adding missing ODE files for mesh

dan miller 2007-11-05 18:05:21 +00:00
parent 44f3e4fc50
commit c1d05740e5
4 changed files with 841 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
namespace OpenSim.Region.Physics.OdePlugin.Meshing
class Extruder
public float startParameter;
public float stopParameter;
public Manager.PhysicsVector size;
public Mesh Extrude(Mesh m)
// Currently only works for iSteps=1;
Mesh result = new Mesh();
Mesh workingPlus = m.Clone();
Mesh workingMinus = m.Clone();
foreach (Vertex v in workingPlus.vertices)
if (v == null)
v.Z = +.5f;
v.X *= size.X;
v.Y *= size.Y;
v.Z *= size.Z;
foreach (Vertex v in workingMinus.vertices)
if (v == null)
v.Z = -.5f;
v.X *= size.X;
v.Y *= size.Y;
v.Z *= size.Z;
foreach (Triangle t in workingMinus.triangles)
int iLastNull = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < workingPlus.vertices.Count; i++)
int iNext = (i + 1);
if (workingPlus.vertices[i] == null) // Can't make a simplex here
iLastNull = i+1;
if (i == workingPlus.vertices.Count-1) // End of list
iNext = iLastNull;
if (workingPlus.vertices[iNext] == null) // Null means wrap to begin of last segment
iNext = iLastNull;
Triangle tSide;
tSide = new Triangle(workingPlus.vertices[i], workingMinus.vertices[i], workingPlus.vertices[iNext]);
tSide = new Triangle(workingPlus.vertices[iNext], workingMinus.vertices[i], workingMinus.vertices[iNext]);
return result;

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using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using OpenSim.Region.Physics.Manager;
namespace OpenSim.Region.Physics.OdePlugin.Meshing
public class Mesh
public List<Vertex> vertices;
public List<Triangle> triangles;
public float[] normals;
public Mesh()
vertices = new List<Vertex>();
triangles = new List<Triangle>();
public Mesh Clone()
Mesh result = new Mesh();
foreach (Vertex v in vertices)
if (v == null)
foreach (Triangle t in triangles)
int iV1, iV2, iV3;
iV1 = this.vertices.IndexOf(t.v1);
iV2 = this.vertices.IndexOf(t.v2);
iV3 = this.vertices.IndexOf(t.v3);
Triangle newT = new Triangle(result.vertices[iV1], result.vertices[iV2], result.vertices[iV3]);
return result;
public void Add(Triangle triangle)
int i;
i = vertices.IndexOf(triangle.v1);
if (i < 0)
throw new ArgumentException("Vertex v1 not known to mesh");
i = vertices.IndexOf(triangle.v2);
if (i < 0)
throw new ArgumentException("Vertex v2 not known to mesh");
i = vertices.IndexOf(triangle.v3);
if (i < 0)
throw new ArgumentException("Vertex v3 not known to mesh");
public void Add(Vertex v)
public void Remove(Vertex v)
int i;
// First, remove all triangles that are build on v
for (i = 0; i < triangles.Count; i++)
Triangle t = triangles[i];
if (t.v1 == v || t.v2 == v || t.v3 == v)
// Second remove v itself
public void RemoveTrianglesOutside(SimpleHull hull)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < triangles.Count; i++)
Triangle t = triangles[i];
Vertex v1 = t.v1;
Vertex v2 = t.v2;
Vertex v3 = t.v3;
PhysicsVector m = v1 + v2 + v3;
m /= 3.0f;
if (!hull.IsPointIn(new Vertex(m)))
public void Add(List<Vertex> lv)
foreach (Vertex v in lv)
public float[] getVertexListAsFloat()
float[] result = new float[vertices.Count * 3];
for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Count; i++)
Vertex v = vertices[i];
if (v == null)
result[3 * i + 0] = v.X;
result[3 * i + 1] = v.Y;
result[3 * i + 2] = v.Z;
GCHandle.Alloc(result, GCHandleType.Pinned);
return result;
public int[] getIndexListAsInt()
int[] result = new int[triangles.Count * 3];
for (int i = 0; i < triangles.Count; i++)
Triangle t = triangles[i];
result[3 * i + 0] = vertices.IndexOf(t.v1);
result[3 * i + 1] = vertices.IndexOf(t.v2);
result[3 * i + 2] = vertices.IndexOf(t.v3);
GCHandle.Alloc(result, GCHandleType.Pinned);
return result;
public void Append(Mesh newMesh)
foreach (Vertex v in newMesh.vertices)
foreach (Triangle t in newMesh.triangles)
// Do a linear transformation of mesh.
