using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Reflection; using System.Xml; using libsecondlife; using libsecondlife.Packets; using libsecondlife.AssetSystem; namespace libsecondlife.TestClient { public class TestClient : SecondLife { public delegate void PrimCreatedCallback(Simulator simulator, Primitive prim); public event PrimCreatedCallback OnPrimCreated; public Dictionary<Simulator, Dictionary<uint, Primitive>> SimPrims; public LLUUID GroupID = LLUUID.Zero; public Dictionary<LLUUID, GroupMember> GroupMembers; public Dictionary<uint, Avatar> AvatarList = new Dictionary<uint,Avatar>(); public Dictionary<LLUUID, AvatarAppearancePacket> Appearances = new Dictionary<LLUUID, AvatarAppearancePacket>(); public Dictionary<string, Command> Commands = new Dictionary<string,Command>(); public bool Running = true; public string MasterName = String.Empty; public LLUUID MasterKey = LLUUID.Zero; public ClientManager ClientManager; public int regionX; public int regionY; //internal libsecondlife.InventorySystem.InventoryFolder currentDirectory; private LLQuaternion bodyRotation = LLQuaternion.Identity; private LLVector3 forward = new LLVector3(0, 0.9999f, 0); private LLVector3 left = new LLVector3(0.9999f, 0, 0); private LLVector3 up = new LLVector3(0, 0, 0.9999f); private System.Timers.Timer updateTimer; /// <summary> /// /// </summary> public TestClient(ClientManager manager) { ClientManager = manager; updateTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(1000); updateTimer.Elapsed += new System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(updateTimer_Elapsed); RegisterAllCommands(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()); Settings.DEBUG = true; Settings.STORE_LAND_PATCHES = true; Settings.ALWAYS_REQUEST_OBJECTS = true; Network.RegisterCallback(PacketType.AgentDataUpdate, new NetworkManager.PacketCallback(AgentDataUpdateHandler)); Objects.OnNewPrim += new ObjectManager.NewPrimCallback(Objects_OnNewPrim); Objects.OnObjectUpdated += new ObjectManager.ObjectUpdatedCallback(Objects_OnObjectUpdated); Objects.OnObjectKilled += new ObjectManager.KillObjectCallback(Objects_OnObjectKilled); Objects.OnNewAvatar += new ObjectManager.NewAvatarCallback(Objects_OnNewAvatar); Self.OnInstantMessage += new MainAvatar.InstantMessageCallback(Self_OnInstantMessage); Groups.OnGroupMembers += new GroupManager.GroupMembersCallback(GroupMembersHandler); this.OnLogMessage += new LogCallback(TestClient_OnLogMessage); Network.RegisterCallback(PacketType.AvatarAppearance, new NetworkManager.PacketCallback(AvatarAppearanceHandler)); updateTimer.Start(); } public void RegisterAllCommands(Assembly assembly) { foreach (Type t in assembly.GetTypes()) { try { if (t.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Command))) { ConstructorInfo info = t.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(TestClient) }); Command command = (Command)info.Invoke(new object[] { this }); RegisterCommand(command); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } } } public void RegisterCommand(Command command) { command.Client = this; if (!Commands.ContainsKey(command.Name.ToLower())) { Commands.Add(command.Name.ToLower(), command); } } //breaks up large responses to deal with the max IM size private void SendResponseIM(SecondLife client, LLUUID fromAgentID, string data, LLUUID imSessionID) { for ( int i = 0 ; i < data.Length ; i += 1024 ) { int y; if ((i + 1023) > data.Length) { y = data.Length - i; } else { y = 1023; } string message = data.Substring(i, y); client.Self.InstantMessage(fromAgentID, message, imSessionID); } } public void DoCommand(string cmd, LLUUID fromAgentID, LLUUID imSessionID) { string[] tokens = Parsing.ParseArguments(cmd); if (tokens.Length == 0) return; string firstToken = tokens[0].ToLower(); // "all balance" will send the balance command to all currently logged in bots if (firstToken == "all" && tokens.Length > 1) { cmd = String.Empty; // Reserialize all of the arguments except for "all" for (int i = 1; i < tokens.Length; i++) { cmd += tokens[i] + " "; } ClientManager.DoCommandAll(cmd, fromAgentID, imSessionID); return; } if (Commands.ContainsKey(firstToken)) { string[] args = new string[tokens.Length - 1]; Array.Copy(tokens, 1, args, 0, args.Length); string response = response = Commands[firstToken].Execute(args, fromAgentID); if (response.Length > 0) { Console.WriteLine(response); if (fromAgentID != null && Network.Connected) { // IMs don't like \r\n line endings, clean them up first response = response.Replace("\r", ""); SendResponseIM(this, fromAgentID, response, imSessionID); } } } } private void updateTimer_Elapsed(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e) { foreach (Command c in