID, ulong>();
public override int GetHashCode()
public RegionInfoForScope(GridRegion region, DateTime expire)
int hash = ScopeID.GetHashCode();
hash += hash * 23 + RegionID.GetHashCode();
return hash;
storage = new Dictionary<ulong, GridRegion>();
expires = new Dictionary<ulong, DateTime>();
byname = new Dictionary<string, ulong>();
byuuid = new Dictionary<UUID, ulong>();
ulong handle = region.RegionHandle & HANDLEMASH;
storage[handle] = region;
expires[handle] = expire;
byname[region.RegionName] = handle;
byuuid[region.RegionID] = handle;
public override bool Equals(Object b)
public void Add(GridRegion region, DateTime expire)
if(b == null)
return false;
RegionKey kb = b as RegionKey;
return (ScopeID == kb.ScopeID && RegionID == kb.RegionID);
ulong handle = region.RegionHandle & HANDLEMASH;
class RegionKeyEqual : EqualityComparer<RegionKey>
public override int GetHashCode(RegionKey rk)
return rk.GetHashCode();
if(storage != null && storage.ContainsKey(handle))
public override bool Equals(RegionKey a, RegionKey b)
return (a.ScopeID == b.ScopeID && a.RegionID == b.RegionID);
public class RegionInfoByScope
private Dictionary<string, RegionKey> byname;
private Dictionary<ulong, RegionKey> byhandle;
public RegionInfoByScope()
byname = new Dictionary<string, RegionKey>();
byhandle = new Dictionary<ulong, RegionKey>();
public RegionInfoByScope(GridRegion region, RegionKey key)
byname = new Dictionary<string, RegionKey>();
byhandle = new Dictionary<ulong, RegionKey>();
byname[region.RegionName] = key;
byhandle[region.RegionHandle] = key;
public void AddRegion(GridRegion region, RegionKey key)
if(storage == null)
storage = new Dictionary<ulong, GridRegion>();
if(expires == null)
expires = new Dictionary<ulong, DateTime>();
if(byname == null)
byname = new Dictionary<string, RegionKey>();
if(byhandle == null)
byhandle = new Dictionary<ulong, RegionKey>();
byname = new Dictionary<string, ulong>();
if(byuuid == null)
byuuid = new Dictionary<UUID, ulong>();
byname[region.RegionName] = key;
byhandle[region.RegionHandle] = key;
storage[handle] = region;
expires[handle] = expire;
byname[region.RegionName] = handle;
byuuid[region.RegionID] = handle;
public void RemoveRegion(GridRegion region)
public void AddUpdate(GridRegion region, DateTime expire)
if(storage == null)
storage = new Dictionary<ulong, GridRegion>();
if(expires == null)
expires = new Dictionary<ulong, DateTime>();
if(byname == null)
byname = new Dictionary<string, ulong>();
if(byuuid == null)
byuuid = new Dictionary<UUID, ulong>();
ulong handle = region.RegionHandle & HANDLEMASH;
storage[handle] = region;
if(expires[handle] < expire)
expires[handle] = expire;
expires[handle] = expire;
byname[region.RegionName] = handle;
byuuid[region.RegionID] = handle;
public void Remove(GridRegion region)
if(region == null)
if(byname != null)
if(byhandle != null)
if(byuuid != null)
ulong handle = region.RegionHandle & HANDLEMASH;
if(storage != null)
if(expires != null)
if(expires.Count == 0)
public void Remove(ulong handle)
handle &= HANDLEMASH;
if(storage != null)
GridRegion r = storage[handle];
if(byname != null)
if(byuuid != null)
if(expires != null)
if(expires.Count == 0)
public void Clear()
if(expires != null)
if(storage != null)
if(byname != null)
if(byhandle != null)
if(byuuid != null)
byname = null;
byhandle = null;
byuuid = null;
storage = null;
expires = null;
public RegionKey get(string name)
public bool Contains(GridRegion region)
if(storage == null)
return false;
if(region == null)
return false;
ulong handle = region.RegionHandle & HANDLEMASH;
return storage.ContainsKey(handle);
public bool Contains(ulong handle)
if(storage == null)
return false;
handle &= HANDLEMASH;
return storage.ContainsKey(handle);
public GridRegion get(ulong handle)
if(storage == null)
return null;
handle &= HANDLEMASH;
return storage[handle];
return null;
public GridRegion get(string name)
if(byname == null || !byname.ContainsKey(name))
return null;
return byname[name];
ulong handle = byname[name];
return storage[handle];
return null;
public RegionKey get(ulong handle)
public GridRegion get(UUID id)
if(byhandle == null || !byhandle.ContainsKey(handle))
if(byuuid == null || !byuuid.ContainsKey(id))
return null;
return byhandle[handle];
ulong handle = byuuid[id];
return storage[handle];
return null;
public GridRegion get(uint x, uint y)
if(storage == null)
return null;
// look for a handle first this should find normal size regions
ulong handle = (ulong)x & HANDLECOORDMASH;
handle <<= 32;
handle |= ((ulong)y & HANDLECOORDMASH);
return storage[handle];
// next do the harder work
foreach(KeyValuePair<ulong, GridRegion> kvp in storage)
GridRegion r = kvp.Value;
if(r == null) // ??
