Removed BucketSync code from RegionSyncModule.

Huaiyu (Kitty) Liu 2011-05-11 14:45:01 -07:00
parent 7aaacbc4a6
commit ba948251fe
4 changed files with 4 additions and 832 deletions

View File

@ -84,9 +84,6 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.RegionSync.RegionSyncModule
m_isSyncRelay = m_sysConfig.GetBoolean("IsSyncRelay", false); m_isSyncRelay = m_sysConfig.GetBoolean("IsSyncRelay", false);
m_isSyncListenerLocal = m_sysConfig.GetBoolean("IsSyncListenerLocal", false); m_isSyncListenerLocal = m_sysConfig.GetBoolean("IsSyncListenerLocal", false);
//Setup the PropertyBucketMap
m_active = true; m_active = true;
LogHeader += "-Actor " + m_actorID; LogHeader += "-Actor " + m_actorID;
@ -737,24 +734,6 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.RegionSync.RegionSyncModule
m_log.Warn("[REGION SYNC MODULE]: StatsTimerElapsed -- NOT yet implemented."); m_log.Warn("[REGION SYNC MODULE]: StatsTimerElapsed -- NOT yet implemented.");
} }
private SymmetricSyncMessage CreateNewObjectMessage(SceneObjectGroup sog)
OSDMap data = new OSDMap();
string sogxml = SceneObjectSerializer.ToXml2Format(sog);
data["sogxml"] = OSD.FromString(sogxml);
OSDArray partArray = new OSDArray();
foreach (SceneObjectPart part in sog.Parts)
OSDMap partData = PhysicsBucketPropertiesEncoder(m_physicsBucketName, part);
data["partPhysicsProperties"] = partArray;
//string sogxml = SceneObjectSerializer.ToXml2Format(sog);
SymmetricSyncMessage rsm = new SymmetricSyncMessage(SymmetricSyncMessage.MsgType.NewObject, OSDParser.SerializeJsonString(data));
return rsm;
private void HandleGetTerrainRequest(SyncConnector connector) private void HandleGetTerrainRequest(SyncConnector connector)
{ {
string msgData = m_scene.Heightmap.SaveToXmlString(); string msgData = m_scene.Heightmap.SaveToXmlString();
@ -796,499 +775,6 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.RegionSync.RegionSyncModule
} }
} }
//Read in configuration for which property-bucket each property belongs to, and the description of each bucket
private void PopulatePropertyBucketMap(IConfig config)
//We start with a default bucket map. Will add the code to read in configuration from config files later.
//Pass the bucket information to SceneObjectPart.
SceneObjectPart.InitializePropertyBucketInfo(m_primPropertyBucketMap, m_propertyBucketNames, m_actorID);
#region Bucket specific sender/receiver, encoder/decoder
// These are bucket specific functions, hence are "hard-coded", that is,
// they each undestand the particular bucket it operates for.
// Each encoder should encode properties in OSDMap, and besides
// properties, encode two more items:
// Bucket -- bucket's name,
// GroupPostiion -- the object group or object part's group position,
// which is used to identify which quark an object
// group/part belongs to.
// The encoder needs to convert positions from local to global coordinates,
// if necessary (client manager needs to).
// Each receiver should check if the object/prim's group position is
// within local sync quarks' space. If not, ignore the sync message.
// Otherwise, it calls decoder to decode the properties.
// Each decoder need to convert the coordicates if necessary (only client
// manager needs to register for the conversion handler).
/// <summary>
/// Decode and construct SceneObjectGroup, convert the coordinates of Position
/// properties if necessary (from global to local).
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sogxml"></param>
/// <param name="inLocalQuarks">indicates if the constructed SOG resides in the Sync Quarks</param>
/// <returns></returns>
// private SceneObjectGroup DecodeSceneObjectGroup(string sogxml, out bool inLocalQuarks)
private SceneObjectGroup DecodeSceneObjectGroup(string sogxml)
SceneObjectGroup sog = SceneObjectSerializer.FromXml2Format(sogxml);
return sog;
//Legacy implementation of NewObject encoder/decoder for bucket-based
//sync protocol.
/// <summary>
/// Encode all properties of an object. Assumption: no matter how many
/// buckets are designed, there is always a "General" bucket that contains
/// non-actor specific properties.
