using System; namespace OpenSim.Framework.Console { public abstract class ConsoleBase { public enum ConsoleType { Local, // Use stdio TCP, // Use TCP/telnet SimChat // Use in-world chat (for gods) } public abstract void Close(); public abstract void Write(string format, params object[] args); public abstract void WriteLine(string format, params object[] args); public abstract string ReadLine(); public abstract int Read(); // Displays a command prompt and waits for the user to enter a string, then returns that string public abstract string CmdPrompt(string prompt); // Displays a command prompt and returns a default value if the user simply presses enter public abstract string CmdPrompt(string prompt, string defaultresponse); // Displays a command prompt and returns a default value, user may only enter 1 of 2 options public abstract string CmdPrompt(string prompt, string defaultresponse, string OptionA, string OptionB); // Runs a command with a number of parameters public abstract Object RunCmd(string Cmd, string[] cmdparams); // Shows data about something public abstract void ShowCommands(string ShowWhat); // Displays a prompt to the user and then runs the command they entered public abstract void MainConsolePrompt(); public abstract void SetStatus(string status); } }