/* * Copyright (c) OpenSim project, http://sim.opensecondlife.org/ * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the <organization> nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY <copyright holder> ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL <copyright holder> BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using OpenSim; using OpenSim.Framework.Utilities; using OpenSim.Framework.Interfaces; using OpenSim.Framework.Terrain; //using OpenSim.world; using Db4objects.Db4o; namespace OpenSim.Config.SimConfigDb4o { public class Db40ConfigPlugin: ISimConfig { public SimConfig GetConfigObject() { OpenSim.Framework.Console.MainConsole.Instance.WriteLine("Loading Db40Config dll"); return ( new DbSimConfig()); } } public class DbSimConfig : SimConfig { private bool isSandbox; private IObjectContainer db; public void LoadDefaults() { OpenSim.Framework.Console.MainConsole.Instance.WriteLine("Config.cs:LoadDefaults() - Please press enter to retain default or enter new settings"); this.RegionName=OpenSim.Framework.Console.MainConsole.Instance.CmdPrompt("Name [OpenSim test]: ","OpenSim test"); this.RegionLocX=(uint)Convert.ToInt32(OpenSim.Framework.Console.MainConsole.Instance.CmdPrompt("Grid Location X [997]: ","997")); this.RegionLocY=(uint)Convert.ToInt32(OpenSim.Framework.Console.MainConsole.Instance.CmdPrompt("Grid Location Y [996]: ","996")); this.IPListenPort=Convert.ToInt32(OpenSim.Framework.Console.MainConsole.Instance.CmdPrompt("UDP port for client connections [9000]: ","9000")); this.IPListenAddr=OpenSim.Framework.Console.MainConsole.Instance.CmdPrompt("IP Address to listen on for client connections []: ",""); if(!isSandbox) { this.AssetURL=OpenSim.Framework.Console.MainConsole.Instance.CmdPrompt("Asset server URL: "); this.AssetSendKey=OpenSim.Framework.Console.MainConsole.Instance.CmdPrompt("Asset server key: "); this.GridURL=OpenSim.Framework.Console.MainConsole.Instance.CmdPrompt("Grid server URL: "); this.GridSendKey = OpenSim.Framework.Console.MainConsole.Instance.CmdPrompt("Key to send to grid server: "); this.GridRecvKey = OpenSim.Framework.Console.MainConsole.Instance.CmdPrompt("Key to expect from grid server: "); this.UserURL = OpenSim.Framework.Console.MainConsole.Instance.CmdPrompt("User server URL: "); this.UserSendKey = OpenSim.Framework.Console.MainConsole.Instance.CmdPrompt("Key to send to user server: "); this.UserRecvKey = OpenSim.Framework.Console.MainConsole.Instance.CmdPrompt("Key to expect from user server: "); } this.RegionHandle = Util.UIntsToLong((RegionLocX*256), (RegionLocY*256)); } public override void InitConfig(bool sandboxMode) { this.isSandbox = sandboxMode; try { db = Db4oFactory.OpenFile("opensim.yap"); IObjectSet result = db.Get(typeof(DbSimConfig)); if(result.Count==1) { OpenSim.Framework.Console.MainConsole.Instance.WriteLine("Config.cs:InitConfig() - Found a SimConfig object in the local database, loading"); foreach (DbSimConfig cfg in result) { this.RegionName = cfg.RegionName; this.RegionLocX = cfg.RegionLocX; this.RegionLocY = cfg.RegionLocY; this.RegionHandle = Util.UIntsToLong((RegionLocX*256), (RegionLocY*256)); this.IPListenPort = cfg.IPListenPort; this.IPListenAddr = cfg.IPListenAddr; this.AssetURL = cfg.AssetURL; this.AssetSendKey = cfg.AssetSendKey; this.GridURL = cfg.GridURL; this.GridSendKey = cfg.GridSendKey; } } else { OpenSim.Framework.Console.MainConsole.Instance.WriteLine("Config.cs:InitConfig() - Could not find object in database, loading precompiled defaults"); LoadDefaults(); OpenSim.Framework.Console.MainConsole.Instance.WriteLine("Writing out default settings to local database"); db.Set(this); } } catch(Exception e) { db.Close(); OpenSim.Framework.Console.MainConsole.Instance.WriteLine("Config.cs:InitConfig() - Exception occured"); OpenSim.Framework.Console.MainConsole.Instance.