/// The encoding include the sogxml of the object as serialized by
/// SceneObjectSerializer, and encoding of properties in all buckets other
/// than "General" bucket.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sog"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private SymmetricSyncMessage NewObjectMessageEncoder(SceneObjectGroup sog)
OSDMap data = new OSDMap();
string sogxml = SceneObjectSerializer.ToXml2Format(sog);
data["SogXml"] = OSD.FromString(sogxml);
//convert the coordinates if necessary
Vector3 globalPos = sog.AbsolutePosition;
data["GroupPosition"] = OSDMap.FromVector3(globalPos);
foreach (string bucketName in m_propertyBucketNames)
//We assume there is always a General bucket, and properties in it
//are covered in the xml serialization above
if (bucketName.Equals(m_generalBucketName))
OSDArray partArray = new OSDArray();
foreach (SceneObjectPart part in sog.Parts)
OSDMap partData = m_updatePerBucketEncoder[bucketName](bucketName, (Object)part);
data[bucketName] = partArray;
//string sogxml = SceneObjectSerializer.ToXml2Format(sog);
SymmetricSyncMessage rsm = new SymmetricSyncMessage(SymmetricSyncMessage.MsgType.NewObject, OSDParser.SerializeJsonString(data));
//m_log.DebugFormat("{0}: Created a NewObject message for {1},{2}, at pos {3}", LogHeader, sog.Name, sog.UUID, globalPos);
return rsm;
private void NewObjectMessageDecoder(OSDMap data, out Object group)
//First, create the object group and add it to Scene
string sogxml = data["SogXml"].AsString();
Vector3 globalPos = data["GroupPosition"].AsVector3();
SceneObjectGroup sog = DecodeSceneObjectGroup(sogxml);
//Convert the coordinates if necessary
Vector3 localPos = globalPos;
sog.AbsolutePosition = localPos;
//m_log.DebugFormat("{0}: received NewObject sync message for object {1}, {2} at pos {3}", LogHeader, sog.Name, sog.UUID, sog.AbsolutePosition.ToString());
Scene.ObjectUpdateResult updateResult = m_scene.AddNewSceneObjectBySync(sog);
//Second, for each prim in the object, update the properties in buckets
//other than the General bucket
foreach (string bucketName in m_propertyBucketNames)
if (bucketName.Equals(m_generalBucketName))
if (!data.ContainsKey(bucketName))
m_log.WarnFormat("{0}: On receiving NewObject, no properties in bucket {1} are included", LogHeader, bucketName);
OSDArray partDataArray = (OSDArray)data[bucketName];
for (int i = 0; i < partDataArray.Count; i++)
OSDMap partData = (OSDMap)partDataArray[i];
m_primUpdatesPerBucketReceiver[bucketName](bucketName, partData);
group = (Object)sog;
//As of current version, we still use the xml serialization as most of SOP's properties are in the General bucket.
//Going forward, we may serialize the properties differently, e.g. using OSDMap
private void PrimUpdatesGeneralBucketSender(string bucketName, List<SceneObjectPart> primUpdates)
Dictionary<UUID, SceneObjectGroup> updatedObjects = new Dictionary<UUID, SceneObjectGroup>();
foreach (SceneObjectPart part in primUpdates)
if (!part.ParentGroup.IsDeleted)
updatedObjects[part.ParentGroup.UUID] = part.ParentGroup;
long timeStamp = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
foreach (SceneObjectGroup sog in updatedObjects.Values)
sog.UpdateTaintedBucketSyncInfo(bucketName, timeStamp); //this update the timestamp and clear the taint info of the bucket
//string sogGeneralBucketEncoding = SceneObjectSerializer.ToXml2Format(sog);
//SymmetricSyncMessage syncMsg = new SymmetricSyncMessage(SymmetricSyncMessage.MsgType.UpdatedObject, sogGeneralBucketEncoding);
OSDMap data = GeneralBucketPropertiesEncoder(bucketName, sog);
SymmetricSyncMessage syncMsg = new SymmetricSyncMessage(SymmetricSyncMessage.MsgType.UpdatedObject, OSDParser.SerializeJsonString(data));
lock (m_stats) m_statSOGBucketOut++;
//m_log.DebugFormat(LogHeader + " calling SendObjectUpdateToRelevantSyncConnectors for general bucket for sog {0},{1}", sog.Name, sog.UUID);
SendObjectUpdateToRelevantSyncConnectors(sog, syncMsg);
//clear the taints
foreach (SceneObjectPart part in sog.Parts)
//UpdateBucektLastSentTime(bucketName, timeStamp);
private void PrimUpdatesGeneralBucketReceiver(string bucketName, OSDMap data)
lock (m_stats) m_statSOGBucketIn++;
if (!data.ContainsKey("GroupPosition"))
m_log.WarnFormat("{0}: PrimUpdatesGeneralBucketReceiver -- no GroupPosition is provided in the received update message");
//Check the object/prim's position, if outside of local quarks, ignore the update.