int test = r.RegionLocX;
if(x < test)
test += r.RegionSizeX;
if(x >= test)
test = r.RegionLocY;
if (y < test)
test += r.RegionSizeY;
if (y < test)
return r;
return null;
public int expire(DateTime now )
if(expires == null || expires.Count == 0)
return 0;
List<ulong> toexpire = new List<ulong>();
foreach(KeyValuePair<ulong, DateTime> kvp in expires)
if(kvp.Value < now)
if(toexpire.Count == 0)
return expires.Count;
if(toexpire.Count == expires.Count)
return 0;
foreach(ulong h in toexpire)
if(storage != null)
GridRegion r = storage[h];
if(byname != null)
if(byuuid != null)
if(expires != null)
if(expires.Count == 0)
byname = null;
byuuid = null;
storage = null;
expires = null;
return 0;
return expires.Count;
public int Count()
@ -276,10 +459,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.ServiceConnectorsOut.Grid
/// <summary>For thread safety</summary>
object isPurging = new object();
static RegionKeyEqual keyequal = new RegionKeyEqual();
Dictionary<RegionKey, GridRegion> timedStorage = new Dictionary<RegionKey, GridRegion>(keyequal);
Dictionary<RegionKey, DateTime> timedExpires = new Dictionary<RegionKey, DateTime>();
Dictionary<UUID, RegionInfoByScope> InfobyScope = new Dictionary<UUID, RegionInfoByScope>();
Dictionary<UUID, RegionInfoForScope> InfobyScope = new Dictionary<UUID, RegionInfoForScope>();
private System.Timers.Timer timer = new System.Timers.Timer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(CACHE_PURGE_HZ).TotalMilliseconds);
public RegionsExpiringCache()
@ -288,74 +468,29 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.ServiceConnectorsOut.Grid
public bool Add(UUID scope, GridRegion region, float expirationSeconds)
public bool AddOrUpdate(UUID scope, GridRegion region, float expirationSeconds)
if(region == null)
return false;
if (!Monitor.TryEnter(syncRoot, MAX_LOCK_WAIT))
throw new ApplicationException("Lock could not be acquired after " + MAX_LOCK_WAIT + "ms");
RegionKey key = new RegionKey(scope , region.RegionID);
if (timedStorage.ContainsKey(key))
return false;
DateTime expire = DateTime.UtcNow + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(expirationSeconds);
timedStorage[key] = region;
timedExpires[key] = expire;
RegionInfoByScope ris = null;
RegionInfoForScope ris = null;
if(!InfobyScope.TryGetValue(scope, out ris) || ris == null)
ris = new RegionInfoByScope(region, key);
ris = new RegionInfoForScope(region, expire);
InfobyScope[scope] = ris;
ris.AddRegion(region, key);
ris.AddUpdate(region, expire);
return true;
finally { Monitor.Exit(syncRoot);}
public bool AddOrUpdate(UUID scope, GridRegion region, float expirationSeconds)
if (!Monitor.TryEnter(syncRoot, MAX_LOCK_WAIT))
throw new ApplicationException("Lock could not be acquired after " + MAX_LOCK_WAIT + "ms");
RegionKey key = new RegionKey(scope, region.RegionID);
DateTime expire = DateTime.UtcNow + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(expirationSeconds);
if (timedStorage.ContainsKey(key))
timedStorage[key] = region;
if(expire > timedExpires[key])
timedExpires[key] = expire;
RegionInfoByScope ris = new RegionInfoByScope(region, key);
InfobyScope[scope] = ris;
return false;
timedStorage[key] = region;
timedExpires[key] = expire;
RegionInfoByScope ris = null;
if(!InfobyScope.TryGetValue(scope, out ris) || ris == null)
ris = new RegionInfoByScope(region,key);
InfobyScope[scope] = ris;
return true;
finally { Monitor.Exit(syncRoot); }
@ -365,8 +500,8 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.ServiceConnectorsOut.Grid
throw new ApplicationException("Lock could not be acquired after " + MAX_LOCK_WAIT + "ms");
foreach(RegionInfoForScope ris in InfobyScope.Values)