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } OpenSim.Framework.Console.MainConsole.Instance.WriteLine("Sim settings loaded:"); OpenSim.Framework.Console.MainConsole.Instance.WriteLine("Name: " + this.RegionName); OpenSim.Framework.Console.MainConsole.Instance.WriteLine("Region Location: [" + this.RegionLocX.ToString() + "," + this.RegionLocY + "]"); OpenSim.Framework.Console.MainConsole.Instance.WriteLine("Region Handle: " + this.RegionHandle.ToString()); OpenSim.Framework.Console.MainConsole.Instance.WriteLine("Listening on IP: " + this.IPListenAddr + ":" + this.IPListenPort); OpenSim.Framework.Console.MainConsole.Instance.WriteLine("Sandbox Mode? " + isSandbox.ToString()); OpenSim.Framework.Console.MainConsole.Instance.WriteLine("Asset URL: " + this.AssetURL); OpenSim.Framework.Console.MainConsole.Instance.WriteLine("Asset key: " + this.AssetSendKey); OpenSim.Framework.Console.MainConsole.Instance.WriteLine("Grid URL: " + this.GridURL); OpenSim.Framework.Console.MainConsole.Instance.WriteLine("Grid key: " + this.GridSendKey); } public override float[] LoadWorld() { OpenSim.Framework.Console.MainConsole.Instance.WriteLine("Config.cs:LoadWorld() - Loading world...."); //World blank = new World(); float[] heightmap = null; OpenSim.Framework.Console.MainConsole.Instance.WriteLine("Config.cs:LoadWorld() - Looking for a heightmap in local DB"); IObjectSet world_result = db.Get(typeof(MapStorage)); if(world_result.Count>0) { OpenSim.Framework.Console.MainConsole.Instance.WriteLine("Config.cs:LoadWorld() - Found a heightmap in local database, loading"); MapStorage map=(MapStorage)world_result.Next(); //blank.LandMap = map.Map; heightmap = map.Map; } else { OpenSim.Framework.Console.MainConsole.Instance.WriteLine("Config.cs:LoadWorld() - No heightmap found, generating new one"); HeightmapGenHills hills = new HeightmapGenHills(); // blank.LandMap = hills.GenerateHeightmap(200, 4.0f, 80.0f, false); heightmap = hills.GenerateHeightmap(200, 4.0f, 80.0f, false); OpenSim.Framework.Console.MainConsole.Instance.WriteLine("Config.cs:LoadWorld() - Saving heightmap to local database"); MapStorage map= new MapStorage(); map.Map = heightmap; //blank.LandMap; db.Set(map); db.Commit(); } return heightmap; } public override void SaveMap(float[] heightmap) { IObjectSet world_result = db.Get(typeof(MapStorage)); if(world_result.Count>0) { OpenSim.Framework.Console.MainConsole.Instance.WriteLine("Config.cs:LoadWorld() - updating saved copy of heightmap in local database"); MapStorage map=(MapStorage)world_result.Next(); db.Delete(map); } MapStorage map1= new MapStorage(); map1.Map = heightmap; //OpenSim_Main.local_world.LandMap; db.Set(map1); db.Commit(); } public override void LoadFromGrid() { OpenSim.Framework.Console.MainConsole.Instance.WriteLine("Config.cs:LoadFromGrid() - dummy function, DOING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING AT ALL!!!"); // TODO: Make this crap work /* WebRequest GridLogin = WebRequest.Create(this.GridURL + "regions/" + this.RegionHandle.ToString() + "/login"); WebResponse GridResponse = GridLogin.GetResponse(); byte[] idata = new byte[(int)GridResponse.ContentLength]; BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(GridResponse.GetResponseStream()); br.Close(); GridResponse.Close(); */ } public void Shutdown() { db.Close(); } } }