using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Timers; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace OpenSim.Framework.ServerStatus { public partial class StatusWindow : Form { System.Timers.Timer m_updateTimer; static Dictionary m_threadItems = new Dictionary(); static Dictionary m_idToName = new Dictionary(); static int m_nCoreCount = System.Environment.ProcessorCount; PerformanceCounter m_pcAvailRam = null; class TrafficHistory { public float outUdpBytes = 0; public float inUdpBytes = 0; public float outTcpBytes = 0; public float inTcpBytes = 0; public float outTotalBytes = 0; public float inTotalBytes = 0; public float resentBytes = 0; } class MemoryHistory { public float nonpagedSystemMemory; public float pagedMemory; public float pagedSystemMemory; public float gcReportedMem; public float workingSet; } class CpuHistory { public float[] cpuUsage = new float[m_nCoreCount]; public float totalUsage = 0; } class PacketItem { public long m_bytesOut = 0; public long m_packetsOut = 0; public long m_bytesIn = 0; public long m_packetsIn = 0; public long m_resent = 0; public bool m_addedToList = false; public ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem m_listBytesOut = null; public ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem m_listPacketsOut = null; public ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem m_listBytesIn = null; public ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem m_listPacketsIn = null; public ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem m_listResent = null; } static float m_fNetworkHistoryScale; static float m_fMemoryHistoryScale; static Dictionary m_packets = new Dictionary(); static LinkedList m_trafficHistory = new LinkedList(); static LinkedList m_memoryHistory = new LinkedList(); static LinkedList m_cpuHistory = new LinkedList(); PerformanceCounter[] m_pcCpu = new PerformanceCounter[System.Environment.ProcessorCount]; PerformanceCounter m_pcCpuTotal = null; static volatile int outUdpBytes = 0; static volatile int inUdpBytes = 0; static volatile int outTcpBytes = 0; static volatile int inTcpBytes = 0; static volatile int outResent = 0; BufferedListView m_threads; BufferedListView m_listPackets; #region BufferedListView /** * Flicker minimized listview **/ public class BufferedListView : ListView { #region WM - Window Messages public enum WM { WM_NULL = 0x0000, WM_CREATE = 0x0001, WM_DESTROY = 0x0002, WM_MOVE = 0x0003, WM_SIZE = 0x0005, WM_ACTIVATE = 0x0006, WM_SETFOCUS = 0x0007, WM_KILLFOCUS = 0x0008, WM_ENABLE = 0x000A, WM_SETREDRAW = 0x000B, WM_SETTEXT = 0x000C, WM_GETTEXT = 0x000D, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH = 0x000E, WM_PAINT = 0x000F, WM_CLOSE = 0x0010, WM_QUERYENDSESSION = 0x0011, WM_QUIT = 0x0012, WM_QUERYOPEN = 0x0013, WM_ERASEBKGND = 0x0014, } #endregion #region RECT [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] public struct RECT { public int left; public int top; public int right; public int bottom; } #endregion #region Imported User32.DLL functions [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] static public extern bool ValidateRect(IntPtr handle, ref RECT rect); #endregion #region GetWindowRECT // Get the listview's rectangle and return it as a RECT structure private RECT GetWindowRECT() { RECT rect = new RECT(); rect.left = this.Left; rect.right = this.Right; = this.Top; rect.bottom = this.Bottom; return rect; } #endregion volatile public bool updating = false; public BufferedListView() { } protected override void OnPaintBackground(PaintEventArgs pea) { // do nothing here since this event is now handled by OnPaint } protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs pea) { base.OnPaint(pea); } protected override void WndProc(ref Message messg) { if (updating) { if ((int)WM.WM_ERASEBKGND == messg.Msg) { return; } else if ((int)WM.WM_PAINT == messg.Msg) { RECT vrect = this.GetWindowRECT(); // validate the entire window ValidateRect(this.Handle, ref vrect); } } base.WndProc(ref messg); } } #endregion #region ThreadItem /** * Represents a single thread item in the listview control **/ class ThreadItem { public ListViewItem listItem; public ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem name; public ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem cpu; } #endregion public static void ReportOutPacketUdp(int size, bool resent) { if (resent) { outResent += size += 8; } outUdpBytes += size + 8; } public static void ReportInPacketUdp(int size) { inUdpBytes += size + 8; } public static void ReportOutPacketTcp(int size) { outTcpBytes += size + 20; } public static void ReportInPacketTcp(int size) { inTcpBytes += size + 20; } public static void ReportProcessedOutPacket(string name, int size, bool resent) { PacketItem item = null; if (m_packets.ContainsKey(name)) { item = m_packets[name]; } else { item = new PacketItem(); m_packets[name] = item; } if (resent) { item.m_resent += size; } item.m_bytesOut += size; item.m_packetsOut++; } public static void ReportProcessedInPacket(string name, int size) { PacketItem item = null; if (m_packets.ContainsKey(name)) { item = m_packets[name]; } else { item = new PacketItem(); m_packets[name] = item; } item.m_bytesIn += size; item.m_packetsIn++; } public StatusWindow() { m_pcAvailRam = new PerformanceCounter("Memory", "Available MBytes"); m_packets = new Dictionary(); InitializeComponent(); m_listPackets = new BufferedListView(); m_listPackets.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill; m_listPackets.GridLines = true; m_listPackets.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(3, 3); m_listPackets.MultiSelect = false; m_listPackets.Name = "m_listPackets"; m_listPackets.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(500, 400); m_listPackets.TabIndex = 0; m_listPackets.View = System.Windows.Forms.View.Details; tabPackets.Controls.Add(m_listPackets); m_listPackets.Columns.Add("Packet").Width = 260; m_listPackets.Columns.Add("In count").Width = 80; m_listPackets.Columns.Add("In bytes").Width = 80; m_listPackets.Columns.Add("Out count").Width = 80; m_listPackets.Columns.Add("Out bytes").Width = 80; m_listPackets.Columns.Add("Resent").Width = 80; m_threads = new BufferedListView(); m_threads.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill; m_threads.GridLines = true; m_threads.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(3, 3); m_threads.MultiSelect = false; m_threads.Name = "m_threads"; m_threads.