Started to implement Symmetric Sync between all actors. Reserved all old code for asym-sync implemented.

Created a subdir, SymmetricSync/ under OpenSim/Region/CoreModules/RegionSync/RegionSyncModule/. Newly
added files are kept here.
See SymmetricSyncDesign.pptx for the high level SW arch design. Available at \\jfea1pub303\PlanetLAB\vwi\sceneapi.
Added implementation of RegionSyncModule, SyncConnector, and ScenePersistenceSyncModule (this is ScenePersistence specific actions, e.g. message/event subscription).
Huaiyu (Kitty) Liu 2010-12-21 10:48:34 -08:00
parent 2b390f2436
commit e96625c8ca
4 changed files with 627 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.RegionSync.RegionSyncModule
m_startPos = startPos;
m_clientView = view;
m_log.Debug("[REGION SYNC AVATAR] instance: uuid={0}, first={1}, last={2}, startPos={3}, RSCV", agentID, first, last, startPos.ToString());
m_log.DebugFormat("[REGION SYNC AVATAR] instance: uuid={0}, first={1}, last={2}, startPos={3}, RSCV", agentID, first, last, startPos.ToString());
//m_scene.EventManager.OnFrame += Update;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
* Copyright (c) Contributors: TO BE FILLED
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
using Nini.Config;
using OpenMetaverse;
using OpenSim.Framework;
using OpenSim.Framework.Client;
using OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.Framework.InterfaceCommander;
using OpenSim.Region.Framework.Interfaces;
using OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes;
using log4net;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Threading;
//KittyL: created 12/17/2010, to start DSG Symmetric Synch implementation
namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.RegionSync.RegionSyncModule
//The connector that connects the local Scene (cache) and remote authoratative Scene
public class RegionSyncModule : INonSharedRegionModule, IRegionSyncModule, ICommandableModule
#region INonSharedRegionModule
public void Initialise(IConfigSource config)
m_log = LogManager.GetLogger(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);
IConfig syncConfig = config.Configs["RegionSyncModule"];
m_active = false;
if (syncConfig == null)
m_log.Warn("[REGION SYNC MODULE] No RegionSyncModule config section found. Shutting down.");
else if (!syncConfig.GetBoolean("Enabled", false))
m_log.Warn("[REGION SYNC MODULE] RegionSyncModule is not enabled. Shutting down.");
m_actorID = syncConfig.GetString("ActorID", "");
if (m_actorID == "")
m_log.Error("ActorID not defined in [RegionSyncModule] section in config file");
m_isSyncRelay = syncConfig.GetBoolean("IsSyncRelay", false);
m_isSyncListenerLocal = syncConfig.GetBoolean("IsSyncListenerLocal", false);
string listenerAddrDefault = syncConfig.GetString("ServerIPAddress", "");
m_syncListenerAddr = syncConfig.GetString("SyncListenerIPAddress", listenerAddrDefault);
m_syncListenerPort = syncConfig.GetInt("SyncListenerPort", 13000);
m_active = true;
m_log.Warn("[REGION SYNC MODULE] Initialised for actor "+ m_actorID);
//Called after Initialise()
public void AddRegion(Scene scene)
if (!m_active)
//connect with scene
m_scene = scene;
//register the module
// Setup the command line interface
m_scene.EventManager.OnPluginConsole += EventManager_OnPluginConsole;
//Called after AddRegion() has been called for all region modules of the scene
public void RegionLoaded(Scene scene)
//If this one is configured to start a listener so that other actors can connect to form a overlay, start the listener.
//For now, we use start topology, and ScenePersistence actor is always the one to start the listener.
