Get attachment script state before taking sp.AttachmentsSyncLock() to avoid race conditions between closing agents and scripts that may be doing attachment manipulation.

This is in an effort to resolve
Justin Clark-Casey (justincc) 2013-03-05 23:47:36 +00:00
parent fa9f4ef1ba
commit ccd6f443e1
1 changed files with 163 additions and 142 deletions

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@ -241,12 +241,27 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.Avatar.Attachments
// m_log.DebugFormat("[ATTACHMENTS MODULE]: Saving changed attachments for {0}", sp.Name);
List<SceneObjectGroup> attachments = sp.GetAttachments();
if (attachments.Count <= 0)
Dictionary<SceneObjectGroup, string> scriptStates = new Dictionary<SceneObjectGroup, string>();
foreach (SceneObjectGroup so in attachments)
// Scripts MUST be snapshotted before the object is
// removed from the scene because doing otherwise will
// clobber the run flag
// This must be done outside the sp.AttachmentSyncLock so that there is no risk of a deadlock from
// scripts performing attachment operations at the same time. Getting object states stops the scripts.
scriptStates[so] = PrepareScriptInstanceForSave(so, false);
lock (sp.AttachmentsSyncLock)
foreach (SceneObjectGroup so in sp.GetAttachments())
UpdateDetachedObject(sp, so);
foreach (SceneObjectGroup so in attachments)
UpdateDetachedObject(sp, so, scriptStates[so]);
@ -285,32 +300,40 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.Avatar.Attachments
private bool AttachObjectInternal(IScenePresence sp, SceneObjectGroup group, uint attachmentPt, bool silent, bool temp)
lock (sp.AttachmentsSyncLock)
// m_log.DebugFormat(
// "[ATTACHMENTS MODULE]: Attaching object {0} {1} to {2} point {3} from ground (silent = {4})",
// group.Name, group.LocalId, sp.Name, attachmentPt, silent);
if (group.GetSittingAvatarsCount() != 0)
if (group.GetSittingAvatarsCount() != 0)
// m_log.WarnFormat(
// "[ATTACHMENTS MODULE]: Ignoring request to attach {0} {1} to {2} on {3} since {4} avatars are still sitting on it",
// group.Name, group.LocalId, sp.Name, attachmentPt, group.GetSittingAvatarsCount());
return false;
if (sp.GetAttachments(attachmentPt).Contains(group))
// m_log.WarnFormat(
// "[ATTACHMENTS MODULE]: Ignoring request to attach {0} {1} to {2} on {3} since it's already attached",
// group.Name, group.LocalId, sp.Name, AttachmentPt);
return false;
return false;
if (sp.GetAttachments(attachmentPt).Contains(group))
// m_log.WarnFormat(
// "[ATTACHMENTS MODULE]: Ignoring request to attach {0} {1} to {2} on {3} since it's already attached",
// group.Name, group.LocalId, sp.Name, AttachmentPt);
return false;
// Remove any previous attachments
List<SceneObjectGroup> existingAttachments = sp.GetAttachments(attachmentPt);
string existingAttachmentScriptState = null;
// At the moment we can only deal with a single attachment
if (existingAttachments.Count != 0 && existingAttachments[0].FromItemID != UUID.Zero)
DetachSingleAttachmentToInv(sp, group);
lock (sp.AttachmentsSyncLock)
Vector3 attachPos = group.AbsolutePosition;
// TODO: this short circuits multiple attachments functionality in LL viewer 2.1+ and should
// be removed when that functionality is implemented in opensim
attachmentPt &= 0x7f;
@ -322,14 +345,14 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.Avatar.Attachments
attachPos = Vector3.Zero;
// AttachmentPt 0 means the client chose to 'wear' the attachment.
if (attachmentPt == 0)
// Check object for stored attachment point
attachmentPt = group.AttachmentPoint;
// if we still didn't find a suitable attachment point.......
if (attachmentPt == 0)
@ -337,13 +360,13 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.Avatar.Attachments
attachmentPt = (uint)AttachmentPoint.LeftHand;
attachPos = Vector3.Zero;
group.AttachmentPoint = attachmentPt;
group.AbsolutePosition = attachPos;
if (sp.PresenceType != PresenceType.Npc)
UpdateUserInventoryWithAttachment(sp, group, attachmentPt, temp);
AttachToAgent(sp, group, attachmentPt, attachPos, silent);
@ -352,21 +375,6 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.Avatar.Attachments
private void UpdateUserInventoryWithAttachment(IScenePresence sp, SceneObjectGroup group, uint attachmentPt, bool temp)
// Remove any previous attachments
List<SceneObjectGroup> attachments = sp.GetAttachments(attachmentPt);
// At the moment we can only deal with a single attachment
if (attachments.Count != 0)
if (attachments[0].FromItemID != UUID.Zero)
DetachSingleAttachmentToInvInternal(sp, attachments[0]);
// Error logging commented because UUID.Zero now means temp attachment
// else
// m_log.WarnFormat(
// "[ATTACHMENTS MODULE]: When detaching existing attachment {0} {1} at point {2} to make way for {3} {4} for {5}, couldn't find the associated item ID to adjust inventory attachment record!",
// attachments[0].Name, attachments[0].LocalId, attachmentPt, group.Name, group.LocalId, sp.Name);
// Add the new attachment to inventory if we don't already have it.
