BulletSim: Update BulletSimAPI to match the DLL interface.
Major rework of terrain management which finally makes mega-regions work. Update heightmap of terrain by rebuilding the terrain's body and shape. There is a problem with just replacing the shape so this workaround will do for the moment but it will need to be resolved for mesh and hull switching.integration
@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ public class BSCharacter : BSPhysObject
float terrainHeight = Scene.TerrainManager.GetTerrainHeightAtXYZ(_position);
if (Position.Z < terrainHeight)
DetailLog("{0},BSCharacter.PositionAdjustUnderGround,call,pos={1},terrain={2}", LocalID, _position, terrainHeight);
DetailLog("{0},BSCharacter.PositionAdjustUnderGround,call,pos={1},terrain={2}", LocalID, _position, terrainHeight);
_position.Z = terrainHeight + 2.0f;
ret = true;
@ -1070,7 +1070,7 @@ public class BSScene : PhysicsScene, IPhysicsParameters
(s) => { return s.m_params[0].terrainRestitution; },
(s,p,l,v) => { s.m_params[0].terrainRestitution = v; s.TaintedUpdateParameter(p,l,v); } ),
new ParameterDefn("AvatarFriction", "Factor to reduce movement against an avatar. Changed on avatar recreation.",
(s,cf,p,v) => { s.m_params[0].avatarFriction = cf.GetFloat(p, v); },
(s) => { return s.m_params[0].avatarFriction; },
(s,p,l,v) => { s.UpdateParameterObject(ref s.m_params[0].avatarFriction, p, l, v); } ),
@ -54,17 +54,19 @@ public class BSTerrainManager
// amount to make sure that a bounding box is built for the terrain.
public const float HEIGHT_EQUAL_FUDGE = 0.2f;
public const float TERRAIN_COLLISION_MARGIN = 0.2f;
public const float TERRAIN_COLLISION_MARGIN = 0.0f;
// Until the whole simulator is changed to pass us the region size, we rely on constants.
public Vector3 DefaultRegionSize = new Vector3(Constants.RegionSize, Constants.RegionSize, 0f);
// The scene that I am part of
BSScene m_physicsScene;
private BSScene m_physicsScene;
// The ground plane created to keep thing from falling to infinity.
private BulletBody m_groundPlane;
// If doing mega-regions, if we're region zero we will be managing multiple
// region terrains since region zero does the physics for the whole mega-region.
private Dictionary<Vector2, BulletBody> m_terrains;
private Dictionary<Vector2, BulletHeightMapInfo> m_heightMaps;
// True of the terrain has been modified.
@ -78,16 +80,22 @@ public class BSTerrainManager
// If doing mega-regions, this holds our offset from region zero of
// the mega-regions. "parentScene" points to the PhysicsScene of region zero.
private Vector3 m_worldOffset = Vector3.Zero;
public Vector2 WorldExtents = new Vector2((int)Constants.RegionSize, (int)Constants.RegionSize);
private PhysicsScene m_parentScene = null;
private Vector3 m_worldOffset;
// If the parent region (region 0), this is the extent of the combined regions
// relative to the origin of region zero
private Vector3 m_worldMax;
private PhysicsScene m_parentScene;
public BSTerrainManager(BSScene physicsScene)
m_physicsScene = physicsScene;
m_terrains = new Dictionary<Vector2,BulletBody>();
m_heightMaps = new Dictionary<Vector2,BulletHeightMapInfo>();
m_terrainModified = false;
// Assume one region of default size
m_worldOffset = Vector3.Zero;
m_worldMax = new Vector3(DefaultRegionSize.X, DefaultRegionSize.Y, 4096f);
m_parentScene = null;
// Create the initial instance of terrain and the underlying ground plane.
@ -95,7 +103,7 @@ public class BSTerrainManager
// by the managed code.
// The terrains and the groundPlane are not added to the list of PhysObjects.
// This is called from the initialization routine so we presume it is
// safe to call Bullet in real time. We hope no one is moving around prim yet.
