Code comments and cleanup, correct datatypes for key, vector, rotation, (hopefully) reference to Axiom during compile, passing of BuiltIns during script load, BuiltIn interface added, etc etc
@ -16,16 +16,21 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler.LSL
string OutFile = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(LSOFileName);
// Output assembly name
string OutFile = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(LSOFileName) + ".dll";
// TODO: Add error handling
string CS_Code = LSL_Converter.Convert(File.ReadAllText(LSOFileName));
// Do actual compile
System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters parameters = new CompilerParameters();
parameters.GenerateExecutable = true;
parameters.IncludeDebugInformation = true;
parameters.GenerateExecutable = false;
parameters.OutputAssembly = OutFile;
CompilerResults results = codeProvider.CompileAssemblyFromSource(parameters, CS_Code);
// Go through errors
// TODO: Return errors to user somehow
if (results.Errors.Count > 0)
@ -18,11 +18,12 @@ namespace LSL2CS.Converter
DataTypes.Add("float", "float");
DataTypes.Add("string", "string");
DataTypes.Add("key", "string");
DataTypes.Add("vector", "vector");
DataTypes.Add("rotation", "rotation");
DataTypes.Add("vector", "Axiom.Math.Vector3");
DataTypes.Add("rotation", "Axiom.Math.Quaternion");
DataTypes.Add("list", "list");
DataTypes.Add("null", "null");
@ -34,37 +35,14 @@ namespace LSL2CS.Converter
// Prepare script for processing
// Here we will remove those linebreaks that are allowed in so many languages.
// One hard-ass regex should do the job.
// Then we will add some linebreaks.
// Clean up linebreaks
Script = Regex.Replace(Script, @"\r\n", "\n");
Script = Regex.Replace(Script, @"\n", "\r\n");
//Script = Regex.Replace(Script, @"\n\s*{", @"{");
//Script = Regex.Replace(Script, @"[\r\n]", @"");
// Then we remove unwanted linebreaks
//// Split up script to process line by line
//int count = 0;
//string line;
//Regex r = new Regex("\r?\n", RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.Compiled);
//string[] lines = r.Split(Script);
//for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++)
// // Remove space in front and back
// line = lines[i].Trim();
// count++;
// Return += count + ". " + translate(line) + "\r\n";
//char[] SA = Script.ToCharArray();
// temporarily replace quotes so we can work our magic on the script without
// always considering if we are inside our outside ""'s
string _Script = "";
string C;
bool in_quote = false;
@ -129,8 +107,10 @@ namespace LSL2CS.Converter
// Remove state definitions and add state names to start of each event within state
int ilevel = 0;
int lastlevel = 0;
string ret = "";
@ -190,13 +170,6 @@ namespace LSL2CS.Converter
current_statename = "";
// if we moved from level 0 to level 1 don't add last word + {
// if we moved from level 1 to level 0 don't add last }
// if level > 0 cache all data so we can run regex on it when going to level 0
lastlevel = ilevel;
@ -209,17 +182,23 @@ namespace LSL2CS.Converter
// Replace CAST - (integer) with (int)
Script = Regex.Replace(Script, @"\(integer\)", @"(int)", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Multiline);
// Replace return types and function variables - integer a() and f(integer a, integer a)
Script = Regex.Replace(Script, @"(^|;|}|[\(,])(\s*int)eger(\s*)", @"$1$2$3", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Multiline);
foreach (string key in DataTypes.Keys)
