allow for raw inject of nant files to aid in building

things like build targets
Sean Dague 2007-09-17 10:58:06 +00:00
parent 995d7cb96b
commit b25b0b2662
1 changed files with 39 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -490,8 +490,45 @@ public class NAntTarget : ITarget
ss.WriteLine(" </target>"); ss.WriteLine(" </target>");
ss.WriteLine(); ss.WriteLine();
// sdague - make a zip target
ss.WriteLine(" <include buildfile=\".nant/local.include\" />");
// sdague - ok, this is an ugly hack, but what it lets
// us do is native include of files into the nant
// created files from all .nant/*include files. This
// lets us keep using prebuild, but allows for
// extended nant targets to do build and the like.
try {
Regex re = new Regex(".include$");
DirectoryInfo nantdir = new DirectoryInfo(".nant");
foreach (FileSystemInfo item in nantdir.GetFileSystemInfos())
if (item is DirectoryInfo) {}
else if (item is FileInfo)
if (re.Match(((FileInfo)item).FullName) !=
System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match.Empty) {
Console.WriteLine("Including file: " + ((FileInfo)item).FullName);
using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(((FileInfo)item).FullName,
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fs))
ss.WriteLine("<!-- included from {0} -->", ((FileInfo)item).FullName);
while (sr.Peek() != -1) {
} catch {}
// ss.WriteLine(" <include buildfile=\".nant/local.include\" />");
// ss.WriteLine(" <target name=\"zip\" description=\"\">"); // ss.WriteLine(" <target name=\"zip\" description=\"\">");
// ss.WriteLine(" <zip zipfile=\"{0}-{1}.zip\">", solution.Name, solution.Version); // ss.WriteLine(" <zip zipfile=\"{0}-{1}.zip\">", solution.Name, solution.Version);
// ss.WriteLine(" <fileset basedir=\"${project::get-base-directory()}\">"); // ss.WriteLine(" <fileset basedir=\"${project::get-base-directory()}\">");