// safe to call Bullet in real time. We hope no one is moving prims around yet.
public void CreateInitialGroundPlaneAndTerrain()
// The ground plane is here to catch things that are trying to drop to negative infinity
@ -105,125 +113,91 @@ public class BSTerrainManager
BulletSimAPI.AddObjectToWorld2(m_physicsScene.World.Ptr, m_groundPlane.Ptr);
Vector3 minTerrainCoords = new Vector3(0f, 0f, HEIGHT_INITIALIZATION - HEIGHT_EQUAL_FUDGE);
Vector3 maxTerrainCoords = new Vector3(Constants.RegionSize, Constants.RegionSize, HEIGHT_INITIALIZATION);
Vector3 maxTerrainCoords = new Vector3(DefaultRegionSize.X, DefaultRegionSize.Y, HEIGHT_INITIALIZATION);
int totalHeights = (int)maxTerrainCoords.X * (int)maxTerrainCoords.Y;
float[] initialMap = new float[totalHeights];
for (int ii = 0; ii < totalHeights; ii++)
CreateNewTerrainSegment(BSScene.TERRAIN_ID, initialMap, minTerrainCoords, maxTerrainCoords);
UpdateOrCreateTerrain(BSScene.TERRAIN_ID, initialMap, minTerrainCoords, maxTerrainCoords, true);
// Release all the terrain structures we might have allocated
public void ReleaseGroundPlaneAndTerrain()
if (BulletSimAPI.RemoveObjectFromWorld2(m_physicsScene.World.Ptr, m_groundPlane.Ptr))
if (m_groundPlane.Ptr != IntPtr.Zero)
BulletSimAPI.DestroyObject2(m_physicsScene.World.Ptr, m_groundPlane.Ptr);
m_groundPlane.Ptr = IntPtr.Zero;
foreach (KeyValuePair<Vector2, BulletBody> kvp in m_terrains)
if (BulletSimAPI.RemoveObjectFromWorld2(m_physicsScene.World.Ptr, kvp.Value.Ptr))
if (BulletSimAPI.RemoveObjectFromWorld2(m_physicsScene.World.Ptr, m_groundPlane.Ptr))
BulletSimAPI.DestroyObject2(m_physicsScene.World.Ptr, kvp.Value.Ptr);
BulletSimAPI.DestroyObject2(m_physicsScene.World.Ptr, m_groundPlane.Ptr);
m_groundPlane.Ptr = IntPtr.Zero;
// Release all the terrain we have allocated
public void ReleaseTerrain()
foreach (KeyValuePair<Vector2, BulletHeightMapInfo> kvp in m_heightMaps)
if (BulletSimAPI.RemoveObjectFromWorld2(m_physicsScene.World.Ptr, kvp.Value.terrainBody.Ptr))
BulletSimAPI.DestroyObject2(m_physicsScene.World.Ptr, kvp.Value.terrainBody.Ptr);
// Create a new terrain description. This is used for mega-regions where
// the children of region zero give region zero all of the terrain
// segments since region zero does all the physics for the mega-region.
// Call at taint time!!
public void CreateNewTerrainSegment(uint id, float[] heightMap, Vector3 minCoords, Vector3 maxCoords)
// The Z coordinates are recalculated to be the min and max height of the terrain
// itself. The caller may have passed us the real region extent.
float minZ = float.MaxValue;
float maxZ = float.MinValue;
int hSize = heightMap.Length;
for (int ii = 0; ii < hSize; ii++)
float height = heightMap[ii];
if (height < minZ) minZ = height;
if (height > maxZ) maxZ = height;
// If the terrain is flat, make a difference so we get a bounding box
if (minZ == maxZ)
minCoords.Z = minZ;
maxCoords.Z = maxZ;
Vector2 terrainRegionBase = new Vector2(minCoords.X, minCoords.Y);
// Create the heightmap data structure in the unmanaged space
BulletHeightMapInfo mapInfo = new BulletHeightMapInfo(id, heightMap,
BulletSimAPI.CreateHeightMapInfo2(id, minCoords, maxCoords, heightMap, TERRAIN_COLLISION_MARGIN));
mapInfo.terrainRegionBase = terrainRegionBase;
mapInfo.minCoords = minCoords;
mapInfo.maxCoords = maxCoords;
mapInfo.minZ = minZ;
mapInfo.maxZ = maxZ;
mapInfo.sizeX = maxCoords.X - minCoords.X;
mapInfo.sizeY = maxCoords.Y - minCoords.Y;
Vector3 centerPos;
centerPos.X = minCoords.X + (mapInfo.sizeX / 2f);
centerPos.Y = minCoords.Y + (mapInfo.sizeY / 2f);
centerPos.Z = minZ + (maxZ - minZ) / 2f;
BSScene.DetailLogZero, minZ, maxZ, mapInfo.Ptr, minCoords, maxCoords);
// Create the terrain shape from the mapInfo
BulletShape terrainShape = new BulletShape(BulletSimAPI.CreateTerrainShape2(mapInfo.Ptr));
BulletBody terrainBody = new BulletBody(id, BulletSimAPI.CreateBodyWithDefaultMotionState2(terrainShape.Ptr,
centerPos, Quaternion.Identity));
BulletSimAPI.SetFriction2(terrainBody.Ptr, m_physicsScene.Params.terrainFriction);
BulletSimAPI.SetHitFraction2(terrainBody.Ptr, m_physicsScene.Params.terrainHitFraction);
BulletSimAPI.SetRestitution2(terrainBody.Ptr, m_physicsScene.Params.terrainRestitution);
BulletSimAPI.SetCollisionFlags2(terrainBody.Ptr, CollisionFlags.CF_STATIC_OBJECT);
BulletSimAPI.Activate2(terrainBody.Ptr, true);
// Add the new terrain to the dynamics world
BulletSimAPI.AddObjectToWorld2(m_physicsScene.World.Ptr, terrainBody.Ptr);
BulletSimAPI.UpdateSingleAabb2(m_physicsScene.World.Ptr, terrainBody.Ptr);
// Add the created terrain to the management set. If we are doing mega-regions,
// the terrains of our children will be added.