string val;
DataTypes.TryGetValue(key, out val);
// Replace CAST - (integer) with (int)
Script = Regex.Replace(Script, @"\(" + key + @"\)", @"(" + val + ")", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Multiline);
// Replace return types and function variables - integer a() and f(integer a, integer a)
Script = Regex.Replace(Script, @"(^|;|}|[\(,])(\s*)" + key + @"(\s*)", @"$1$2" + val + "$3", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Multiline);
// Add "void" in front of functions that needs it
Script = Regex.Replace(Script, @"^(\s*)((?!if|switch|for)[a-zA-Z0-9_]*\s*\([^\)]*\)[^;]*\{)", @"$1void $2", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.Singleline);
// Replace <x,y,z> and <x,y,z,r>
Script = Regex.Replace(Script, @"<([^,>]*,[^,>]*,[^,>]*,[^,>]*)>", @"Rotation.Parse($1)", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.Singleline);
Script = Regex.Replace(Script, @"<([^,>]*,[^,>]*,[^,>]*)>", @"Vector.Parse($1)", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.Singleline);
Script = Regex.Replace(Script, @"<([^,>]*,[^,>]*,[^,>]*,[^,>]*)>", @"new Axiom.Math.Quaternion($1)", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.Singleline);
Script = Regex.Replace(Script, @"<([^,>]*,[^,>]*,[^,>]*)>", @"new Axiom.Math.Vector3($1)", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.Singleline);
// Replace List []'s
Script = Regex.Replace(Script, @"\[([^\]]*)\]", @"List.Parse($1)", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.Singleline);
@ -239,6 +218,7 @@ namespace LSL2CS.Converter
// Add namespace, class name and inheritance
Return = "namespace SecondLife {" + Environment.NewLine;
Return += "public class Script : LSL_BaseClass {" + Environment.NewLine;
Return += Script;
@ -246,18 +226,6 @@ namespace LSL2CS.Converter
return Return;
//private string GetWord(char[] SA, int p)
// string ret = "";
// for (int i = p; p < SA.Length; i++)
// {
// if (!rnw.IsMatch(SA[i].ToString()))
// break;
// ret += SA[i];
// }
// return ret;
@ -1,10 +1,21 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler;
namespace OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler.LSL
class LSL_BaseClass
public UInt32 State = 0;
public LSL_BuiltIn_Commands_Interface LSL_Builtins;
public void Start(LSL_BuiltIn_Commands_Interface LSLBuiltins)
LSL_Builtins = LSLBuiltins;
Common.SendToLog("OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler.LSL.LSL_BaseClass.Start() called");
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler;
namespace OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler.LSO
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
namespace OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler.LSO
namespace OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler
public interface LSL_BuiltIn_Commands_Interface
@ -46,54 +46,54 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler.LSO
UInt32 llFloor(float f);
UInt32 llCeil(float f);
UInt32 llRound(float f);
float llVecMag(LSO_Enums.Vector v);
LSO_Enums.Vector llVecNorm(LSO_Enums.Vector v);
float llVecDist(LSO_Enums.Vector a, LSO_Enums.Vector b);
LSO_Enums.Vector llRot2Euler(LSO_Enums.Rotation r);
LSO_Enums.Rotation llEuler2Rot(LSO_Enums.Vector v);
LSO_Enums.Rotation llAxes2Rot(LSO_Enums.Vector fwd, LSO_Enums.Vector left, LSO_Enums.Vector up);
LSO_Enums.Vector llRot2Fwd(LSO_Enums.Rotation r);
LSO_Enums.Vector llRot2Left(LSO_Enums.Rotation r);
LSO_Enums.Vector llRot2Up(LSO_Enums.Rotation r);