Vector3 groupPosition = data["GroupPosition"].AsVector3();
if (!m_syncQuarkManager.IsPosInSyncQuarks(groupPosition))
m_log.WarnFormat("{0}: Received a {1} bucket update for object at pos {2}, OUT OF local quarks", LogHeader, bucketName, groupPosition.ToString());
* */
//m_log.DebugFormat("{0}: PrimUpdatesGeneralBucketReceiver called, for update at GroupPosition {1}", LogHeader, groupPosition.ToString());
Object ret;
GeneralBucketPropertiesDecoder(bucketName, data, out ret);
SceneObjectGroup sog;
if (ret is SceneObjectGroup && ret != null)
sog = (SceneObjectGroup)ret;
m_log.DebugFormat("{0}: Error in GeneralBucketPropertiesDecoder.", LogHeader);
if (sog.IsDeleted)
m_log.DebugFormat("{0}: Ignoring update on deleted object, Name: {1}, UUID: {2}.", LogHeader, sog.Name, sog.UUID);
//m_log.DebugFormat("{0}: UpdateObjectBySynchronization to be called for: sog {1}, {2}, at post {3}", LogHeader, sog.Name, sog.UUID, sog.AbsolutePosition);
Scene.ObjectUpdateResult updateResult = m_scene.UpdateObjectBySynchronization(sog);
switch (updateResult)
case Scene.ObjectUpdateResult.New:
m_log.DebugFormat("[{0} Object \"{1}\" ({1}) ({2}) added.", LogHeader, sog.Name, sog.UUID.ToString(), sog.LocalId.ToString());
case Scene.ObjectUpdateResult.Updated:
m_log.DebugFormat("[{0} Object \"{1}\" ({1}) ({2}) updated.", LogHeader, sog.Name, sog.UUID.ToString(), sog.LocalId.ToString());
case Scene.ObjectUpdateResult.Error:
m_log.WarnFormat("[{0} Object \"{1}\" ({1}) ({2}) -- add or update ERROR.", LogHeader, sog.Name, sog.UUID.ToString(), sog.LocalId.ToString());
case Scene.ObjectUpdateResult.Unchanged:
//m_log.DebugFormat("[{0} Object \"{1}\" ({1}) ({2}) unchanged after receiving an update.", LogHeader, sog.Name, sog.UUID.ToString(), sog.LocalId.ToString());
* */
// m_log.DebugFormat("{0}: end of processing UpdatedObject {4} bucket, for object {1}, {2}, at pos {3}", LogHeader, sog.Name,
// sog.UUID, sog.AbsolutePosition, bucketName);
/// <summary>
/// Encode the properties of a given object(group) into string, to be
/// included in an outgoing sync message.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="bucketName"></param>
/// <param name="sog"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private OSDMap GeneralBucketPropertiesEncoder(string bucketName, Object group)
OSDMap data = new OSDMap();
SceneObjectGroup sog;
if (group is SceneObjectGroup)
sog = (SceneObjectGroup)group;
return data;
string sogxml = SceneObjectSerializer.ToXml2Format(sog);
data["Bucket"] = OSDMap.FromString(bucketName);
data["SogXml"] = OSDMap.FromString(sogxml);
//convert the coordinates if necessary
Vector3 globalPos = sog.AbsolutePosition;
if (CoordinatesConversionHandler != null)
bool inComingMsg = false;
globalPos = CoordinatesConversionHandler(globalPos, inComingMsg);
* */
data["GroupPosition"] = OSDMap.FromVector3(globalPos);
//m_log.Debug(LogHeader + " GeneralBucketPropertiesEncoder for " + sog.Name + "," + sog.UUID + ". GlobalPos: " + globalPos.ToString());
return data;
private void GeneralBucketPropertiesDecoder(string bucketName, OSDMap data, out Object group)
group = null;
if (!data.ContainsKey("SogXml") || !data.ContainsKey("GroupPosition"))
m_log.WarnFormat("{0}: GeneralBucketPropertiesDecoder -- Either SogXml or GroupPosition is missing in the received update message");
string sogxml = data["SogXml"].AsString();
Vector3 globalPos = data["GroupPosition"].AsVector3();
SceneObjectGroup sog = SceneObjectSerializer.FromXml2Format(sogxml);
if (CoordinatesConversionHandler != null)
bool inComingMsg = true;
sog.AbsolutePosition = CoordinatesConversionHandler(globalPos, inComingMsg);
* */
group = sog;
private void PrimUpdatesPhysicsBucketSender(string bucketName, List<SceneObjectPart> primUpdates)
