# This file contains TCL procedures used to generate standard parts of
# web pages.
proc header {txt} {
puts "
puts {
proc footer {{rcsid {}}} {
puts {
set date [lrange $rcsid 3 4]
if {$date!=""} {
puts "This page last modified on $date"
puts {}
# The following proc is used to ensure consistent formatting in the
# HTML generated by lang.tcl and pragma.tcl.
proc Syntax {args} {
puts {}
foreach {rule body} $args {
puts ""
puts "$rule ::= | "
regsub -all < $body {%LT} body
regsub -all > $body {%GT} body
regsub -all %LT $body {} body
regsub -all %GT $body {} body
regsub -all {[]|[*?]} $body {&} body
regsub -all "\n" [string trim $body] "
\n" body
regsub -all "\n *" $body "\n\\ \\ \\ \\ " body
regsub -all {[|,.*()]} $body {&} body
regsub -all { = } $body { = } body
regsub -all {STAR} $body {*} body
## These metacharacters must be handled to undo being
## treated as SQL punctuation characters above.
regsub -all {RPPLUS} $body {)+} body
regsub -all {LP} $body {(} body
regsub -all {RP} $body {)} body
## Place the left-hand side of the rule in the 2nd table column.
puts "$body |
puts {