finally { Monitor.Exit(syncRoot); }
@ -374,211 +509,184 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.ServiceConnectorsOut.Grid
public bool Contains(UUID scope, GridRegion region)
RegionKey key = new RegionKey(scope, region.RegionID);
return Contains(key);
public bool Contains(RegionKey key)
if (!Monitor.TryEnter(syncRoot, MAX_LOCK_WAIT))
throw new ApplicationException("Lock could not be acquired after " + MAX_LOCK_WAIT + "ms");
return timedStorage.ContainsKey(key);
finally { Monitor.Exit(syncRoot); }
public int Count
return timedStorage.Count;
public bool Remove(UUID scope, GridRegion region)
return Remove(scope, region.RegionID);
public bool Remove(UUID scope, UUID regionID)
RegionKey key = new RegionKey(scope, regionID);
if(region == null)
return false;
if (!Monitor.TryEnter(syncRoot, MAX_LOCK_WAIT))
throw new ApplicationException("Lock could not be acquired after " + MAX_LOCK_WAIT + "ms");
if (timedStorage.ContainsKey(key))
RegionInfoByScope ris = null;
if(InfobyScope.TryGetValue(scope, out ris) && ris != null)
GridRegion r = timedStorage[key];
if(r != null)
if(ris.Count() == 0)
return true;
return false;
finally { Monitor.Exit(syncRoot); }
public bool TryGetValue(RegionKey key, out GridRegion value)
if (!Monitor.TryEnter(syncRoot, MAX_LOCK_WAIT))
throw new ApplicationException("Lock could not be acquired after " + MAX_LOCK_WAIT + "ms");
if (timedStorage.ContainsKey(key))
value = timedStorage[key];
return true;
finally { Monitor.Exit(syncRoot); }
value = null;
return false;
public bool TryGetValue(UUID scope, UUID id, out GridRegion value)
if (!Monitor.TryEnter(syncRoot, MAX_LOCK_WAIT))
throw new ApplicationException("Lock could not be acquired after " + MAX_LOCK_WAIT + "ms");
RegionKey rk = new RegionKey(scope, id);
value = timedStorage[rk];
return true;
finally { Monitor.Exit(syncRoot); }
value = null;
return false;
public bool TryGetValue(UUID scope, string name, out GridRegion value)
if (!Monitor.TryEnter(syncRoot, MAX_LOCK_WAIT))
throw new ApplicationException("Lock could not be acquired after " + MAX_LOCK_WAIT + "ms");
value = null;
RegionInfoByScope ris = null;
RegionInfoForScope ris = null;
if(!InfobyScope.TryGetValue(scope, out ris) || ris == null)
return false;
RegionKey key = ris.get(name);
if(key == null)
return false;
value = timedStorage[key];
return true;
return ris.Contains(region);
finally { Monitor.Exit(syncRoot); }
return false;
public bool Contains(UUID scope, ulong handle)
if (!Monitor.TryEnter(syncRoot, MAX_LOCK_WAIT))
throw new ApplicationException("Lock could not be acquired after " + MAX_LOCK_WAIT + "ms");
RegionInfoForScope ris = null;
if(!InfobyScope.TryGetValue(scope, out ris) || ris == null)
return false;
return ris.Contains(handle);
finally { Monitor.Exit(syncRoot); }
public int Count()
if (!Monitor.TryEnter(syncRoot, MAX_LOCK_WAIT))
throw new ApplicationException("Lock could not be acquired after " + MAX_LOCK_WAIT + "ms");
int count = 0;
foreach(RegionInfoForScope ris in InfobyScope.Values)
count += ris.Count();
return count;
finally { Monitor.Exit(syncRoot); }
public bool Remove(UUID scope, ulong handle)
if (!Monitor.TryEnter(syncRoot, MAX_LOCK_WAIT))
throw new ApplicationException("Lock could not be acquired after " + MAX_LOCK_WAIT + "ms");
RegionInfoForScope ris = null;
if(!InfobyScope.TryGetValue(scope, out ris) || ris == null)
return false;
if(ris.Count() == 0)
return true;
finally { Monitor.Exit(syncRoot); }
public bool Remove(UUID scope, GridRegion region)
if(region == null)
return false;
if (!Monitor.TryEnter(syncRoot, MAX_LOCK_WAIT))
throw new ApplicationException("Lock could not be acquired after " + MAX_LOCK_WAIT + "ms");
RegionInfoForScope ris = null;
