Start locking entire add/remove operations on an IScenePresence.AttachmentsSyncLock object

Attach and detach packets are processed asynchronously when received from a viewer.
Bugs like indicate that in some situations (such as attaching/detaching entire folders of objects at once), there are race conditions between these threads.
Since multiple data structures need to be updated on attach/detach, it's not enough to lock the individual collections.
Therefore, this commit introduces a new IScenePresence.AttachmentsSyncLock which add/remove operations lock on.
Justin Clark-Casey (justincc) 2011-09-12 21:57:22 +01:00
parent dab6387bba
commit ea0f78c971
4 changed files with 225 additions and 172 deletions

View File

@ -240,80 +240,83 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.Avatar.Attachments
private bool AttachObject(IScenePresence sp, SceneObjectGroup group, uint attachmentPt, bool silent)
// m_log.DebugFormat(
// "[ATTACHMENTS MODULE]: Attaching object {0} {1} to {2} point {3} from ground (silent = {4})",
// group.Name, group.LocalId, sp.Name, attachmentPt, silent);
if (sp.GetAttachments(attachmentPt).Contains(group))
lock (sp.AttachmentsSyncLock)
// m_log.WarnFormat(
// "[ATTACHMENTS MODULE]: Ignoring request to attach {0} {1} to {2} on {3} since it's already attached",
// group.Name, group.LocalId, sp.Name, AttachmentPt);
return false;
Vector3 attachPos = group.AbsolutePosition;
// TODO: this short circuits multiple attachments functionality in LL viewer 2.1+ and should
// be removed when that functionality is implemented in opensim
attachmentPt &= 0x7f;
// If the attachment point isn't the same as the one previously used
// set it's offset position = 0 so that it appears on the attachment point
// and not in a weird location somewhere unknown.
if (attachmentPt != 0 && attachmentPt != group.AttachmentPoint)
attachPos = Vector3.Zero;
// AttachmentPt 0 means the client chose to 'wear' the attachment.
if (attachmentPt == 0)
// Check object for stored attachment point
attachmentPt = group.AttachmentPoint;
// if we still didn't find a suitable attachment point.......
if (attachmentPt == 0)
// Stick it on left hand with Zero Offset from the attachment point.
attachmentPt = (uint)AttachmentPoint.LeftHand;
attachPos = Vector3.Zero;
group.AttachmentPoint = attachmentPt;
group.AbsolutePosition = attachPos;
// We also don't want to do any of the inventory operations for an NPC.
if (sp.PresenceType != PresenceType.Npc)
// Remove any previous attachments
List<SceneObjectGroup> attachments = sp.GetAttachments(attachmentPt);
// At the moment we can only deal with a single attachment
if (attachments.Count != 0)
// m_log.DebugFormat(
// "[ATTACHMENTS MODULE]: Attaching object {0} {1} to {2} point {3} from ground (silent = {4})",
// group.Name, group.LocalId, sp.Name, attachmentPt, silent);
if (sp.GetAttachments(attachmentPt).Contains(group))
UUID oldAttachmentItemID = attachments[0].GetFromItemID();
// m_log.WarnFormat(
// "[ATTACHMENTS MODULE]: Ignoring request to attach {0} {1} to {2} on {3} since it's already attached",
// group.Name, group.LocalId, sp.Name, AttachmentPt);
if (oldAttachmentItemID != UUID.Zero)
DetachSingleAttachmentToInv(oldAttachmentItemID, sp);
"[ATTACHMENTS MODULE]: When detaching existing attachment {0} {1} at point {2} to make way for {3} {4} for {5}, couldn't find the associated item ID to adjust inventory attachment record!",
attachments[0].Name, attachments[0].LocalId, attachmentPt, group.Name, group.LocalId, sp.Name);
return false;
// Add the new attachment to inventory if we don't already have it.
UUID newAttachmentItemID = group.GetFromItemID();
if (newAttachmentItemID == UUID.Zero)
newAttachmentItemID = AddSceneObjectAsNewAttachmentInInv(sp.ControllingClient, group).ID;
ShowAttachInUserInventory(sp, attachmentPt, newAttachmentItemID, group);
Vector3 attachPos = group.AbsolutePosition;
// TODO: this short circuits multiple attachments functionality in LL viewer 2.1+ and should
// be removed when that functionality is implemented in opensim
attachmentPt &= 0x7f;
// If the attachment point isn't the same as the one previously used
// set it's offset position = 0 so that it appears on the attachment point
// and not in a weird location somewhere unknown.
if (attachmentPt != 0 && attachmentPt != group.AttachmentPoint)
attachPos = Vector3.Zero;
// AttachmentPt 0 means the client chose to 'wear' the attachment.
if (attachmentPt == 0)
// Check object for stored attachment point
attachmentPt = group.AttachmentPoint;
// if we still didn't find a suitable attachment point.......
if (attachmentPt == 0)
// Stick it on left hand with Zero Offset from the attachment point.
attachmentPt = (uint)AttachmentPoint.LeftHand;
attachPos = Vector3.Zero;
group.AttachmentPoint = attachmentPt;
group.AbsolutePosition = attachPos;
// We also don't want to do any of the inventory operations for an NPC.
if (sp.PresenceType != PresenceType.Npc)