public void TransformLinear(float[,] matrix, float[] offset)
foreach (Vertex v in vertices)
if (v == null)
float x, y, z;
x = v.X * matrix[0, 0] + v.Y * matrix[1, 0] + v.Z * matrix[2, 0];
y = v.X * matrix[0, 1] + v.Y * matrix[1, 1] + v.Z * matrix[2, 1];
z = v.X * matrix[0, 2] + v.Y * matrix[1, 2] + v.Z * matrix[2, 2];
v.X = x + offset[0];
v.Y = y + offset[1];
v.Z = z + offset[2];
public void DumpRaw(String path, String name, String title)
if (path == null)
String fileName = name + "_" + title + ".raw";
String completePath = Path.Combine(path, fileName);
StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(completePath);
foreach (Triangle t in triangles)
String s = t.ToStringRaw();

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@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using OpenSim.Framework.Console;
namespace OpenSim.Region.Physics.OdePlugin.Meshing
// A simple hull is a set of vertices building up to simplices that border a region
// The word simple referes to the fact, that this class assumes, that all simplices
// do not intersect
// Simple hulls can be added and subtracted.
// Vertices can be checked to lie inside a hull
// Also note, that the sequence of the vertices is important and defines if the region that
// is defined by the hull lies inside or outside the simplex chain
public class SimpleHull
List<Vertex> vertices = new List<Vertex>();
List<Vertex> holeVertices = new List<Vertex>(); // Only used, when the hull is hollow
// Adds a vertex to the end of the list
public void AddVertex(Vertex v) {
override public String ToString()
String result="";
foreach (Vertex v in vertices)
result += "b:" + v.ToString() + "\n";
return result;
public List<Vertex> getVertices() {
List<Vertex> newVertices = new List<Vertex>();
return newVertices;
public SimpleHull Clone()
SimpleHull result = new SimpleHull();
foreach (Vertex v in vertices)
foreach (Vertex v in this.holeVertices)
return result;
public bool IsPointIn(Vertex v1)
int iCounter=0;
List<Simplex> simplices=buildSimplexList();
foreach (Simplex s in simplices)
// Send a ray along the positive X-Direction
// Note, that this direction must correlate with the "below" interpretation
// of handling for the special cases below
Manager.PhysicsVector intersection = s.RayIntersect(v1, new Manager.PhysicsVector(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), true);
if (intersection == null)
continue; // No intersection. Done. More tests to follow otherwise
// Did we hit the end of a simplex?
