realXtend server, version 0.1 ======================================================= Starting the server: - To start the server doubleclick Opensim.exe - By default your server will be running on - To enable the server for Internet use so that other people can also access it, edit your regions\default.xml file and change the external_host_name parameter to your machine's external IP address. - The server has been tested with Windows XP / Vista. You need admin rights to be able to start the server. For more information about configuring the server see realXtend v 0.1 features: - OGRE rendering - Particle effects - 3D objects, lights and shadows - Responsive avatar controls - Web pages as textures - Desktop application sharing (VNC) - VOIP client and 3D audio rendering - Scriptable teleports between worlds - Second life compatibility mode for use in SL and Opensim worlds - Sprites - Additive blending mode for objects and sprites - Improved quicktime video - Dynamic object grouping for rendering performance - Address field in client login screen to select world - MS SQL support for server performance - VOIP Server - Python scripting - Script controllable viewer HUD and UI - Script handlers for viewer mouse clicks and wheel - Scriptable events when avatar enters a trigger prim - Control avatar position and rotation from script - Sound support (preload and play) - 3D mesh collisions - Web services integration to scripts - Server-wide inventory for world builder teams - Terrain texturing - Changeable skybox textures - UDP throttle start/min/max configuration - Support multiple media urls per region - New UI skin for the viewer ======================================================= realXtend team, 2008