namespace Nwc.XmlRpc { using System; using System.Collections; using System.IO; using System.Xml; /// Class designed to represent an XML-RPC response. public class XmlRpcResponse { private Object _value; /// bool indicating if this response represents a fault. public bool IsFault; /// Basic constructor public XmlRpcResponse() { Value = null; IsFault = false; } /// Constructor for a fault. /// int the numeric faultCode value. /// String the faultString value. public XmlRpcResponse(int code, String message) : this() { SetFault(code, message); } /// The data value of the response, may be fault data. public Object Value { get { return _value; } set { IsFault = false; _value = value; } } /// The faultCode if this is a fault. public int FaultCode { get { if (!IsFault) return 0; else return (int)((Hashtable)_value)[XmlRpcXmlTokens.FAULT_CODE]; } } /// The faultString if this is a fault. public String FaultString { get { if (!IsFault) return ""; else return (String)((Hashtable)_value)[XmlRpcXmlTokens.FAULT_STRING]; } } /// Set this response to be a fault. /// int the numeric faultCode value. /// String the faultString value. public void SetFault(int code, String message) { Hashtable fault = new Hashtable(); fault.Add("faultCode", code); fault.Add("faultString", message); Value = fault; IsFault = true; } /// Form a useful string representation of the object, in this case the XML response. /// String The XML serialized XML-RPC response. override public String ToString() { return XmlRpcResponseSerializer.Singleton.Serialize(this); } } }