LSO_Enums.Rotation llRotBetween(LSO_Enums.Vector start, LSO_Enums.Vector end);
float llVecMag(Axiom.Math.Vector3 v);
Axiom.Math.Vector3 llVecNorm(Axiom.Math.Vector3 v);
float llVecDist(Axiom.Math.Vector3 a, Axiom.Math.Vector3 b);
Axiom.Math.Vector3 llRot2Euler(Axiom.Math.Quaternion r);
Axiom.Math.Quaternion llEuler2Rot(Axiom.Math.Vector3 v);
Axiom.Math.Quaternion llAxes2Rot(Axiom.Math.Vector3 fwd, Axiom.Math.Vector3 left, Axiom.Math.Vector3 up);
Axiom.Math.Vector3 llRot2Fwd(Axiom.Math.Quaternion r);
Axiom.Math.Vector3 llRot2Left(Axiom.Math.Quaternion r);
Axiom.Math.Vector3 llRot2Up(Axiom.Math.Quaternion r);
Axiom.Math.Quaternion llRotBetween(Axiom.Math.Vector3 start, Axiom.Math.Vector3 end);
void llWhisper(UInt16 channelID, string text);
//void llSay(UInt32 channelID, string text);
void llSay(object channelID, object text);
void llShout(UInt16 channelID, string text);
UInt32 llListen(UInt16 channelID, string name, LSO_Enums.Key ID, string msg);
UInt32 llListen(UInt16 channelID, string name, string ID, string msg);
void llListenControl(UInt32 number, UInt32 active);
void llListenRemove(UInt32 number);
void llSensor(string name, LSO_Enums.Key id, UInt32 type, float range, float arc);
void llSensorRepeat(string name, LSO_Enums.Key id, UInt32 type, float range, float arc, float rate);
void llSensor(string name, string id, UInt32 type, float range, float arc);
void llSensorRepeat(string name, string id, UInt32 type, float range, float arc, float rate);
void llSensorRemove();
string llDetectedName(UInt32 number);
LSO_Enums.Key llDetectedKey(UInt32 number);
LSO_Enums.Key llDetectedOwner(UInt32 number);
string llDetectedKey(UInt32 number);
string llDetectedOwner(UInt32 number);
UInt32 llDetectedType(UInt32 number);
LSO_Enums.Vector llDetectedPos(UInt32 number);
LSO_Enums.Vector llDetectedVel(UInt32 number);
LSO_Enums.Vector llDetectedGrab(UInt32 number);
LSO_Enums.Rotation llDetectedRot(UInt32 number);
Axiom.Math.Vector3 llDetectedPos(UInt32 number);
Axiom.Math.Vector3 llDetectedVel(UInt32 number);
Axiom.Math.Vector3 llDetectedGrab(UInt32 number);
Axiom.Math.Quaternion llDetectedRot(UInt32 number);
UInt32 llDetectedGroup(UInt32 number);
UInt32 llDetectedLinkNumber(UInt32 number);
void llDie();
float llGround(LSO_Enums.Vector offset);
float llCloud(LSO_Enums.Vector offset);
LSO_Enums.Vector llWind(LSO_Enums.Vector offset);
float llGround(Axiom.Math.Vector3 offset);
float llCloud(Axiom.Math.Vector3 offset);
Axiom.Math.Vector3 llWind(Axiom.Math.Vector3 offset);
void llSetStatus(UInt32 status, UInt32 value);
UInt32 llGetStatus(UInt32 status);
void llSetScale(LSO_Enums.Vector scale);
LSO_Enums.Vector llGetScale();
void llSetColor(LSO_Enums.Vector color, UInt32 face);
void llSetScale(Axiom.Math.Vector3 scale);
Axiom.Math.Vector3 llGetScale();
void llSetColor(Axiom.Math.Vector3 color, UInt32 face);
float llGetAlpha(UInt32 face);
void llSetAlpha(float alpha, UInt32 face);
LSO_Enums.Vector llGetColor(UInt32 face);
Axiom.Math.Vector3 llGetColor(UInt32 face);
void llSetTexture(string texture, UInt32 face);
void llScaleTexture(float u, float v, UInt32 face);
void llOffsetTexture(float u, float v, UInt32 face);
void llRotateTexture(float rotation, UInt32 face);
string llGetTexture(UInt32 face);
void llSetPos(LSO_Enums.Vector pos);
void llSetPos(Axiom.Math.Vector3 pos);
void llGetPos();
void llGetLocalPos();
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
* Copyright (c) Contributors,
* See CONTRIBUTORS.TXT for a full list of copyright holders.