// Remove any previous attachments
List<SceneObjectGroup> attachments = sp.GetAttachments(attachmentPt);
// At the moment we can only deal with a single attachment
if (attachments.Count != 0)
UUID oldAttachmentItemID = attachments[0].GetFromItemID();
if (oldAttachmentItemID != UUID.Zero)
DetachSingleAttachmentToInv(oldAttachmentItemID, sp);
"[ATTACHMENTS MODULE]: When detaching existing attachment {0} {1} at point {2} to make way for {3} {4} for {5}, couldn't find the associated item ID to adjust inventory attachment record!",
attachments[0].Name, attachments[0].LocalId, attachmentPt, group.Name, group.LocalId, sp.Name);
// Add the new attachment to inventory if we don't already have it.
UUID newAttachmentItemID = group.GetFromItemID();
if (newAttachmentItemID == UUID.Zero)
newAttachmentItemID = AddSceneObjectAsNewAttachmentInInv(sp.ControllingClient, group).ID;
ShowAttachInUserInventory(sp, attachmentPt, newAttachmentItemID, group);
AttachToAgent(sp, group, attachmentPt, attachPos, silent);
AttachToAgent(sp, group, attachmentPt, attachPos, silent);
return true;
@ -322,14 +325,26 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.Avatar.Attachments
RezMultipleAttachmentsFromInvPacket.HeaderDataBlock header,
RezMultipleAttachmentsFromInvPacket.ObjectDataBlock[] objects)
foreach (RezMultipleAttachmentsFromInvPacket.ObjectDataBlock obj in objects)
ScenePresence sp = m_scene.GetScenePresence(remoteClient.AgentId);
if (sp == null)
RezSingleAttachmentFromInventory(remoteClient, obj.ItemID, obj.AttachmentPt);
"[ATTACHMENTS MODULE]: Could not find presence for client {0} {1} in RezMultipleAttachmentsFromInventory()",
remoteClient.Name, remoteClient.AgentId);
lock (sp.AttachmentsSyncLock)
foreach (RezMultipleAttachmentsFromInvPacket.ObjectDataBlock obj in objects)
RezSingleAttachmentFromInventory(sp, obj.ItemID, obj.AttachmentPt);
public ISceneEntity RezSingleAttachmentFromInventory(
IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID itemID, uint AttachmentPt)
public ISceneEntity RezSingleAttachmentFromInventory(IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID itemID, uint AttachmentPt)
// m_log.DebugFormat(
// "[ATTACHMENTS MODULE]: Rezzing attachment to point {0} from item {1} for {2}",
@ -344,7 +359,12 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.Avatar.Attachments
remoteClient.Name, remoteClient.AgentId);
return null;
return RezSingleAttachmentFromInventory(sp, itemID, AttachmentPt);
public ISceneEntity RezSingleAttachmentFromInventory(ScenePresence sp, UUID itemID, uint AttachmentPt)
// TODO: this short circuits multiple attachments functionality in LL viewer 2.1+ and should
// be removed when that functionality is implemented in opensim
AttachmentPt &= 0x7f;
@ -363,65 +383,68 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.Avatar.Attachments
IInventoryAccessModule invAccess = m_scene.RequestModuleInterface<IInventoryAccessModule>();
if (invAccess != null)
SceneObjectGroup objatt;
if (itemID != UUID.Zero)
objatt = invAccess.RezObject(sp.ControllingClient,
itemID, Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Zero, UUID.Zero, (byte)1, true,
false, false, sp.UUID, true);
objatt = invAccess.RezObject(sp.ControllingClient,
null, assetID, Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Zero, UUID.Zero, (byte)1, true,
false, false, sp.UUID, true);
// m_log.DebugFormat(
// "[ATTACHMENTS MODULE]: Retrieved single object {0} for attachment to {1} on point {2}",
// objatt.Name, remoteClient.Name, AttachmentPt);
if (objatt != null)
lock (sp.AttachmentsSyncLock)
// HasGroupChanged is being set from within RezObject. Ideally it would be set by the caller.
objatt.HasGroupChanged = false;
bool tainted = false;
if (attachmentPt != 0 && attachmentPt != objatt.AttachmentPoint)
tainted = true;
// This will throw if the attachment fails
AttachObject(sp, objatt, attachmentPt, false);
catch (Exception e)
"[ATTACHMENTS MODULE]: Failed to attach {0} {1} for {2}, exception {3}{4}",
objatt.Name, objatt.UUID, sp.Name, e.Message, e.StackTrace);
// Make sure the object doesn't stick around and bail
m_scene.DeleteSceneObject(objatt, false);
return null;
SceneObjectGroup objatt;
if (itemID != UUID.Zero)
objatt = invAccess.RezObject(sp.ControllingClient,
itemID, Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Zero, UUID.Zero, (byte)1, true,
false, false, sp.UUID, true);
objatt = invAccess.RezObject(sp.ControllingClient,
null, assetID, Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Zero, UUID.Zero, (byte)1, true,
false, false, sp.UUID, true);
// m_log.DebugFormat(
// "[ATTACHMENTS MODULE]: Retrieved single object {0} for attachment to {1} on point {2}",
// objatt.Name, remoteClient.Name, AttachmentPt);
if (tainted)
objatt.HasGroupChanged = true;
if (objatt != null)
// HasGroupChanged is being set from within RezObject. Ideally it would be set by the caller.
objatt.HasGroupChanged = false;
bool tainted = false;
if (attachmentPt != 0 && attachmentPt != objatt.AttachmentPoint)