foreach (SceneObjectPart updatedPart in primUpdates)
if (updatedPart.ParentGroup.IsDeleted)
updatedPart.UpdateTaintedBucketSyncInfo(bucketName, DateTime.Now.Ticks);
//string partPhysicsBucketEncoding = PhysicsBucketPropertiesEncoder(bucketName, updatedPart);
OSDMap partData = PhysicsBucketPropertiesEncoder(bucketName, updatedPart);
//SymmetricSyncMessage syncMsg = new SymmetricSyncMessage(SymmetricSyncMessage.MsgType.UpdatedBucketProperties, OSDParser.SerializeJsonString(partData));
SymmetricSyncMessage syncMsg = new SymmetricSyncMessage(SymmetricSyncMessage.MsgType.UpdatedObject, OSDParser.SerializeJsonString(partData));
lock (m_stats) m_statPhysBucketOut++;
SendPrimUpdateToRelevantSyncConnectors(updatedPart, syncMsg, updatedPart.BucketSyncInfoList[bucketName].LastUpdateActorID);
//clear the taints
private void PrimUpdatesPhysicsBucketReceiver(string bucketName, OSDMap data)
lock (m_stats) m_statPhysBucketIn++;
if (!data.ContainsKey("GroupPosition"))
m_log.WarnFormat("{0}: PrimUpdatesGeneralBucketReceiver -- no GroupPosition is provided in the received update message");
//check the object/prim's position, if outside of local quarks, ignore it
Vector3 groupPosition = data["GroupPosition"].AsVector3();
if (!m_syncQuarkManager.IsPosInSyncQuarks(groupPosition))
m_log.WarnFormat("{0}: Received a {1} bucket update for object at pos {2}, OUT OF local quarks", LogHeader, bucketName, groupPosition.ToString());
* */
//m_log.DebugFormat("{0}: PrimUpdatesPhysicsBucketReceiver called, for update at GroupPosition {1}", LogHeader, groupPosition.ToString());
Object ret;
PhysicsBucketPropertiesDecoder(bucketName, data, out ret);
OSDMap recvData;
if (ret is OSDMap && ret != null)
recvData = (OSDMap)ret;
m_log.DebugFormat("{0}: Error in PhysicsBucketPropertiesDecoder.", LogHeader);
UUID partUUID = data["UUID"].AsUUID();
BucketSyncInfo rBucketSyncInfo = new BucketSyncInfo(bucketName);
rBucketSyncInfo.LastUpdateTimeStamp = data["LastUpdateTimeStamp"].AsLong();
rBucketSyncInfo.LastUpdateActorID = data["LastUpdateActorID"].AsString();
m_scene.UpdateObjectPartBucketProperties(bucketName, partUUID, data, rBucketSyncInfo);
SceneObjectPart localPart = m_scene.GetSceneObjectPart(partUUID);
//m_log.DebugFormat("{0}: end of processing UpdatedObject {4} bucket, for part {1}, {2}, at group pos {3}", LogHeader, localPart.Name,
// localPart.UUID, localPart.GroupPosition, bucketName);
private OSDMap PhysicsBucketPropertiesEncoder(string bucketName, Object part)
OSDMap data = new OSDMap();
SceneObjectPart updatedPart;
if (part is SceneObjectPart)
updatedPart = (SceneObjectPart)part;
return data;
data["Bucket"] = OSD.FromString(bucketName);
//Convert GroupPosition if necessary
Vector3 globalGroupPos = updatedPart.GroupPosition;
if (CoordinatesConversionHandler != null)
bool inComingMsg = false;
globalGroupPos = CoordinatesConversionHandler(globalGroupPos, inComingMsg);
* */
data["GroupPosition"] = OSDMap.FromVector3(globalGroupPos); //This records the global GroupPosition.
data["UUID"] = OSD.FromUUID(updatedPart.UUID);
data["OffsetPosition"] = OSD.FromVector3(updatedPart.OffsetPosition);
data["Scale"] = OSD.FromVector3(updatedPart.Scale);
data["AngularVelocity"] = OSD.FromVector3(updatedPart.AngularVelocity);
data["RotationOffset"] = OSD.FromQuaternion(updatedPart.RotationOffset);
Physics.Manager.PhysicsActor pa = updatedPart.PhysActor;
if (pa != null)
//Convert Position if necessary
Vector3 globalPos = pa.Position;
if (CoordinatesConversionHandler != null)
bool inComingMsg = false;
globalPos = CoordinatesConversionHandler(globalPos, inComingMsg);
* */
data["Position"] = OSDMap.FromVector3(globalPos); //This records the global GroupPosition.