if (!temp)
@ -426,12 +434,10 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.Avatar.Attachments
// m_log.DebugFormat("[ATTACHMENTS MODULE]: Rezzing multiple attachments from inventory for {0}", sp.Name);
lock (sp.AttachmentsSyncLock)
foreach (KeyValuePair<UUID, uint> rez in rezlist)
foreach (KeyValuePair<UUID, uint> rez in rezlist)
RezSingleAttachmentFromInventory(sp, rez.Key, rez.Value);
RezSingleAttachmentFromInventory(sp, rez.Key, rez.Value);
@ -511,25 +517,33 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.Avatar.Attachments
public void DetachSingleAttachmentToInv(IScenePresence sp, SceneObjectGroup so)
if (so.AttachedAvatar != sp.UUID)
"[ATTACHMENTS MODULE]: Tried to detach object {0} from {1} {2} but attached avatar id was {3} in {4}",
so.Name, sp.Name, sp.UUID, so.AttachedAvatar, m_scene.RegionInfo.RegionName);
// Scripts MUST be snapshotted before the object is
// removed from the scene because doing otherwise will
// clobber the run flag
// This must be done outside the sp.AttachmentSyncLock so that there is no risk of a deadlock from
// scripts performing attachment operations at the same time. Getting object states stops the scripts.
string scriptedState = PrepareScriptInstanceForSave(so, true);
lock (sp.AttachmentsSyncLock)
// Save avatar attachment information
// m_log.Debug("[ATTACHMENTS MODULE]: Detaching from UserID: " + sp.UUID + ", ItemID: " + itemID);
if (so.AttachedAvatar != sp.UUID)
"[ATTACHMENTS MODULE]: Tried to detach object {0} from {1} {2} but attached avatar id was {3} in {4}",
so.Name, sp.Name, sp.UUID, so.AttachedAvatar, m_scene.RegionInfo.RegionName);
bool changed = sp.Appearance.DetachAttachment(so.FromItemID);
if (changed && m_scene.AvatarFactory != null)
DetachSingleAttachmentToInvInternal(sp, so);
UpdateDetachedObject(sp, so, scriptedState);
@ -739,8 +753,27 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.Avatar.Attachments
return newItem;
private string GetObjectScriptStates(SceneObjectGroup grp)
/// <summary>
/// Prepares the script instance for save.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This involves triggering the detach event and getting the script state (which also stops the script)
/// This MUST be done outside sp.AttachmentsSyncLock, since otherwise there is a chance of deadlock if a
/// running script is performing attachment operations.
/// </remarks>
/// <returns>
/// The script state ready for persistence.
/// </returns>
/// <param name='grp'>
/// </param>
/// <param name='fireDetachEvent'>
/// If true, then fire the script event before we save its state.
/// </param>
private string PrepareScriptInstanceForSave(SceneObjectGroup grp, bool fireDetachEvent)
if (fireDetachEvent)
m_scene.EventManager.TriggerOnAttach(grp.LocalId, grp.FromItemID, UUID.Zero);
using (StringWriter sw = new StringWriter())
using (XmlTextWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter(sw))
@ -752,7 +785,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.Avatar.Attachments
private void UpdateDetachedObject(IScenePresence sp, SceneObjectGroup so)
private void UpdateDetachedObject(IScenePresence sp, SceneObjectGroup so, string scriptedState)
// Don't save attachments for HG visitors, it
// messes up their inventory. When a HG visitor logs
@ -765,11 +798,6 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.Avatar.Attachments
&& (m_scene.UserManagementModule == null
|| m_scene.UserManagementModule.IsLocalGridUser(sp.UUID));
// Scripts MUST be snapshotted before the object is
// removed from the scene because doing otherwise will
// clobber the run flag
string scriptedState = GetObjectScriptStates(so);
// Remove the object from the scene so no more updates
// are sent. Doing this before the below changes will ensure
// updates can't cause "HUD artefacts"
@ -793,91 +821,87 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.Avatar.Attachments
private void DetachSingleAttachmentToInvInternal(IScenePresence sp, SceneObjectGroup so)
// m_log.DebugFormat("[ATTACHMENTS MODULE]: Detaching item {0} to inventory for {1}", itemID, sp.Name);
m_scene.EventManager.TriggerOnAttach(so.LocalId, so.FromItemID, UUID.Zero);
UpdateDetachedObject(sp, so);
private SceneObjectGroup RezSingleAttachmentFromInventoryInternal(
IScenePresence sp, UUID itemID, UUID assetID, uint attachmentPt)
if (m_invAccessModule == null)
return null;
SceneObjectGroup objatt;
if (itemID != UUID.Zero)
objatt = m_invAccessModule.RezObject(sp.ControllingClient,
itemID, Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Zero, UUID.Zero, (byte)1, true,
false, false, sp.UUID, true);
objatt = m_invAccessModule.RezObject(sp.ControllingClient,
null, assetID, Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Zero, UUID.Zero, (byte)1, true,
false, false, sp.UUID, true);
if (objatt == null)
"[ATTACHMENTS MODULE]: Could not retrieve item {0} for attaching to avatar {1} at point {2}",
itemID, sp.Name, attachmentPt);
return null;
// Remove any previous attachments
List<SceneObjectGroup> attachments = sp.GetAttachments(attachmentPt);
string previousAttachmentScriptedState = null;
// At the moment we can only deal with a single attachment
if (attachments.Count != 0)
DetachSingleAttachmentToInv(sp, attachments[0]);
lock (sp.AttachmentsSyncLock)
SceneObjectGroup objatt;
if (itemID != UUID.Zero)
objatt = m_invAccessModule.RezObject(sp.ControllingClient,
itemID, Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Zero, UUID.Zero, (byte)1, true,
false, false, sp.UUID, true);
objatt = m_invAccessModule.RezObject(sp.ControllingClient,
null, assetID, Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Zero, UUID.Zero, (byte)1, true,
false, false, sp.UUID, true);
if (objatt != null)
// m_log.DebugFormat(
// "[ATTACHMENTS MODULE]: Rezzed single object {0} for attachment to {1} on point {2} in {3}",
// objatt.Name, sp.Name, attachmentPt, m_scene.Name);
// HasGroupChanged is being set from within RezObject. Ideally it would be set by the caller.