tainted = true;
// This will throw if the attachment fails
AttachObject(sp, objatt, attachmentPt, false);
catch (Exception e)
"[ATTACHMENTS MODULE]: Failed to attach {0} {1} for {2}, exception {3}{4}",
objatt.Name, objatt.UUID, sp.Name, e.Message, e.StackTrace);
// Make sure the object doesn't stick around and bail
m_scene.DeleteSceneObject(objatt, false);
return null;
if (tainted)
objatt.HasGroupChanged = true;
// Fire after attach, so we don't get messy perms dialogs
// 4 == AttachedRez
objatt.CreateScriptInstances(0, true, m_scene.DefaultScriptEngine, 4);
// Do this last so that event listeners have access to all the effects of the attachment
m_scene.EventManager.TriggerOnAttach(objatt.LocalId, itemID, sp.UUID);
// Fire after attach, so we don't get messy perms dialogs
// 4 == AttachedRez
objatt.CreateScriptInstances(0, true, m_scene.DefaultScriptEngine, 4);
// Do this last so that event listeners have access to all the effects of the attachment
m_scene.EventManager.TriggerOnAttach(objatt.LocalId, itemID, sp.UUID);
return objatt;
"[ATTACHMENTS MODULE]: Could not retrieve item {0} for attaching to avatar {1} at point {2}",
itemID, sp.Name, attachmentPt);
"[ATTACHMENTS MODULE]: Could not retrieve item {0} for attaching to avatar {1} at point {2}",
itemID, sp.Name, attachmentPt);
return objatt;
return null;
@ -474,14 +497,17 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.Avatar.Attachments
ScenePresence presence;
if (m_scene.TryGetScenePresence(remoteClient.AgentId, out presence))
// Save avatar attachment information
m_log.Debug("[ATTACHMENTS MODULE]: Detaching from UserID: " + remoteClient.AgentId + ", ItemID: " + itemID);
lock (presence.AttachmentsSyncLock)
// Save avatar attachment information
m_log.Debug("[ATTACHMENTS MODULE]: Detaching from UserID: " + remoteClient.AgentId + ", ItemID: " + itemID);
bool changed = presence.Appearance.DetachAttachment(itemID);
if (changed && m_scene.AvatarFactory != null)
DetachSingleAttachmentToInv(itemID, presence);
bool changed = presence.Appearance.DetachAttachment(itemID);
if (changed && m_scene.AvatarFactory != null)
DetachSingleAttachmentToInv(itemID, presence);
@ -508,24 +534,27 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.Avatar.Attachments
ScenePresence presence;
if (m_scene.TryGetScenePresence(remoteClient.AgentId, out presence))
if (!m_scene.Permissions.CanRezObject(
so.PrimCount, remoteClient.AgentId, presence.AbsolutePosition))
lock (presence.AttachmentsSyncLock)
if (!m_scene.Permissions.CanRezObject(
so.PrimCount, remoteClient.AgentId, presence.AbsolutePosition))
bool changed = presence.Appearance.DetachAttachment(inventoryID);
if (changed && m_scene.AvatarFactory != null)
bool changed = presence.Appearance.DetachAttachment(inventoryID);
if (changed && m_scene.AvatarFactory != null)
DetachSceneObjectToGround(so, presence);
DetachSceneObjectToGround(so, presence);
List<UUID> uuids = new List<UUID>();
m_scene.InventoryService.DeleteItems(remoteClient.AgentId, uuids);
List<UUID> uuids = new List<UUID>();
m_scene.InventoryService.DeleteItems(remoteClient.AgentId, uuids);
m_scene.EventManager.TriggerOnAttach(so.LocalId, so.UUID, UUID.Zero);
m_scene.EventManager.TriggerOnAttach(so.LocalId, so.UUID, UUID.Zero);
/// <summary>
@ -567,37 +596,40 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.Avatar.Attachments
EntityBase[] detachEntities = m_scene.GetEntities();
SceneObjectGroup group;
foreach (EntityBase entity in detachEntities)
lock (sp.AttachmentsSyncLock)
if (entity is SceneObjectGroup)
foreach (EntityBase entity in detachEntities)
group = (SceneObjectGroup)entity;
if (group.GetFromItemID() == itemID)
if (entity is SceneObjectGroup)
m_scene.EventManager.TriggerOnAttach(group.LocalId, itemID, UUID.Zero);
group = (SceneObjectGroup)entity;
if (group.GetFromItemID() == itemID)
m_scene.EventManager.TriggerOnAttach(group.LocalId, itemID, UUID.Zero);
// Prepare sog for storage
group.AttachedAvatar = UUID.Zero;
// Prepare sog for storage
group.AttachedAvatar = UUID.Zero;
delegate(SceneObjectPart part)
// If there are any scripts,
// then always trigger a new object and state persistence in UpdateKnownItem()
if (part.Inventory.ContainsScripts())
group.HasGroupChanged = true;
delegate(SceneObjectPart part)
// If there are any scripts,
// then always trigger a new object and state persistence in UpdateKnownItem()
if (part.Inventory.ContainsScripts())
group.HasGroupChanged = true;
group.IsAttachment = false;
group.AbsolutePosition = group.RootPart.AttachedPos;
group.IsAttachment = false;
group.AbsolutePosition = group.RootPart.AttachedPos;
UpdateKnownItem(sp.ControllingClient, group, group.GetFromItemID(), group.OwnerID);
m_scene.DeleteSceneObject(group, false);
UpdateKnownItem(sp.ControllingClient, group, group.GetFromItemID(), group.OwnerID);
m_scene.DeleteSceneObject(group, false);
@ -829,4 +861,4 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.Avatar.Attachments
return item;