m_terrains.Add(terrainRegionBase, terrainBody);
m_heightMaps.Add(terrainRegionBase, mapInfo);
m_terrainModified = true;
// The simulator wants to set a new heightmap for the terrain.
public void SetTerrain(float[] heightMap) {
if (m_worldOffset != Vector3.Zero && m_parentScene != null)
// If a child of a mega-region, we shouldn't have any terrain allocated for us
// If doing the mega-prim stuff and we are the child of the zero region,
// the terrain is really added to our parent
// the terrain is added to our parent
if (m_parentScene is BSScene)
((BSScene)m_parentScene).TerrainManager.SetTerrain(heightMap, m_worldOffset);
BSScene.DetailLogZero, m_worldOffset, m_worldMax);
heightMap, m_worldOffset, m_worldOffset+DefaultRegionSize, false);
// if not doing the mega-prim thing, just change the terrain
SetTerrain(heightMap, m_worldOffset);
// If not doing the mega-prim thing, just change the terrain
DetailLog("{0},SetTerrain.Existing", BSScene.DetailLogZero);
UpdateOrCreateTerrain(BSScene.TERRAIN_ID, heightMap, m_worldOffset, m_worldOffset+DefaultRegionSize, false);
private void SetTerrain(float[] heightMap, Vector3 tOffset)
// If called with no mapInfo for the terrain, this will create a new mapInfo and terrain
// based on the passed information. The 'id' should be either the terrain id or
// BSScene.CHILDTERRAIN_ID. If the latter, a new child terrain ID will be allocated and used.
// The latter feature is for creating child terrains for mega-regions.
// If called with a mapInfo in m_heightMaps but the terrain has no body yet (mapInfo.terrainBody.Ptr == 0)
// then a new body and shape is created and the mapInfo is filled.
// This call is used for doing the initial terrain creation.
// If called with a mapInfo in m_heightMaps and there is an existing terrain body, a new
// terrain shape is created and added to the body.
// This call is most often used to update the heightMap and parameters of the terrain.
// The 'doNow' boolean says whether to do all the unmanaged activities right now (like when
// calling this routine from initialization or taint-time routines) or whether to delay
// all the unmanaged activities to taint-time.
private void UpdateOrCreateTerrain(uint id, float[] heightMap, Vector3 minCoords, Vector3 maxCoords, bool doNow)
BSScene.DetailLogZero, minCoords, maxCoords, doNow);
float minZ = float.MaxValue;
float maxZ = float.MinValue;
Vector2 terrainRegionBase = new Vector2(tOffset.X, tOffset.Y);
Vector2 terrainRegionBase = new Vector2(minCoords.X, minCoords.Y);
int heightMapSize = heightMap.Length;
for (int ii = 0; ii < heightMapSize; ii++)
@ -234,58 +208,162 @@ public class BSTerrainManager
// The shape of the terrain is from its base to its extents.