// Then this can be one of two special cases:
// 1. we go through a border exactly at a joint
// 2. we have just marginally touched a corner
// 3. we can slide along a border
// Solution: If the other vertex is "below" the ray, we don't count it
// Thus corners pointing down are counted twice, corners pointing up are not counted
// borders are counted once
if (intersection.IsIdentical(s.v1, 0.001f)) {
if (s.v2.Y < v1.Y)
// Do this for the other vertex two
if (intersection.IsIdentical(s.v2, 0.001f)) {
if (s.v1.Y<v1.Y)
return iCounter % 2 == 1; // Point is inside if the number of intersections is odd
public bool containsPointsFrom(SimpleHull otherHull)
foreach (Vertex v in otherHull.vertices)
if (IsPointIn(v))
return true;
return false;
List<Simplex> buildSimplexList() {
List<Simplex> result = new List<Simplex>();
// Not asserted but assumed: at least three vertices
for (int i=0; i<vertices.Count-1; i++) {
Simplex s=new Simplex(vertices[i], vertices[i+1]);
Simplex s1=new Simplex(vertices[vertices.Count-1], vertices[0]);
if (holeVertices.Count==0)
return result;
// Same here. At least three vertices in hole assumed
for (int i = 0; i < holeVertices.Count - 1; i++)
Simplex s = new Simplex(holeVertices[i], holeVertices[i + 1]);
s1 = new Simplex(holeVertices[holeVertices.Count - 1], holeVertices[0]);
return result;
bool InsertVertex(Vertex v, int iAfter)
vertices.Insert(iAfter + 1, v);
return true;
Vertex getNextVertex(Vertex currentVertex)
int iCurrentIndex;
iCurrentIndex = vertices.IndexOf(currentVertex);
// Error handling for iCurrentIndex==-1 should go here (and probably never will)
if (iCurrentIndex == vertices.Count)
iCurrentIndex = 0;
return vertices[iCurrentIndex];
public Vertex FindVertex(Vertex vBase, float tolerance) {
foreach (Vertex v in vertices) {
if (v.IsIdentical(vBase, tolerance))
return v;
return null;
public void FindIntersection(Simplex s, ref Vertex Intersection, ref Vertex nextVertex)
Vertex bestIntersection=null;
float distToV1=Single.PositiveInfinity;
Simplex bestIntersectingSimplex=null;
List<Simplex> simple = buildSimplexList();
foreach (Simplex sTest in simple)
Manager.PhysicsVector vvTemp = Simplex.Intersect(sTest, s, -.001f, -.001f, 0.999f, .999f);
Vertex vTemp=null;
if (vvTemp != null)
vTemp = new Vertex(vvTemp);
if (vTemp!=null) {
Manager.PhysicsVector diff=(s.v1-vTemp);
float distTemp=diff.length();
if (bestIntersection==null || distTemp<distToV1) {
bestIntersectingSimplex = sTest;
} // end if vTemp
} // end foreach
Intersection = bestIntersection;
if (bestIntersectingSimplex != null)
nextVertex = bestIntersectingSimplex.v2;
nextVertex = null;
public static SimpleHull SubtractHull(SimpleHull baseHull, SimpleHull otherHull)
SimpleHull baseHullClone = baseHull.Clone();
SimpleHull otherHullClone = otherHull.Clone();
bool intersects = false;
MainLog.Instance.Debug("State before intersection detection");
MainLog.Instance.Debug("The baseHull is:\n{1}", 0, baseHullClone.ToString());
MainLog.Instance.Debug("The otherHull is:\n{1}", 0, otherHullClone.ToString());
int iBase, iOther;
// Insert into baseHull
for (iBase = 0; iBase < baseHullClone.vertices.Count; iBase++)
int iBaseNext = (iBase + 1) % baseHullClone.vertices.Count;
Simplex sBase = new Simplex(baseHullClone.vertices[iBase], baseHullClone.vertices[iBaseNext]);
for (iOther = 0; iOther < otherHullClone.vertices.Count; iOther++)
int iOtherNext = (iOther + 1) % otherHullClone.vertices.Count;
Simplex sOther = new Simplex(otherHullClone.vertices[iOther], otherHullClone.vertices[iOtherNext]);
Manager.PhysicsVector intersect = Simplex.Intersect(sBase, sOther, 0.001f, -.001f, 0.999f, 1.001f);
if (intersect != null)
Vertex vIntersect = new Vertex(intersect);
baseHullClone.vertices.Insert(iBase + 1, vIntersect);
sBase.v2 = vIntersect;
intersects = true;
MainLog.Instance.Debug("State after intersection detection for the base hull");
MainLog.Instance.Debug("The baseHull is:\n{1}", 0, baseHullClone.ToString());
int iOther, iBase;
// Insert into otherHull
for (iOther = 0; iOther < otherHullClone.vertices.Count; iOther++)
int iOtherNext = (iOther + 1) % otherHullClone.vertices.Count;