View File

@ -87,6 +87,15 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Framework.Interfaces
/// <returns>The scene object that was attached. Null if the scene object could not be found</returns>
ISceneEntity RezSingleAttachmentFromInventory(IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID itemID, uint AttachmentPt);
/// <summary>
/// Rez an attachment from user inventory and change inventory status to match.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sp"></param>
/// <param name="itemID"></param>
/// <param name="AttachmentPt"></param>
/// <returns>The scene object that was attached. Null if the scene object could not be found</returns>
ISceneEntity RezSingleAttachmentFromInventory(ScenePresence sp, UUID itemID, uint AttachmentPt);
/// <summary>
/// Rez multiple attachments from a user's inventory
/// </summary>

View File

@ -60,6 +60,14 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Framework.Interfaces
/// </remarks>
AvatarAppearance Appearance { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// The AttachmentsModule synchronizes on this to avoid race conditions between commands to add and remove attachments.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// All add and remove attachment operations must synchronize on this for the lifetime of their operations.
/// </remarks>
Object AttachmentsSyncLock { get; }
/// <summary>
/// The scene objects attached to this avatar.
/// </summary>

View File

@ -120,6 +120,8 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes
/// </remarks>
protected List<SceneObjectGroup> m_attachments = new List<SceneObjectGroup>();
public Object AttachmentsSyncLock { get; private set; }
private Dictionary<UUID, ScriptControllers> scriptedcontrols = new Dictionary<UUID, ScriptControllers>();
private ScriptControlled IgnoredControls = ScriptControlled.CONTROL_ZERO;
private ScriptControlled LastCommands = ScriptControlled.CONTROL_ZERO;
@ -709,6 +711,8 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes
public ScenePresence(
IClientAPI client, Scene world, RegionInfo reginfo, AvatarAppearance appearance, PresenceType type)
AttachmentsSyncLock = new Object();
m_sendCourseLocationsMethod = SendCoarseLocationsDefault;
m_sceneViewer = new SceneViewer(this);
m_animator = new ScenePresenceAnimator(this);