Vector3 minCoords, maxCoords;
minCoords = tOffset;
minCoords.Z = minZ;
maxCoords = tOffset;
maxCoords.X += Constants.RegionSize;
maxCoords.Y += Constants.RegionSize;
maxCoords.Z = maxZ;
BulletBody terrainBody;
BulletHeightMapInfo mapInfo;
if (m_heightMaps.TryGetValue(terrainRegionBase, out mapInfo))
terrainBody = m_terrains[terrainRegionBase];
// Copy heightMap local and compute some statistics.
for (int ii = 0; ii < heightMapSize; ii++)
mapInfo.heightMap[ii] = heightMap[ii];
// If this is terrain we know about, it's easy to update
m_physicsScene.TaintedObject("BSScene.SetTerrain:UpdateExisting", delegate()
mapInfo.heightMap = heightMap;
mapInfo.minCoords = minCoords;
mapInfo.maxCoords = maxCoords;
mapInfo.minZ = minZ;
mapInfo.maxZ = maxZ;
mapInfo.sizeX = maxCoords.X - minCoords.X;
mapInfo.sizeY = maxCoords.Y - minCoords.Y;
DetailLog("{0},UpdateOrCreateTerrain:UpdateExisting,call,terrainBase={1},minC={2}, maxC={3}, szX={4}, szY={5}",
BSScene.DetailLogZero, terrainRegionBase, mapInfo.minCoords, mapInfo.maxCoords, mapInfo.sizeX, mapInfo.sizeY);
BSScene.TaintCallback rebuildOperation = delegate()
BSScene.DetailLogZero, tOffset.X, tOffset.Y, minZ, maxZ);
// Fill the existing height map info with the new location and size information
BulletSimAPI.FillHeightMapInfo2(mapInfo.Ptr, mapInfo.ID, minCoords, maxCoords, mapInfo.heightMap, TERRAIN_COLLISION_MARGIN);
// Create a terrain shape based on the new info
BulletShape terrainShape = new BulletShape(BulletSimAPI.CreateTerrainShape2(mapInfo.Ptr));
// Swap the shape in the terrain body (this also deletes the old shape)
bool success = BulletSimAPI.ReplaceBodyShape2(m_physicsScene.World.Ptr, terrainBody.Ptr, terrainShape.Ptr);
if (!success)
if (m_parentScene != null)
DetailLog("{0},SetTerrain:UpdateExisting,Failed", BSScene.DetailLogZero);
m_physicsScene.Logger.ErrorFormat("{0} Failed updating terrain heightmap. Region={1}",
LogHeader, m_physicsScene.RegionName);
// It's possible that Combine() was called after this code was queued.
// If we are a child of combined regions, we don't create any terrain for us.
DetailLog("{0},UpdateOrCreateTerrain:AmACombineChild,taint", BSScene.DetailLogZero);
// Get rid of any terrain that may have been allocated for us.
// I hate doing this, but just bail
if (mapInfo.terrainBody.Ptr != IntPtr.Zero)
// Updating an existing terrain.
DetailLog("{0},UpdateOrCreateTerrain:UpdateExisting,taint,terrainBase={1},minC={2}, maxC={3}, szX={4}, szY={5}",
BSScene.DetailLogZero, terrainRegionBase, mapInfo.minCoords, mapInfo.maxCoords, mapInfo.sizeX, mapInfo.sizeY);
// Remove from the dynamics world because we're going to mangle this object
BulletSimAPI.RemoveObjectFromWorld2(m_physicsScene.World.Ptr, mapInfo.terrainBody.Ptr);
// Get rid of the old terrain
BulletSimAPI.DestroyObject2(m_physicsScene.World.Ptr, mapInfo.terrainBody.Ptr);
mapInfo.Ptr = IntPtr.Zero;
// NOTE: This routine is half here because I can't get the terrain shape replacement
// to work. In the short term, the above three lines completely delete the old
// terrain and the code below recreates one from scratch.
// Hopefully the Bullet community will help me out on this one.
// First, release the old collision shape (there is only one terrain)
BulletSimAPI.DeleteCollisionShape2(m_physicsScene.World.Ptr, mapInfo.terrainShape.Ptr);
// Fill the existing height map info with the new location and size information
BulletSimAPI.FillHeightMapInfo2(m_physicsScene.World.Ptr, mapInfo.Ptr, mapInfo.ID,
mapInfo.minCoords, mapInfo.maxCoords, mapInfo.heightMap, TERRAIN_COLLISION_MARGIN);
// Create a terrain shape based on the new info
mapInfo.terrainShape = new BulletShape(BulletSimAPI.CreateTerrainShape2(mapInfo.Ptr));
// Stuff the shape into the existing terrain body
BulletSimAPI.SetBodyShape2(m_physicsScene.World.Ptr, mapInfo.terrainBody.Ptr, mapInfo.terrainShape.Ptr);
// else
// Creating a new terrain.
