add some code for compressed updates, but disabled, since more changes are needed elsewhere
UbitUmarov 2019-03-21 06:52:18 +00:00
parent b1cf06796f
commit cfbd34f618
2 changed files with 365 additions and 56 deletions

View File

@ -4770,6 +4770,13 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ClientStack.LindenUDP
30 // ID (high frequency)
static private readonly byte[] CompressedObjectHeader = new byte[] {
0, 0, 0, 0, // sequence number
0, // extra
13 // ID (high frequency)
private void ProcessEntityUpdates(int maxUpdatesBytes)
if (!IsActive)
@ -4779,9 +4786,8 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ClientStack.LindenUDP
if (mysp == null)
// List<ObjectUpdateCompressedPacket.ObjectDataBlock> compressedUpdateBlocks = null;
List<EntityUpdate> objectUpdates = null;
// List<EntityUpdate> compressedUpdates = null;
//List<EntityUpdate> compressedUpdates = null;
List<EntityUpdate> terseUpdates = null;
List<SceneObjectPart> ObjectAnimationUpdates = null;
@ -4970,17 +4976,6 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ClientStack.LindenUDP
if(updateFlags == PrimUpdateFlags.None)
const PrimUpdateFlags canNotUseCompressedMask =
PrimUpdateFlags.Velocity | PrimUpdateFlags.Acceleration |
PrimUpdateFlags.CollisionPlane | PrimUpdateFlags.Joint;
if ((updateFlags & canNotUseCompressedMask) != 0)
canUseCompressed = false;
const PrimUpdateFlags canNotUseImprovedMask = ~(
PrimUpdateFlags.AttachmentPoint |
PrimUpdateFlags.Position |
@ -4996,19 +4991,6 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ClientStack.LindenUDP
#region Block Construction
// TODO: Remove this once we can build compressed updates
if (canUseCompressed)
ObjectUpdateCompressedPacket.ObjectDataBlock ablock =
CreateCompressedUpdateBlock((SceneObjectPart)update.Entity, updateFlags);
maxUpdatesBytes -= ablock.Length;
else if (canUseImproved)
if ((updateFlags & canNotUseImprovedMask) == 0)
if (terseUpdates == null)
@ -5031,16 +5013,47 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ClientStack.LindenUDP
if (update.Entity is ScenePresence)
maxUpdatesBytes -= 150; // crude estimation
maxUpdatesBytes -= 300;
if(objectUpdates == null)
objectUpdates = new List<EntityUpdate>();
maxUpdatesBytes -= 18;
maxUpdatesBytes -= 150; // crude estimation
if (objectUpdates == null)
objectUpdates = new List<EntityUpdate>();
maxUpdatesBytes -= 18;
SceneObjectPart part = (SceneObjectPart)update.Entity;
SceneObjectGroup grp = part.ParentGroup;
// minimal compress conditions, not enough ?
//if (grp.UsesPhysics || part.Velocity.LengthSquared() > 1e-8f || part.Acceleration.LengthSquared() > 1e-6f)
maxUpdatesBytes -= 150; // crude estimation
if (objectUpdates == null)
objectUpdates = new List<EntityUpdate>();
maxUpdatesBytes -= 18;
//compress still disabled
maxUpdatesBytes -= 150; // crude estimation
if (compressedUpdates == null)
compressedUpdates = new List<EntityUpdate>();
maxUpdatesBytes -= 18;
#endregion Block Construction
@ -5067,7 +5080,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ClientStack.LindenUDP
zc.Position = 7;
zc.AddUInt16(Utils.FloatToUInt16(m_scene.TimeDilation, 0.0f, 1.0f));
zc.AddByte(1); // tmp block count
@ -5134,19 +5147,67 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ClientStack.LindenUDP
delegate (OutgoingPacket oPacket) { ResendPrimUpdates(tau, oPacket); }, false, false);
if (compressedUpdateBlocks != null)
if(compressedUpdates != null)
ObjectUpdateCompressedPacket packet = (ObjectUpdateCompressedPacket)PacketPool.Instance.GetPacket(PacketType.ObjectUpdateCompressed);
