/* * Copyright (c) Contributors, http://opensimulator.org/ * See CONTRIBUTORS.TXT for a full list of copyright holders. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the OpenSim Project nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE DEVELOPERS ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.IO; using System.Net; using System.Xml; using System.Text; using System.Xml.Serialization; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using OpenSim.Framework; using OpenSim.Framework.Servers; using OpenSim.Framework.Console; using Nwc.XmlRpc; using Mono.Addins; [assembly:Addin ("RegionProxy", "0.1")] [assembly:AddinDependency ("OpenSim", "0.5")] namespace OpenSim.ApplicationPlugins.RegionProxy { /* This module has an interface to OpenSim clients that is constant, and is responsible for relaying * messages to and from clients to the region objects. Since the region objects can be duplicated and * moved dynamically, the proxy provides methods for changing and adding regions. If more than one region * is associated with a client port, then the message will be broadcasted to all those regions. * * The client interface port may be blocked. While being blocked, all messages from the clients will be * stored in the proxy. Once the interface port is unblocked again, all stored messages will be resent * to the regions. This functionality is used when moving or cloning an region to make sure that no messages * are sent to the region while it is being reconfigured. * * The proxy opens a XmlRpc interface with these public methods: * - AddPort * - AddRegion * - ChangeRegion * - BlockClientMessages * - UnblockClientMessages */ [Extension("/OpenSim/Startup")] public class RegionProxyPlugin : IApplicationPlugin { private ProxyServer proxy; private BaseHttpServer command_server; private static readonly log4net.ILog m_log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); public void Initialise(OpenSimMain openSim) { Console.WriteLine("Starting proxy"); string proxyURL = openSim.ConfigSource.Configs["Network"].GetString("proxy_url", ""); if(proxyURL.Length==0) return; uint port = (uint) Int32.Parse(proxyURL.Split(new char[] { ':' })[2]); command_server = new BaseHttpServer(port); command_server.Start(); command_server.AddXmlRPCHandler("AddPort", AddPort); command_server.AddXmlRPCHandler("AddRegion", AddRegion); command_server.AddXmlRPCHandler("DeleteRegion", DeleteRegion); command_server.AddXmlRPCHandler("ChangeRegion", ChangeRegion); command_server.AddXmlRPCHandler("BlockClientMessages", BlockClientMessages); command_server.AddXmlRPCHandler("UnblockClientMessages", UnblockClientMessages); command_server.AddXmlRPCHandler("Stop", Stop); proxy=new ProxyServer(m_log); } public void Close() { } private XmlRpcResponse Stop(XmlRpcRequest request) { try { proxy.Stop(); } catch (Exception e) { m_log.Error("[PROXY]" + e.Message); m_log.Error("[PROXY]" + e.StackTrace); } return new XmlRpcResponse(); } private XmlRpcResponse AddPort(XmlRpcRequest request) { try { int clientPort = (int) request.Params[0]; int regionPort = (int) request.Params[1]; string regionUrl = (string) request.Params[2]; proxy.AddPort(clientPort, regionPort, regionUrl); } catch(Exception e) { m_log.Error("[PROXY]"+e.Message); m_log.Error("[PROXY]"+e.StackTrace); } return new XmlRpcResponse(); } private XmlRpcResponse AddRegion(XmlRpcRequest request) { try { int currentRegionPort = (int) request.Params[0]; string currentRegionUrl = (string) request.Params[1]; int newRegionPort = (int) request.Params[2]; string newRegionUrl = (string) request.Params[3]; proxy.AddRegion(currentRegionPort, currentRegionUrl, newRegionPort, newRegionUrl); } catch(Exception e) { m_log.Error("[PROXY]"+e.Message); m_log.Error("[PROXY]"+e.StackTrace); } return new XmlRpcResponse(); } private XmlRpcResponse ChangeRegion(XmlRpcRequest request) { try { int currentRegionPort = (int) request.Params[0]; string currentRegionUrl = (string) request.Params[1]; int newRegionPort = (int) request.Params[2]; string newRegionUrl = (string) request.Params[3]; proxy.ChangeRegion(currentRegionPort, currentRegionUrl, newRegionPort, newRegionUrl); } catch(Exception e) { m_log.Error("[PROXY]"+e.Message); m_log.Error("[PROXY]"+e.StackTrace); } return new