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
namespace OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler.LSO
namespace OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler
public class LSL_BuiltIn_Commands_TestImplementation : LSL_BuiltIn_Commands_Interface
@ -52,16 +52,16 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler.LSO
public UInt32 llFloor(float f) { return 0; }
public UInt32 llCeil(float f) { return 0; }
public UInt32 llRound(float f) { return 0; }
public float llVecMag(LSO_Enums.Vector v) { return 0; }
public LSO_Enums.Vector llVecNorm(LSO_Enums.Vector v) { return new LSO_Enums.Vector(); }
public float llVecDist(LSO_Enums.Vector a, LSO_Enums.Vector b) { return 0; }
public LSO_Enums.Vector llRot2Euler(LSO_Enums.Rotation r) { return new LSO_Enums.Vector(); }
public LSO_Enums.Rotation llEuler2Rot(LSO_Enums.Vector v) { return new LSO_Enums.Rotation(); }
public LSO_Enums.Rotation llAxes2Rot(LSO_Enums.Vector fwd, LSO_Enums.Vector left, LSO_Enums.Vector up) { return new LSO_Enums.Rotation(); }
public LSO_Enums.Vector llRot2Fwd(LSO_Enums.Rotation r) { return new LSO_Enums.Vector(); }
public LSO_Enums.Vector llRot2Left(LSO_Enums.Rotation r) { return new LSO_Enums.Vector(); }
public LSO_Enums.Vector llRot2Up(LSO_Enums.Rotation r) { return new LSO_Enums.Vector(); }
public LSO_Enums.Rotation llRotBetween(LSO_Enums.Vector start, LSO_Enums.Vector end) { return new LSO_Enums.Rotation(); }
public float llVecMag(Axiom.Math.Vector3 v) { return 0; }
public Axiom.Math.Vector3 llVecNorm(Axiom.Math.Vector3 v) { return new Axiom.Math.Vector3(); }
public float llVecDist(Axiom.Math.Vector3 a, Axiom.Math.Vector3 b) { return 0; }
public Axiom.Math.Vector3 llRot2Euler(Axiom.Math.Quaternion r) { return new Axiom.Math.Vector3(); }
public Axiom.Math.Quaternion llEuler2Rot(Axiom.Math.Vector3 v) { return new Axiom.Math.Quaternion(); }
public Axiom.Math.Quaternion llAxes2Rot(Axiom.Math.Vector3 fwd, Axiom.Math.Vector3 left, Axiom.Math.Vector3 up) { return new Axiom.Math.Quaternion(); }
public Axiom.Math.Vector3 llRot2Fwd(Axiom.Math.Quaternion r) { return new Axiom.Math.Vector3(); }
public Axiom.Math.Vector3 llRot2Left(Axiom.Math.Quaternion r) { return new Axiom.Math.Vector3(); }
public Axiom.Math.Vector3 llRot2Up(Axiom.Math.Quaternion r) { return new Axiom.Math.Vector3(); }
public Axiom.Math.Quaternion llRotBetween(Axiom.Math.Vector3 start, Axiom.Math.Vector3 end) { return new Axiom.Math.Quaternion(); }
public void llWhisper(UInt16 channelID, string text)
Common.SendToDebug("INTERNAL FUNCTION llWhisper(" + channelID + ", \"" + text + "\");");
@ -75,40 +75,40 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler.LSO
Common.SendToLog("llSay Channel " + (UInt32)channelID + ", Text: \"" + (string)text + "\"");
public void llShout(UInt16 channelID, string text) { return; }
public UInt32 llListen(UInt16 channelID, string name, LSO_Enums.Key ID, string msg) { return 0; }
public UInt32 llListen(UInt16 channelID, string name, string ID, string msg) { return 0; }
public void llListenControl(UInt32 number, UInt32 active) { return; }
public void llListenRemove(UInt32 number) { return; }
public void llSensor(string name, LSO_Enums.Key id, UInt32 type, float range, float arc) { return; }
public void llSensorRepeat(string name, LSO_Enums.Key id, UInt32 type, float range, float arc, float rate) { return; }
public void llSensor(string name, string id, UInt32 type, float range, float arc) { return; }
public void llSensorRepeat(string name, string id, UInt32 type, float range, float arc, float rate) { return; }
public void llSensorRemove() { return; }
public string llDetectedName(UInt32 number) { return ""; }
public LSO_Enums.Key llDetectedKey(UInt32 number) { return new LSO_Enums.Key(); }
public LSO_Enums.Key llDetectedOwner(UInt32 number) { return new LSO_Enums.Key(); }
public string llDetectedKey(UInt32 number) { return ""; }
public string llDetectedOwner(UInt32 number) { return ""; }
public UInt32 llDetectedType(UInt32 number) { return 0; }
public LSO_Enums.Vector llDetectedPos(UInt32 number) { return new LSO_Enums.Vector(); }