packet.RegionData.RegionHandle = m_scene.RegionInfo.RegionHandle;
packet.RegionData.TimeDilation = timeDilation;
packet.ObjectData = compressedUpdateBlocks.ToArray();
List<EntityUpdate> tau = new List<EntityUpdate>(30);
OutPacket(packet, ThrottleOutPacketType.Task, true, delegate(OutgoingPacket oPacket) { ResendPrimUpdates(compressedUpdates, oPacket); });
UDPPacketBuffer buf = m_udpServer.GetNewUDPBuffer(m_udpClient.RemoteEndPoint);
byte[] data = buf.Data;
Buffer.BlockCopy(CompressedObjectHeader, 0, data , 0, 7);
Utils.UInt64ToBytesSafepos(m_scene.RegionInfo.RegionHandle, data, 7); // 15
Utils.UInt16ToBytes(timeDilation, data, 15); // 17
int countposition = 17; // blocks count position
int pos = 18;
int lastpos = 0;
int count = 0;
foreach (EntityUpdate eu in compressedUpdates)
lastpos = pos;
CreateCompressedUpdateBlock((SceneObjectPart)eu.Entity, mysp, data, ref pos);
if (pos < LLUDPServer.MAXPAYLOAD)
// we need more packets
UDPPacketBuffer newbuf = m_udpServer.GetNewUDPBuffer(m_udpClient.RemoteEndPoint);
Buffer.BlockCopy(buf.Data, 0, newbuf.Data, 0, countposition); // start is the same
buf.Data[countposition] = (byte)count;
buf.DataLength = lastpos;
m_udpServer.SendUDPPacket(m_udpClient, buf, ThrottleOutPacketType.Task,
delegate (OutgoingPacket oPacket) { ResendPrimUpdates(tau, oPacket); }, false, false);
buf = newbuf;
data = buf.Data;
pos = 18;
// im lazy now, just do last again
CreateCompressedUpdateBlock((SceneObjectPart)eu.Entity, mysp, data, ref pos);
tau = new List<EntityUpdate>(30);
count = 1;
if (count > 0)
buf.Data[countposition] = (byte)count;
buf.DataLength = pos;
m_udpServer.SendUDPPacket(m_udpClient, buf, ThrottleOutPacketType.Task,
delegate (OutgoingPacket oPacket) { ResendPrimUpdates(tau, oPacket); }, false, false);
if (terseUpdates != null)
int blocks = terseUpdates.Count;
@ -5305,7 +5366,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ClientStack.LindenUDP
public void ReprioritizeUpdates()
public void ReprioritizeUpdates()
lock (m_entityUpdates.SyncRoot)
@ -6986,10 +7047,262 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ClientStack.LindenUDP
protected ObjectUpdateCompressedPacket.ObjectDataBlock CreateCompressedUpdateBlock(SceneObjectPart part, PrimUpdateFlags updateFlags)
private enum CompressedFlags : uint
// TODO: Implement this
return null;
None = 0x00,
/// <summary>Unknown</summary>
ScratchPad = 0x01,
/// <summary>Whether the object has a TreeSpecies</summary>
Tree = 0x02,
/// <summary>Whether the object has floating text ala llSetText</summary>
HasText = 0x04,
/// <summary>Whether the object has an active particle system</summary>
HasParticles = 0x08,
/// <summary>Whether the object has sound attached to it</summary>
HasSound = 0x10,
/// <summary>Whether the object is attached to a root object or not</summary>
HasParent = 0x20,
/// <summary>Whether the object has texture animation settings</summary>
TextureAnimation = 0x40,
/// <summary>Whether the object has an angular velocity</summary>
HasAngularVelocity = 0x80,
/// <summary>Whether the object has a name value pairs string</summary>
HasNameValues = 0x100,
/// <summary>Whether the object has a Media URL set</summary>
MediaURL = 0x200
///**** temp hack
private static Random rnd = new Random();
protected void CreateCompressedUpdateBlock(SceneObjectPart part, ScenePresence sp, byte[] dest, ref int pos)
// prepare data
CompressedFlags cflags = CompressedFlags.None;
// prim/update flags
PrimFlags primflags = (PrimFlags)m_scene.Permissions.GenerateClientFlags(part, sp);
// Don't send the CreateSelected flag to everyone
primflags &= ~PrimFlags.CreateSelected;