if(!InfobyScope.TryGetValue(scope, out ris) || ris == null)
return false;
if(ris.Count() == 0)
return true;
finally { Monitor.Exit(syncRoot); }
public bool TryGetValue(UUID scope, ulong handle, out GridRegion value)
if (!Monitor.TryEnter(syncRoot, MAX_LOCK_WAIT))
throw new ApplicationException("Lock could not be acquired after " + MAX_LOCK_WAIT + "ms");
value = null;
value = null;
RegionInfoByScope ris = null;
RegionInfoForScope ris = null;
if(!InfobyScope.TryGetValue(scope, out ris) || ris == null)
return false;
RegionKey key = ris.get(handle);
if(key == null)
return false;
value = timedStorage[key];
return true;
value = ris.get(handle);
finally { Monitor.Exit(syncRoot); }
return value != null;
public bool TryGetValue(UUID scope, string name, out GridRegion value)
if (!Monitor.TryEnter(syncRoot, MAX_LOCK_WAIT))
throw new ApplicationException("Lock could not be acquired after " + MAX_LOCK_WAIT + "ms");
value = null;
return false;
RegionInfoForScope ris = null;
if(!InfobyScope.TryGetValue(scope, out ris) || ris == null)
return false;
value = ris.get(name);
finally { Monitor.Exit(syncRoot); }
return value != null;
public bool TryGetValue(UUID scope, UUID id, out GridRegion value)
if (!Monitor.TryEnter(syncRoot, MAX_LOCK_WAIT))
throw new ApplicationException("Lock could not be acquired after " + MAX_LOCK_WAIT + "ms");
value = null;
RegionInfoForScope ris = null;
if(!InfobyScope.TryGetValue(scope, out ris) || ris == null)
return false;
value = ris.get(id);
finally { Monitor.Exit(syncRoot); }
return value != null;
// gets a region that contains world position (x,y)
// hopefull will not take ages
public bool TryGetValue(UUID scope, int x, int y, out GridRegion value)
public bool TryGetValue(UUID scope, uint x, uint y, out GridRegion value)
if (!Monitor.TryEnter(syncRoot, MAX_LOCK_WAIT))
throw new ApplicationException("Lock could not be acquired after " + MAX_LOCK_WAIT + "ms");
value = null;
value = null;
if(timedStorage.Count == 0)
RegionInfoForScope ris = null;
if(!InfobyScope.TryGetValue(scope, out ris) || ris == null)
return false;
foreach(KeyValuePair<RegionKey, GridRegion> kvp in timedStorage)
if(kvp.Key.ScopeID != scope)
GridRegion r = kvp.Value;
if(r == null) // ??
int test = r.RegionLocX;
if(x < test)
test += r.RegionSizeX;
if(x >= test)
test = r.RegionLocY;
if(y < test)
test += r.RegionSizeY;
if (y < test)
value = r;
return true;
value = ris.get(x, y);
finally { Monitor.Exit(syncRoot); }
value = null;
return false;
return value != null;
public bool Update(UUID scope, GridRegion region, double expirationSeconds)
if(region == null)
return false;
if (!Monitor.TryEnter(syncRoot, MAX_LOCK_WAIT))
throw new ApplicationException("Lock could not be acquired after " + MAX_LOCK_WAIT + "ms");
RegionKey key = new RegionKey(scope, region.RegionID);
if (!timedStorage.ContainsKey(key))
RegionInfoForScope ris = null;
if(!InfobyScope.TryGetValue(scope, out ris) || ris == null)
return false;
DateTime expire = DateTime.UtcNow + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(expirationSeconds);
timedStorage[key] = region;
if(expire > timedExpires[key])
timedExpires[key] = expire;
return true;
finally { Monitor.Exit(syncRoot); }
@ -595,7 +703,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.ServiceConnectorsOut.Grid
if (!Monitor.TryEnter(isPurging))
DateTime signalTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow;
@ -604,32 +712,18 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.ServiceConnectorsOut.Grid
List<RegionKey> expiredkeys = new List<RegionKey>();
List<UUID> expiredscopes = new List<UUID>();
foreach (KeyValuePair<RegionKey, DateTime> kvp in timedExpires)
foreach (KeyValuePair<UUID, RegionInfoForScope> kvp in InfobyScope)