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(500, 400); m_threads.TabIndex = 0; m_threads.View = System.Windows.Forms.View.Details; tabThreads.Controls.Add(m_threads); m_threads.Columns.Add("ID"); m_threads.Columns.Add("Name").Width = 260; m_threads.Columns.Add("CPU Time").Width=100; m_updateTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(2000); m_updateTimer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(UpdateTimer); outUdpBytes = 0; inUdpBytes = 0; outTcpBytes = 0; inTcpBytes = 0; outResent = 0; m_updateTimer.Start(); for(int i = 0; i < m_nCoreCount; i++) { m_pcCpu[i] = new PerformanceCounter("Processor", "% Processor Time", i.ToString(), true); m_pcCpu[i].MachineName = "."; } m_pcCpuTotal = new PerformanceCounter("Processor", "% Processor Time", "_Total", true); } public void CloseStatusWindow() { Close(); m_updateTimer.Stop(); m_threadItems.Clear(); m_pcAvailRam.Close(); m_pcAvailRam = null; for (int i = 0; i < m_nCoreCount; i++) { m_pcCpu[i].Close(); m_pcCpu[i] = null; } foreach(PacketItem item in m_packets.Values) { item.m_addedToList = false; } m_packets = null; m_pcCpuTotal.Close(); m_pcCpuTotal = null; } public static void ReportThreadName(int id, string name) { lock (m_threadItems) { m_idToName[id] = name; } } delegate void UpdateControlsDelegate(); TrafficHistory UpdateNetworkHistory() { TrafficHistory item = new TrafficHistory(); item.inUdpBytes = ((float)inUdpBytes) / 1024.0f / 2.0f; item.outUdpBytes = ((float)outUdpBytes) / 1024.0f / 2.0f; item.inTcpBytes = ((float)inTcpBytes) / 1024.0f / 2.0f; item.outTcpBytes = ((float)outTcpBytes) / 1024.0f / 2.0f; item.resentBytes = ((float)outResent) / 1024.0f / 2.0f; item.inTotalBytes = item.inUdpBytes + item.inTcpBytes; item.outTotalBytes = item.outUdpBytes + item.outTcpBytes; inUdpBytes = 0; outUdpBytes = 0; inTcpBytes = 0; outTcpBytes = 0; outResent = 0; m_trafficHistory.AddFirst(item); if (m_trafficHistory.Count > 500) { m_trafficHistory.RemoveLast(); } return item; } MemoryHistory UpdateMemoryHistory(Process proc) { MemoryHistory item = new MemoryHistory(); item.gcReportedMem = ((float)System.GC.GetTotalMemory(false)) / 1024.0f / 1024.0f; item.workingSet = ((float)proc.WorkingSet64) / 1024.0f / 1024.0f; item.nonpagedSystemMemory = ((float)proc.NonpagedSystemMemorySize64) / 1024.0f / 1024.0f; item.pagedSystemMemory = ((float)proc.PagedMemorySize64) / 1024.0f / 1024.0f; item.pagedSystemMemory = ((float)proc.PagedSystemMemorySize64) / 1024.0f / 1024.0f; m_memoryHistory.AddFirst(item); if (m_memoryHistory.Count > 500) { m_memoryHistory.RemoveLast(); } return item; } void UpdateCpuHistory() { CpuHistory item = new CpuHistory(); for( int i = 0; i < m_nCoreCount; i++) { item.cpuUsage[i] = m_pcCpu[i].NextValue(); } item.totalUsage = m_pcCpuTotal.NextValue(); m_cpuHistory.AddFirst(item); if (m_cpuHistory.Count > 500) { m_cpuHistory.RemoveLast(); } } string FormatDataSize(long byteCount) { double fCount = (double)byteCount; if (byteCount > 1024 * 1024 * 1024) { fCount/=(1024.0*1024.0*1024.0); return fCount.ToString("##0.00") + "GB"; } else if (byteCount > 1024*1024*10) { fCount/=(1024.0*1024.0); return fCount.ToString("##0.00") + "MB"; } else if (byteCount > 1024*10) { fCount/=1024.0; return fCount.ToString("##0.00") + "KB"; } else { return byteCount.ToString() +"B"; } } void UpdatePacketView() { foreach(KeyValuePair item in m_packets) { if (item.Value.m_addedToList) { item.Value.m_listPacketsIn.Text = item.Value.m_packetsIn.ToString(); item.Value.m_listBytesIn.Text = FormatDataSize(item.Value.m_bytesIn); item.Value.m_listPacketsOut.Text = item.Value.m_packetsOut.ToString(); item.Value.m_listBytesOut.Text = FormatDataSize(item.Value.m_bytesOut); item.Value.m_listResent.Text = FormatDataSize(item.Value.m_resent); } else { ListViewItem listItem = m_listPackets.Items.Add(item.Key); item.Value.m_listPacketsIn = listItem.SubItems.Add(item.Value.m_packetsIn.ToString()); item.Value.m_listBytesIn = listItem.SubItems.Add(FormatDataSize(item.Value.m_bytesIn)); item.Value.m_listPacketsOut = listItem.SubItems.Add(item.Value.m_packetsOut.ToString()); item.Value.m_listBytesOut = listItem.SubItems.Add(FormatDataSize(item.Value.m_bytesOut)); item.Value.m_listResent = listItem.SubItems.Add(FormatDataSize(item.Value.m_resent)); item.Value.m_addedToList = true; } } } void UpdateControls() { Process proc = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); TrafficHistory netItem = UpdateNetworkHistory(); MemoryHistory memItem = UpdateMemoryHistory(proc); UpdateCpuHistory(); if (tabControl1.SelectedIndex == 0) { m_threads.updating = true; UpdateThreadList(); m_threads.updating = false; m_threads.Invalidate(); } else if (tabControl1.SelectedIndex == 1) { RefreshNetworkStats(netItem); PaintNetworkHistory(); } else if (tabControl1.SelectedIndex == 2) { m_availableMem.Text = m_pcAvailRam.NextValue().ToString("##0.00") + " MB"; m_commitSize.Text = memItem.workingSet.ToString("##0.00") + " MB"; PaintMemoryHistory(); } else if (tabControl1.SelectedIndex == 3) { PaintCpuHistory(); } else if (tabControl1.SelectedIndex == 4) { m_listPackets.updating = true; UpdatePacketView(); m_listPackets.updating = false; m_listPackets.Invalidate(); } } protected void PaintCpuHistory() { Pen[] pens = { Pens.Yellow, Pens.Blue, Pens.Green, Pens.Red, Pens.White, Pens.Turquoise, Pens.Linen, Pens.Gray, Pens.Purple, Pens.Pink, Pens.LightBlue, Pens.LightSalmon}; Pen penLine = Pens.DarkSlateGray; Graphics screenGfx = m_cpuDrawing.CreateGraphics(); Bitmap backBuffer = new Bitmap(m_cpuDrawing.Width, m_cpuDrawing.Height); Graphics gfx = Graphics.FromImage(backBuffer); gfx.Clear(Color.Black); float fMax = 105.0f; for (int i = 0; i < m_cpuDrawing.Height - 10; i += 30) { float yPos = m_cpuDrawing.Height - i - 15; float fPos = ((float)(i)) / ((float)m_cpuDrawing.Height); gfx.DrawLine(penLine, 0, yPos, m_cpuDrawing.Width, yPos); } //Size of second in pixels float fSecondStep = 2.5f; //120 seconds float fTotalSeconds = (1 / fSecondStep) * (m_cpuDrawing.Width - 90); for (int i = 0; i < m_cpuDrawing.Width - 90; i += 50) { float xPos = 90 + i; float fTime = fTotalSeconds - (((float)(i)) / fSecondStep); gfx.DrawLine(penLine, xPos, 0, xPos, m_cpuDrawing.Height - 15); string strText = fTime.ToString("##0"); gfx.DrawString(strText, SystemFonts.DialogFont, Brushes.CadetBlue, xPos - 4 * strText.Length, m_cpuDrawing.Height - 15); } float nXPos = m_cpuDrawing.Width; float fHeightMul = m_cpuDrawing.Height - 15; float fYStart = m_cpuDrawing.Height - 15; CpuHistory lastItem = null; foreach (CpuHistory item in m_cpuHistory) { if (lastItem != null) { nXPos -= fSecondStep * 2; for (int i = 0; i < m_nCoreCount; i++) { gfx.DrawLine(pens[i+1], nXPos, fYStart - (item.cpuUsage[i] / fMax) * fHeightMul, nXPos + fSecondStep * 2, fYStart - (lastItem.cpuUsage[i] / fMax) * fHeightMul); } gfx.DrawLine(pens[0], nXPos, fYStart - (item.totalUsage / fMax) * fHeightMul, nXPos + fSecondStep * 2, fYStart - (lastItem.totalUsage / fMax) * fHeightMul); if (nXPos < 0) break; } lastItem = item; } for (int i = 0; i < m_cpuDrawing.Height - 10; i += 30) { float yPos = m_cpuDrawing.Height - i - 15; float fPos = ((float)(i)) / ((float)m_cpuDrawing.Height); gfx.DrawString((fPos * fMax).ToString("##0.00") + "%", SystemFonts.DialogFont, Brushes.CadetBlue, 3, yPos); } int nPosX = m_cpuDrawing.Width - 50; gfx.DrawString("Total", SystemFonts.DialogFont, pens[0].Brush, nPosX, 10); for (int i = 0; i < m_nCoreCount; i++ ) { gfx.DrawString("Core " + i, SystemFonts.DialogFont, pens[i+1].Brush, nPosX, 22 + i * 12); } screenGfx.DrawImageUnscaled(backBuffer, 0, 0); } protected void PaintNetworkHistory() { Pen penUdpOut = Pens.SkyBlue; Pen penUdpIn = Pens.Blue; Pen penTcpOut = Pens.Red; Pen penTcpIn = Pens.Pink; Pen penTotalOut = Pens.Green; Pen penTotalIn = Pens.LimeGreen; Pen penResent = Pens.Orange; Pen penLine = Pens.DarkSlateGray; Graphics screenGfx = m_networkDrawing.CreateGraphics(); Bitmap backBuffer = new Bitmap(m_networkDrawing.Width, m_networkDrawing.Height); Graphics gfx = Graphics.FromImage(backBuffer); gfx.Clear(Color.Black); float fMax = m_fNetworkHistoryScale; if (fMax < 12.0f) fMax = 12.0f; for( int i = 0; i < m_networkDrawing.Height-10; i+= 30) { float yPos = m_networkDrawing.Height - i-15; float fPos = ((float)(i)) / ((float)m_networkDrawing.Height); gfx.DrawLine(penLine, 0, yPos, m_networkDrawing.Width, yPos); } //Size of second in pixels float fSecondStep = 1.5f; //120 seconds float fTotalSeconds = (1/fSecondStep) * (m_networkDrawing.Width - 90); for( int i = 0; i < m_networkDrawing.Width-90; i+= 50) { float xPos = 90 + i; float fTime = fTotalSeconds - (((float)(i)) / fSecondStep); gfx.DrawLine(penLine, xPos, 0, xPos, m_networkDrawing.Height - 15); string strText = fTime.ToString("##0"); gfx.DrawString(strText, SystemFonts.DialogFont, Brushes.CadetBlue, xPos - 4 * strText.Length, m_networkDrawing.Height - 15); } float nXPos = m_networkDrawing.Width; float fHeightMul = m_networkDrawing.Height - 15; float fYStart = m_networkDrawing.Height - 15; TrafficHistory lastItem = null; float fHighestRate = 0; foreach(TrafficHistory item in m_trafficHistory) { if (lastItem != null) { nXPos -= fSecondStep * 2; gfx.DrawLine(penUdpIn, nXPos, fYStart - (item.inUdpBytes / fMax) * fHeightMul, nXPos + fSecondStep * 2, fYStart - (lastItem.inUdpBytes / fMax) * fHeightMul); gfx.DrawLine(penUdpOut, nXPos, fYStart - (item.outUdpBytes / fMax) * fHeightMul, nXPos + fSecondStep * 2, fYStart - (lastItem.outUdpBytes / fMax) * fHeightMul); gfx.DrawLine(penTcpIn, nXPos, fYStart - (item.inTcpBytes / fMax) * fHeightMul, nXPos + fSecondStep * 2, fYStart - (lastItem.inTcpBytes / fMax) * fHeightMul); gfx.DrawLine(penTcpOut, nXPos, fYStart - (item.outTcpBytes / fMax) * fHeightMul, nXPos + fSecondStep * 2, fYStart - (lastItem.outTcpBytes / fMax) * fHeightMul); gfx.DrawLine(penTotalIn, nXPos, fYStart - (item.inTotalBytes / fMax) * fHeightMul, nXPos + fSecondStep * 2, fYStart - (lastItem.inTotalBytes / fMax) * fHeightMul); gfx.DrawLine(penTotalOut, nXPos, fYStart - (item.outTotalBytes / fMax) * fHeightMul, nXPos + fSecondStep * 2, fYStart - (lastItem.outTotalBytes / fMax) * fHeightMul); gfx.DrawLine(penResent, nXPos, fYStart - (item.resentBytes / fMax) * fHeightMul, nXPos + fSecondStep * 2, fYStart - (lastItem.resentBytes / fMax) * fHeightMul); if (nXPos < 0) break; } lastItem = item; if (item.inTotalBytes > fHighestRate) fHighestRate = item.inTotalBytes; if (item.outTotalBytes > fHighestRate) fHighestRate = item.outTotalBytes; } for (int i = 0; i < m_networkDrawing.Height - 10; i += 30) { float yPos = m_networkDrawing.Height - i - 15; float fPos = ((float)(i)) / ((float)m_networkDrawing.Height); gfx.DrawString((fPos * fMax).ToString("##0.00") + " KB/s", SystemFonts.DialogFont, Brushes.CadetBlue, 3, yPos); } int nPosX = m_networkDrawing.Width-60; gfx.DrawString("Udp in", SystemFonts.DialogFont, penUdpIn.Brush, nPosX, 10); gfx.DrawString("Udp out", SystemFonts.DialogFont, penUdpOut.Brush, nPosX, 22); gfx.DrawString("Tcp in", SystemFonts.DialogFont, penTcpIn.Brush, nPosX, 34); gfx.DrawString("Tcp out", SystemFonts.DialogFont, penTcpOut.Brush, nPosX, 46); gfx.DrawString("Total in", SystemFonts.DialogFont, penTotalIn.Brush, nPosX, 58); gfx.DrawString("Total out", SystemFonts.DialogFont, penTotalOut.Brush, nPosX, 70); gfx.DrawString("Resent", SystemFonts.DialogFont, penResent.Brush, nPosX, 82); screenGfx.DrawImageUnscaled(backBuffer, 0, 0); m_fNetworkHistoryScale = fHighestRate + 10; } protected void PaintMemoryHistory() { Pen penPagedMemory = Pens.Gray; Pen penPagedSystemMemory = Pens.Orange; Pen penNonPagedMemory = Pens.LawnGreen; Pen penWorkingSet = Pens.HotPink; Pen penGcReported = Pens.Red; Pen penLine = Pens.DarkSlateGray; Graphics screenGfx = m_memStats.CreateGraphics(); Bitmap backBuffer = new Bitmap(m_memStats.Width, m_memStats.Height); Graphics gfx = Graphics.FromImage(backBuffer); gfx.Clear(Color.Black); float fMax = m_fMemoryHistoryScale; if (fMax < 12.0f) fMax = 12.0f; for (int i = 0; i < m_memStats.Height - 10; i += 30) { float yPos = m_memStats.Height - i - 15; float fPos = ((float)(i)) / ((float)m_memStats.Height); gfx.DrawLine(penLine, 0, yPos, m_memStats.Width, yPos); } //Size of second in pixels float fSecondStep = 1.5f; //120 seconds float fTotalSeconds = (1 / fSecondStep) * (m_memStats.Width - 90); for (int i = 0; i < m_memStats.Width - 90; i += 50) { float xPos = 90 + i; float fTime = fTotalSeconds - (((float)(i)) / fSecondStep); gfx.DrawLine(penLine, xPos, 0, xPos, m_memStats.Height - 15); string strText = fTime.ToString("##0"); gfx.DrawString(strText, SystemFonts.DialogFont, Brushes.CadetBlue, xPos - 4 * strText.Length, m_memStats.Height - 15); } float nXPos = m_memStats.Width; float fHeightMul = m_memStats.Height - 15; float fYStart = m_memStats.Height - 15; MemoryHistory lastItem = null; float fHighestRate = 0; foreach (MemoryHistory item in m_memoryHistory) { if (lastItem != null) { nXPos -= fSecondStep * 2; gfx.DrawLine(penPagedMemory, nXPos, fYStart - (item.pagedMemory / fMax) * fHeightMul, nXPos + fSecondStep * 2, fYStart - (lastItem.pagedMemory / fMax) * fHeightMul); gfx.DrawLine(penPagedSystemMemory, nXPos, fYStart - (item.pagedSystemMemory / fMax) * fHeightMul, nXPos + fSecondStep * 2, fYStart - (lastItem.pagedSystemMemory / fMax) * fHeightMul); gfx.DrawLine(penNonPagedMemory, nXPos, fYStart - (item.nonpagedSystemMemory / fMax) * fHeightMul, nXPos + fSecondStep * 2, fYStart - (lastItem.nonpagedSystemMemory / fMax) * fHeightMul); gfx.DrawLine(penWorkingSet, nXPos, fYStart - (item.workingSet / fMax) * fHeightMul, nXPos + fSecondStep * 2, fYStart - (lastItem.workingSet / fMax) * fHeightMul); gfx.DrawLine(penGcReported, nXPos, fYStart - (item.gcReportedMem / fMax) * fHeightMul, nXPos + fSecondStep * 2, fYStart - (lastItem.gcReportedMem / fMax) * fHeightMul); if (nXPos < 0) break; } lastItem = item; if (item.nonpagedSystemMemory > fHighestRate) fHighestRate = item.nonpagedSystemMemory; if (item.pagedMemory > fHighestRate) fHighestRate = item.pagedMemory; if (item.pagedSystemMemory > fHighestRate) fHighestRate = item.pagedSystemMemory; if (item.workingSet > fHighestRate) fHighestRate = item.workingSet; if (item.gcReportedMem > fHighestRate) fHighestRate = item.gcReportedMem; } for (int i = 0; i < m_memStats.Height - 10; i += 30) { float yPos = m_memStats.Height - i - 15; float fPos = ((float)(i)) / ((float)m_memStats.Height); gfx.DrawString((fPos * fMax).ToString("##0.00") + " MB", SystemFonts.DialogFont, Brushes.CadetBlue, 3, yPos); } int nPosX = m_memStats.Width - 120; gfx.DrawString("Working set", SystemFonts.DialogFont, penWorkingSet.Brush, nPosX, 10); gfx.DrawString("GC Reported mem.", SystemFonts.DialogFont, penGcReported.Brush, nPosX, 22); gfx.DrawString("Paged mem.", SystemFonts.DialogFont, penPagedMemory.Brush, nPosX, 34); gfx.DrawString("Paged system mem.", SystemFonts.DialogFont, penPagedSystemMemory.Brush, nPosX, 46); gfx.DrawString("Nonpaged mem.", SystemFonts.DialogFont, penNonPagedMemory.Brush, nPosX, 58); screenGfx.DrawImageUnscaled(backBuffer, 0, 0); m_fMemoryHistoryScale = fHighestRate + 10; } void RefreshNetworkStats(TrafficHistory item) { m_inUdpTraffic.Text = item.inUdpBytes.ToString("##0.00") + " KB/s"; m_outUdpTraffic.Text = item.outUdpBytes.ToString("##0.00") + " KB/s"; m_inTcpTraffic.Text = item.inTcpBytes.ToString("##0.00") + " KB/s"; m_outTcpTraffic.Text = item.outTcpBytes.ToString("##0.00") + " KB/s"; m_inTotalTraffic.Text = item.inTotalBytes.ToString("##0.00") + " KB/s"; m_outTotalTraffic.Text = item.outTotalBytes.ToString("##0.00") + " KB/s"; } protected void UpdateTimer(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs ea) { if (m_threads.InvokeRequired) { m_threads.Invoke(new UpdateControlsDelegate(UpdateControls)); } else { UpdateControls(); } } #region Thread items access void UpdateThreadItem(ProcessThread pt) { if (m_threadItems.ContainsKey(pt.Id)) { ThreadItem item = m_threadItems[pt.Id]; item.cpu.Text = pt.TotalProcessorTime.ToString(); if (m_idToName.ContainsKey(pt.Id)) { = m_idToName[pt.Id]; } } else { ThreadItem item = new ThreadItem(); item.listItem = m_threads.Items.Add(pt.Id.ToString()); string name = "[n/a]"; if (m_idToName.ContainsKey(pt.Id)) { name = m_idToName[pt.Id]; } = item.listItem.SubItems.Add(name); item.cpu = item.listItem.SubItems.Add(pt.TotalProcessorTime.ToString()); m_threadItems[pt.Id] = item; } } void RemoveThreadItems(List removed) { foreach (int id in removed) { m_threads.Items.Remove(m_threadItems[id].listItem); m_threadItems.Remove(id); m_idToName.Remove(id); } } private void UpdateThreadList() { ProcessThreadCollection threads = Process.GetCurrentProcess().Threads; lock (m_threadItems) { Dictionary runningThreads = new Dictionary(); foreach (ProcessThread pt in threads) { runningThreads[pt.Id] = 0; UpdateThreadItem(pt); } List removed = new List(); foreach (int id in m_threadItems.Keys) { if (!runningThreads.ContainsKey(id)) { removed.Add(id); } } RemoveThreadItems(removed); } } #endregion } }