data["Size"] = OSD.FromVector3(pa.Size);
//data["Position"] = OSD.FromVector3(pa.Position);
data["Force"] = OSD.FromVector3(pa.Force);
data["Velocity"] = OSD.FromVector3(pa.Velocity);
data["RotationalVelocity"] = OSD.FromVector3(pa.RotationalVelocity);
data["PA_Acceleration"] = OSD.FromVector3(pa.Acceleration);
data["Torque"] = OSD.FromVector3(pa.Torque);
data["Orientation"] = OSD.FromQuaternion(pa.Orientation);
data["IsPhysical"] = OSD.FromBoolean(pa.IsPhysical);
data["Flying"] = OSD.FromBoolean(pa.Flying);
data["Kinematic"] = OSD.FromBoolean(pa.Kinematic);
data["Buoyancy"] = OSD.FromReal(pa.Buoyancy);
data["CollidingGround"] = OSD.FromBoolean(pa.CollidingGround);
data["IsColliding"] = OSD.FromBoolean(pa.IsColliding);
//m_log.DebugFormat("{0}: PhysBucketSender for {1}, pos={2}", LogHeader, updatedPart.UUID.ToString(), pa.Position.ToString());
data["LastUpdateTimeStamp"] = OSD.FromLong(updatedPart.BucketSyncInfoList[bucketName].LastUpdateTimeStamp);
data["LastUpdateActorID"] = OSD.FromString(updatedPart.BucketSyncInfoList[bucketName].LastUpdateActorID);
return data;
private void PhysicsBucketPropertiesDecoder(string bucketName, OSDMap msgData, out Object data)
if (msgData.ContainsKey("GroupPosition"))
if (CoordinatesConversionHandler != null)
bool inComingMsg = true;
Vector3 globalGroupPos = msgData["GroupPosition"].AsVector3();
msgData["GroupPosition"] = OSDMap.FromVector3(CoordinatesConversionHandler(globalGroupPos, inComingMsg));
if (msgData.ContainsKey("Position"))
if (CoordinatesConversionHandler != null)
bool inComingMsg = true;
Vector3 globalPos = msgData["Position"].AsVector3();
msgData["Position"] = OSDMap.FromVector3(CoordinatesConversionHandler(globalPos, inComingMsg));
* */
data = (Object)msgData;
#endregion //Bucket specific sender/receiver, encoder/decoder
private bool HaveUpdatesToSendoutForSync(SceneObjectPart part, string bucketName) private bool HaveUpdatesToSendoutForSync(SceneObjectPart part, string bucketName)
{ {
@ -1302,76 +788,6 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.RegionSync.RegionSyncModule
} }
} }
//by default, there are two property buckets: the "General" bucket and the "Physics" bucket.
private string m_generalBucketName = "General";
private string m_physicsBucketName = "Physics";
//If nothing configured in the config file, this is the default settings for grouping properties into different bucket
private void PopulatePropertyBuketMapByDefault()
m_maxNumOfPropertyBuckets = m_propertyBucketNames.Count;
//Linking each bucket with the sender/receiver function for sending/receiving an update message
m_primUpdatesPerBucketSender.Add(m_generalBucketName, PrimUpdatesGeneralBucketSender);
m_primUpdatesPerBucketSender.Add(m_physicsBucketName, PrimUpdatesPhysicsBucketSender);
m_primUpdatesPerBucketReceiver.Add(m_generalBucketName, PrimUpdatesGeneralBucketReceiver);
m_primUpdatesPerBucketReceiver.Add(m_physicsBucketName, PrimUpdatesPhysicsBucketReceiver);
//Linking each bucket with the encoder/decoder functions that encode/decode the properties in the bucket
m_updatePerBucketEncoder.Add(m_generalBucketName, GeneralBucketPropertiesEncoder);
m_updatePerBucketEncoder.Add(m_physicsBucketName, PhysicsBucketPropertiesEncoder);
m_updatePerBucketDecoder.Add(m_generalBucketName, GeneralBucketPropertiesDecoder);
m_updatePerBucketDecoder.Add(m_physicsBucketName, PhysicsBucketPropertiesDecoder);
//m_lastUpdateSentTime.Add("General", 0);
//m_lastUpdateSentTime.Add("Physics", 0);
//Mapping properties to buckets.
foreach (SceneObjectPartSyncProperties property in Enum.GetValues(typeof(SceneObjectPartSyncProperties)))
switch (property)
case SceneObjectPartSyncProperties.GroupPosition:
case SceneObjectPartSyncProperties.OffsetPosition:
case SceneObjectPartSyncProperties.Scale:
case SceneObjectPartSyncProperties.AngularVelocity:
case SceneObjectPartSyncProperties.RotationOffset:
case SceneObjectPartSyncProperties.Size:
case SceneObjectPartSyncProperties.Position:
case SceneObjectPartSyncProperties.Force:
case SceneObjectPartSyncProperties.Velocity:
case SceneObjectPartSyncProperties.RotationalVelocity:
case SceneObjectPartSyncProperties.PA_Acceleration:
case SceneObjectPartSyncProperties.Torque:
case SceneObjectPartSyncProperties.Orientation:
case SceneObjectPartSyncProperties.IsPhysical:
case SceneObjectPartSyncProperties.Flying:
case SceneObjectPartSyncProperties.Kinematic:
case SceneObjectPartSyncProperties.Buoyancy:
case SceneObjectPartSyncProperties.CollidingGround:
case SceneObjectPartSyncProperties.IsColliding:
m_primPropertyBucketMap.Add(property, m_physicsBucketName);
//all other properties belong to the "General" bucket.