Simplex sOther = new Simplex(otherHullClone.vertices[iOther], otherHullClone.vertices[iOtherNext]);
for (iBase = 0; iBase < baseHullClone.vertices.Count; iBase++)
int iBaseNext = (iBase + 1) % baseHullClone.vertices.Count;
Simplex sBase = new Simplex(baseHullClone.vertices[iBase], baseHullClone.vertices[iBaseNext]);
Manager.PhysicsVector intersect = Simplex.Intersect(sBase, sOther, -.001f, 0.001f, 1.001f, 0.999f);
if (intersect != null)
Vertex vIntersect = new Vertex(intersect);
otherHullClone.vertices.Insert(iOther + 1, vIntersect);
sOther.v2 = vIntersect;
intersects = true;
MainLog.Instance.Debug("State after intersection detection for the base hull");
MainLog.Instance.Debug("The otherHull is:\n{1}", 0, otherHullClone.ToString());
bool otherIsInBase = baseHullClone.containsPointsFrom(otherHullClone);
if (!intersects && otherIsInBase)
// We have a hole here
baseHullClone.holeVertices = otherHullClone.vertices;
return baseHullClone;
SimpleHull result = new SimpleHull();
// Find a good starting Simplex from baseHull
// A good starting simplex is one that is outside otherHull
// Such a simplex must exist, otherwise the result will be empty
Vertex baseStartVertex = null;
int iBase;
for (iBase = 0; iBase < baseHullClone.vertices.Count; iBase++)
int iBaseNext = (iBase + 1) % baseHullClone.vertices.Count;
Vertex center = new Vertex((baseHullClone.vertices[iBase] + baseHullClone.vertices[iBaseNext]) / 2.0f);
bool isOutside = !otherHullClone.IsPointIn(center);
if (isOutside)
baseStartVertex = baseHullClone.vertices[iBaseNext];
if (baseStartVertex == null) // i.e. no simplex fulfilled the "outside" condition.
// In otherwords, subtractHull completely embraces baseHull
return result;
// The simplex that *starts* with baseStartVertex is outside the cutting hull,
// so we can start our walk with the next vertex without loosing a branch
Vertex V1 = baseStartVertex;
bool onBase = true;
// And here is how we do the magic :-)
// Start on the base hull.
// Walk the vertices in the positive direction
// For each vertex check, whether it is a vertex shared with the other hull
// if this is the case, switch over to walking the other vertex list.
// Note: The other hull *must* go backwards to our starting point (via several orther vertices)
// Thus it is important that the cutting hull has the inverse directional sense than the
// base hull!!!!!!!!! (means if base goes CW around it's center cutting hull must go CCW)
bool done = false;
while (!done)
Vertex nextVertex = null;
if (onBase)
nextVertex = otherHullClone.FindVertex(V1, 0.001f);
nextVertex = baseHullClone.FindVertex(V1, 0.001f);
if (nextVertex != null) // A node that represents an intersection
V1 = nextVertex; // Needed to find the next vertex on the other hull
onBase = !onBase;
if (onBase)
V1 = baseHullClone.getNextVertex(V1);
V1 = otherHullClone.getNextVertex(V1);
if (V1 == baseStartVertex)
done = true;
MainLog.Instance.Debug("The resulting Hull is:\n{1}", 0, result.ToString());
return result;

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@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using OpenSim.Region.Physics.Manager;
namespace OpenSim.Region.Physics.OdePlugin.Meshing
// A simplex is a section of a straight line.
// It is defined by its endpoints, i.e. by two vertices
// Operation on vertices are
public class Simplex : IComparable<Simplex>
public Vertex v1;
public Vertex v2;
public Simplex(Vertex _v1, Vertex _v2)
v1 = _v1;
v2 = _v2;
public int CompareTo(Simplex other)
Vertex lv1, lv2, ov1, ov2, temp;
lv1 = v1;
lv2 = v2;
ov1 = other.v1;
ov2 = other.v2;
if (lv1 > lv2)
temp = lv1;
lv1 = lv2;
lv2 = temp;
if (ov1 > ov2)
temp = ov1;
ov1 = ov2;
ov2 = temp;
if (lv1 > ov1)
return 1;
if (lv1 < ov1)
return -1;
if (lv2 > ov2)
return 1;
if (lv2 < ov2)
return -1;
return 0;
private static void intersectParameter(PhysicsVector p1, PhysicsVector r1, PhysicsVector p2, PhysicsVector r2, ref float lambda, ref float mu)
// Intersects two straights
// p1, p2, points on the straight
// r1, r2, directional vectors of the straight. Not necessarily of length 1!
