Initial LSL to C# converter, not working yet!

Tedd Hansen 2007-08-12 13:38:16 +00:00
parent 7f393791e7
commit f5955ab539
1 changed files with 156 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace LSL2CS.Converter
public class LSL2CSConverter
//private Regex rnw = new Regex(@"[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]", RegexOptions.Compiled);
private Dictionary<string, string> DataTypes = new Dictionary<string, string>();
private Dictionary<string, string> QUOTES = new Dictionary<string, string>();
public LSL2CSConverter()
DataTypes.Add("void", "void");
DataTypes.Add("integer", "int");
DataTypes.Add("float", "float");
DataTypes.Add("string", "string");
DataTypes.Add("key", "string");
DataTypes.Add("vector", "vector");
DataTypes.Add("rotation", "rotation");
DataTypes.Add("list", "list");
DataTypes.Add("null", "null");
public string Convert(string Script)
string Return = "";
// Prepare script for processing
// Here we will remove those linebreaks that are allowed in so many languages.
// One hard-ass regex should do the job.
// Then we will add some linebreaks.
Script = Regex.Replace(Script, @"\r\n", "\n");
Script = Regex.Replace(Script, @"\n", "\r\n");
//Script = Regex.Replace(Script, @"\n\s*{", @"{");
//Script = Regex.Replace(Script, @"[\r\n]", @"");
// Then we remove unwanted linebreaks
//// Split up script to process line by line
//int count = 0;
//string line;
//Regex r = new Regex("\r?\n", RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.Compiled);
//string[] lines = r.Split(Script);
//for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++)
// // Remove space in front and back
// line = lines[i].Trim();
// count++;
// Return += count + ". " + translate(line) + "\r\n";
int level = 0;
bool Level0Set = false;
bool Level1Set = false;
//char[] SA = Script.ToCharArray();
string _Script = "";
string C;
bool in_quote = false;
bool quote_replaced = false;
string quote_replacement_string = "Q_U_O_T_E_REPLACEMENT_";
string quote = "";
int quote_replaced_count = 0;
for (int p = 0; p < Script.Length; p++)
while (true) {
C = Script.Substring(p,1);
if (C == "\"") {
// Toggle inside/outside quote
in_quote = ! in_quote;
if(in_quote) {
} else {
// We just left a quote
QUOTES.Add(quote_replacement_string + quote_replaced_count.ToString().PadLeft(5, "0".ToCharArray()[0]), quote);
quote = "";
if (!in_quote) {
// We are not inside a quote
quote_replaced = false;
} else {
// We are inside a quote
if (!quote_replaced) {
// Replace quote
_Script += quote_replacement_string + quote_replaced_count.ToString().PadLeft(5, "0".ToCharArray()[0]);
quote_replaced = true;
quote += C;
_Script += C;
// Replace CAST - (integer) with (int)
Script = Regex.Replace(_Script, @"\(integer\)", @"(int)", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Multiline);
// Replace return types and function variables - integer a() and f(integer a, integer a)
_Script = Regex.Replace(Script, @"(^|[\(,])(\s*int)eger(\s*)", @"$1$2$3", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Multiline);
// Add void to functions not having that
Script = Regex.Replace(_Script, @"^(\s*)((?!if|switch|for|foreach)[a-zA-Z0-9_]*\s*\([^\)]*\)[^;]*\{)", @"$1void $2", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.Singleline);
//_Script = Regex.Replace(Script, "integer", "int", RegexOptions.Compiled);
foreach (string key in QUOTES.Keys)
string val;
QUOTES.TryGetValue(key, out val);
_Script = Script.Replace(key, "\"" + val + "\"");
Script = _Script;
Return = Script;
return Return;
//private string GetWord(char[] SA, int p)
// string ret = "";
// for (int i = p; p < SA.Length; i++)
// {
// if (!rnw.IsMatch(SA[i].ToString()))
// break;
// ret += SA[i];
// }
// return ret;