XmlRpcResponse(); } private XmlRpcResponse DeleteRegion(XmlRpcRequest request) { try { int currentRegionPort = (int) request.Params[0]; string currentRegionUrl = (string) request.Params[1]; proxy.DeleteRegion(currentRegionPort, currentRegionUrl); } catch(Exception e) { m_log.Error("[PROXY]"+e.Message); m_log.Error("[PROXY]"+e.StackTrace); } return new XmlRpcResponse(); } private XmlRpcResponse BlockClientMessages(XmlRpcRequest request) { try { string regionUrl = (string) request.Params[0]; int regionPort = (int) request.Params[1]; proxy.BlockClientMessages(regionUrl, regionPort); } catch(Exception e) { m_log.Error("[PROXY]"+e.Message); m_log.Error("[PROXY]"+e.StackTrace); } return new XmlRpcResponse(); } private XmlRpcResponse UnblockClientMessages(XmlRpcRequest request) { try { string regionUrl = (string) request.Params[0]; int regionPort = (int) request.Params[1]; proxy.UnblockClientMessages(regionUrl, regionPort); } catch(Exception e) { m_log.Error("[PROXY]"+e.Message); m_log.Error("[PROXY]"+e.StackTrace); } return new XmlRpcResponse(); } } public class ProxyServer { protected AsyncCallback receivedData; protected ProxyMap proxy_map = new ProxyMap(); protected readonly log4net.ILog m_log; protected bool running; protected class ProxyMap { public class RegionData { public bool isBlocked = false; public Queue storedMessages = new Queue(); public List regions = new List(); } private Dictionary map; public ProxyMap() { map = new Dictionary(); } public void Add(EndPoint client, EndPoint region) { if(map.ContainsKey(client)) { map[client].regions.Add(region); } else { RegionData regions = new RegionData(); map.Add(client, regions); regions.regions.Add(region); } } public RegionData GetRegionData(EndPoint client) { return map[client]; } public EndPoint GetClient(EndPoint region) { foreach (KeyValuePair pair in map) { if(pair.Value.regions.Contains(region)) { return pair.Key; } } return null; } } protected class ServerData { public Socket server; public EndPoint clientEP; public EndPoint senderEP; public IPEndPoint serverIP; public byte[] recvBuffer = new byte[4096]; public ServerData() { server = null; } } protected class StoredMessage { public byte[] buffer; public int length; public EndPoint senderEP; public ServerData sd; public StoredMessage(byte[] buffer, int length, int maxLength, EndPoint senderEP, ServerData sd) { this.buffer = new byte[maxLength]; this.length = length; for(int i=0; i 0) { StoredMessage msg = (StoredMessage) rd.storedMessages.Dequeue(); //m_log.Verbose("[PROXY]"+"Resending blocked message from {0}", msg.senderEP); SendMessage(msg.buffer, msg.length, msg.senderEP, msg.sd); } } public void AddRegion(int oldRegionPort, string oldRegionUrl, int newRegionPort, string newRegionUrl) { //m_log.Verbose("[PROXY]"+"AddRegion {0} {1}", oldRegionPort, newRegionPort); EndPoint client = proxy_map.GetClient(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(oldRegionUrl), oldRegionPort)); ProxyMap.RegionData data = proxy_map.GetRegionData(client); data.regions.Add(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(newRegionUrl), newRegionPort)); } public void ChangeRegion(int oldRegionPort, string oldRegionUrl, int newRegionPort, string newRegionUrl) { //m_log.Verbose("[PROXY]"+"ChangeRegion {0} {1}", oldRegionPort, newRegionPort); EndPoint client = proxy_map.GetClient(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(oldRegionUrl), oldRegionPort)); ProxyMap.RegionData data = proxy_map.GetRegionData(client); data.regions.Clear(); data.regions.Add(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(newRegionUrl), newRegionPort)); } public void DeleteRegion(int oldRegionPort, string oldRegionUrl) { m_log.InfoFormat("[PROXY]"+"DeleteRegion {0} {1}", oldRegionPort, oldRegionUrl); EndPoint regionEP = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(oldRegionUrl), oldRegionPort); EndPoint client = proxy_map.GetClient(regionEP); ProxyMap.RegionData data = proxy_map.GetRegionData(client); data.regions.Remove(regionEP); } public void AddPort(int clientPort, int regionPort, string regionUrl) { running = true; //m_log.Verbose("[PROXY]"+"AddPort {0} {1}", clientPort, regionPort); IPEndPoint clientEP = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), clientPort); proxy_map.Add(clientEP, new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(regionUrl), regionPort)); ServerData sd = new ServerData(); sd.clientEP = new IPEndPoint(clientEP.Address, clientEP.Port); OpenPort(sd); } protected void OpenPort(ServerData sd) { // sd.clientEP must be set before calling this function ClosePort(sd); try { m_log.InfoFormat("[PROXY] Opening UDP socket on {0}", sd.clientEP); sd.serverIP = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), ((IPEndPoint)sd.clientEP).Port); sd.server = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp); sd.server.Bind(sd.serverIP); sd.senderEP = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 0); //receivedData = new AsyncCallback(OnReceivedData); sd.server.BeginReceiveFrom(sd.recvBuffer, 0, sd.recvBuffer.Length, SocketFlags.None, ref sd.senderEP, receivedData, sd); } catch (Exception e) { m_log.ErrorFormat("[PROXY] Failed to (re)open socket {0}", sd.clientEP); m_log.Error("[PROXY]" + e.Message); m_log.Error("[PROXY]" + e.StackTrace); } } protected void ClosePort(ServerData sd) { // Close the port if it exists and is open if (sd.server == null) return; try { sd.server.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both); sd.server.Close(); } catch (Exception) { } } public void Stop() { running = false; m_log.InfoFormat("[PROXY] Stopping the proxy server"); } protected virtual void OnReceivedData(IAsyncResult result) { if(!running) return; ServerData sd = (ServerData)result.AsyncState; sd.senderEP = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 0); try { int numBytes = sd.server.EndReceiveFrom(result, ref sd.senderEP); if (numBytes > 0) { SendMessage(sd.recvBuffer, numBytes, sd.senderEP, sd); } } catch (Exception e) { // OpenPort(sd); // reopen the port just in case m_log.ErrorFormat("[PROXY] EndReceiveFrom failed in {0}", sd.clientEP); m_log.Error("[PROXY]" + e.Message); m_log.Error("[PROXY]" + e.StackTrace); } WaitForNextMessage(sd); } protected void WaitForNextMessage(ServerData sd) { bool error = true; while (error) { error = false; try { sd.server.BeginReceiveFrom(sd.recvBuffer, 0, sd.recvBuffer.Length, SocketFlags.None, ref sd.senderEP, receivedData, sd); } catch (Exception e) { error = true; m_log.ErrorFormat("[PROXY] BeginReceiveFrom failed, retrying... {0}", sd.clientEP); m_log.Error("[PROXY]" + e.Message); m_log.Error("[PROXY]" + e.StackTrace); OpenPort(sd); } } } protected void SendMessage(byte[] buffer, int length, EndPoint senderEP, ServerData sd) { int numBytes = length; //m_log.ErrorFormat("[PROXY] Got message from {0} in thread {1}, size {2}", senderEP, sd.clientEP, numBytes); EndPoint client = proxy_map.GetClient(senderEP); if (client != null) { try { client = PacketPool.DecodeProxyMessage(buffer, ref numBytes); try { // This message comes from a region object, forward it to the its client sd.server.SendTo(buffer, numBytes, SocketFlags.None, client); //m_log.InfoFormat("[PROXY] Sending region message from {0} to {1}, size {2}", senderEP, client, numBytes); } catch (Exception e) { OpenPort(sd); // reopen the port just in case m_log.ErrorFormat("[PROXY] Failed sending region message from {0} to {1}", senderEP, client); m_log.Error("[PROXY]" + e.Message); m_log.Error("[PROXY]" + e.StackTrace); return; } } catch (Exception e) { OpenPort(sd); // reopen the port just in case m_log.ErrorFormat("[PROXY] Failed decoding region message from {0}", senderEP); m_log.Error("[PROXY]" + e.Message); m_log.Error("[PROXY]" + e.StackTrace); return; } } else { // This message comes from a client object, forward it to the the region(s) PacketPool.EncodeProxyMessage(buffer, ref numBytes, senderEP); ProxyMap.RegionData rd = proxy_map.GetRegionData(sd.clientEP); foreach (EndPoint region in rd.regions) { if(rd.isBlocked) { rd.storedMessages.Enqueue(new StoredMessage(buffer, length, numBytes, senderEP, sd)); } else { try { sd.server.SendTo(buffer, numBytes, SocketFlags.None, region); //m_log.InfoFormat("[PROXY] Sending client message from {0} to {1}", senderEP, region); } catch (Exception e) { OpenPort(sd); // reopen the port just in case m_log.ErrorFormat("[PROXY] Failed sending client message from {0} to {1}", senderEP, region); m_log.Error("[PROXY]" + e.Message); m_log.Error("[PROXY]" + e.StackTrace); return; } } } } } } }