// note, that l, m can be scaled such, that the range 0..1 is mapped to the area between two points,
// thus allowing to decide whether an intersection is between two points
float r1x = r1.X;
float r1y = r1.Y;
float r2x = r2.X;
float r2y = r2.Y;
float denom = r1y*r2x - r1x*r2y;
float p1x = p1.X;
float p1y = p1.Y;
float p2x = p2.X;
float p2y = p2.Y;
float z1=-p2x * r2y + p1x * r2y + (p2y - p1y) * r2x;
float z2=-p2x * r1y + p1x * r1y + (p2y - p1y) * r1x;
if (denom == 0.0f) // Means the straights are parallel. Either no intersection or an infinite number of them
if (z1==0.0f) {// Means they are identical -> many, many intersections
lambda = Single.NaN;
mu = Single.NaN;
} else {
lambda = Single.PositiveInfinity;
mu = Single.PositiveInfinity;
lambda = z1 / denom;
mu = z2 / denom;
// Intersects the simplex with another one.
// the borders are used to deal with float inaccuracies
// As a rule of thumb, the borders are
// lowerBorder1 : 0.0
// lowerBorder2 : 0.0
// upperBorder1 : 1.0
// upperBorder2 : 1.0
// Set these to values near the given parameters (e.g. 0.001 instead of 1 to exclude simplex starts safely, or to -0.001 to include them safely)
public static PhysicsVector Intersect(
Simplex s1,
Simplex s2,
float lowerBorder1,
float lowerBorder2,
float upperBorder1,
float upperBorder2)
PhysicsVector firstSimplexDirection = s1.v2 - s1.v1;
PhysicsVector secondSimplexDirection = s2.v2 - s2.v1;
float lambda = 0.0f;
float mu = 0.0f;
// Give us the parameters of an intersection. This subroutine does *not* take the constraints
// (intersection must be between v1 and v2 and it must be in the positive direction of the ray)
// into account. We do that afterwards.
intersectParameter(s1.v1, firstSimplexDirection, s2.v1, secondSimplexDirection, ref lambda, ref mu);
if (Single.IsInfinity(lambda)) // Special case. No intersection at all. directions parallel.
return null;
if (Single.IsNaN(lambda)) // Special case. many, many intersections.
return null;
if (lambda > upperBorder1) // We're behind v2
return null;
if (lambda < lowerBorder1)
return null;
if (mu < lowerBorder2) // outside simplex 2
return null;
if (mu > upperBorder2) // outside simplex 2
return null;
return s1.v1 + lambda * firstSimplexDirection;
// Intersects the simplex with a ray. The ray is defined as all p=origin + lambda*direction
// where lambda >= 0
public PhysicsVector RayIntersect(Vertex origin, PhysicsVector direction, bool bEndsIncluded)
PhysicsVector simplexDirection = v2 - v1;
float lambda = 0.0f;
float mu = 0.0f;
// Give us the parameters of an intersection. This subroutine does *not* take the constraints
// (intersection must be between v1 and v2 and it must be in the positive direction of the ray)
// into account. We do that afterwards.
intersectParameter(v1, simplexDirection, origin, direction, ref lambda, ref mu);
if (Single.IsInfinity(lambda)) // Special case. No intersection at all. directions parallel.
return null;
if (Single.IsNaN(lambda)) // Special case. many, many intersections.
return null;
if (mu < 0.0) // We're on the wrong side of the ray
return null;
if (lambda > 1.0) // We're behind v2
return null;
if (lambda == 1.0 && !bEndsIncluded)
return null; // The end of the simplices are not included
if (lambda < 0.0f) // we're before v1;
return null;
return this.v1 + lambda * simplexDirection;