if (m_isSyncListenerLocal)
public void RemoveRegion(Scene scene)
public void Close()
m_scene = null;
public string Name
get { return "RegionSyncModule"; }
public Type ReplaceableInterface
get { return null; }
#endregion //INonSharedRegionModule
#region IRegionSyncModule
// Synchronization related members and functions, exposed through IRegionSyncModule interface
private DSGActorTypes m_actorType;
public DSGActorTypes DSGActorType
get { return m_actorType; }
private string m_actorID;
public string ActorID
get { return m_actorID; }
private bool m_active = false;
public bool Active
get { return m_active; }
private bool m_isSyncRelay = false;
public bool IsSyncRelay
get { return m_isSyncRelay; }
private RegionSyncListener m_regionSyncListener = null;
public void SendObjectUpdates(List<SceneObjectGroup> sog)
#endregion //IRegionSyncModule
#region ICommandableModule Members
private readonly Commander m_commander = new Commander("sync");
public ICommander CommandInterface
get { return m_commander; }
#region Console Command Interface
private void InstallInterfaces()
Command cmdSyncStart = new Command("start", CommandIntentions.COMMAND_HAZARDOUS, SyncStart, "Begins synchronization with RegionSyncServer.");
//cmdSyncStart.AddArgument("server_address", "The IP address of the server to synchronize with", "String");
//cmdSyncStart.AddArgument("server_port", "The port of the server to synchronize with", "Integer");
Command cmdSyncStop = new Command("stop", CommandIntentions.COMMAND_HAZARDOUS, SyncStop, "Stops synchronization with RegionSyncServer.");
//cmdSyncStop.AddArgument("server_address", "The IP address of the server to synchronize with", "String");
//cmdSyncStop.AddArgument("server_port", "The port of the server to synchronize with", "Integer");
Command cmdSyncStatus = new Command("status", CommandIntentions.COMMAND_HAZARDOUS, SyncStatus, "Displays synchronization status.");
m_commander.RegisterCommand("start", cmdSyncStart);
m_commander.RegisterCommand("stop", cmdSyncStop);
m_commander.RegisterCommand("status", cmdSyncStatus);
lock (m_scene)
// Add this to our scene so scripts can call these functions
/// <summary>
/// Processes commandline input. Do not call directly.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="args">Commandline arguments</param>
private void EventManager_OnPluginConsole(string[] args)
if (args[0] == "sync")
if (args.Length == 1)
m_commander.ProcessConsoleCommand("help", new string[0]);
string[] tmpArgs = new string[args.Length - 2];
int i;
for (i = 2; i < args.Length; i++)
tmpArgs[i - 2] = args[i];
m_commander.ProcessConsoleCommand(args[1], tmpArgs);
#endregion Console Command Interface
#region RegionSyncModule members and functions
// Synchronization related functions, NOT exposed through IRegionSyncModule interface
private ILog m_log;
//private bool m_active = true;
private bool m_isSyncListenerLocal = false;
private string m_syncListenerAddr;
public string SyncListenerAddr
get { return m_syncListenerAddr; }
private int m_syncListenerPort;
public int SyncListenerPort
get { return m_syncListenerPort; }
private Scene m_scene;
public Scene LocalScene
get { return m_scene; }
private HashSet<SyncConnector> m_syncConnectors=null;
private object m_syncConnectorsLock = new object();
private System.Timers.Timer m_statsTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(1000);
private void StatsTimerElapsed(object source, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e)
m_log.Warn("[REGION SYNC MODULE]: StatsTimerElapsed -- NOT yet implemented.");
private void StartSyncListener()
m_regionSyncListener = new RegionSyncListener(m_syncListenerAddr, m_syncListenerPort, this);
m_statsTimer.Elapsed += new System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(StatsTimerElapsed);
private void SyncStart(Object[] args)
if (m_isSyncListenerLocal)
if (m_regionSyncListener.IsListening)
m_log.Warn("[REGION SYNC MODULE]: RegionSyncListener is local, already started");
private void SyncStop(Object[] args)
if (m_isSyncListenerLocal)
if (m_regionSyncListener.IsListening)
private void SyncStatus(Object[] args)
m_log.Warn("[REGION SYNC MODULE]: SyncStatus() TO BE IMPLEMENTED !!!");
public void AddSyncConnector(TcpClient tcpclient)
//IPAddress addr = ((IPEndPoint)tcpclient.Client.RemoteEndPoint).Address;
//int port = ((IPEndPoint)tcpclient.Client.RemoteEndPoint).Port;
SyncConnector syncConnector = new SyncConnector(tcpclient);
public void AddSyncConnector(SyncConnector syncConnector)
lock (m_syncConnectorsLock)
// Create a new list while modifying the list: An optimization for frequent reads and occasional writes.
// Anyone holding the previous version of the list can keep using it since
// they will not hold it for long and get a new copy next time they need to iterate
HashSet<SyncConnector> currentlist = m_syncConnectors;
HashSet<SyncConnector> newlist = new HashSet<SyncConnector>(currentlist);
m_syncConnectors = newlist;
public void RemoveSyncConnector(SyncConnector syncConnector)
lock (m_syncConnectorsLock)
// Create a new list while modifying the list: An optimization for frequent reads and occasional writes.
// Anyone holding the previous version of the list can keep using it since
// they will not hold it for long and get a new copy next time they need to iterate
HashSet<SyncConnector> currentlist = m_syncConnectors;
HashSet<SyncConnector> newlist = new HashSet<SyncConnector>(currentlist);
m_syncConnectors = newlist;
#endregion //RegionSyncModule members and functions
public class RegionSyncListener
private IPAddress m_addr;
private Int32 m_port;
private RegionSyncModule m_regionSyncModule;
private ILog m_log;
// The listener and the thread which listens for sync connection requests
private TcpListener m_listener;
private Thread m_listenerThread;
private bool m_isListening = false;
public bool IsListening
get { return m_isListening; }
public RegionSyncListener(string addr, int port, RegionSyncModule regionSyncModule)
m_addr = IPAddress.Parse(addr);
m_port = port;
m_regionSyncModule = regionSyncModule;
m_log = LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);
// Start the listener
public void Start()
m_listenerThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Listen));
m_listenerThread.Name = "RegionSyncListener";
m_log.WarnFormat("[REGION SYNC LISTENER] Starting {0} thread", m_listenerThread.Name);
m_isListening = true;
//m_log.Warn("[REGION SYNC SERVER] Started");
// Stop the server and disconnect all RegionSyncClients
public void Shutdown()
// Stop the listener and listening thread so no new clients are accepted
//Aborting the listener thread probably is not the best way to shutdown, but let's worry about that later.