m_primPropertyBucketMap.Add(property, m_generalBucketName);
//create different lists to keep track which SOP has what properties updated (which bucket of properties)
foreach (string bucketName in m_propertyBucketNames)
m_primUpdates.Add(bucketName, new Dictionary<UUID, SceneObjectPart>());
m_primUpdateLocks.Add(bucketName, new Object());
private bool IsSyncingWithOtherSyncNodes() private bool IsSyncingWithOtherSyncNodes()
{ {
return (m_syncConnectors.Count > 0); return (m_syncConnectors.Count > 0);
@ -1484,36 +900,6 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.RegionSync.RegionSyncModule
} }
} }
/// <summary>
/// Check if we need to send out an update message for the given object. For now, we have a very inefficient solution:
/// If any synchronization bucket in any part shows a property in that bucket has changed, we'll serialize and ship the whole object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sog"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private bool CheckObjectForSendingUpdate(SceneObjectGroup sog)
//If any part in the object has the last update caused by this actor itself, then send the update
foreach (SceneObjectPart part in sog.Parts)
if (!part.LastUpdateActorID.Equals(m_actorID))
return true;
* */
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, BucketSyncInfo> pair in part.BucketSyncInfoList)
if (pair.Value.LastUpdateActorID.Equals(m_actorID))
return true;
return false;
/// <summary> /// <summary>
/// Get the set of SyncConnectors to send updates of the given object. /// Get the set of SyncConnectors to send updates of the given object.
/// </summary> /// </summary>
@ -1530,7 +916,6 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.RegionSync.RegionSyncModule
//in other parts as well, so we are sending to all connectors. //in other parts as well, so we are sending to all connectors.
ForEachSyncConnector(delegate(SyncConnector connector) ForEachSyncConnector(delegate(SyncConnector connector)
{ {
syncConnectors.Add(connector); syncConnectors.Add(connector);
}); });
} }
@ -1897,31 +1282,6 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.RegionSync.RegionSyncModule
} }
} }
//debug functions
private void BucketSyncDebug()
//Legacy serialization/deserialization for bucket based sync
//first test serialization
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
XmlTextWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter(sw);
Dictionary<string, BucketSyncInfo> bucketSyncInfoList = new Dictionary<string,BucketSyncInfo>();
BucketSyncInfo generalBucket = new BucketSyncInfo(DateTime.Now.Ticks, m_actorID, "General");
bucketSyncInfoList.Add("General", generalBucket);
BucketSyncInfo physicsBucket = new BucketSyncInfo(DateTime.Now.Ticks, m_actorID, "Physics");
bucketSyncInfoList.Add("Physics", physicsBucket);
SceneObjectSerializer.WriteBucketSyncInfo(writer, bucketSyncInfoList);
string xmlString = sw.ToString();
m_log.DebugFormat("Serialized xml string: {0}", xmlString);
//second, test de-serialization
XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(new StringReader(xmlString));
SceneObjectPart part = new SceneObjectPart();
SceneObjectSerializer.ProcessBucketSyncInfo(part, reader);
* */
private void PrimSyncSerializationDebug() private void PrimSyncSerializationDebug()
{ {
if (m_scene != null) if (m_scene != null)
@ -2193,11 +1553,6 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.RegionSync.RegionSyncModule
HandleUpdatedObject(msg, senderActorID); HandleUpdatedObject(msg, senderActorID);
return; return;
} }
case SymmetricSyncMessage.MsgType.UpdatedBucketProperties:
HandleUpdatedBucketProperties(msg, senderActorID);
case SymmetricSyncMessage.MsgType.RemovedObject: case SymmetricSyncMessage.MsgType.RemovedObject:
{ {
HandleRemovedObject(msg, senderActorID); HandleRemovedObject(msg, senderActorID);
@ -2205,13 +1560,11 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.RegionSync.RegionSyncModule
} }
case SymmetricSyncMessage.MsgType.LinkObject: case SymmetricSyncMessage.MsgType.LinkObject:
{ {
//HandleLinkObject(msg, senderActorID);
HandleSyncLinkObject(msg, senderActorID); HandleSyncLinkObject(msg, senderActorID);
return; return;
} }
case SymmetricSyncMessage.MsgType.DelinkObject: case SymmetricSyncMessage.MsgType.DelinkObject:
{ {
//HandleDelinkObject(msg, senderActorID);
HandleSyncDelinkObject(msg, senderActorID); HandleSyncDelinkObject(msg, senderActorID);
return; return;
} }
@ -2522,32 +1875,6 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.RegionSync.RegionSyncModule