objatt.HasGroupChanged = false;
bool tainted = false;
if (attachmentPt != 0 && attachmentPt != objatt.AttachmentPoint)
tainted = true;
// HasGroupChanged is being set from within RezObject. Ideally it would be set by the caller.
objatt.HasGroupChanged = false;
bool tainted = false;
if (attachmentPt != 0 && attachmentPt != objatt.AttachmentPoint)
tainted = true;
// FIXME: Detect whether it's really likely for AttachObject to throw an exception in the normal
// course of events. If not, then it's probably not worth trying to recover the situation
// since this is more likely to trigger further exceptions and confuse later debugging. If
// exceptions can be thrown in expected error conditions (not NREs) then make this consistent
// since other normal error conditions will simply return false instead.
// This will throw if the attachment fails
AttachObjectInternal(sp, objatt, attachmentPt, false, false);
catch (Exception e)
"[ATTACHMENTS MODULE]: Failed to attach {0} {1} for {2}, exception {3}{4}",
objatt.Name, objatt.UUID, sp.Name, e.Message, e.StackTrace);
// Make sure the object doesn't stick around and bail
m_scene.DeleteSceneObject(objatt, false);
return null;
if (tainted)
objatt.HasGroupChanged = true;
// Fire after attach, so we don't get messy perms dialogs
// 4 == AttachedRez
objatt.CreateScriptInstances(0, true, m_scene.DefaultScriptEngine, 4);
// Do this last so that event listeners have access to all the effects of the attachment
m_scene.EventManager.TriggerOnAttach(objatt.LocalId, itemID, sp.UUID);
return objatt;
// FIXME: Detect whether it's really likely for AttachObject to throw an exception in the normal
// course of events. If not, then it's probably not worth trying to recover the situation
// since this is more likely to trigger further exceptions and confuse later debugging. If
// exceptions can be thrown in expected error conditions (not NREs) then make this consistent
// since other normal error conditions will simply return false instead.
// This will throw if the attachment fails
"[ATTACHMENTS MODULE]: Could not retrieve item {0} for attaching to avatar {1} at point {2}",
itemID, sp.Name, attachmentPt);
AttachObjectInternal(sp, objatt, attachmentPt, false, false);
catch (Exception e)
"[ATTACHMENTS MODULE]: Failed to attach {0} {1} for {2}, exception {3}{4}",
objatt.Name, objatt.UUID, sp.Name, e.Message, e.StackTrace);
return null;
// Make sure the object doesn't stick around and bail
m_scene.DeleteSceneObject(objatt, false);
return null;
if (tainted)
objatt.HasGroupChanged = true;
// Fire after attach, so we don't get messy perms dialogs
// 4 == AttachedRez
objatt.CreateScriptInstances(0, true, m_scene.DefaultScriptEngine, 4);
// Do this last so that event listeners have access to all the effects of the attachment
m_scene.EventManager.TriggerOnAttach(objatt.LocalId, itemID, sp.UUID);
return objatt;
/// <summary>
@ -1027,17 +1051,14 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.Avatar.Attachments
ScenePresence sp = m_scene.GetScenePresence(remoteClient.AgentId);
if (sp != null)
lock (sp.AttachmentsSyncLock)
List<SceneObjectGroup> attachments = sp.GetAttachments();
foreach (SceneObjectGroup group in attachments)
List<SceneObjectGroup> attachments = sp.GetAttachments();
foreach (SceneObjectGroup group in attachments)
if (group.FromItemID == itemID && group.FromItemID != UUID.Zero)
if (group.FromItemID == itemID && group.FromItemID != UUID.Zero)
DetachSingleAttachmentToInv(sp, group);
DetachSingleAttachmentToInv(sp, group);
@ -1055,4 +1076,4 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.Avatar.Attachments