if (sp.UUID == part.OwnerID)
if (part.CreateSelected)
// Only send this flag once, then unset it
primflags |= PrimFlags.CreateSelected;
part.CreateSelected = false;
// first is primFlags
Utils.UIntToBytesSafepos((uint)primflags, dest, pos); pos += 4;
// datablock len to fill later
int lenpos = pos;
pos += 2;
byte state = part.Shape.State;
PCode pcode = (PCode)part.Shape.PCode;
bool hastree = false;
if (pcode == PCode.Grass || pcode == PCode.Tree || pcode == PCode.NewTree)
cflags |= CompressedFlags.Tree;
hastree = true;
//NameValue and state
byte[] nv = null;
if (part.ParentGroup.IsAttachment)
if (part.IsRoot)
nv = Util.StringToBytes256("AttachItemID STRING RW SV " + part.ParentGroup.FromItemID);
int st = (int)part.ParentGroup.AttachmentPoint;
state = (byte)(((st & 0xf0) >> 4) + ((st & 0x0f) << 4)); ;
bool hastext = part.Text != null && part.Text.Length > 0;
bool hassound = part.Sound != UUID.Zero || part.SoundFlags != 0;
bool hasps = part.ParticleSystem != null && part.ParticleSystem.Length > 1;
bool hastexanim = part.TextureAnimation != null && part.TextureAnimation.Length > 0;
bool hasangvel = part.AngularVelocity.LengthSquared() > 1e-8f;
bool hasmediaurl = part.MediaUrl != null && part.MediaUrl.Length > 1;
if (hastext)
cflags |= CompressedFlags.HasText;
if (hasps)
cflags |= CompressedFlags.HasParticles;
if (hassound)
cflags |= CompressedFlags.HasSound;
if (part.ParentID != 0)
cflags |= CompressedFlags.HasParent;
if (hastexanim)
cflags |= CompressedFlags.TextureAnimation;
if (hasangvel)
cflags |= CompressedFlags.HasAngularVelocity;
if (hasmediaurl)
cflags |= CompressedFlags.MediaURL;
if (nv != null)
cflags |= CompressedFlags.HasNameValues;
// filter out mesh faces hack
ushort profileBegin = part.Shape.ProfileBegin;
ushort profileHollow = part.Shape.ProfileHollow;
byte profileCurve = part.Shape.ProfileCurve;
byte pathScaleY = part.Shape.PathScaleY;
if (part.Shape.SculptType == (byte)SculptType.Mesh) // filter out hack
profileCurve = (byte)(part.Shape.ProfileCurve & 0x0f);
// fix old values that confused viewers
if (profileBegin == 1)
profileBegin = 9375;
if (profileHollow == 1)
profileHollow = 27500;
// fix torus hole size Y that also confuse some viewers
if (profileCurve == (byte)ProfileShape.Circle && pathScaleY < 150)
pathScaleY = 150;
part.UUID.ToBytes(dest, pos); pos += 16;
Utils.UIntToBytesSafepos(part.LocalId, dest, pos); pos += 4;
dest[pos++] = (byte)pcode;
dest[pos++] = state;
///**** temp hack
Utils.UIntToBytesSafepos((uint)rnd.Next(), dest, pos); pos += 4; //CRC needs fix or things will get crazy for now avoid caching
dest[pos++] = part.Material;
dest[pos++] = part.ClickAction;
part.Shape.Scale.ToBytes(dest, pos); pos += 12;
part.RelativePosition.ToBytes(dest, pos); pos += 12;
if(pcode == PCode.Grass)
Vector3.Zero.ToBytes(dest, pos);
Quaternion rotation = part.RotationOffset;
rotation.ToBytes(dest, pos);
pos += 12;
Utils.UIntToBytesSafepos((uint)cflags, dest, pos); pos += 4;
if (hasps || hassound)
part.OwnerID.ToBytes(dest, pos);
UUID.Zero.ToBytes(dest, pos);
pos += 16;
if (hasangvel)
part.AngularVelocity.ToBytes(dest, pos); pos += 12;
if (part.ParentID != 0)
Utils.UIntToBytesSafepos(part.ParentID, dest, pos); pos += 4;
if (hastree)
dest[pos++] = state;
if (hastext)
byte[] text = Util.StringToBytes256(part.Text); // must be null term
Buffer.BlockCopy(text, 0, dest, pos, text.Length); pos += text.Length;
byte[] tc = part.GetTextColor().GetBytes(false);
Buffer.BlockCopy(tc, 0, dest, pos, tc.Length); pos += tc.Length;
if (hasmediaurl)
byte[] mu = Util.StringToBytes256(part.MediaUrl); // must be null term