m_listenerThread = null;
m_isListening = false;
// Listen for connections from a new RegionSyncClient
// When connected, start the ReceiveLoop for the new client
private void Listen()
m_listener = new TcpListener(m_addr, m_port);
// Start listening for clients
while (true)
// *** Move/Add TRY/CATCH to here, but we don't want to spin loop on the same error
m_log.WarnFormat("[REGION SYNC SERVER] Listening for new connections on {0}:{1}...", m_addr.ToString(), m_port.ToString());
TcpClient tcpclient = m_listener.AcceptTcpClient();
//pass the tcpclient information to RegionSyncModule, who will then create a SyncConnector
catch (SocketException e)
m_log.WarnFormat("[REGION SYNC SERVER] [Listen] SocketException: {0}", e);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
* Copyright (c) Contributors: TO BE FILLED
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
using Nini.Config;
using OpenMetaverse;
using OpenSim.Framework;
using OpenSim.Framework.Client;
using OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.Framework.InterfaceCommander;
using OpenSim.Region.Framework.Interfaces;
using OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes;
using log4net;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Threading;
namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.RegionSync.RegionSyncModule
public class DSGActorBase
protected RegionSyncModule m_regionSyncModule;
public DSGActorBase(RegionSyncModule regionSyncModule)
m_regionSyncModule = regionSyncModule;
public virtual void init()
* */
public class ScenePersistenceSyncModule : INonSharedRegionModule, IScenePersistenceSyncModule
#region INonSharedRegionModule
public void Initialise(IConfigSource config)
m_log = LogManager.GetLogger(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);
IConfig syncConfig = config.Configs["RegionSyncModule"];
m_active = false;
if (syncConfig == null)
m_log.Warn("[Scene Persistence Sync MODULE] No RegionSyncModule config section found. Shutting down.");
else if (!syncConfig.GetBoolean("Enabled", false))
m_log.Warn("[Scene Persistence Sync MODULE] RegionSyncModule is not enabled. Shutting down.");
string actorType = syncConfig.GetString("DSGActorType", "").ToLower();
if (!actorType.Equals("scene_persistence"))
m_log.Warn("[Scene Persistence Sync MODULE]: not configured as Scene Persistence Actor. Shut down.");
//Called after Initialise()
public void AddRegion(Scene scene)
if (!m_active)
//connect with scene
m_scene = scene;
//register the module
// Setup the command line interface
//m_scene.EventManager.OnPluginConsole += EventManager_OnPluginConsole;
//Called after AddRegion() has been called for all region modules of the scene
public void RegionLoaded(Scene scene)
public void RemoveRegion(Scene scene)
public Type ReplaceableInterface
get { return null; }
public void Close()
m_scene = null;
public string Name
get { return "ScenePersistenceSyncModule"; }
#endregion //IRegionModule
#region RegionSyncModule members and functions
private ILog m_log;
private bool m_active = false;
public bool Active
get { return m_active; }
private Scene m_scene;
public Scene LocalScene
get { return m_scene; }
#endregion //INonSharedRegionModule members and functions
public class RegionSyncListener
// Start the listener
public void Start()
m_listenerThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Listen));
m_listenerThread.Name = "RegionSyncServer Listener";
m_log.WarnFormat("[REGION SYNC SERVER] Starting {0} thread", m_listenerThread.Name);
//m_log.Warn("[REGION SYNC SERVER] Started");
// Listen for connections from a new RegionSyncClient
// When connected, start the ReceiveLoop for the new client
private void Listen()
m_listener = new TcpListener(m_addr, m_port);
// Start listening for clients
while (true)
// *** Move/Add TRY/CATCH to here, but we don't want to spin loop on the same error
m_log.WarnFormat("[REGION SYNC SERVER] Listening for new connections on {0}:{1}...", m_addr.ToString(), m_port.ToString());
TcpClient tcpclient = m_listener.AcceptTcpClient();
IPAddress addr = ((IPEndPoint)tcpclient.Client.RemoteEndPoint).Address;
int port = ((IPEndPoint)tcpclient.Client.RemoteEndPoint).Port;
//pass the tcpclient information to RegionSyncModule, who will then create a SyncConnector
catch (SocketException e)
m_log.WarnFormat("[REGION SYNC SERVER] [Listen] SocketException: {0}", e);
* */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
* Copyright (c) Contributors: TO BE FILLED
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Net.Sockets;
namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.RegionSync.RegionSyncModule
public class SyncConnector
private TcpClient m_tcpConnection = null;
public SyncConnector(TcpClient tcpclient)
m_tcpConnection = tcpclient;