BSScene.DetailLogZero, mapInfo.minCoords.X, mapInfo.minCoords.Y, minZ, maxZ);
mapInfo.ID = id;
mapInfo.Ptr = BulletSimAPI.CreateHeightMapInfo2(m_physicsScene.World.Ptr, mapInfo.ID,
mapInfo.minCoords, mapInfo.maxCoords, mapInfo.heightMap, TERRAIN_COLLISION_MARGIN);
// The terrain object initial position is at the center of the object
Vector3 centerPos;
centerPos.X = minCoords.X + (mapInfo.sizeX / 2f);
centerPos.Y = minCoords.Y + (mapInfo.sizeY / 2f);
centerPos.Z = minZ + ((maxZ - minZ) / 2f);
// Create the terrain shape from the mapInfo
mapInfo.terrainShape = new BulletShape(BulletSimAPI.CreateTerrainShape2(mapInfo.Ptr));
mapInfo.terrainBody = new BulletBody(mapInfo.ID,
centerPos, Quaternion.Identity));
// Make sure the entry is in the heightmap table
m_heightMaps[terrainRegionBase] = mapInfo;
// Set current terrain attributes
BulletSimAPI.SetFriction2(mapInfo.terrainBody.Ptr, m_physicsScene.Params.terrainFriction);
BulletSimAPI.SetHitFraction2(mapInfo.terrainBody.Ptr, m_physicsScene.Params.terrainHitFraction);
BulletSimAPI.SetRestitution2(mapInfo.terrainBody.Ptr, m_physicsScene.Params.terrainRestitution);
BulletSimAPI.SetCollisionFlags2(mapInfo.terrainBody.Ptr, CollisionFlags.CF_STATIC_OBJECT);
BulletSimAPI.SetMassProps2(mapInfo.terrainBody.Ptr, 0f, Vector3.Zero);
// Return the new terrain to the world of physical objects
BulletSimAPI.AddObjectToWorld2(m_physicsScene.World.Ptr, mapInfo.terrainBody.Ptr);
// redo its bounding box now that it is in the world
BulletSimAPI.UpdateSingleAabb2(m_physicsScene.World.Ptr, mapInfo.terrainBody.Ptr);
// Make sure the new shape is processed.
BulletSimAPI.Activate2(mapInfo.terrainBody.Ptr, true);
// There is the option to do the changes now (we're already in 'taint time'), or
// to do the Bullet operations later.
if (doNow)
m_physicsScene.TaintedObject("BSScene.UpdateOrCreateTerrain:UpdateExisting", rebuildOperation);
// Our mega-prim child is giving us a new terrain to add to the phys world
uint newTerrainID = ++m_terrainCount;
// We don't know about this terrain so either we are creating a new terrain or
// our mega-prim child is giving us a new terrain to add to the phys world
m_physicsScene.TaintedObject("BSScene.SetTerrain:NewTerrain", delegate()
// if this is a child terrain, calculate a unique terrain id
uint newTerrainID = id;
if (newTerrainID >= BSScene.CHILDTERRAIN_ID)
newTerrainID = ++m_terrainCount;
float[] heightMapX = heightMap;
Vector3 minCoordsX = minCoords;
Vector3 maxCoordsX = maxCoords;
DetailLog("{0},UpdateOrCreateTerrain:NewTerrain,call,id={1}, minC={2}, maxC={3}",
BSScene.DetailLogZero, newTerrainID, minCoords, minCoords);
// Code that must happen at taint-time
BSScene.TaintCallback createOperation = delegate()
DetailLog("{0},SetTerrain:NewTerrain,baseX={1},baseY={2}", BSScene.DetailLogZero, tOffset.X, tOffset.Y);
CreateNewTerrainSegment(newTerrainID, heightMap, minCoords, maxCoords);
DetailLog("{0},UpdateOrCreateTerrain:NewTerrain,taint,baseX={1},baseY={2}", BSScene.DetailLogZero, minCoords.X, minCoords.Y);
// Create a new mapInfo that will be filled with the new info
mapInfo = new BulletHeightMapInfo(id, heightMapX,
BulletSimAPI.CreateHeightMapInfo2(m_physicsScene.World.Ptr, newTerrainID,
minCoordsX, maxCoordsX, heightMapX, TERRAIN_COLLISION_MARGIN));
// Put the unfilled heightmap info into the collection of same
m_heightMaps.Add(terrainRegionBase, mapInfo);
// Build the terrain
UpdateOrCreateTerrain(newTerrainID, heightMap, minCoords, maxCoords, true);
// If already in taint-time, just call Bullet. Otherwise queue the operations for the safe time.