if (kvp.Value < signalTime)
if (kvp.Value.expire(now) == 0)
if (expiredkeys.Count > 0)
if (expiredscopes.Count > 0)
RegionInfoByScope ris;
foreach (RegionKey key in expiredkeys)
ris = null;
if(InfobyScope.TryGetValue(key.ScopeID, out ris) && ris != null)
GridRegion r = timedStorage[key];
if(r != null)
if(ris.Count() == 0)
foreach (UUID sid in expiredscopes)
finally { Monitor.Exit(syncRoot); }

View File

@ -204,8 +204,8 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.ServiceConnectorsOut.Grid
GridRegion rinfo = m_LocalGridService.GetRegionByPosition(scopeID, x, y);
if (rinfo != null)
m_log.DebugFormat("[REMOTE GRID CONNECTOR]: GetRegionByPosition. Added region {0} to the cache from local. Pos=<{1},{2}>, RegionHandle={3}",
rinfo.RegionName, rinfo.RegionCoordX, rinfo.RegionCoordY, rinfo.RegionHandle);
// m_log.DebugFormat("[REMOTE GRID CONNECTOR]: GetRegionByPosition. Found region {0} on local. Pos=<{1},{2}>, RegionHandle={3}",
// rinfo.RegionName, rinfo.RegionCoordX, rinfo.RegionCoordY, rinfo.RegionHandle);
return rinfo;
@ -213,16 +213,16 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.ServiceConnectorsOut.Grid
if (rinfo == null)
uint regionX = Util.WorldToRegionLoc((uint)x);
uint regionY = Util.WorldToRegionLoc((uint)y);
m_log.WarnFormat("[REMOTE GRID CONNECTOR]: Requested region {0}-{1} not found", regionX, regionY);
// uint regionX = Util.WorldToRegionLoc((uint)x);
// uint regionY = Util.WorldToRegionLoc((uint)y);
// m_log.WarnFormat("[REMOTE GRID CONNECTOR]: Requested region {0}-{1} not found", regionX, regionY);
m_RegionInfoCache.Cache(scopeID, rinfo);
m_log.DebugFormat("[REMOTE GRID CONNECTOR]: GetRegionByPosition. Added region {0} to the cache. Pos=<{1},{2}>, RegionHandle={3}",
rinfo.RegionName, rinfo.RegionCoordX, rinfo.RegionCoordY, rinfo.RegionHandle);
// m_log.DebugFormat("[REMOTE GRID CONNECTOR]: GetRegionByPosition. Added region {0} to the cache. Pos=<{1},{2}>, RegionHandle={3}",
// rinfo.RegionName, rinfo.RegionCoordX, rinfo.RegionCoordY, rinfo.RegionHandle);
return rinfo;

View File

@ -852,19 +852,19 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.Shared.Api
public void osTeleportAgent(string agent, int regionX, int regionY, LSL_Types.Vector3 position, LSL_Types.Vector3 lookat)
public void osTeleportAgent(string agent, int regionGridX, int regionGridY, LSL_Types.Vector3 position, LSL_Types.Vector3 lookat)
// High because there is no security check. High griefer potential
CheckThreatLevel(ThreatLevel.Severe, "osTeleportAgent");
TeleportAgent(agent, regionX, regionY, position, lookat, false);
TeleportAgent(agent, regionGridX, regionGridY, position, lookat, false);
private void TeleportAgent(string agent, int regionX, int regionY,
private void TeleportAgent(string agent, int regionGridX, int regionGridY,
LSL_Types.Vector3 position, LSL_Types.Vector3 lookat, bool relaxRestrictions)
ulong regionHandle = Util.RegionLocToHandle((uint)regionX, (uint)regionY);
ulong regionHandle = Util.RegionGridLocToHandle((uint)regionGridX, (uint)regionGridY);
UUID agentId = new UUID();
@ -917,11 +917,11 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.Shared.Api
osTeleportOwner(World.RegionInfo.RegionName, position, lookat);
public void osTeleportOwner(int regionX, int regionY, LSL_Types.Vector3 position, LSL_Types.Vector3 lookat)
public void osTeleportOwner(int regionGridX, int regionGridY, LSL_Types.Vector3 position, LSL_Types.Vector3 lookat)
CheckThreatLevel(ThreatLevel.None, "osTeleportOwner");
TeleportAgent(m_host.OwnerID.ToString(), regionX, regionY, position, lookat, true);
TeleportAgent(m_host.OwnerID.ToString(), regionGridX, regionGridY, position, lookat, true);