namespace Nwc.XmlRpc { using System; using System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies; using System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging; /// This class provides support for creating local proxies of XML-RPC remote objects /// /// To create a local proxy you need to create a local C# interface and then, via createProxy /// associate that interface with a remote object at a given URL. /// public class XmlRpcClientProxy : RealProxy { private String _remoteObjectName; private String _url; private XmlRpcRequest _client = new XmlRpcRequest(); /// Factory method to create proxies. /// /// To create a local proxy you need to create a local C# interface with methods that mirror those of the server object. /// Next, pass that interface into createProxy along with the object name and URL of the remote object and /// cast the resulting object to the specifice interface. /// /// String The name of the remote object. /// String The URL of the remote object. /// Type The typeof() of a C# interface. /// Object A proxy for your specified interface. Cast to appropriate type. public static Object createProxy(String remoteObjectName, String url, Type anInterface) { return new XmlRpcClientProxy(remoteObjectName, url, anInterface).GetTransparentProxy(); } private XmlRpcClientProxy(String remoteObjectName, String url, Type t) : base(t) { _remoteObjectName = remoteObjectName; _url = url; } /// The local method dispatcher - do not invoke. override public IMessage Invoke(IMessage msg) { IMethodCallMessage methodMessage = (IMethodCallMessage)msg; _client.MethodName = _remoteObjectName + "." + methodMessage.MethodName; _client.Params.Clear(); foreach (Object o in methodMessage.Args) _client.Params.Add(o); try { Object ret = _client.Invoke(_url); return new ReturnMessage(ret,null,0, methodMessage.LogicalCallContext, methodMessage); } catch (Exception e) { return new ReturnMessage(e, methodMessage); } } } }