// Bucket sync handlers // Bucket sync handlers
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
private void HandleAddNewObject(SymmetricSyncMessage msg, string senderActorID)
OSDMap data = DeserializeMessage(msg);
//if this is a relay node, forward the event
Vector3 globalPos = data["GroupPosition"].AsVector3();
if (m_isSyncRelay)
SendSpecialObjectUpdateToRelevantSyncConnectors(senderActorID, globalPos, msg);
if (!m_syncQuarkManager.IsPosInSyncQuarks(globalPos))
m_log.WarnFormat("{0}: Received an update for object at global pos {1}, not within local quarks, ignore the update", LogHeader, globalPos.ToString());
* */
SceneObjectGroup sog;
Object group;
NewObjectMessageDecoder(data, out group);
sog = (SceneObjectGroup)group;
//Might need to do something with SOG, or no more actions, just return
/// <summary> /// <summary>
/// Handler of UpdatedObject message. Note: for a relay node in the /// Handler of UpdatedObject message. Note: for a relay node in the
@ -2650,32 +1977,6 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.RegionSync.RegionSyncModule
} }
} }
private void HandleUpdatedBucketProperties(SymmetricSyncMessage msg, string senderActorID)
// Get the data from message and error check
OSDMap data = DeserializeMessage(msg);
if (data == null)
SymmetricSyncMessage.HandleError(LogHeader, msg, "Could not deserialize JSON data.");
lock (m_stats) m_statPhysBucketIn++;
UUID partUUID = data["UUID"].AsUUID();
string bucketName = data["Bucket"].AsString();
//m_log.DebugFormat("{0}: HandleUpdatedBucketProperties from {1}: for {2}/{3}", LogHeader, senderActorID, partUUID.ToString(), bucketName);
BucketSyncInfo rBucketSyncInfo = new BucketSyncInfo(bucketName);
rBucketSyncInfo.LastUpdateTimeStamp = data["LastUpdateTimeStamp"].AsLong();
rBucketSyncInfo.LastUpdateActorID = data["LastUpdateActorID"].AsString();
// updatedPart.BucketSyncInfoList.Add(bucketName, rBucketSyncInfo);
m_scene.UpdateObjectPartBucketProperties(bucketName, partUUID, data, rBucketSyncInfo);
/// <summary> /// <summary>
/// Send out a sync message about the updated Terrain. If this is a relay node, /// Send out a sync message about the updated Terrain. If this is a relay node,
/// forward the sync message to all connectors except the one which initiated /// forward the sync message to all connectors except the one which initiated
@ -2770,107 +2071,6 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.RegionSync.RegionSyncModule
} }
private void HandleLinkObject(SymmetricSyncMessage msg, string senderActorID)
// Get the data from message and error check
OSDMap data = DeserializeMessage(msg);
if (data == null)
SymmetricSyncMessage.HandleError(LogHeader, msg, "Could not deserialize JSON data.");
//string init_actorID = data["actorID"].AsString();
string sogxml = data["linkedGroup"].AsString();
//SceneObjectGroup linkedGroup = SceneObjectSerializer.FromXml2Format(sogxml);
SceneObjectGroup linkedGroup = DecodeSceneObjectGroup(sogxml);
UUID rootID = data["rootID"].AsUUID();
int partCount = data["partCount"].AsInteger();
List<UUID> childrenIDs = new List<UUID>();
//if this is a relay node, forwards the event
if (m_isSyncRelay)
//SendSceneEventToRelevantSyncConnectors(senderActorID, msg, linkedGroup);
SendSpecialObjectUpdateToRelevantSyncConnectors(senderActorID, linkedGroup, msg);
for (int i = 0; i < partCount; i++)
string partTempID = "part" + i;
//m_log.DebugFormat("{0}: received LinkObject from {1}", LogHeader, senderActorID);
m_scene.LinkObjectBySync(linkedGroup, rootID, childrenIDs);
private void HandleDelinkObject(SymmetricSyncMessage msg, string senderActorID)
OSDMap data = DeserializeMessage(msg);
if (data == null)
SymmetricSyncMessage.HandleError(LogHeader, msg, "Could not deserialize JSON data.");
//List<SceneObjectPart> localPrims = new List<SceneObjectPart>();
List<UUID> delinkPrimIDs = new List<UUID>();
List<UUID> beforeDelinkGroupIDs = new List<UUID>();
List<SceneObjectGroup> incomingAfterDelinkGroups = new List<SceneObjectGroup>();
int partCount = data["partCount"].AsInteger();
for (int i = 0; i < partCount; i++)
string partTempID = "part" + i;
UUID primID = data[partTempID].AsUUID();
//SceneObjectPart localPart = m_scene.GetSceneObjectPart(primID);
int beforeGroupCount = data["beforeGroupsCount"].AsInteger();
for (int i = 0; i < beforeGroupCount; i++)
string groupTempID = "beforeGroup" + i;
UUID beforeGroupID = data[groupTempID].AsUUID();
int afterGroupsCount = data["afterGroupsCount"].AsInteger();
for (int i = 0; i < afterGroupsCount; i++)