public LSO_Enums.Vector llDetectedVel(UInt32 number) { return new LSO_Enums.Vector(); }
public LSO_Enums.Vector llDetectedGrab(UInt32 number) { return new LSO_Enums.Vector(); }
public LSO_Enums.Rotation llDetectedRot(UInt32 number) { return new LSO_Enums.Rotation(); }
public Axiom.Math.Vector3 llDetectedPos(UInt32 number) { return new Axiom.Math.Vector3(); }
public Axiom.Math.Vector3 llDetectedVel(UInt32 number) { return new Axiom.Math.Vector3(); }
public Axiom.Math.Vector3 llDetectedGrab(UInt32 number) { return new Axiom.Math.Vector3(); }
public Axiom.Math.Quaternion llDetectedRot(UInt32 number) { return new Axiom.Math.Quaternion(); }
public UInt32 llDetectedGroup(UInt32 number) { return 0; }
public UInt32 llDetectedLinkNumber(UInt32 number) { return 0; }
public void llDie() { return; }
public float llGround(LSO_Enums.Vector offset) { return 0; }
public float llCloud(LSO_Enums.Vector offset) { return 0; }
public LSO_Enums.Vector llWind(LSO_Enums.Vector offset) { return new LSO_Enums.Vector(); }
public float llGround(Axiom.Math.Vector3 offset) { return 0; }
public float llCloud(Axiom.Math.Vector3 offset) { return 0; }
public Axiom.Math.Vector3 llWind(Axiom.Math.Vector3 offset) { return new Axiom.Math.Vector3(); }
public void llSetStatus(UInt32 status, UInt32 value) { return; }
public UInt32 llGetStatus(UInt32 status) { return 0; }
public void llSetScale(LSO_Enums.Vector scale) { return; }
public LSO_Enums.Vector llGetScale() { return new LSO_Enums.Vector(); }
public void llSetColor(LSO_Enums.Vector color, UInt32 face) { return; }
public void llSetScale(Axiom.Math.Vector3 scale) { return; }
public Axiom.Math.Vector3 llGetScale() { return new Axiom.Math.Vector3(); }
public void llSetColor(Axiom.Math.Vector3 color, UInt32 face) { return; }
public float llGetAlpha(UInt32 face) { return 0; }
public void llSetAlpha(float alpha, UInt32 face) { return; }
public LSO_Enums.Vector llGetColor(UInt32 face) { return new LSO_Enums.Vector(); }
public Axiom.Math.Vector3 llGetColor(UInt32 face) { return new Axiom.Math.Vector3(); }
public void llSetTexture(string texture, UInt32 face) { return; }
public void llScaleTexture(float u, float v, UInt32 face) { return; }
public void llOffsetTexture(float u, float v, UInt32 face) { return; }
public void llRotateTexture(float rotation, UInt32 face) { return; }
public string llGetTexture(UInt32 face) { return ""; }
public void llSetPos(LSO_Enums.Vector pos) { return; }
public void llSetPos(Axiom.Math.Vector3 pos) { return; }
public void llGetPos() { }
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine
SetScript(ObjectID, ScriptID, Script);
// We need to give (untrusted) assembly a private instance of BuiltIns
// this private copy will contain Read-Only FullScriptID so that it can bring that on to the server whenever needed.
OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler.LSO.LSL_BuiltIn_Commands_Interface LSLB = new OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler.LSO.LSL_BuiltIn_Commands_TestImplementation(FullScriptID);
OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler.LSL_BuiltIn_Commands_Interface LSLB = new OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler.LSL_BuiltIn_Commands_TestImplementation(FullScriptID);
// Start the script - giving it BuiltIns
Common.SendToDebug("ScriptManager initializing script, handing over private builtin command interface");
@ -951,14 +951,9 @@
<Reference name="System.Data" localCopy="false"/>
<Reference name="System.Xml" localCopy="false"/>
<Reference name="OpenSim.Region.Environment" />
<Reference name="OpenSim.Framework"/>
<Reference name="OpenSim.Framework.Console"/>
<Reference name="OpenSim.Framework.Data"/>
<Reference name="OpenSim.Framework.Servers"/>
<Reference name="OpenSim.Framework.UserManagement" />
<Reference name="Axiom.MathLib.dll" localCopy="false"/>
<Reference name="libsecondlife.dll"/>
<Reference name="Db4objects.Db4o.dll"/>
<Reference name="XMLRPC.dll"/>
<Reference name="OpenSim.Framework"/>
<Match pattern="*.cs" recurse="true"/>
<Match pattern="*.lso" recurse="true"/>
Reference in New Issue