Commands.Values) if (c.Active) c.Think(); } private void AgentDataUpdateHandler(Packet packet, Simulator sim) { AgentDataUpdatePacket p = (AgentDataUpdatePacket)packet; if (p.AgentData.AgentID == sim.Client.Network.AgentID) { Console.WriteLine("Got the group ID for " + sim.Client.ToString() + ", requesting group members..."); GroupID = p.AgentData.ActiveGroupID; sim.Client.Groups.BeginGetGroupMembers(GroupID); } } private void TestClient_OnLogMessage(string message, Helpers.LogLevel level) { Console.WriteLine("<" + this.ToString() + "> " + level.ToString() + ": " + message); } private void GroupMembersHandler(Dictionary<LLUUID, GroupMember> members) { Console.WriteLine("Got " + members.Count + " group members."); GroupMembers = members; } private void Objects_OnObjectKilled(Simulator simulator, uint objectID) { lock (SimPrims) { if (SimPrims.ContainsKey(simulator) && SimPrims[simulator].ContainsKey(objectID)) SimPrims[simulator].Remove(objectID); } lock (AvatarList) { if (AvatarList.ContainsKey(objectID)) AvatarList.Remove(objectID); } } private void Objects_OnObjectUpdated(Simulator simulator, ObjectUpdate update, ulong regionHandle, ushort timeDilation) { regionX = (int)(regionHandle >> 32); regionY = (int)(regionHandle & 0xFFFFFFFF); if (update.Avatar) { lock (AvatarList) { // TODO: We really need a solid avatar and object tracker in Utilities to use here if (AvatarList.ContainsKey(update.LocalID)) { AvatarList[update.LocalID].CollisionPlane = update.CollisionPlane; AvatarList[update.LocalID].Position = update.Position; AvatarList[update.LocalID].Velocity = update.Velocity; AvatarList[update.LocalID].Acceleration = update.Acceleration; AvatarList[update.LocalID].Rotation = update.Rotation; AvatarList[update.LocalID].AngularVelocity = update.AngularVelocity; AvatarList[update.LocalID].Textures = update.Textures; } } } else { lock (SimPrims) { if (SimPrims.ContainsKey(simulator) && SimPrims[simulator].ContainsKey(update.LocalID)) { SimPrims[simulator][update.LocalID].Position = update.Position; SimPrims[simulator][update.LocalID].Velocity = update.Velocity; SimPrims[simulator][update.LocalID].Acceleration = update.Acceleration; SimPrims[simulator][update.LocalID].Rotation = update.Rotation; SimPrims[simulator][update.LocalID].AngularVelocity = update.AngularVelocity; SimPrims[simulator][update.LocalID].Textures = update.Textures; } } } } private void Objects_OnNewPrim(Simulator simulator, Primitive prim, ulong regionHandle, ushort timeDilation) { lock (SimPrims) { if (!SimPrims.ContainsKey(simulator)) { SimPrims[simulator] = new Dictionary<uint, Primitive>(10000); } SimPrims[simulator][prim.LocalID] = prim; } if ((prim.Flags & LLObject.ObjectFlags.CreateSelected) != 0 && OnPrimCreated != null) { OnPrimCreated(simulator, prim); } } private void Objects_OnNewAvatar(Simulator simulator, Avatar avatar, ulong regionHandle, ushort timeDilation) { lock (AvatarList) { AvatarList[avatar.LocalID] = avatar; } } private void AvatarAppearanceHandler(Packet packet, Simulator simulator) { AvatarAppearancePacket appearance = (AvatarAppearancePacket)packet; lock (Appearances) Appearances[appearance.Sender.ID] = appearance; } private void Self_OnInstantMessage(LLUUID fromAgentID, string fromAgentName, LLUUID toAgentID, uint parentEstateID, LLUUID regionID, LLVector3 position, MainAvatar.InstantMessageDialog dialog, bool groupIM, LLUUID imSessionID, DateTime timestamp, string message, MainAvatar.InstantMessageOnline offline, byte[] binaryBucket) { if (MasterKey != LLUUID.Zero) { if (fromAgentID != MasterKey) { // Received an IM from someone that is not the bot's master, ignore Console.WriteLine("<IM>" + fromAgentName + " (not master): " + message + "@" + regionID.ToString() + ":" + position.ToString() ); return; } } else { if (GroupMembers != null && !GroupMembers.ContainsKey(fromAgentID)) { // Received an IM from someone outside the bot's group, ignore Console.WriteLine("<IM>" + fromAgentName + " (not in group): " + message + "@" + regionID.ToString() + ":" + position.ToString()); return; } } Console.WriteLine("<IM>" + fromAgentName + ": " + message); if (dialog == MainAvatar.InstantMessageDialog.RequestTeleport) { Console.WriteLine("Accepting teleport lure."); Self.TeleportLureRespond(fromAgentID, true); } else { if (dialog == MainAvatar.InstantMessageDialog.InventoryOffered) { Console.WriteLine("Accepting inventory offer."); Self.InstantMessage(Self.FirstName + " " + Self.LastName, fromAgentID, String.Empty, imSessionID, MainAvatar.InstantMessageDialog.InventoryAccepted, MainAvatar.InstantMessageOnline.Offline, Self.Position, LLUUID.Zero, Self.InventoryRootFolderUUID.GetBytes()); } else { DoCommand(message, fromAgentID, imSessionID); } } } } }