Buffer.BlockCopy(mu, 0, dest, pos, mu.Length); pos += mu.Length;
if (hasps)
byte[] ps = part.ParticleSystem;
Buffer.BlockCopy(ps, 0, dest, pos, ps.Length); pos += ps.Length;
byte[] ex = part.Shape.ExtraParams;
if (ex == null || ex.Length < 2)
dest[pos++] = 0;
Buffer.BlockCopy(ex, 0, dest, pos, ex.Length); pos += ex.Length;
if (hassound)
part.Sound.ToBytes(dest, pos); pos += 16;
Utils.FloatToBytesSafepos((float)part.SoundGain, dest, pos); pos += 4;
dest[pos++] = part.SoundFlags;
Utils.FloatToBytesSafepos((float)part.SoundRadius, dest, pos); pos += 4;
if (nv != null)
Buffer.BlockCopy(nv, 0, dest, pos, nv.Length); pos += nv.Length;
dest[pos++] = part.Shape.PathCurve;
Utils.UInt16ToBytes(part.Shape.PathBegin, dest, pos); pos += 2;
Utils.UInt16ToBytes(part.Shape.PathEnd, dest, pos); pos += 2;
dest[pos++] = part.Shape.PathScaleX;
dest[pos++] = pathScaleY;
dest[pos++] = part.Shape.PathShearX;
dest[pos++] = part.Shape.PathShearY;
dest[pos++] = (byte)part.Shape.PathTwist;
dest[pos++] = (byte)part.Shape.PathTwistBegin;
dest[pos++] = (byte)part.Shape.PathRadiusOffset;
dest[pos++] = (byte)part.Shape.PathTaperX;
dest[pos++] = (byte)part.Shape.PathTaperY;
dest[pos++] = part.Shape.PathRevolutions;
dest[pos++] = (byte)part.Shape.PathSkew;
dest[pos++] = profileCurve;
Utils.UInt16ToBytes(profileBegin, dest, pos); pos += 2;
Utils.UInt16ToBytes(part.Shape.ProfileEnd, dest, pos); pos += 2;
Utils.UInt16ToBytes(profileHollow, dest, pos); pos += 2;
byte[] te = part.Shape.TextureEntry;
if (te == null)
dest[pos++] = 0;
dest[pos++] = 0;
dest[pos++] = 0;
dest[pos++] = 0;
int len = te.Length & 0x7fff;
dest[pos++] = (byte)len;
dest[pos++] = (byte)(len >> 8);
dest[pos++] = 0;
dest[pos++] = 0;
Buffer.BlockCopy(te, 0, dest, pos, len);
pos += len;
if (hastexanim)
byte[] ta = part.TextureAnimation;
if (ta == null)
dest[pos++] = 0;
dest[pos++] = 0;
dest[pos++] = 0;
dest[pos++] = 0;
int len = ta.Length & 0x7fff;
dest[pos++] = (byte)len;
dest[pos++] = (byte)(len >> 8);
dest[pos++] = 0;
dest[pos++] = 0;
Buffer.BlockCopy(ta, 0, dest, pos, len);
pos += len;
int totlen = pos - lenpos - 2;
dest[lenpos++] = (byte)totlen;
dest[lenpos++] = (byte)(totlen >> 8);
public void SendNameReply(UUID profileId, string firstname, string lastname)

View File

@ -466,8 +466,6 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ClientStack.LindenUDP
Throttle = new TokenBucket(null, sceneThrottleBps, sceneThrottleBps * 10e-3f);
ThrottleRates = new ThrottleRates(configSource);
Random rnd = new Random(Util.EnvironmentTickCount());
// if (usePools)
// EnablePools();
@ -1359,11 +1357,13 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ClientStack.LindenUDP
if (packet.Type == PacketType.UseCircuitCode)
// And if there is a UseCircuitCode pending, also drop it
lock (m_pendingCache)
if (m_pendingCache.Contains(endPoint))
SendAckImmediate(endPoint, packet.Header.Sequence); // i hear you shutup
@ -1372,6 +1372,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ClientStack.LindenUDP
Util.FireAndForget(HandleUseCircuitCode, new object[] { endPoint, packet });
SendAckImmediate(endPoint, packet.Header.Sequence);
@ -1720,11 +1721,6 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ClientStack.LindenUDP
queue = null;
// Send ack straight away to let the viewer know that the connection is active.
// The client will be null if it already exists (e.g. if on a region crossing the client sends a use
// circuit code to the existing child agent. This is not particularly obvious.
SendAckImmediate(endPoint, uccp.Header.Sequence);
if (client != null)