string groupTempID = "afterGroup" + i;
string sogxml = data[groupTempID].AsString();
//SceneObjectGroup afterGroup = SceneObjectSerializer.FromXml2Format(sogxml);
SceneObjectGroup afterGroup = DecodeSceneObjectGroup(sogxml);
//if this is a relay node, forwards the event
if (m_isSyncRelay)
List<SceneObjectGroup> beforeDelinkGroups = new List<SceneObjectGroup>();
foreach (UUID sogID in beforeDelinkGroupIDs)
SceneObjectGroup sog = m_scene.SceneGraph.GetGroupByPrim(sogID);
SendDelinkObjectToRelevantSyncConnectors(senderActorID, beforeDelinkGroups, msg);
m_scene.DelinkObjectsBySync(delinkPrimIDs, beforeDelinkGroupIDs, incomingAfterDelinkGroups);
#endregion //Sync message handlers #endregion //Sync message handlers
#region Remote Event handlers #region Remote Event handlers

View File

@ -851,13 +851,6 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes
m_sceneGraph.DelinkObjectsBySync(delinkPrimIDs, beforeDelinkGroupIDs, incomingAfterDelinkGroups); m_sceneGraph.DelinkObjectsBySync(delinkPrimIDs, beforeDelinkGroupIDs, incomingAfterDelinkGroups);
} }
//public ObjectUpdateResult UpdateObjectPartBucketProperties(string bucketName, UUID partUUID, Dictionary<string, Object> updatedProperties, BucketSyncInfo rBucketSyncInfo)
public ObjectUpdateResult UpdateObjectPartBucketProperties(string bucketName, UUID partUUID,
Object updatePart, BucketSyncInfo bucketSyncInfo)
return m_sceneGraph.UpdateObjectPartBucketProperties(bucketName, partUUID, updatePart, bucketSyncInfo);
public bool AddNewSceneObjectByDelink(SceneObjectGroup sceneObject, bool attachToBackup, bool sendClientUpdates) public bool AddNewSceneObjectByDelink(SceneObjectGroup sceneObject, bool attachToBackup, bool sendClientUpdates)
{ {
if (m_sceneGraph.AddNewSceneObjectByDelink(sceneObject, attachToBackup, sendClientUpdates)) if (m_sceneGraph.AddNewSceneObjectByDelink(sceneObject, attachToBackup, sendClientUpdates))

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@ -2198,18 +2198,8 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes
// Make sure no child prim is set for sale // Make sure no child prim is set for sale
// So that, on delink, no prims are unwittingly // So that, on delink, no prims are unwittingly
// left for sale and sold off // left for sale and sold off
//DSG SYNC: need to copy value w/o trigger UpdateBucketSyncInfo child.RootPart.ObjectSaleType = 0;
//child.RootPart.ObjectSaleType = 0; child.RootPart.SalePrice = 10;
//child.RootPart.SalePrice = 10;
//child.RootPart.SetProperty("ObjectSaleType", 0);
//child.RootPart.SetProperty("SalePrice", 10);
//casting SOP to SOPBase to make sure we call SOPBase.Property set function, not the SOP.Property set function
SceneObjectPartBase rootPart = (SceneObjectPartBase)child.RootPart;
rootPart.ObjectSaleType = 0;
rootPart.SalePrice = 10;
childGroups.Add(child); childGroups.Add(child);
} }
} }
@ -2496,19 +2486,6 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes
return afterDelinkGroups; return afterDelinkGroups;
} }
//public Scene.ObjectUpdateResult UpdateObjectPartBucketProperties(string bucketName, UUID partUUID, Dictionary<string, Object> updatedProperties, BucketSyncInfo rBucketSyncInfo)
public Scene.ObjectUpdateResult UpdateObjectPartBucketProperties(string bucketName, UUID partUUID,
Object updatedPart, BucketSyncInfo bucketSyncInfo)
SceneObjectPart localPart = GetSceneObjectPart(partUUID);
if (localPart == null)
m_log.Warn("No SOP found: UUID -- " + partUUID);
return Scene.ObjectUpdateResult.Unchanged;
return localPart.UpdateBucketProperties(bucketName, updatedPart, bucketSyncInfo);
protected internal bool AddNewSceneObjectByDelink(SceneObjectGroup sceneObject, bool attachToBackup, bool sendClientUpdates) protected internal bool AddNewSceneObjectByDelink(SceneObjectGroup sceneObject, bool attachToBackup, bool sendClientUpdates)
{ {
// Ensure that we persist this new scene object if it's not an // Ensure that we persist this new scene object if it's not an

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@ -601,6 +601,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes
//ScheduleGroupForFullUpdate(); //ScheduleGroupForFullUpdate();
if (m_scene.RegionSyncModule != null) if (m_scene.RegionSyncModule != null)
{ {
foreach (SceneObjectPart part in Parts) foreach (SceneObjectPart part in Parts)
@ -608,6 +609,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes
part.InitializeBucketSyncInfo(); part.InitializeBucketSyncInfo();
} }
} }
* */
} }
public Vector3 GroupScale() public Vector3 GroupScale()