if (doNow)
m_physicsScene.TaintedObject("BSScene.UpdateOrCreateTerrain:NewTerrain", createOperation);
@ -316,8 +394,8 @@ public class BSTerrainManager
lastHeightTY = tY;
int offsetX = ((int)(tX / (int)Constants.RegionSize)) * (int)Constants.RegionSize;
int offsetY = ((int)(tY / (int)Constants.RegionSize)) * (int)Constants.RegionSize;
int offsetX = ((int)(tX / (int)DefaultRegionSize.X)) * (int)DefaultRegionSize.X;
int offsetY = ((int)(tY / (int)DefaultRegionSize.Y)) * (int)DefaultRegionSize.Y;
Vector2 terrainBaseXY = new Vector2(offsetX, offsetY);
BulletHeightMapInfo mapInfo;
@ -335,8 +413,8 @@ public class BSTerrainManager
m_physicsScene.Logger.ErrorFormat("{0} GetTerrainHeightAtXY: terrain not found: x={1}, y={2}",
LogHeader, tX, tY);
m_physicsScene.Logger.ErrorFormat("{0} GetTerrainHeightAtXY: terrain not found: region={1}, x={2}, y={3}",
LogHeader, m_physicsScene.RegionName, tX, tY);
lastHeight = ret;
return ret;
@ -347,20 +425,34 @@ public class BSTerrainManager
return true;
// This call says I am a child to region zero in a mega-region. 'pScene' is that
// of region zero, 'offset' is my offset from regions zero's origin, and
// 'extents' is the largest XY that is handled in my region.
// This routine is called two ways:
// One with 'offset' and 'pScene' zero and null but 'extents' giving the maximum
// extent of the combined regions. This is to inform the parent of the size
// of the combined regions.
// and one with 'offset' as the offset of the child region to the base region,
// 'pScene' pointing to the parent and 'extents' of zero. This informs the
// child of its relative base and new parent.
public void Combine(PhysicsScene pScene, Vector3 offset, Vector3 extents)
m_worldOffset = offset;
WorldExtents = new Vector2(extents.X, extents.Y);
m_worldMax = extents;
m_parentScene = pScene;
if (pScene != null)
// We are a child.
// We want m_worldMax to be the highest coordinate of our piece of terrain.
m_worldMax = offset + DefaultRegionSize;
BSScene.DetailLogZero, offset, extents, m_worldOffset, m_worldMax);
// Unhook all the combining that I know about.
public void UnCombine(PhysicsScene pScene)
// Just like ODE, for the moment a NOP
DetailLog("{0},BSTerrainManager.UnCombine", BSScene.DetailLogZero);
@ -90,6 +90,8 @@ public class BulletHeightMapInfo
public Vector3 maxCoords;
public float sizeX, sizeY;
public float minZ, maxZ;
public BulletShape terrainShape;
public BulletBody terrainBody;
// ===============================================================================
@ -462,14 +464,14 @@ public static extern IntPtr CreateBodyFromShape2(IntPtr sim, IntPtr shape, Vecto
public static extern IntPtr CreateBodyWithDefaultMotionState2(IntPtr shape, Vector3 pos, Quaternion rot);
[DllImport("BulletSim", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]
public static extern bool ReplaceBodyShape2(IntPtr sim, IntPtr obj, IntPtr shape);
public static extern bool SetBodyShape2(IntPtr sim, IntPtr obj, IntPtr shape);
// =====================================================================================
[DllImport("BulletSim", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]
public static extern IntPtr CreateHeightMapInfo2(uint id, Vector3 minCoords, Vector3 maxCoords,
public static extern IntPtr CreateHeightMapInfo2(IntPtr sim, uint id, Vector3 minCoords, Vector3 maxCoords,
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray)] float[] heightMap, float collisionMargin);
[DllImport("BulletSim", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]
public static extern IntPtr FillHeightMapInfo2(IntPtr mapInfo, uint id, Vector3 minCoords, Vector3 maxCoords,
public static extern IntPtr FillHeightMapInfo2(IntPtr sim, IntPtr mapInfo, uint id, Vector3 minCoords, Vector3 maxCoords,
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray)] float[] heightMap, float collisionMargin);
[DllImport("BulletSim", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]
Reference in New Issue